Aprll'8, 1958 Honorable Glyndon M. Hague County Attorney Johnson County Cleburne, Texas Opinion No. WW-411 Re: P@.ythe Tax Assessor- Collectorof Johnson County, acting as an agent for the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Johnson County Rural Fire PreventionDistrict, voluntarilyand without emolument, collect the tax provided by law for said ,RuralFire PreventionDis- trict after being properly authorized to do so by said Dear Mr. Hague: Board of Fire CornmIssIoners? You have requested an opinion of this office on the following question: “May the Tax Assessor-Collectorof Johnson County, acting as an Agent for the Board of Fire Comfssioncrs of the Johnson County Rural Fire (Prevention)Distrf.et, voluntarilyand without emoi:umen t a collect the tax rovided by law for said Rural Fire (Prev~ention P District after being properly authorize& to do 80 by said Board of PlPe Comml.ssionePs?" (Parenthesesoura). "IheJohnson County Rural Fire PreventionDistrict :?asbeen establishedpursuant to the provisions of Section 48-8. of .%rticleIII of the Constitutionof Texas and Senate X.11 3'72,A&S of the 55th Legislature,Regular Session, Chaptw 5Jy page 130. Attorney General's Opinion ``-308 (l.$?g)* In Attorney General's Opinion ww-308 it was held that the County Assessor and Collector of Taxes of Johnson Honorable Glyndon M. Hague, Page 2 (UW-411). County did not have authority under Senate Bill 372 of the 55th Leglalatureto oolleot the tax provided for therein. It was pointed out In Opinion 1~308 that the office wan not paeslng on the question of whether the governing board of the District could set up Its own tax assessing and collection system. The questions presented In the instant case Involve: (1) Whether the governing board of the District may provide for the assessing and oollection of taxes provided for in the Act; anil (2) Whether the governing board can uae the aer- vices of the Aaaeaaor and Collector of Taxes for Johnson County ae agent for the collection of the tax. Seation 48-d of Article III of the Constitutionof Texas provides: “Sec. 48-d. The Legislatureshell have the power to provide for the establishmentand creation of rural fire preventlon districts and to authorize a tax on the ad valorem property situated in said dirtrlota not to exoeed Three (34) Cents on the One Hundred ($100.00)Dollars valuation for the support thereof; provided that no tax shall be levied In support of said districts until approved by vote of the people residing therein.” Pursuant to the above provisions, the Legislature enacted Senate Bill 372 and provided for the ore&ion and organizationof rural fire prevention districts. Tfiepertl- nent provisions of the Aot provide: “Sec. 10. Such fire proteotlon districts are hereby declared to be political subdivisionsof the state, and shall have full authority to oarry out %hs objects of their oreation and to that end are authorized to aoqulre, purohaae, hold, leame, man- age, oooupy and sell real and personal property or any interest therein; to enter into and to perform any and all neoessary contracts; to appoint and employ the neoeaaary offio8rs, agents and employ- sea; to aue and be sued; to levy and enforce the mlectlon of taxes In the manner @-id aubjeot to Honorable Qlyndon M. Hague, Page 3 (WW-411). the limitationsherein proviUed against the lands d ther property xithln,the distriot for the ~?a&& revenues; to accept and receive donationa; and to do any and all lawful acts required and expedfent to carpg out the purposea of,th$s Act. "Sec. 11. Any fire proteation district organ- l&d under the provisions of this Act shall further have authority: 11. . . “(5) To do and perform all things In its dis- erttion proper and necessary to fully uarry out the intent of this Act. “Sec. 12. No indebtednessshall be contracted in any one yeap in exoeaa of funds then on hand or which may be satlafled out of current revenues for the year. The Board of Fire Commissionersshall annually levy and cause to be assessed and collected a tax upon ,a11properties,real and personal, situ- ated with1 th dl t I t and subjeot to taxation, in an amouk n% tt zxzeed three ocnts (36) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)valuation for the support of the district, and for the purposes authorized In this Act. "The values of property in the said distriat shall be the same values as are sholm,in the county tax ~011s. "Sec. 15. The provisions of this Act and pro- ceedings thereunder shall be liberally con&Fed with a view to effect their objects. . . . (Fmphasisours). Under the provlaions above quoted, it is the duty of the goveming board of the Rural Fire Ppeventlon District to levy and,cause to be assessed and collected the taxes provided therein. Since the governing board has the express authoplty to levy and collect the taxes provided for in the Act, it has a broad disoretion to aooomplish the purposea of the Aot, Bexar County Y. Hatley,
136 Tex. 354,
150 S.W.2d 980(1941). Furthermore,the Legislaturehaa specifically Honorable Olyndon M. Hague, Page 4 (WW-411). provided that the governing board shall have authority to do any and all lawful acts rcqulred and expedient to carry out the purposes of the Aot and haa also specifioallyprovided that the Act shall be liberally aonstrued with a view to effect its object. Therefore, it is our opinion that the governing board ha4 the authority to request and receive the services of the Assessor and Collecrtorof Taxes of Johnson County in collecting the taxes levied by the governing boardp provided, of eour4e, that the Assessor and Collector of Taxes I.4not prohibited from performing such services for the Dis- trict. In determiningthe question of whether the Assessor and Collector of Taxes I.sprohibited from rendering a service to the District, we must consider the provisions of Section4 33 and 40 of Article XVI of the Constitutionof Texas and determine whether the servioes performed for the District are incompatiblewith the duties of the office of the County Asae'ssorand Collector of Taxes. Section 33 of Article XVI of the Constitutionof Texaa provides: "The AaoountlngOfficers of this State shall neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the Treasury in favor of any pereon, for salary or aompensationas agent, officer or appointee,who holds at the same time any other office or position of honor, trust OP proeit, under this State or the United States, . . . (Exceptionsnot applicable). Section 33 of Artiole XVI of the Constitutionof Texas applies only when an accounting officw o:.? the State draws a warrant upon the Treasury in f~or of a person for his salary or compensation. Attorney OeneraI's Opinions o-4628 (1942); o-7446 (lg46)J O-5087 (1943). In Attorney Qeneral's Opinion 0-5087 it was held that Section 33 of Article XVI of the Constitutionof Texas was not applicable to a County Treasurer being employed as a teacher in the oity 4choola, stating: "The employmentof the County Treasurer as a principal teacher in the oity sahools of Corsicana is undoubtedly a 'positionof honor, trust and profit under this State,' but it ha4 no application because the proposed voucher to the Treasurer is HonoxrableGlyndon M. Hague, Pa&~5 (MM-411).' ; not 'for salary or compensationaa agent, oif.icer or appointee,'whataoever. The am for whioh the warrant issues to the County Treasurer is the.'~ State's contributionto the Officers' SalaryPsnd of Navarro County, and the County Treasurer,. In receiving and turning over to the Officers1 Salary Fund the prooeeda thereof, is doing 80 in ,a.fidu- aiary capacity. The warrant ahould Issue in the ordinary course." It Is, therefore, our opinion that Section 33 of Article XVI, Conatitutlonof Texas, is not applicable to your question. Section 40 of Artiole XVI of the Constitutionof Texas provides: "No person shall hold or exercise, at the same time, mzre than one Civil Office of emolu- ment, .'. . (Fxoeptionsnot applicable). Slnae the Assessor-Colleotorof Taxes will hold only one civil office of emolument under the fact6 presented, Section 40 of Article XVI la not applicable to ywr question. Apart from the constitutionalprovlalaas'~reol;ted herein, it Is a fundamentalrule that one person may not at the same time hold two offices. the duties of which are not compatible. State v. Brlnkerhoff,66 Tex. 45,
17 S.W. 109(1886); Thomas v. Abernathy County Line Independent School District, 290 S,W. 152 (C A 92) . PI- ultt v. Qlen Rose IndependentSchool Distrizy*12gPTe:. 5: 84 'S.W;2d~1004 (19351* We fail to find any Incompatibilitybetween the dut.iesof the office of Assessor-Collectorof Taxes and the service to be performed for the District. You are, therefore, advised that the governing board of the Johnson County Rural Fire PreventionDistrict has the authority to request and receive the services of the Johnson County Tax Asseseor and Collector in collecting the taxes for the pistrict, but he is not under a legal obligation to do so. SUMMARY The Board of Fire Commiaslonersof the Johnson County Rural Fire E?evention Honorable Glyndon M. Hague, Page 6 (WW-411). District has the authority to appoint the Assessor and Colleotor of Taxes of Johnson County its agent in aollecting taxes for the District, and the Asses- sor ana Uollector of Taxes haa authority to perform suah aervices~wlthoutcompen- sation. Yours very truly, WILL WI&SON Attorney General of Texas JR:jl APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Qeo. P. Blackburn, Chairman Ralph R. Rash W. 0. Shultz Riley Eugene Pletaher RF3IEWEDFORTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL BY: W. V. Geppert
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-411
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1958
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017