Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1957 )

  •                           THEATITORNEY                      GENERAL
    AlTGRNEYGENERAL                              June 18, 1957
    State Board of Insurance                   Opinion    No. NW-166r
    Aurtin, toxar
    Ra:    Certain  question8 concrraing
    the Commfasionrr of Inauranci
    na provided for in 8moto bill
    Gentleach?                                         222.
    You have requested     the opinion of this office aa to
    the rifrct   of Ssnots Bill 222? which is an Act aoeading the
    Toxar Inrurahcr   Code lap, creating    a State Board of Imsuraace
    and the sew official.posftlon        OS Comxlssionsr   of Insurance,
    rhioh law becam effective       June 12, 1957.      Your request   is in
    port a8 follows:
    “Senate Bill 222, as parsed by the 59th Leg-
    irlaturo~ oi thr Stab        of Texas and which will be-
    come effr’ctive     today, June 12, 1957,          rovides for
    a ‘State Board of Insurance          end for a EorPmissibner
    of Insurance * Article        1.09    of the Taras Imsurance
    Code i as axended by 8enate Bill 222, re uires that
    the State Board oi Insurance            appoint a ! omissioner
    of Ihsurance     who shall be the chlrf exectit?rs             axid
    administratlve       officer  of the Boaxd, and who shall
    be charged with the primary responsibility                of ad-
    ministering,      enforcing,     and carryiag    out tbo 9rovi-
    sions of the Insurance        Code. Beaatr Bill 222 pro-
    vides further      that the Couirrioaer         rhall hold hi8
    position     at the pleasure       of the Board and may be
    discharged     at any time.
    Vonate    Bill 222 does not appropriatr      any
    funds to pay the ralary or compensatioa           for such
    Cou``ir~ionrr of Insurahce 0 The A99ropriation            Bill
    passed by the 55th Legislature         provides for the
    salary,or     a Commfrsfonor ot Insurance9       but this    Act
    does not become effective       until Scpttmber i, 1957.
    The-Appropriation      Bill now in effect     does not have
    any appropriation      for such Commisslonrr of Insur-
    ance, but doe’s 9rovidr a lump sum appropriation             for
    certain    salaries.    This ,appropriation    in the pres-
    ent Bill has a s,uificient      bal,ancs to yay s Commfs-
    sfoner of Insurance       at a mo~i.hly rate of $20,000.00
    per year for the balance of this biennfum.~
    Stats    Board of Insurance,        page 2   OIW-166)
    “From a reading     of Senate Bill 222, it is
    QParent    that   certain   specific    duties,     responsi-
    bilities  and authorities       are placed upon the
    Commissioner of Insurance        and upon the State
    Board of Insurance,     with a definite         line of su-
    thority  and responsibility        drawn between the
    Commissioner and the Board.           In visw of all these
    facts we m39SCtfUllY        ask your opinion on tha fol-
    lowing questionst
    “1. Can the insurance     laws of this 8tate be ad-
    ministered   by this Board without   a Commissioner
    of Insurance   in view of the provisions   of Senate
    Bi~ll 2229
    “2.   Is this Board authorized    to pay a Commls-
    sioner of Insurance   out of the lump sum appropria-
    tion, for salaries  in the current   Appropriation
    “3. May a pre88nt employee of this Board be ap-
    pointed and act as Commissioner of Insurance       under
    the provisions  of geenate Bill 222 and draw a sal-
    ary from one of ttre appropriated   items such as
    actuary or chief clerk   in the present   4pprogriation
    “4. May the present Board appoint aa acting Com-
    missioner    of Insurance, so that the ‘new State Board
    of Insurance    that is to be appointed by the Gover-
    nor may have the right and duty to appoint a Com-
    missioner    of Insurance?   If your an8wer ir ‘yes, may
    this acting Coami88iOaSr oi Insurance      receive    any
    compensation    or salary for his sertices     from the
    Stab    of Texas?
    85.    If the present Board cennot appoint an acting
    Commissioner      of Insurance     and must appoint a Com-
    missioner     of Insurance     to carry out the funotions
    designated      to him under     Senate Bill 222, can the
    new Board to be appointed          by the Governor remove him
    without     cause and if not, what will be the term of
    his office?       This westion      is asked in view of the
    provisions      of krticle   XQX, Sections    38 and 30, and
    because Senate Bill 222 requires           the Commissioner OI
    ;;s;L$;y”to       be confirmed by the Senate of the State
    State      Board of Insurance,       page 3        (W-166)
    The five       questions    propounded    will      be discussed   and answered
    1.   Can the insurance   laws of this           8tate be r&in-
    isterrd      by this Board without    a Commissioner           of Insuraaae  in
    view      or the provisions      of Senate       Bill   2229
    Article 1.02(b) or the Texas Insurarke              Code,-a8
    _’   amended b        sec. 2, S.B. 222, provides that:
    Witleg    heretofore    vested in and devolving upon
    the Board or Insurance      Commissioners as hereto-
    fore constituted     under    rlor statutes;    the Chelr-
    mah or said Board; the Eife Insurance          Commissiciner;
    the Fire  Insurance    Commissioner,     an4 the Casualty
    Insurance   Commissioner shall hereafter        be vested
    in the State Board of Insurance        as a body, an4
    except as provided herein,        they &j&l be ex~&sA,
    ate an4 the
    rules an4 reguiations      ror unirorm application      made
    by themBoard and &&jgct to the s-n                    of t&g
    4cl8a        The duties of the &ate Board of Insurance
    shall be primarily      in a supervisory    capacity   an4
    the carrying     out and administering    the details    of
    the Insurance     Code shall be primarily     the duty, an4
    responsibility     of the Commissioner Of Insurance
    acting un4er tha supervision        of the Board.”
    Article    1.04(b)   or the      Code, as amended,    provides:
    “The State Board of Insurance     shall determine
    r)ollcy,   u,      g&gq and w          but otherwise    it
    shall execute its duties through the Commissioner
    of Insurance     as herein provide4 ror, in accordance
    with the laws of this State and the rules and regu-
    lations    for unirorm application    a8 made by the
    Article    1.09(a)    of the     Code, as amended,    protides
    that I
    *      Emphases throughout        are supplied.
    State    Board of Insurance,        page 4     (WW-166)
    “The Board shall appoint a Commissioner of
    Insurance    by and with the advice and consent of
    the Senate of Texas who shall be its chief exe-
    cutive and administrative      ofrlcer,  who shall be
    charge4 with the primary responsibility       of ad-
    ministering,     enforcing  and carrying  out the pro-
    visions    of the Insurance   Code under the supervi-
    sion of the Board.”
    &ticle   1.09(b) provides       that the Commissioner of
    Insurance   shall be the State Fire Marshal and shall function
    as such subject    to the rules and regulations          of the Board,
    and Article   1.09(g) provides     that the Commissioner of Insur-
    ance shall appoint such deputies,         assistants,     and other ~per-
    sonnel as are necessary     to carry out the duties and functions
    devolving upon him and the State Board of Insurance              under the
    Insurance   Code of this State,      subject    to authorization    by the
    Legislature   in its appropriation       bills    or otherwise,   and to
    the rules of the Board.
    The wording of the foregoing  articles of the Insur-
    ance Code, as amended, are clear and unambiguous.      They speci-
    fically  state that the State Board of Insurance   shall act on1
    in a supervisory   capacity.   (See Art. 1.02(b) and Art. l.O9(a 7 1.
    The legislative         intent    is clear that all of the pow-
    ers, functions,       authorities,       prerogatives,       duties,    obligations,
    and responsibilities         which have heretofore           been vested in the
    Board of Insurance         Commissioners       and the individual         Comds-
    sioner members thereof,           are now vested in the new Board, but
    such powers, duties,          and responsibilities,          etc.,   when so vested,
    “shall be exercised,         performed,      carried     out, an4 administered
    by the Commissioner of Insurance               as the chief 6X6CUtiVe and
    administrative       officer    of the Board, subject           to the superVisiOn
    of the Board.”        The legislative        intent    is again manifested         by
    the restatement       of the functions         of the State Board of Insur-
    ance and the Commissioner of Insurance                 contained      in the last
    sentence    of Article      1.02(b) and in the first            sentence    of Article
    The legislative     intent    is restated     in Article    1.04(b)
    which restricts     the functions      of the Board to the determin~ation
    of policy,    the making of rules,       rixing of rates,        and hearing    of
    appeals from rulings        and actions    of the Commissioner of Insur-
    ance as provided in Article         look(d).     Afterrestricting        the pri-
    mar functions      of the Board to those just enumerated,             Article
    1.0 c (b) further   provides that the Board shall execute its duties
    through the Commissioner of Insurance.
    State   Board of Insurance,      page 5     (W-166)
    In summary, S.B. 222 provides         that all of the powers,
    duties,   obligations,    and responsibilities       which have been here-
    tofore vested in and exercised        by the State Board of Insurance
    Commissioners under the authority          of Article     XVI, Section 38,
    of the Constitution      of Texas and subsequent        legislative    acts,
    are now vested in the State Board of Insurance,               but with the
    exception   of the powers of determining        policy,     making rules,     fix-
    ing rates and hearing      appeals,   the Legislature       has specifically
    delegated   to the Commissioner of Insurance          the primary power’and
    authority   to exercise,     perform,   carry out, and administer         such’
    powers and duties which were formerly exercised               and performed by
    the Board of Insurance       Commissioners,    acting as a whole, or by
    the individual      Commissioner members thereof.
    The answer     to your Question     No. 1 is vNo”.
    2.   Is the Board authorized   to pay a Commissioner of
    Insurance   out of the lump sum appropriation    for salaries  in the
    current   Appropriation  Bill?
    Your request   states   that the Appropriation       Bill now in
    effect  does not have any appropriation         for payment of a salary
    of a Commissioner of Insurance,       although such appropriation         is
    provided for in the Appropriation        Bill which becomes effective
    Sepatember 1, 1957.     You advise that the present        Appropriation
    Bill does provide a lump sum appropriation          for certain    salaries
    and that this fund has a sufficient         balance to pay the salary o f
    a Commissioner of Insurance      at the rate of $2O,COO.O0 per year
    If it can be used for this purpose.
    We are advised that the lump sum appropriation             refer-
    red to in your request      is Item No. 67 in the present          Appropria-
    tion Bill (Acts 54th Leg., 1955, Ch. 519, Art. III,              p. 1465).
    This item appropriates      from the Insurance       Examiners Fund (No.
    54) $75,000.00 for the payment of salaries,             wages, traveling      ex-
    penses,   and all supplemental     expenses      connected with the exami-
    nation of insurance     companies in Texas.         This is a special      fund
    created   out of the moneys received        from various insurers       to re-
    imburse the Board of Insurance        Commissioners       for the salaries
    and traveling    expenses incurred     by the Board’s examiners in the
    performance    of their required     duties    in the examination     of, the
    affairs   of such insurers.      (Art. 1.16, Texas Insurance         Code).
    The Legislature,  in appropriating     from this fund the
    sum of $75,000.00 for each year of the biennium,       did so for the
    purpose of paying the salaries,    wages, traveling    expenses and
    all supplementary   expenses connected with the examination      of the
    ‘State   Board of Insurance,      page 6         (WW-166)
    insurance    companies in Texas an4 for no other purpose;    and
    such fund, or any part thereof,     may not be used for the pay-
    ment of any mother items than those specifically     named therein.
    It was the intention    OS the Legislature  that the sum so appro-
    priated   should be paid only to employees connected with the
    examination    of such insurers  and not to State officers.     (Art.
    1.16,   Texas Insurance   Code).
    Manifestly,     the payment or the salary or a Commis-
    sioner of Insurance      was not contemplated      by the Legislature      when
    it enacted the Appropriation        Bill presently     in errect   since,   at
    that time, there was no office of Commissioner of Insurance                au-
    thorized  by law.      Article  1.09(e)  provides that the Compensation
    to be paid the Commissioner of Insurance           shall be such sum as is
    provided for by the appropriation        acts, and there is no provi-
    sion for the payment of the salary of a Commissioner of Insur-
    ance contained    in the Appropriation     Bill now in errect.         We do
    not pass upon the legality        of any future appropriation       by any
    ruture Legislature      for the payment for servloes       rendered by a
    Commissioner of Insurance       from the date of his appointment          up to
    August 31,, 1957.
    The answer     to your     second    question    is Vo.”
    3.    hay a present   employee of this Boar4 be appointed
    and act as, Commisslonrr    of Insurance  under the provisions    of
    Senate Bill 222 and draw a salary rrom one of the appropriated
    items such as actuary or chier clerk in the present        Appropriation
    Article   1.09(a)    provider   that the Boar4 shall appoint
    a Commissioner of Insurance        by an4 with the advice and consent
    of the Senate of Texas.        Inasmuch as the appointment          of the 60~
    missioner   of Insurance     by the Board specifically        requires    con-
    firmation   by the Senate,     and in view of the many responsibili-
    ties and duties placed on him by S.B. 222, the office of Commis-
    sioner of Insurance      is one of honor and trust,        although it is
    not an office of profit       or emolument at                   since no funds
    have been appropriated       by the Legislature     from which his salary
    can be paid.     While the position       of a chief clerk or actuary
    presently   employed by the Board who receives          his salary under the
    present   Appropriation    Bill is not that of a public officer,            nev-
    ertheless   it is a position      of emolument or profit.
    Article    XVI, Section     33,    of the    Constitution   of Texas
    provides    in part     as follows:
    “The accounting officers  of this State shall
    neither    draw nor pay a warrant upon the Treasury
    State   Boar4 of Insurance,     page 7     W-166)
    in ravor or any person ror salaries    or compen-
    sation as agent, officer,  or appointee who holds
    at the same time any other office or position     or
    honor, trust,  or profit, under this State.   . . .I1
    The opinions   of various  Attorneys General have con-
    sistently     held that where a person is appointed    to an office
    of honor or trust,      with or without   emolument or profit,     who,
    at the same time, holds a posit ion of emolument or profit            un-
    der the State government,       such psrson cannot receive     payfor
    either    orrice or position.     See OpinionNo,   O-1101 by Hon.
    Gerald C. Mann to Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, State Comptroller,              ap-
    proved July 31,,1939,       and Ogin+on No. O-5123 by Hon. Gerald C.-
    Mann to Hon. Gee. H. Sheppard, State Comptroller,         approve4 March
    17, 1943.
    The answer   to your third     question   is, eNo.n
    4. May the present Board appoint an acting Commis-
    sioner of Insurance,   so that the new State Board of Insurance
    that Is to be appointed by the Governor may have the rigtit an4~
    duty to appoint a Commissioner of Insurance?    If your answer is
    yes, may this acting Commissioner of Insurance    receive ang Com-
    pensation  or salary for his services  from the State ‘of Texas?
    5. If the present Board cannot appoint an acting Com-
    missioner   of Insurance  and must appoint a Commissioner of Insur-
    ance to carry out the functions    designated  to him under Senate
    Bill 222, can the new Board to be appointed by the Governor re-
    move him without cause and if not, what will be the term of his
    office?    This question  is asked in view of the provisions   of
    Article   XVI Sections   38 and 30, and because Senate Bill 222 re-
    quires the &ommissioner of Insurance     to be confirmed by the Sen-
    ate of t’he State of Texas.
    Article   1.03(a)   provides     that the members of the State
    Board of Insurance      Commissioners     in office     immediately   prior to
    the effective     date of S.B. 222, shall serve as interim members
    of the State Board of Insurance          until    the appointment    and quali-
    fication   of the members of the Board under the provisions                of
    Articles   1.02 and 1.03.      Since the Legislature         has specifIcally
    designated    that all the powers, functions,          duties   and respoasi-
    bilities   of the present Board have been vested in the new Boar4
    by the provisions      of Article    1.02(b),     the interim Board has the
    authority   to appoint a’ Commissioner of Insurance.
    Article 1.09(a) of the Code, as amended,           provides that
    the Board    shall appoint a Commissioner of Insurance           by and with
    State   Board of Insurance,     page 8     W-166)
    the advice and consent of the Senate of Texas, who shall hold
    his position     at the pleasure     of the Board and may be discharged
    at any time.       As stated   above, the Commissioner of Insurance
    functions    as the State Fire Marshal,      an4 his compensation       shall
    be such ~6s is provided ror by the Appropriation           Acts.     The pow-
    ers, authority,      and duties of the Commissioner of Insurance          have
    been discussed      above in answer to Question No. 1, and he is au-
    thorized    and empowered to appoint all deputies,         assistants,    and
    other personnel      necessary   to carry on the duties and functions
    devolved upon him and the State Board under the Insurance               Code,
    subject to the authorization         by the Legislature    in its appropria-
    tion bills,     and to the rules and supervision        of the Board.      (Art.
    1.09(g).                                    I/
    Since the Legislature     has delegated     to the Commissioner
    of Insurance     the right to exercise,     with certain    exceptions,     all
    of the powers and duties vested in the Board of Insurance               under
    the provisions      of Article   XVI, Section 38, Constitution       of Texas,
    above enumerated,      and since his appointment     by the Board is sub-
    ject to confirmation       by the Senate of Texas, he is a public offi-
    cer of the State of Texas within the meaning of Article              XV, Sec-
    tion 7, of the Constitution        of Texas, and must therefore       take
    the oath of office      and give bond as required      by Article    1.09(d)
    0r the Code, as amended, before entering         upon the duties of his
    The interim Board has the power to appoint a Commis-
    sioner of Insurance     but there is no statutory         or constitutional
    authority  or provision     which would permit the interim Board to
    appoint an acting Commissioner of Insurance.              However, since the
    Board is given the power to appoint a Commissioner of Insurance
    who shall hold his position         at the pleasure     of the Board, and in
    view of the provisions       of Article    XVI, Section 30, Constitution
    of Texas, which is discussed         u,       the Board may appoint a Com-
    missioner  of Insurance      ror any period of time not to exceed two
    years rrom the date or the appointment.             Stated differently,     the
    interim Board may appoint a Commissioner of Insurance               for the
    period of time which will elapse from the date of his appoint-
    ment and the appointment        and qualification      of a CotnmisSiOn6r Of
    Insurance  to be appointed       by the new State Board of InSUtanC6
    when the members thereof        are appointed     and qualified   under the
    provisions   of Articles     1.02 and 1.03 of the Code, as amended.
    However, the Coxmissioner        of Insurance     so appointed by the in-
    terim Board cannot receive         any compensation     or salary at this
    time for his services      from the State of Texas during his lncum-
    bency up to September 1, 1957, if his tenure of office                should be
    ror that period.
    State    Board of Insurance,   page 9    (M-166)
    The Commissioner,    if appointed by the interim Board,
    must satisfy    all of the requirements     for eligibility      and quali-
    fication   enumerated in Articles     1.06 and 1.09(c)      of the Code,
    as amended, and before entering       upon the duties of his o’ffice
    the appointee    must take the oath of office and give the bond
    required   by law.     After having so qualified,     the Commissioner
    could immediately     assume and execute all the powers, duties,
    functions    and responsibilities    which devolve upon the Commis-
    sioner of Insurance      under the law, during the term of his tenure
    in such office     for the period for which he was so appointed.
    Article XVI, Section   30, of the Constitution    of Texas
    provides    that “The duration    of all offices    not fixed by this Con-
    stitution     shall never exceed two yearsr      . . .n The Commissioner
    Texas, may not hold such appointment   for a period exceeding two
    years from the date thereof,   at which time he may again be ap-
    pointed and the new appointment   be subject to confirmation  by
    the Senate.
    Although Article   1.09(a)   of the Code, as amended, pro-
    vides that the Commissioner of Insurance,          after appointment,
    “shall   hold his position    at the pleasure     of the Board and may be
    discharged    at any time,” nevertheless,      since he is a State offi-
    cer, his removal or discharge       from such office nay only be ef-
    fected in the manner provided by the Constitution          and laws of
    Article     XV, Section   7, of the Constitution     of Texas
    is as follows:
    “The Legislature   shall provide by law for the
    trial  and removal from office    of all officers of
    this State,  the modes for which have not been pro-
    vided in this Constitution.”
    The Constitution     of Texas has not provided for the trial      or re-
    moval from office     of the Commissioner of Insurance    appointed by
    the Board of Insurance      as provided by S.B. 222. However, Arti-
    cle 5961, R.C.S., p rovides that all State officers       other than
    those specifically     named therein,   shall be removed from office
    or position    by impeachment in the manner provided by the Consti-
    tution   and in Title   100, Revised Civil Statutes    of Texas.
    State   Board of Insurance,        page 10     (WW-166)
    There are no statutory        provisions      specifically      pro-
    viding for the removal from office           of the Commissioner of fn-
    surance other than the proviso in. titicle           1.09(a)     of the Code,
    as amended that he shall hold his position                at the pleasure        of
    ,the State Board of Insurance        and may be discharged          at any time.
    This provision,      however, is in direct       conflict    with the provi-
    sions of Article      XV, Section 7 of the Constitution            which pro-
    vides for a V,rial`` of all State officers             such as the Commis-
    sioner of Insurance,      and therefore     the constitutional         provision
    must prevail      over the provision     contained     in S.B. 222. Ppran-
    fiald   v. State,     
    123 Tex. 467
    73 S.W.2d 83
    (1934);            m.
    Johnson, alu?ica*
    Should the interim Board appoint a Commissioner of
    Insurance   to hold office   for the period from the date of his
    appointment   until  the date of the appointment    and qualification
    of the new State Board of Insurance      and the appointment    by the
    Board of his successor,    he may not be removed from the office
    during the term of his appointment      except by the process of im-
    peachment .
    Answering Questions 4 and 5, you are advised that the
    interim State       oard of Insurance     cannot appoint an acting Com-
    missioner     of I             to hold office until his successor         is
    appointed     by t     new State Board of Insurance.          However, the
    interim Board            appoint a Commissioner of Insurance         to h&d
    office until his’ successor         is appointed by the new State Board
    of Insurance      upo the appointment       and qualification      of the mem-
    bers thereof,        4
    and,the    appointment   by the new Board of his suc-
    cessor in office. \ Such Commissioner cannot receive               at this time
    any salary or pay or his services            rendered during his tenure in
    office up to Septe ber 1 1957.            When a Commissioner of Insurance
    is   appointed by the\new &ate Board of Insurance              his term of of-
    fice will expire at ‘the end of two years from the date of his ap-
    $n;;Et        if such appointment      has been confirmed by the Senate
    A Commissi,oner of Insurance,      when appointed,      can only
    be removid from office by impeachment proceedings               as provided by
    Article   5961, R.C.S.,      +n the manner provided in the Constitution
    of Texas and Title lOOi Revised Civil Statutes>               1325.
    Under the provisions     of Senate Bill 222, 55th
    Legislature,     the State Board of Insurance     has the
    primary responsiblllty       and duty to determine policy,
    rules,    rates,   and appeals,  but all other powers,
    ‘. . . .
    State    Board of Insurance,       page 11     (WW-166)
    functions,    duties,    and responsibilities          must be
    exercised,    performed,      carried      out and adminis-
    tered by the Commissioner of Insurance.                 The
    Commissioner of Insurance           may not be paid for
    his services      out of Item No. 67 of the present
    Appropriation      Bill,  which is an appropriation
    for the payment of salaries,            wages, travel      ex-
    pense of employees,        and all supplemental         ex-
    penses connected with the examination                of insur-
    ance companies in Texas, and there is no appro-
    priation    available    for the payment of a salary to
    the Commissioner of Insurance              under the present
    Appropriation      Bill.    If a present        employee of
    the State Board of Insurance             is appointed    to act
    as Commissioner of Insurance,             he cannot draw a
    salary from any of the appropriated               items in
    the present     Appropriation      Bill.
    The interim   State Board of Insurance       cannot
    appoint an acting Commissioner of Insurance.            The
    interim Board can appoint a Commissioner of Insur-
    ance and limit his term until       the time when a Com-
    missioner   of Insurance    is appointed   by the new
    State Board of Insurance       to be appointed    as pro-
    vided in Articles     1.02 and 1.03 of the Insurance
    Code, as amended, but such Commissioner of Insur-
    ance may not receive      any compensation    or salary
    at this time for his services       from the State of
    Texas from the date of his appointment         until SeP-
    tember 1, 1957.     The Commissioner of Insurance          is
    a State officer    whose term of office will expire
    at the end of two ysars from the date of his ap-
    pointment    if such appointment    is confirmed by the
    Senate of Texas, and he can only be removed by
    impeachment as provided by Article        5961, R.C.S.,
    in the manner provided by the Constitution           of Texas
    and the provisions      of Article  100, R.C.S.
    Very truly    yours,
    Attorney Gene@         of Texas
    -C. K. Richards
    CKR:wb                                   Assistant
    . . .
    State   Board of Insurance,   page 12   (WW-166)
    8. Grady Chandler,     Chairman
    John Reeves
    Houghton Brownlee
    James Ludlum
    BY:   Gee. P. Blackburn

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-166

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1957

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017