- AlLlnTnnr 11. .irExAs aomliw BEN 83 -PBnlRllD A-~ll#cw “RN-A,- September14, 19% . Hon. Fmlest 0. Thcm;son, Opinions s-140 .~ RailroadCcuomissionof Tex TribuneBucbUng T Re: ,Jurisdiotion of the RaiYxosd Auetin,Texas Commissionof Texas to control .< and regulatethe iu$pliersof naturalgas when such gas is used to pmnp water for agri- culturalpurposespursuantto Cbfzpter31, Acts 53r;aLegia- Rear GeneralThompson: fatme, lst:cSS.,199. You have,. requested .~ that this office "adviseby opinionas to whetheror not the Rail- ipad Ccmrmlesioncan demand that the suppliersof ~uatural gas, by pipe line, for agriut&ural uses, as defined in H.B. Ro. 6k, ehall cmaplywith all of the article 6050 td 6066 imlusiiie,~xceptArticle'6050 which is speotii- oally exaludedby H:B. Ro. 6b." i HOI& Bill &wasetiacted iuto law as Chapter31,Acta 53rd - Legislature,fst Calledseseion,19%. Fu&hUr oommmicationswith this office estabUsh that ~yoti speoif~callywint to how thecharacter,ofoperationsoontemV&atedby Chapter31, necessaryto exempt the supplierof naturalgas from the pk-ldms of Article 6050, Vernon'sCivilStatutes; if suppliersof naturalgas for the purposesset out in Chapter31 areex~emptfrom pay- ing the gas utility taxlevied by Article6060, V.C.S.; and whether a supplierexemptfrom the tax will be subjectto the safetyrules md regulatiousof the RailxoadComaiasionof Texas. At the outsetwe refex you to AttorneyGeneral's~Opiaion Roe: S-123,written prior to the enaoivnent of Chapter31. It was theke held~-`` inter alla, that the RailroadOonmissiouaould not iesue an order,pxovid- -- iug that a suppllerof naturalgas to a localizedarea for irrigation pmup fuel-wouldnot be a “gas .utility."The writer thereofobserved, however,that "irrespective of such detennination, the statutorydefinl- tion of a 'gasutility'prescribedby the Legislatureaould clearlybeg emendedto providea speaifioexceptionfor the operationsdescribedIn your request." Eon. Ernest0. Thompson,page 2 (S-140) We bellevethat Chapter31was enactedpursuantto the above holdiugaud observation. Chapter31provides in part: *Section1. Article 605Oof the RevisedCivil Statutes of'Texas,1925, is herebyamendedby adding theretotwo uew sections,4 end 4a, to road as follows: "'Sec.4. provided,however,that the act or acts of transporting, deUveriug, sellingor othenvisemaldug avail- able naturalgas for fuel, eitherdirectlyor indirectly,to the ownersof irrigationwells or the sale, transportation or deliveryof naturalgas for any other directuse in agri- oulturalaativitieeshall not be construedwithin the tams of this law as ooustitutiugsoy person,association,corpora- .tion,trustee,reoeiveror partnershipas a 'gasutility,' 'publicutility,'or 'utility*ae hereinabovedefinedso ss to make such person,association,corporation,truetee,receiver or partnershipsubjeotto the jurisdiction, controland regula- tion of the CaPmissionas a gas utility. "'Sec..4a. Thq tit&al gas made availableuuder the proviaion~of:this Act shallbe used exclusivelyfor pump- ing watez for fana end other agriculturalpurposesia order for the person,firm, association,or corporationfurnishing such naturalgas to be exemptfrom the provisionsof said Article 6050 of the RevisedCXvd.1Statuteeof Texas of 1925. The provisiousof this Actshallbe oonsdderedonly as cmuula- tive of other laws and shallnot have the effect of repealing ox emendingany substantiveor statutorylaw exoept as herein speoifically provided.'~ Section4a deolaresthat the supplierof ziatuxalgasie exempt .'~ from the provisionsof Artlole 6050 swhan thegas suppliedie used.ex- clnsively"for~pumping water for fam and other'agrlculturalpurposes." Therefore,lf the gas is used for anypurpoee other thauthepumpiug of water for agriculturalpmposes,the supplierof such gas would not be exemptfrcm the provisionsof Article_ 6050. Article 6060,V.C.S., 3mp6sesa g&as reoeiptstax on -every gasutilIty.* Ae the snppllerof naturalgas for the.~prescribed uee is not a~"gasutility” under the terms of Chapter 31,-suchsupplier..Is-t subjeotto thepaymentofthis tex. Of oourse,shouldsuah~suppliei make, sales of naturalgas.tobe used for a purposeother thau "pmup$u~watex?J for farm aud other egriculturalpurposea", then the reaeiptef&mthose saleswouid be subjectto the tax leviedby Article dOo60,. aud thesupplIer would be a "gas utility"within the purviewof Article6050 insofaras those sales are conaerned. L - Eon. Ernest 0. Thompson,page 3 (s-140) : ! Itis furtherour opinionthat exemption,from the ~ovfsions of Article 6050,~whichis merely a definitionandblassification stat- ute, &es n&t w** reamve the gqplier of gae uud``~Xbaj&+ 3i~frum the jurisdictionof the RailroadCosmiesionof Texas. :: ~:. It shouldbe noted that Chapter31 is "cumulativeof other .~ lava and sha~nothave the effectof repealiugoramanding tire or statutorylaw" exqeptas specificallyprovidedtherein. ==fsZ?Z). . Article kbil,B.C.S.,provideat . "The operation-ofgas pipe linesfor buying,selling, ,.j transporting, producingorothervlsedealing innaturalgas , 'iea businesti which in its nature asd accordingto the establlahsdmat~ofoonduotingthsbuainaaa is amonoRoly .,. and shall notbe oonductedunless such gas pipe line so used in ccnneotionwithsuch businessbe subjectto the.jurisdlo- tion herein conferredupon the Covmission. The Attorney General shall enforcethis provisionby injunctionor.other; lkedy." ., '; '. The above articleis not restrictedin-itsoperationto "gas utilities",but affects"the operationof gas pipe lines for buying, se~ing,~port~,p``ing,orothaRisedealinginnataralgae." . The operationscontemplatedby chapter31 undoubtedlyoonsti- tute a "dealinginnatural'gas"even thoughsuchoperatiousarenottkse of a "gas utility" (by virtueof the exemptioncontainedin Chapter 31). Section 2 of ArtiCle6053; V.C.S.,grsnts the Commission"full power and authorityto prescribesuch rules and ragulationsas in its wisdcaumaybe deemed necessaryt0 carry out the purposee"of the Eatural Gas ht. As the protec.tion,~health,welfare and safetyofthepublio is an evidmitR&pose of the Act (Art. 6053),we concludethat the supplier- of naturalgas uhdar the provisionsof Chapter31 is within~thejurisdic- tion'ofthe RailroadCommissionto the extent that he-mustcomplywith all valid rules and regulationsof the C@ssion which are designedto promotethe pzoteotion,health,welfareand safetyof the public. A supplierofnaturalgas;``pureuant to the $rovisione of Chapter 31, ACk 53rd Le&ahture, latC.S, 1954, 16 . not a "gas utility"'withinthe povisionrjof Article@C,,~- V.C.Si,when the gas suppliedis used exclusivelyfor pump- ing water for agriculturalpurpcees.Rot being a "gas utility" under such circumstsmes, the supplieris not subjectto the .. Eon. Ernest Thmpson, page 4 (S-140) @ose.reoeiptsti leviedagain& gas utilitiesbj'Article 606C;B.ti.S.Such &plier'& within the jarisdiction of the Ririlro~'Camis&n, however,to the extent that he mustqomplywithallaafetyrolss andregulationsof that bo@. APPROVED: Yours very truly, Phil&``bins;n JOI&& i3Blmih Oil and Daa-~Division AttorneyGeneralof Texas L P. Lbllar Revviewer -~ _~ RI@% S. Ttitti Mert Stkrnes FlrstAssistan~ " Assistant JolmBsnSheR+rd &to``y General MS:hapJS ) *
Document Info
Docket Number: S-140
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1954
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017