Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1957 )

  • Honorable W. B, Harwell,               Opinion   No. WW-117
    State Librarian
    Capitol  Station,                     Re:   Whether or not the State
    Austin,  Texas D                            Librarfan   has the auth-
    ority   to use federal
    funds allocated     to the
    State Library    by- the
    UnIted States Govern-
    ment for travel    when in
    the Interest    of the Fed-
    eral Lfbrary Service
    Dear Mr e Harwell:                          Program D
    You have requested    the opfnion  of thfs offfce    as to
    whether or not the State Lfbrarian     has the authorfty    to use
    federal funds allocated   to the State LEbrarg by the United
    States Government for travel    when fn the interest     of the
    Federal Library  Servfces  Program,
    Federal  funds allocated      and granted by the United
    States   to the State of Texas may be used for any purpose
    whfch does cot vIolate       the terms and conditions    of the
    federal   gra,nt n  At,tc.rney General’s    Opinions  Nos .O-290,0-330,
    o-5299 *
    It has been held that fund,3 may propsply   be placed
    In the hands of the State Treasurer     as custGdLan thereof,
    when, ia truth and En fact,    tke funds do not belong to the
    State,   and do not belong fn the State Treasury,      Friedman
    v. Amerfcan Surety Compan,y of New York, et al, 
    137 Tex. 149
    llSW                1941 ; Manion v, Lockhart    
    131 Tex. 175
    1% S:W: ::: 2::     1938 o   It fs our undersian,dfng  that the
    funds here in questfon    are being so held,   out of the State
    Treasury,   but by the State Treasurer,   as custodian   thereof,
    fn a special   account.    Such funds have not been placed in
    the State Treasury.
    Title   20, Sectfon 351, U-3 .C.A ., dedlares    the pur-
    pose of the Public     Lfbrary Servfces   for Rural Areas Act to
    be, ‘to promote the further     extension    by the several   States
    of  public  lfbrarg   servkes  to rura; areas without     such ser-
    vices  or wfth 1nadequa.t.e servfces    e
    ”      --   -
    Hcnorable    W, B. Harwell,            page   2             WW-117
    Title   20, Section    354, U.3 .C.A. requ%res        the State
    to   provide    a State plan for the future          extension   of Publfc
    Librar     Services     under the provisions       of the Act.      Subsect-
    ion (a T (2) provides       for the receipt     by the State Treasurer
    of all funds paid to the State pursuant to this chapter,for
    the proper safeguarding          of such funds,     and further     provides
    that such funds shall          be expended solely       for the purposes
    for which paid.         Subsection    (a)(3)   requires     the State to
    provi.de policies       and methods of admrnlstration          to be
    followed     in using any funds made available,            and requires
    the State Lfbrary Adm:nistrative             Agency to certify      that such
    agency will,       in its judgment, assure th.e use of such funds
    to maxfmum advantage          in the further    extension     of Pu.bl!c
    Library    Servi.ces    to Rural Areas w:.thout such services            or
    with kadequate        zervl.ces.     S)ubsectS,on (b) of Sectron         354
    prcvfdes     that the Federal      Commi,ssl.oner of Education       shall
    approve any State plan whSch, fulfills the cond1,tions                 speci-
    fied   in Subsect~ion      (a) of this Sectfon.
    Article    5434, V.C .S 0p provides        for the creation      of
    the Texas Library and Historical               Comm%ss%on.       Article    5435
    provfdes     i,n part that the Cc;mm4ssfon shall afd and encour-
    age ll.brarres     .    ArtQcle     3436 empowers the Commissfon to
    accept     donat:Fons,    gffts   of money or property,         1.n furtherance
    of its programs D          It further      specifies    that the Commfssron
    shall    conduct Library        Instftutes     and encourage     Library
    AssGciat~fons.         Artfcle    5440 authorizes       the Commission to
    elect    a State Libra,r?.an, who zha1.1 be allowed his actual                ex-
    penises vhe~r: tra*~el.S.r;_g fn Clle sezv;ce       of the Caimnission.
    Pursua.iit to the enactment of’ the Federa.“., Publfc              Lfbrary Ser-
    vices    f”w Rural A:rea:z Act, the Comrr!,~z::r)r, in December of
    C’(-T adcJpt,ed a plar, for the f~c?thei~ extension            of Xbrary
    3ervi-,ez    to rural areas.           We aire advised     that this plan was
    appro:r,ed by the Department of Health,               Educati.on and Wel.fare
    of the Federal       Goveiqnment on Me.rch 6, 1957.             Th,e said pl-~ri
    m-r- i.d?s pnlSc!ler-, an,d methods Of ad.tdnfs%ra%fGn to ‘be fGl-
    lowed in using the funds made available                under the Federal. Act.
    It 1z our oplnfoE   that travel    by the State Director
    of   th.e program 1s essential     to the proper fulf1llme;;       ;,’ the
    purposes     of the Act as set forth     in Section   351.
    therefore    ~ GUT further  op1n-lon that the above quoted pro;fs-
    1.cn.s :ndfcate    that the Federal Act envisIons      the use of a
    portian    of the Federal Funds provided       fGr in the Act, for
    travel,    as a neeeasary   incfdent   of admfnistration     I.n carry-
    In.g out the pu:‘poses of the Act.          You are advised    that tine
    State Ll.brarLan has the authority         to use Federal Funds allo-
    cated by the United States Government by the Public             Library
    Honorable       W. B. Harwell,       page 3                 WW-11:
    Services        for Rural Areas Act, fcr travel,         when in the
    interest        of the Federal Library  Services        Program.
    The State Librarian    has
    the authority    to use Federal
    Funds, allocated     to the State
    Library  by the United States
    Government,   for travel   when
    in the interest    of the Federal
    Library  Service8   Program.
    Very   truly     yours,
    Attorney General          of Texas
    B. H. Tl.mmins,         Jr.
    BHT:pf:rh                                   Assistant
    H. Grady Chandler,
    Elbert     M. Morrow
    Mrs.     Marietta    Payne
    Riley     Eugene Fletcher
    Geo.   P. Blackburn

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-117

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1957

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017