Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1955 )

  • Honorable J. W. Edgar      Opinion No. S-152
    Commissionerof Education
    Texas Education Agency     Re:   Availabilityof the
    Austin, Texas                    Federal Social Secur-
    ity program to school
    Dear Dr. Edgar:                  districts.
    You have requested the opinion of this office
    concerningthe applicationof the Social Security Act of
    the United States to local school districts In Texas.
    Throughout this opinion we shall designate the Old Age and
    Survivors Insurance program under the Social Security Act
    as OASI, its popular designation.
    The Social Security Act was amended in 1950 by
    adding to Title II a new section,numbered 218, dealing
    with voluntary agreements for coverage~of employees of
    States and their political subdivisions(Section106 of
    Chapter 809, P.L. 734 Laws of 81st Congress, 2nd Session,
    19501. Subsection (d3 of Section 218 excluded from the
    coverage of the Social Security Act employeeswho were mem-
    bers in a retirement system establishedby a State or by a
    political subdivisionthereof. See the Co ressional Com-
    mittee reports on this Act at pages.3287,3% 6, 3408 3489,
    U.S. Code CongressionalService, 81st Congress, 2nd &es-
    sion, 1950. The Legislature enacted Chapter 500, Acts of
    the 52nd Legislature,1951 page 1480 (codifiedas Article
    695g, Vernon's Civil StatuJes) authorizingthe governing
    body of any county municipalityor other subdivisionof
    the State (acting through the agency of the State Depart-
    ment of Public Welfare) to enter into an agreementwith the
    Federal Security Administrationto obtain OASI coverage for
    their employees,and also authorized the governingbodies
    to make payments for the coverage benefits to the Federal
    agency from the body's official funds and from sums with-
    held from the salaries of its employees. A 1953 amendment
    by the Legislaturedid not change Article 6959 so far as
    discussionis concerned in this opinion (see Chapter 197,
    Acts of the 53rd Legislature Regular Session, 1953, page
    5%) nor did a 1954 amendmen4 (see Chapter 58, Acts of the
    53rd Legislature,1st Called Session, 1954, page 129).
    In 1954 Congress amended Section 218(d) of the So-
    cial Security Act so that employees of a State or one of its
    political subdivisionswho were members in a retirement sys-
    tem establishedby the State or a political subdivisioncould
    Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 2   (S-152)
    obtain OASI benefits under the Social Se~curityAct. See
    Section 101(h) of Chapter 1206, P.L. 761, Acts of the 83rd
    CongresG Second Session, 1954 (codifiedas 42 U.S.C.A.
    g 418 &/> and the Con ressionalCommittee Reports on this
    amendment at pages 6858 , 6863, 6897 and 6955, U.S. Code
    Congressionaland AdministrativeNews. The amendment pre-
    scribes a referendumin which a majority of the employees
    within a separate coverage group must vote by secretwritten
    ballot in favor of extendingthe OASI program to their re-
    tirement system. The amendmentprovides that, if the State
    so desires, members of a retirement system that covers em-
    ployees of more than one political subdivisionof the State
    may be consideredas a separateretirement system within each
    political subdivision.
    A question at once arises as to the validity of
    OASI contributionspaid from public funds held by the parti-
    cipating school districts for educationalpurposes. Sections
    51 and 52 of Article III of the Constitutionof Texas prohib-
    it the grantof any public moneys by the Legislatureor a
    school district to'any individualor corporation. However,
    this is not applicableto the matching payments of OASI con-
    tributions. The Legislaturehas provided that such matching
    contributionsshall be construedas salary paid to the em- )
    ployae. "The respectivegoverning bodies are authorizedto
    pay contributionsas required by these agreementsfrom those.
    ziznrom    which the covered employeesreceive their compen-
    and the laws fixing the maximum compensation
    for co&; imployeesare amended "to allow payment of the
    matching contribution.. . in addition to any maximum compen-
    sations otherwisefixed by law." Section 6 of Article 695g,
    as amended in 1953.
    Now to answer your questions:
    "1. May a local Board of Trustees make a
    contract binding its successorsfor a minimum
    period of five years?"
    A school district has no inherent power of contract,
    but only such powers in making contracts,and fo;;u;hWt;;ms,
    as the Legislatureauthorizes. -4.
    774 (Tex.Civ.App.1938 error ref.); -a).:               i59 S.W.
    EZ4$Tex.Civ.App. 19133; Attorney General's Opi;i;nSEz953
    In the case of Lee v. Leonard Indeaend n    h 01 Dis-
    trict,'24 S.W.2d 449, 450 (Tex.Civ.App.1930, error ref.) the
    court said that Wchool districts are but subdivisionsof'the
    state government,organized for convenience in exercisingthe
    Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 3   (s-152)
    governmentalfunction of establishingand maintaining public
    free schools for the benefit of the people. School trustees
    are public officers, whose powers are under the control of
    the Legislature." Section 6 of Article 695g provides that
    "the respective governing bodies of the various. . . politi-
    cal subdivisionsof the State which are now or shall hereafter
    become eligible under Federal requirementsare hereby author-
    ized to enter into all necessary agreementswith the State
    Agency to enable the employees of the respective . . . politi-
    oal subdivisionsto have coverage under the Social Security
    Act." Thus, the Legislature,hasauthorized a local board of
    trustees to make a five-year contractwith the State Agency,
    since that is a "necessaryagreement . . . to enable (its) em-
    ployees . . . to have coverage under the Social Security Act."
    "2. May a local Board of Education under
    present statutes expend school funds to provide
    social security and survivors'benefit insurance
    for its employees?"
    Subdivision2 of Article 282'7,V.C.S., provides that
    "local funds from district taxes. . . and other local sources
    may be used for the purposes enumerated for State and county
    fusds . . . and for other purposes necessary in the conduct of
    the'public schools to be determinedby the Board of Trustees."
    Subdivision1 of this Article provides that the State and county
    available funds shall be used for the payment of teachers' and
    superintendents'salaries, among other things. Section 6 of A+
    title 6959 authorizes a local board of education to pay contri-
    butions, as required by its agreement, "from those funds from
    which the covered employees receive their compensation.11Nei-
    ther Section 5 nor Section 6 of Article VII of the Texas Consti-
    tution, dealing with the State available fund and, respectively,
    with the county available fund, prohibits such an expenditure.
    “3. Article III, Section 48a of the Texas
    Constitutionprovides: ' . . . and provided that,
    the recipientsof such retirement fund shall not
    be eligible for any other pension retirementfunds
    or direct aid from the State of Texas, unless such
    retirementfund contributedby the State is re-
    leased to the State of Texas as a condition to re-
    ceiving such other pension aid.' ,Wouldthis con-
    stitutionalprovision prevent the receiving of both
    old age security benefits and teacher retirement
    benefits at one and the same time?"
    Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 4   (S-152)
    As held in AttorneyGeneral's Opinion s-151 (19551,
    the receipt of a benefit under OASI will not be the receipt
    of "pension retirementfunds or direct aid from the State of
    Texas" within the prohibitionof Section 48a of Article III
    of the Texas Constitution,so that it is not unlawful for the
    same person to receive benefits from the Teachers Retirement
    System and from the Social Security program at the same time.
    "4; The FoundationProgram provides a legal
    minimum salary. May the local Board of Trustees
    consider the matching funds paid by them as a por-
    tion of the requiredminimum salary and reduce the
    teacher's take-home pay correspondingly?"
    This question is substantiallyanswered in Question
    2 above. Section 6,of Article 695g, as we have seen, author-
    izes the board of trustees to pay contributionsas required by
    the agreement from those funds from which the covered employ-
    ees receive their compensations. Continuing,the section pro-
    vides that all prior laws which fix a minimum compensationfor
    any covered employeesof counties are amended to allow payment
    of the matching contributionin addition to any maximum compen
    sations otherwise fixed by law. As shown by the underscoring,
    only the salaries of countv emoloveesrequire the contribution
    from OASI benefits to be in addition to previous salary maxi-
    mums. Where the Minimum Foundation Program salary has been es
    tablished as the maximum salary for a teacher by a board of
    trustees, then the take-home pay of the teacher will be de-
    creased by the amount of the OASI contribution. However, the
    board of trustees, in its discretion,could assume this paymen
    from the local funds governed by Article 2827, as discussed in
    Question 2, "in considerationof the employees'retention in
    or entry upon employment." Section 8 of Article 6959.
    "5. May a state-widereferendumbe called and,
    the employeesof all districts have opportunityfor
    coveragewith the State matching employee contribu-
    Section 3 of Article 695g authorized the State Agent:
    to enter into agreementswith the Federal Security Administrat:
    to obtain OASI coverage for employees of school districts.
    These agreementsmay contain any provisions relating to contrii
    tions on which the State Agency and the Administratorshall agj
    provided the agreementsare consistentwith the Constitutiona1
    the laws of Texas. As noted in the legislative history above,
    the Social Security amendmentsof 1954 provided that all emplo:
    in positions which were covered by the same retirement system
    Hon. J. W. Edgar, page   5   (S-152)
    shall be considered as a separate coverage group. An alter-
    native separate coverage group was permittedwhere a retire-
    ment system covers employeesof more than one political sub-
    division of the State. If the State Agency, in its discretion,
    chooses to hold a state-widereferendum among the employees
    of the school districts who are also members of the Teacher
    Retirement System of Texas, there is no constitutionalprohi-
    bition of such action. Also, as held in the preceding @es-
    tjons 2 and 4 the State would be authorizedto make contri-
    butions match1ng employee contributions,the funds being de-
    ducted from either the Minimum Foundation Program salary funds
    or from the State availablefund.
    The Legislaturehas authorizeda local board
    of school trustees to contractwith the State
    Agency for a five-year period for OASI participa-
    tion. The local board of trustees is also author-
    ized to expend either local funds or Minimum
    Foundation Program salary funds for OASI benefits.
    'A state-widereferendumof all members of the
    Teachers RetirementSystem of Texas is authorized.
    The State could match employee contributionsfrom
    either Minimum FoundationProgram salary funds or ...
    from the State AvailableFund.
    There is nothing in the Constitutionof Texas
    that prohibits the State or district participation
    in the Social Security Act.
    APPROVED:                       Yours very truly,
    J. C. Davis, Jr.                JOHN BEI\I,
    County Affairs Division         Attorney"Cenera1of Texas
    L. P. Lollar
    John Reeves
    Reviewer                          Assistant
    John Ben Shepperd
    Attorney General

Document Info

Docket Number: S-152

Judges: John Ben Shepperd

Filed Date: 7/2/1955

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017