WIL!I. PLsil9:w &%TT<, R .” II: I- ‘C:r +I:z Ib:~K.*, . April 17, 1957 Honorable Max E. Smith, Chairman House Appropriations Committee House of Representatives Capitol Station Austin, Texas Opinion No. WW-102 Re: Is it necessary for the members of the Legislature to know whether the Comp- troller of Public Accounts would be required to con- sider the provisions of House Bills 8 and 584 in arriving at the estimate of the revenue available for the biennial appro- priation bill or any other appropriation bill that may be enacted by the Reg- ular Session of the 55th Legislature? Also related Dear Mr. Smithr questions. You have requested our opinion on the following ques- tionsz “10 Is it necessary for the Members of the Legis- lature to know whether the Comptroller of Public Accounts would be required to consider the provi- sions of House Bills.8 and 584 (providing they have been enacted into law) in arriving at the estimate of the revenue available for the biennial appropriation bill or any other appropriation bill that may be enacted by the Regular Session of the 55th Legislature? "2* If House Bill No. 8 is Dnot an appropriation within itself', as you state in your opinion, and same passes both houses of the Legislature, will it be necessary to pass an Dappropriation bill' In order for the teachers and others included to re- . . Honorable Max E. Smith, page 2 (W-102) ceive ,the pay raise embodied'in said H. B.No.81" This qiiestioiiixat``ll~ atildes'In viek of the'con- stitutional requ'irement'thst9io"money shall be drawn from~‘the'Treasiiry,but In pursuance'of " " specific approy)riationsmade'by law; . . .'(Const., Art. VIII, 'Sec.``6.)In other words, if H.B.No. 8 is not an appropriatiotibill, how can money beob- talned under its terms without the specific appro- priation required? "3. If B.B.No. 8 does not have to be-certified by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, as your opinion states, and its provisions become law up- on passage by the Legislature and approval by the Governor, is-not such procedure a clear-cut-cir- cumvention of the'spirit, if not.the letter, of Section @a of Art. III of the Constitution? "4. Will you be"so kind~as to clarify the fol- lowing sentence which appears in the first para- graph,of page-2 of the opinion: 'Therefore, House Bill No:8 constitutes pre-existing law authorizing'future appronriations and is not an appropriation within itself,' particularly with referenceeto'the basis for H. B. No. 8 constitut- ing pre-existing law?" Section 6 of Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas provides: "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in pursuance of specific appropriations made by law; nor shall any appropriation.of money be made for a longer term than two years, except by the first Legislature to assemble under this Con- stitution, which may make the necessary appro- priations to carry on the government until the assemblage of the sixteenth Legislature." This constitutional provision controls all appropriations~ from the State Treasury and money not specifically appro- priated by the Legislature cannot be withdrawn from the Treasury. Pickle v. Finley
91 Tex. 484, 44 S;Wi 480 (1898); Lightfoot v. Lane, iO4 Tex. 447,
140 S.W. 89(1911). Honorable Max E. Smith, page 3 (WW-102) House Bill No. 8, as pointed out in Attorney General's Opinion WW-93 (1957), establishesnew minimum salary schedules for various public school teachers and'adminlstra- tops and prescribes a formula basis for the calculation of same. House Bill 584 provides for a minimum monthly salary for school bus drivers with the further provision that funds for such purpose shall be allocated from the Foundation School Fund.. Neither House Bill 8 nor House Bill 584 makes an appropriation which would authorize a withdrawal of any state funds from the State Treasury. In the past, the Legislature has appropriated to the Central Education Agency the Foundation School Fund for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of S. B. 116, Acts of the 51st Legislature, Regular Session 1949, ch. 334, p. 626, as amended and which House Bill 6 and House Bill 584 proposes to amend. Without these specific appro- priations, moneys allocated to the Foundation School Fund could not be withdrawn from the State Treasury. Under the provisions of Subdivision 4a of Article XX of House Bill 8, Acts of the 47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941, as amended, codified in Vernon's as Article 7083a, Subdivision 4a, the Foundation School Fund Budget Committee is directed to allocate, transfer and credit to the Foundation School Fund such an amount as Is determined from time to time by the Foundation School Fund Budget Com- mittee as may be needed to pay all accrued grants in full. Since the Foundation School Fund Budget Committee is required to make allocations to the Foundation School Fund of moneys needed to carry out the Foundation School Program, both House Bill 8 and House Bill 584 will have a direct effect on the amount of money available for appro rlation and such money, if House Bill 8 and House Bill 58& are en- acted into law, would be immediately set aside by the Comp- troller of Public Accounts for such purposes. However, the money could not be withdrawn from the State Treasury until such a time as the Legislature makes specific appropria- tions of such allocated funds, and at that time the Comp- troller would have to determine if sufficient moneys are available to carry out the provisions of House Bills 8 and 584. Section 49a of Article III of the Constitution of Texas requires the Comptroller of Public Accounts to certify that the amount appropriated in any bill containing an appropria- tion is withinthe amount estimated to be available in the affected funds. Since the allocations required to be made Honorable Max E. Smith, page 4 &W-102) affect the .amounts that will be available for appropria- tion, the provisions of House Bill 8 and Rouse Bill 584, if enacted into law, will directly affect certification by the Comptroller of any bill containing an appropria- tion, out of any fund from which the allocation has been made. In view of the foregoing you are advised: (1) In answer to your first question it is neces- sary for the Members of the Legislature to know whether the Comptroller of Public Accounts would be required to consider the provisions of House Bills 8 and 584 (pro- viding they have been enacted into law) in arriving at the estimate of the revenue available for the biennial appropriation bill or any other appropriation bill that may be enacted by the Regular Session of the 55th Legis- lature. (2) In answer to your second question, it will be necessary to pass an appropriation bill in order that teachers and others included receive the pay raise em- bodied in House Bill 8. (3) In answer to your third question, you are ad- vised that the passage of House Bill Number 8 prior to the passage of the Biennial Appropriation Bill will not in an manner circumvent the spirit or the letter of Sec- tion $ g(a) of Article III of the Constitution of Texas, as the .qFlaryincreases provided for in House Bill Number 8, would have to be taken into account by the Comptroller in making his certification of the Biennial Appropriation Bill. If the Comptroller makes a correct estimate of anti- cipated revenue then deficit financing would not occur. In this connection it is to be noted that Section 49 (a) does not prohibit deficit financina. Tt does prohibit the valid enactment of any bill containingan approptiation which does not contain a certificate by tne Comptroller of Public Accounts that the amount appropriated is with- in the amount estimated to be available in the affected funds. However, if after the passage of the Biennial Appropriation Bill the Legislature subsequently passed House Bill Number 6 or any other legislation reducing the amount of money coming into the General Revenue Fund, and deficit financing resulted, the spirit of Section 49 (a) of Article III of the Constitution of Texas would be circumvented. We need not pass upon the precise legal effect of this until presented. . - . - Honorable Max E. Smith, page 5 (W-102) _~ ._ (4) 'Your fourth question requests this office to cl&rify the statement 'that House Bill 8'constitutes pre-existing'lavi;authoriifng"futura'approprilatlons; The sole question for consIderation,before this'office Was Whether House~Blll 8 or'Rouse'Bll1 584 contains an appropriation``9qui~ih``a``tificafidn of‘the Comptroller of Public Accounts pursuant to Section 49a of Article III of the Constitution of Texas. Before an appropriation can be made for salaries for school teachers, State officers or State employees or for the payment of any claim against the State of Texas, there must-first be a valid pre-existing law authorizing the appropriation. Without pre-existing law, such as contained in House Bill 8, if enacted into law, the Legislature would not be authorized to appropriate any money'in excess'of-the amount authorized under ex- isting law. Therefore, if House Bill 8 Is enacted into law, it Will constltute'pre-existing law authorizing future appropriations even though the bill does not it- self contain an appropriation at this time. SUMMARY Itwlll be necessary to pass an appropriation bill In order that teachers and others included re- ceive the pay raise embodied In House Bill 8 of the 55th Legis- lature. The Comptroller 'of Pub- lic Accounts would be required to consider the,provisions of House Bills 8 and 584 (providing they have been enacted into flaw) in arriving at the estimate Honorable Max E. Smith, page 6 (WV-102) of the revenue.~Wailable for the biennj&l apptiopriatlonbill or any other appropriation bill that may be enacted by the Regu- lar Session of the 55th Legisla- ture. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas JR:zt APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE H. Grady Chandler, Chairman W. V. Geppert C. K. Richards J. C. Davis, Jr. Edwin P. Horner REVIJWEDFOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Geo. P. Blaakburn
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-102
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1957
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017