October 6, 1952 Ron. Allan Shivers Opinion lo. V-1530 Governor of Texas Austin, Texas Re: Legality of using funds ap- proprlated to the Executive Department for out-of-State scholarship aid to students attending schools other than those participating in the Southern Regional Education Dear Governor Shivers: Compact. Your request for an opinion of this office reads as follows: "The Southern Regional Education Compact was approved~by the 52nd Legislature, and at that time the State of Texas became a party to the compact. Senate Bill 405, Acts, 52nd Legislature, R. S., 1951, chapter 331, page 567. This compact relates to the development and maintenance of regional educational serv- ices and schools in the southern States In the professional.,technological, scientific, literary, and other fields, and provides for the establishment of schools to be utilized on a regional basis by the States which are parties to the compact. The compact was signed by the Governors of Florida, Maryland, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Mlaslasippl, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, Horth Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma and West Virginia. "In the General Appropriation Bill the following appropriation is made to the Rxecu- tive Department: *'There is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys In the State Treas- ury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of One Hundred and Ten Thousand , - Hon. Allan Shivers, page 2 (V-1530) Dollars ($110,000) for the fiscal. year beginning September 1, 1951, and the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) for the fiscal year beglnnlng September 1, 1952, to be expended for partlcipa- tlon by this State in the educational program under the Southern Regional Educational Compact administered by the Board of Control for Southern Re- gional Education, and for out-of- State scholarship aid. The moneys herein appropriated shall be admin- istered by the Governor. The Governor may delegate to such State agency or agencies of higher education as he may determine the administration of any part or parts of this appropria- tion for out-of-State scholarship aid.' House Bill 426, Acts 52nd Leg., R. S. 1951, chap. 499, p. 1228 at page 1332. "The Board of Directors of Texas Southern University has been delegated the administration of the appropriation which is quoted above. In making the allocations for operation under the Southern Regional Com- pact, it was stated in a letter from the Budget Division of the Executive Department to the President of Texas Southern University that "'There may be some need for this money for out-of-State scholarship aid for students other than those who apply to you. If such applications should be filed, they would be handled in the regular manner.' "In previous years there was an appro- priation made to the Texas Southern University for out-of-State aid which was used for pro- viding out,-of-Statescholarships for those students who desired to attend schools in States other than Texas. House Bill 319, Acts 5lst Leg., R. S. 1949, Ch. 319, p. 1133, at page 1146. . Ron. Allan Shivers, page 3 (V-1530) "A altuatlon has now arlaen concerning a student who desires out-of-State aid to attend a school in a State other than those which are signers to the Regional Education Compact. In past years the funds necessary to provide for this out-of-State education would have come from the out-of-State aid appropriated to the Texas Southern University. *Is it your opinion that the approprla- tion to the Executive Department contained In House Bl,ll 426, Acts 52nd Legislature, 1951, was for the purpose of the partlclpa- tion of the State of Texas in the Southern Regional Education Compact as well as to continue the out-of-State aid which has been provided for in past years? Further, if your answer Is in the affirmative, may the funds appropriated for out-of-State scholarships be used to send students to schools other than those established under or Included In the Southern Regional Educa- tion Compact or in a State which is a party to that compact?" As stated above, the State of Texas became a party to the Southern Regional Rducatlon Compact In 1951. S. B. 405, Acts 52nd Leg., supra; Art. 2919d, V.C.S. Sec- tion 2 of Senate Bill 405 recites the terms of the Re- gional Compact, among which is Included the following: *Bach State agrees that, vhen authorized by the Legislature, It will from time to time make available and pay over to said Board Board of Control for Southern Regional Bduca- tion7 such funds as may be required for the est~bllshment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of such regional educational Institutions as may be authorized by the States under the terms of this Compact, the contribution of each State at all times to be in the proportion that its population bears to the total combined population of the States who are parties hereto as shown from time to time by the most recept official published report of the Bureau of the Census of the United States of America: or upon such other basis as may be agreed upon." Hon. Allan Shivers, page 4 (V-1530) Section 4 provides that the State of Texas shall be represented by the Governor In all matters concerning the regional program, and that he shall have all powers necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Compact. The Legislature which approved this Regional Compact also appropriated funds to be administered by the Governor for this State's current biennial support of that regional program. Article III of R. B. 426, Acts 52nd Leg., R. S. 1951, ch. 499, at p. 1332, a por- tion of which la recited hereinabove. The Immediate provision following that appropriation reads as followsn *Payments for tuition and other academic fees out of the moneys allocated from this appropriation by the Governor for out-of-State scholarship aid, may be made directly to the colleges or universities. Payments of the moneys allocated from this appropriation by the Governor for the regional education pro- gram purposes may be made directly to the colleges or universities approved by the Board of Control for Southern Regional Educa- tion or directly to said Board. Ho person who has been a resident of this State for less than six (6) years shall be entitled to receive the benefits of the money herein appropriated: and no payment shall be made in behalf of or for the benefit of any such person." In this appropriation to the Executive Depart- ment, it Is specifically provided that the sums therein appropriated ,shall be expended for the educational pro- gram under the Southern Regional Bducatlon Compact, *a+ for out-of-State scholarship aid." Further, the Gover- nor is therein authorized to allocate a portion of the appropriation *for out-of-State scholarship aid" and a portion for *the regional education program purposes." It is observed, further, that prior to the 52nd Legislature's adoption of the Regional Education Compact, the 51st and previous Legislatures provided appropriations biennially for out-of-State aid. PI,B. 319, Acts 51st Leg., R. S. 1949, ch. 584, at pp. 1146, 1157. The General Provisions of House Bill
319, supra, provided: . _. Hon. Allan Shivers, page 5 (V-1530) "Subsection (26). The amounts appro- priated for Out-of-State Scholarship Aid to the Texas State University for Negroes for each year of the biennium shall be used as scholarship aid to qualified negro students who have been residents of Texas more than eight (8) years for graduate or professional study In approved colleges or unlversitiea outside of Texas until such time, In the biennium, as State collages or universities for negro students offer programs considered by the Board of Directors of the Texas State University for Regroes as equivalent to those In Institutions for white students; the out-of-State schools to be approved by, and the students to be selected by the Directors of the Texas State University for Begroes ." (The present name of the college is Texas Southern Unlverelty, Art. 2643f, V.C.S.) We find no provision In House Bill
426, supra, concerning the current appropriation for such out-of- State aid, which requires that the sum which is allocated for out-of-State scholarship aid shall be expended only for scholarships In the colleges or universities of those States which are parties to the Regional Education Com- pact. In the light of previous legislation concerning such aid appropriations, we think the 52nd Lsglslature*s purpose In House Bill 426 was to provide lump sum appro- priations to cover the separate purposes for which It speclflcally provided the funds should be allocated. The Legislature did not therein expressly limit nor in our opinion did It intend to limit geographically the use of such scholarship funds to any certain out-of-State colleges or unlversitles. Accordingly, it 1s the opinion of this office that the appropriation to the Rxecutive Department con- tained In House Bill
426, supra, was for the purpose of participation of the State in the Southern Regional Education Compact as well as to continue the out-of-State scholarship aid provided for in past years. Further, there Is no requirement in Rouse Bill 426 that the funds appropriated and allocated for out-of-State scholarship aid may be expended,only to colleges or universities established under the Compact or geographically located In a State which is a party to that Compact. Hon. Allan Shivers, page 6 (V-1530) SUMIURY The appropriation to the Executive De- partment contained In House Bill 426, 52nd WT.3 R.S. 1951, ch. 499, p. 1228, at page 1332, was for the purpose of participation of the State In the Southern Regional Educa- tion Compact as well as to continue for out- of-State scholarship aid provided for in past years. House Bill
426, supra, contains no re- quirement that the funds appropriated and allocated thereunder for out-of-State scholarship aid may be expended only to colleges or universities established under the Southern Regional Education Compact or geographically located in a State which Is a party to that Compact. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DMIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affairs Division Mark K. Wall Assistant Reviewing Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant BJmm
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1530
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017