Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1955 )

  •                                                     December    30,   1955
    Honorable   Hubert W. Green,     Jr.       Opinion      No. S-184
    Crimins!  Didtiict Attoinep
    Bexar connty                               Se:    Property     subject to taxation
    San Antonio., T&as                                for the be&fit      of Bexar County
    Hospital     District and related
    De+   Mr. Green:                                 questious.
    You request     our opiuion On the following      questions:
    il.  h&e     .advtae wbdber  .or .nbt.all pro+&ty appsar-
    . iag dn 0~ c&rent      t& iolls (Form B 7 Rendered;      Form D -
    UPrendered;,    Form E + Raihad~;        Form G - St+te and
    Nattonal Bahkst     F6rm e 2 All Utilities Other Than ?,ailroads)
    a:.& .subject to-the Levy of the Bexar County Hospital District
    for *‘peat     1955?     .’
    -2.   Please      advik   ðer or not the Bexar Cdanty Tax
    ..:   .   _.,   ‘.
    Assessor-Collector          can accept paykent of all tax .items ap-
    pearing on the 1955 Stak of Texas aud Bexar. ~ouatytax
    notice without collectlug        the tax l&ted by the Bexar Copntp
    ~spital      District?
    *3. If your answer to our second question is in the
    (a) What-form       of receipt may be issued
    (b) %w will that tax tbat is collected be posted
    to oux taxroLLand be reportedon form           pre-
    scribed f& ie@rting        tax collections; .,
    (c)‘Will    the Ctioatp TaCAssessor-Collector       be
    required to send the taxpaper a delinquent tax
    statement on the unpaid hospital tax as of ?uly
    1, 19568 .
    (d) Will the unpaid hospital tax &&come a alien
    against t$e prdperty?”
    Far&er    stateme&     i.n.$our letter revhal wkh&irtiijeeS~tiOn
    is directed speclfically.  toward the rolling stock of railroads       Fnd the iuh.u-
    ‘gible assets of cotipaules    mentioned in Article    7105, Vernon s Ghil Stat-
    utes, and we are auswertng the question as thus limited.
    Hon. Hubert W. Green.            Jr..   page 2   (S-184)
    Article   9, Section     4 of th& Texas     Constitution   provides   iu
    ‘Sec. 4. The Legislature      may by law authorize the
    creation of county-wide       Hospital Districts    in counties hav-
    ing a population in excess of 190,000 and in Galveston
    County, with power to issue bonds for the purchase,              acqui-
    sition, construction,       maintenance and operation of any
    county owned hospital. or where the hospital system is
    jointly operated by a county and city within the county, and
    to provide for the transfer to the county-wide          Hospital Dis-
    trict of the title to any land, buildings or equipment, Jointly
    or separately        owned, and for the assumption      by the district
    of any outstanding bonded indebtedness          heretofore     issued by’
    any county or city for the establishment          of hospitals or hos-
    ital facilities:   to levy a tax not to exceed seventy-five        cents
    P$.75)    on  the  One Hundred   ($100.00)  Dollars    valuation   of  all
    taxable property within such district,        provide4 however-
    such district shall be approved at an election held for that
    purpose, and that only qualified, property taxpaying voters
    in such county shall vote therein: provided further, that
    such Hospital District shall assume full responsibility             for
    providing medical and hospital care to needy inhabitants of
    the county, end thereafter        such county and cities therein
    shall not levy any other tar for hospital purposes;            . . . .*
    (Emphasis       added)
    Section   2 of Article     4494n,   Vernon’s     Civii Statutes,   provides
    in part:
    Sec. ‘2. The Commissioners      Court of any county
    which has voted to create a Hospital District shall h&e
    the’ power and the authority, and it shall be its’duty. to
    levy on all property,  subject to hospital ,di.strict taxation
    for the benefit of the District at the same time taxes are
    levied for county purposes,    using the county values and
    the county tax roll, a tan not to exceed seventy-five       cents
    (75$) on the One Hundred Doliers ($100.00)       valuation of
    all taxable property within the Hospital District;      . . . .*
    (Emphasis    added.)
    Article   710$,     V. C. S., provides      in part:
    -Each incorporated railroad company, ferry company,
    bridge company, tnrnpihe. or toll company, oil pipe line
    company, and ail common carrier    pipe line companies  of
    Hon. Hubert W. Green,     Jr.,   page 5   (S-184)
    every character whatsoever,      engaged in thentiansporta-
    tion of oil. and in addition each motor bus company,’ as
    defined in Chapter 270, Acts, Regular Session of the
    Fortieth Legislature,    as amended by the Acts of 1929,
    First Called Session of the Forty-first       Legislature,
    Chapter 78, and each ‘common        carrier   motor carrier’
    operating under certificates    of convenience     and necessity
    issued by the Railroad Commission         of Texas, doing busi-
    ness wholly or in part within this State, whether incor-
    porated under the laws of this State, or of any other State,
    territory,  or foreign country, and every other individuai,
    company, corporation,     or association    doing business   of
    the same character    In this State, In addltion to the ad
    valorem taxes on tangible properties        which are or may be
    ~.          imposed upon them respectively;       by law, shall pay an an-
    nual tax to the State, beginning with the~first day of
    January of each year, on their intangible assets and pro-
    perty, and local taxes thereon to the~cbmtles        in which its
    business is carried on’,...    a (Emphasis      ad& P.)
    We call your attention to the underscored     portion of Section 4
    of Article IX of our Constitution which provides       “of all taxable property
    within such district.‘     Also to Section 2 of .Article 
    4494x4 supra
    , which
    states ‘on all property,    subject to hospital district taxation*.    Article
    7105. supra
    ; provides for a.tax only upon intangible properties         in favor
    of the State and counties, and does not include taxes levied for the bene-
    fit of~.districts or subdivisions  of a county.
    In State v. Houston & T. C; Ry. Co., 
    209 S.W. 820
    (Tex. Civ.
    App. 1919). the Harris County Ship Charm 1 N‘avigation District,         a taxing
    district which was coterminous       with Iierr~s County. sought to tax the in-
    tangible essets and rolling stock of the railroad.       The act creating-the
    district authorined the taxation of all property ~within the district’         The
    Court interpreted the phrase *within the ~district” to mean property
    actually physically within. such district.      The Court dented the naviga-
    tion, district the right to tax the rolling stock and intaugible assets on the
    $-ouiu3 that such’ properties    did not have a tsxabie situs fin such district,
    in that the Legislature    determined    that such~properties  may be taxed only
    “for the use of the state and the counties.’       We id50 refer you to the foi-
    lowing Texas cases:       Bell Colrnt~ V. Hines, 
    219 S.W. 556
    (Tex. Civ. A p.
    1920)and Texas 81 Pacific Railway Company v. State, 
    43 S.W.2d 628
    Civ. App.-I%l,.
    You are, therefore.   advised that all property within the Bexar
    County Hospital District    is subject to ad valorem   taxation for the huefit
    of the district.  The rolling stock of railroads    and the intangible assets
    ‘.   .
    1   ,.I’
    ~.,   ..
    Hon. Hubert W. Green,     Jr..   page 4   (S-184)
    of the cor@%atfons  mentioned in Article  7iO5 e.re not within said district
    and therefore are not subject to taxation by said district.  This holding is
    in accord with Attorney General Opinions O-1777 and O-7469, copies of
    which’are enclosed.
    It is our further opinion that the Bexar County Tax Assessor-
    Collector  cannot accept payment of taxes due tbe S.tate, coax&y and other
    political subdivisions   appearing on the tax roll without collecting  the
    taxes lawfully levied for the benefit of the Bexer County Hospitai District.
    You will note that Section 2 of Article 
    4494n, supra
    . speclficaily   requires
    that the county tex roll be used.   We are enclosing Attorney General Opin-
    ion O-1262 which holds’that ail texes properly appearing upon the general
    tax rolls must be paid in their entirety.
    Your third question    was predicated          upon an affirmative   answer
    to your second question.
    Ail property within the Bexar County Hospital District
    is subject to ad valorem     taxation for the benefit of the Dis-
    trict.    The roliing stock of railroads  and the intangible as-
    sets of the companies mentioned inArtiCle        7105, V. C. S..
    are not within said~district    and are not subject to taxation
    for the benefit of the district.
    . . ..+
    The Bexar County ~Tex Assessor-Colletitor       camtot accept
    payment of other taxes appearing upon the tax rolls withoht
    also collecting the Bexar County‘Hospitai    District taxes.
    Yours     very    truly.
    J. A Amls,   Jr.                          Attorney General
    Mary K. Wail
    W. V. Geppert
    L. W; Gray                                          Assistant
    Special Reviewer
    Davis Grant
    First Assistant
    John Ben Shepperd
    Attorney General

Document Info

Docket Number: S-184

Judges: John Ben Shepperd

Filed Date: 7/2/1955

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017