Honorable Hubert W. : Ureen, Jr. Crlmlnal .Matrlot Attorney Bexar County: Courthoa8e San Antonio .!5, Texas Opinion No. WW-406 Re: Authori+? of ..a.- County -- Auditor to Pay 03r443.09for addl- tlonal work .ar%sing rrom unexpeoted dtffihultles ,,under a .oontriot ~-and $1,238.22 for extra~,wo?$c~..qot lnoluded under .the :.oontraat j. applloa- tion of Artlole i&659 and Dear Mr. Ureen: Artlole 236& to Bexar County. .,. your requert for an opinion of thi.8 ofSloe.:haa .been reoelved . lhe folloulng faots are quoted from your letter: : “One County Commli*lonel, aought~.to have..tuo ..:. parking areaa In hla oounty park resurfaoed with asphalt .and:oertaln ourblng and 8ldeualks .lnrtalled. me projeot uaa properly,.advertlaed and bidswere reoelved on a unlt+prloe.oontraot:basilri. ,Ime total oost. :of the .,projeot .advertlsed, based upon’~the approximate number .of .unltr required;uaa in the, total amount OS $ ‘Ihe ‘prloe per unit was aooepted Andybeoame. =%Pi* 0 asis of -the odntraot entered into. ,“Hhen the bill was .gresented upon qompletlon OS .:the ..woi-k, it .wad ln’+he amount ;of $10,621.5x and war, aooompanled bf ‘a ‘lettir from’: the Commls’alo~er for whom.$he work.wan done whloh read, :ln .part, a8 f 0llowe t ., : ,- 'ytDurlng the prooeae of the pa&&(the. County hglneer~s offloe) dlsoovered:the``neoesslty for lnoreaslng the thloknesa of the asphalt to be u8ed as a’new surfroe;’ In addition, I lnstruoted the oontraotor to’pave about two..‘thoueand square fret that *as not inoluded’ln the briglnal oon- traot . *” I’ Honorable Hubert W. Green, Jr., Page 2 (``-406). The questions you submit are as followa: "1. May the County Auditor lawfully pay an additional $1,443.09 on a unit-price contract of $7,939.20 because of unforeeeen and unexpeoted dlfflcultles not reasonably anticipated when the contract was made? "2. May the County Auditor lawfully pay an additional $1,238.22 which waa~not In oontempla- tlon originally but was for material aotually furnished and work actually done In addition to and not lnoluded in, bu$.in connection with, a unit-price contract for.$7,93$?.20? “3. Do the provisions of Article 1659 Vernon's Texas Statutes, requir'ingthe purchase of supplles and material by lowest and best bid, con- ti?olIn Bexar County rather than the provision8 of Article 2368a, Seotlon 2a, due to the fact that the population of Bexar Count{ exceeds 350,000 according to the 1950 cenaua? Consideration of your third question will faolll- .tate the answers to questions one and two, Section 2 of Article 2368a of Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes reads In pa& as follows: 11. . . Provided, however,,that the provl- alons of this Act shall not apply to counties having a population of more than three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) Inhabitants aooorfllngto the last preoedlng or any future Federal Censure;" Article 1659, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutee; reads In part a8 follows: "Suppllee of every kind, road and bridge material, or any other material, for the use of said county, or any of Its offloer8, departments, _ _lnatitutlons must be purchased on oompetltlve or blCl8, the contract to be awarded to the party who, In the judgment of the commleslonera court& has submitted the lowest and best bid. . . . (Emphasis oure). Since Article 2368a applies only to counties having a population of 350;000, or less, and since Bexar County haa more than 350,000 Inhabitants, it ia clear that Article 2368a does not apply to your situation. We are of the further Honorable Hubert W. Green, Jr., Page 3 (w-406). . opinion that Article 1659, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, does not apply for the reason that the terms "supplies" and "materials" do not encompass the paving ser- vices Involved In your request. These terms have been defined In Patton v. Con&o County
196 S.W.2d 833(Tex.Clv. App. 1946), wherein the Court refe:red to the definition set out In Century Indemnity Co. of Chicago, Ill. v. Shunk Mfg. CO., 253 0. 30, bo S.W.2d 772 (1934), "materials" Is Ere defined as ' . . . something that becomes a part of the finished structure; something thatgoes Into and forms.a part of the finished structure." The word "supplies" Is there defined as " .. . . articles furnished for carrying on work which, from Its nature, are necessarily consumed by the use in the work." We do not think the paving contract comes under the definition of either supplies or materials, It follows that competitive bids are not required under the terms of Article 1659, Ver- non's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes. Accordingly, It Is our opinion that under the facts neither Article 1659, Vernon's Annotated Texas Clvll~Statutes, nor Article 2368a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, required competitive bidding In this case. Because of the similarity of questions one and two stated above, we will answer them together. Section 53 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas reads as follows: "The legislature shall have no power to grant, or to authorize any county or municipal authority to grant, any extra compensation, fee or allowance to a public officer, agent, servant or contractor, after service has been rendered, or a contract has been entered Into, and performed In whole or in Dart: nor oav. nor authorize the oayment of, any 3ZY.m creaiei*agalnst any county or-munlclpallty of the State, under any agreement or contract, made without authority of law." (Emphasis added). This provision of the Constitution of Texas pre- cludes the grant of any extra compensation, over and above the contract price, to a contractor after the contract has been performed in whole or In part. Shelby County v. Gibson,
44 S.W. 302(Clv.App. 1898, error ref.). In Dallas County v. Lively,
106 Tex. 364,
167 S.W. 219(1914) at page 220, we find: Honorable Hubert W. Green, Jr., Page 4 (WW-406). . . . The Constitution does not forbid the fixing of compensation after service rendered, but forbids Increasing the agreed or prescribed sum after service rendered or work performed. . . . II The $1,443.09 Item referred to In your first ques- tion Is claimed for labor and materials used or expended by the contractor In Increasing the thickness of the asphalt paving of the area covered by the contract. This expenditure for the additional thickness was over and above the terms of the contract between the Commissionerst Court and the contrac- tor, and the sum claimed for this additional thickness, there- fore, does not constitute "extra compensation" for the services rendered under the contract within the meaning of the above quoted constitutional provision. The $1,238.22 Item mentioned In your second question Is clearly In addition to and over and above the original contract, and Its payment would not constl- tute "extra compensation" under the terms of the above quoted constitutional provision. The only question Involved with regard to these two Items Is the binding effect of the authorl- zatlon to the contractor upon the Commissioners' Court. mat Is to say, are the directions given to the contractor by the County Engineer and by one County Commissioner binding on the Commissioners1 Court In this Instance? In 11B Texas Jurlspru- dence, Counties, Section 137, page 206, It Is stated: "A contract which the commissioners court Is shown to have had authority to make may be blndlnf by virtue of subsequent acts of the court; . . . Roydstun v. Rockwall County,
86 Tex. 234,
24 S.W. 72693). Galveston County v. Gresham,
220 S.W. 560&.v.App. 1920, error ref.}. As we have stated, competitive bidding was not required in a contract of this type by the Commissioners' Court'of Bexar County under either Article 2368a or Article 1659, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes. Therefore, the Commissioners1 Court had the power and authority to con- tract for the extra work which was performed by the contractor. Having such authority, the Commissioners' Court could ratify unauthorized agreements made on Its behalf for such paving. We, therefore, answer your questions one and two In the affirmative. SUMMARY Neither Article 2368a nor Article 1659, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, applies to a contract by the Commissioners' Court of Bexar County with a contractor for the paving of certain areas in a county , .I*- Honorable Hubert W. Green, Jr:, Page 5 (``-406). .. ' park. Article 2368a does not apply beoauae Bexar County, having more than 350,000 Inhabitants, Is excluded therefrom. Since, In our opinion, the paving contract does not constitute either "supplies" or "mater- ials", Article 1659 does not apply. Pay- ment for paving done over and above that required and called for In the oontract would not constitute "extra compensation" within the prohibition of Section 53, Arti- cle III of the Texas Constitution. Slnoe the Commissioners' Court had authority to contract for the extra paving work which was done It may, by subsequent action, ratify the acts of the County Engineer and County CormnlsslonerIn directing additional paving work to be done. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas Ld By cg W. 0. Shultz Assistant WOS:wb:jl APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEB Geo. P. Blackburn, Chairman J. Mark McLaughlin ,J. Milton Richardson John Ii.Mlnton REVIEXEDFORTHE A'M'OFiNEYffENERAL BY: w. v. Geppert
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-406
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1958
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017