Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  • Eon. Ben Ramsey        Opinion Bo. V-1525.
    Capitol Station        Re: Constltutlonallty,ofpro-
    Austin, Texas              posed legislationto relm-
    burse the subsistenceex-
    penses of State employees
    while traveling on official
    business by a fixed per
    Dear Sir:                  diem allowance.
    Your request for an ~oplnlonoi this office on
    the above subject reads in part as follows:
    "The LegislativeBudget Board Is exasrln-
    lng State laws concerning offlolal travel by
    government empl 888, with the view of recom-
    mending to the 5
    3 rd Legislature any modlflca-
    tlons that seem to be desirable.
    "That examinationhas disclosed an ele-
    ment of 'hidden'expense in the present pro-
    cedure of preparing and ohecklng detailed ex-
    pense aooount claims, and has led to a search
    for sFmpler and more effeotlve‘meansof-reia-
    burslng travel expenses. One proposal Is to
    substitute a flat per dlem.subslstenoeallov-
    ante for the resent plan of paying aatual ex-
    penses up to $6.00 a day.
    "In arriving at the per diem rate for
    subslstenoeallowance, we think the legislature
    could reasonablybe expected to select a figure
    that fairly represents the average daily costs
    for meals and lodging lnourred by state offi-  I
    cials and employees while in travel status.
    "The use of a fixed, average ~rate~lnlieu
    of reimbursingactual expenses up to a maximum
    -mightmean that in some Instances an employee
    would receive reimbursementslightly In excess
    of actual expenses. In other instances the em-
    ployee might receive less than actual expenses.
    Hon. Ben Ramsey, Page 2 (V-1525)
    "1. Would the use of a flat, per diem
    rate for subslstenoeallowanoebe contraarJr~te
    Article III, Sections 44 and 53 of the Texas
    "2. Would Article 1, Section 3; Artl-
    cle III, Section 51; Article XVI, Section
    6; or any other provision of the Texas Con-
    stitution, deny validity to the use of a
    per diem rste for relmburalngaubslstenae
    expense Incurred In officialtravel?"
    The pertinent provisions of the Texas Constl-
    tutlen are as follows:
    Article 1, Section 3:
    "All free men, when they form a s-81
    aompact, have equal rights, and no IME',01
    set of men, Is entitled to exclusive aspar-
    ate pub110 emoluments,or privileges,bnt In
    aonslderatlonof public services.
    Artlole III, Section $4:
    "The Legislature shall provide by laws
    for the compensationof all officers, semts,
    agents and publla contractors,not provided
    for In this Constitution,but shall not wnt
    e%trs compensationto any offloer, agent, serv-
    snt. or pub110 contractors.after such pub110
    se*00 shall have Men performed or centrdct
    entered Into, for the performanceof the same;
    nor grant, by appropriationor otherwlse,any
    amowt of money out of the T,masurf of the
    State, to any lndlvldual,on a claim, real or
    pretended, when the same shall not have been
    provided for Zyrpre-existinglaw; nor employ
    anj one In the name of the State, unless au-
    thorlzed by pre-existinglaw."
    Article III, Section 51:
    "The Legislature shall have no power to
    make sny grant or authorlse the making of any
    grsnt of pub110 moneys to any lndlvldual,asso-
    ciation of Individuals,muulalpal or other cor-
    poration whatsoever; . . ."
    Hon. Ben Ramsey, Page 3 (V-1525)
    Artlale III, Section 53:
    "The Leglslaturs shall have no power to
    grant, or te authorize any county or nnnlcipal
    authority to grant, any extm compeasatiou,
    se4 or allowance to a public officer, ag4at,
    servant or asntraotor,after aervlae has been
    Pbndered,Dr a contract has been ernter4dIn-
    to, and performed In whole or In part . . .*
    Artlole XVI, Section 6:
    'Ho appropriationfor private or In-
    dividual purposes shall b4 made. . . ."
    It la our understandingthat the &pose! lag-
    lslatlon Is to be In ths Sons of a general law, leaving
    only rates of reimbursementand appropriatedamcluntb for
    ,travelto be set,forth In appropriationbills. :Ther4&
    fore, we do not deem It necessary to discuss the.neces-
    slty for general leglslatlonas a prerequlslt4to pre-
    vl.sionsIn an appropriationbill or the validity of
    approprlatlonbill "fiders'whloh alter the gsaeral law.,
    In this oonnectlonyour attention 1s Invited  to Attorney
    GeneralOpinion V-1254 (1951).
    The rule Is fundamentalthat the Legislature
    can eaaot all laws not prohibited by the Constitution,
    either In expr4ss terms or by necessary lmplloatlon.
    1 cooleg on CoastltutlonalLimltatloas (8th Ed.) 355;
    9 Tex. Jur. 444, 446. If the Constitutiondues,not ra-
    strain ths Leglslatur4 from providing for rsiabursement
    for travel expense In the proposed manner, than It Is
    wlthla the Leglslatursls power to enact sucha statute.
    s4ctions   44 and,53 0s Arti     III or th4 con-
    stitutionprohlblt the Legislature from provldliig-    "extra
    coapensatlen"or Lany extra compensitlon,r44 4r allow-
    anae" to an officer or employee after pub110 s~4rvloe has
    been.rendered. We do sot understandthat.the proposed
    . legislationIs intended to be retroactive,so aa.to all44
    officersand 4mployees additional reimbursementfor sub-
    sistenceexpenses on travel.performed befors ths passage
    0s the statute.     That being true,  w4 do not thlnk.thew
    constitutionalprovisions have any applic.atlon,     as they
    would relate only to allowancesfor servloes perfofMd
    prior to the legislativeauthorlsatlon. See Dallas
    County v. Lively, 
    106 Tex. 364
    167 S.W. 219
    dlsa4ntlngopinion by Mr. Justice Hawkins at p. 382; Jo&ma
    Eon. Ben Ramsey, Page 4 (V-1525)
    v, Veltmann 171 S-Y. 287 (Tex. Clv. App. 1914, error
    urnor 71.Barnes, 
    19 S.W. 26
    325 (T4x. Clv. App.
    '~inmd          27 S .W.2d 532 (Tox.CORBI.A~P. 1930);
    Pierson v. Galveston county 131 s.w.2d 27 (T4x.civ.A``.
    1939). We therefore hold &at the.relmburseme&tDFO-
    dd&h by ths proposed statute and the apprcprlatl& pur-
    suant the-to vi11 not be In contraventionof these con-
    atltntlonalprovlslona,as It vi11 operate cm19 on futurs
    transaotlonsbetween the State and Its officers and em-
    ployees and will not affect prior a4rvlc4s.
    Section 51, Article III of the Cun~tltutlon
    prohibitsthe Legislature from.maklngany.gratitof pub-
    lic moneys to any Individual except for a pubIlc pur-
    pose. Section 3 of Article  I condemns the granelng of
    "publlo4m01wmntsU ~4xoeptin considerationof public
    servlees. Per diem reimbursementwould be lnvalld'lf
    oonstrabdas a gr&&iy or~donatlonof public funds to an
    lndlvidrulfor rlvate purposes. In         i'.'
    &               , 6 s.u.28 738, 740 (
    118 Tex. 2ti
                            , t@3 court.
    . . . Without dlsousslngIn d&all these
    plvvislonsof the Constltutlon,it Is suffl-
    olent to say each of them Is Intended to pr4-
    v4nt the ap&lcation of public funds to PI%-
    vat& purposesi In other words, to prevent the
    gratuitousgrant of suoh funds to any Indlvldual,
    aorporatlon,or purpose whatsoever. This,ll-
    mltatlon upon tbn power of the Leglslatur4Is a
    wholesome one and is plainly stated in unepui-
    roar1 terms.   It la academic to say the I&Is-
    l&urn has power te pass any law which Its as-
    dcm snggests that la not forblddeti  by some prc-
    vlslons of the Constitution (ftederdl or state).
    If the pensloh provided for ln'thls actils~a
    gmatulty or dcnatlon to the beu4fLolary,It la
    clearly forbidden by the fundlllental law. On
    the other hand, If It 18 a part of the oompen-
    sation of such employee for 84rv104s rendered
    to the city, or If It be for a public purpos4,
    then olearly It Is a valid aercise   of the lag-
    lslatlve power.n
    Unqnmstlonably,an official or employee who Is
    requl& to travel on official duty undertak4sthat trav-
    el in the perform&nce of public services. Them can be
    no qpsstlonthat reimbursementfor actual and necessary
    exp4ns4swhich the lndfvldual must Incur because of har-
    Hon. Ben Ramsey, Page 5 (V-1525)
    lng to travel on official business-isnot a gratuity or
    a grant sr money for a private purpose. The per diem
    rate of reimbursementunder the propsoed bill would be
    based oa the average daily expense vhlch orflcials and
    employ008 aould be reasenably expected to Incur for meals
    ma  lodgings.     In aotmeinstances the actual reasonable
    oost to the emplgee might be slightly less and In othexa
    it might be slightly more than the rate allowed, but the
    State's total output for subsistencevould'lpprcxlmate
    ;Eg~l         neoeasary expendituresvhlch its agents had
    . The question arises as to ðer any excess
    over the employee's actual expenditureswould be a gra-
    tuity to the employee.
    In our oplnlon, suoh an excess would not be a
    gratuity. The provisions for reimbursementsare a part
    of the terms on which the State contractswith lta em-
    pleyees ror their services In traveling OE official
    bim.lless. The employee by agreeing to accepk the fixed
    per diem rate relinquisheshis right to relrborsement
    for a possible exoesa over that amount la his actual,
    reasonableexpenses. This plaees the paymemt ef the
    fired rate on a valid contractualbasis, regardless of
    whether the emplcyeels actual expenses In any one day
    ara more or less thaa the per diem rate.
    The passage 0r any piece of leglslatlon 1s
    preatmed to be preoeded by luvestlgatlonand.faet f'lnd-
    lng by the Legislature. This serves as a reasemable
    foundationfor the subsequent lavr. Thus, In passing an
    enactmentof this character the Legislature would be flx-
    lng the amount. which would, according to ita flndlngs,
    reascaablycompensateState employees for expenses ln-
    curred vhlle traveling on State'8 business. The Legls-
    lature Is prohibited from approprlatlngthe'public money
    to other than strictly goverumentalpurposes by 'Sectioa
    6, Artlole,XVI of the Texas Constltutlon,but.thls pro-
    hibition Isnot applicable here It the Legislature rlxes
    an amount which Is reasonable repaymentfor expenses
    lrlalng when au oifioer or employee is avay rrem his homs
    It is within the constitutionalauthority
    of the Legislature to reimburse subsistenceex-
    Hoa. Ben Ramsey, Page 6 (V-1525)
    penses of State employees while traveling oa
    OrriGiai business bj a fixed pes diem allew-
    Ponra very truly,
    APPROVED:                      PRICEDANIEL
    Attoraey General
    Maw K. Wall
    Reviewing Assistant
    Charles D. Mathews
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1525

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017