Hon. J. W. Edgar Opinion No. v-1458 Commissioner of Education Texas Education Agency Re: Method to determine the Austin, Texas amount assigned to be raised by a county-line school district toward financing its foundation Dear Sir: school program. We refer to yo'urrequest for an opinion of this office concerning the method ,used by the Texas Ed~ucationAgency to determine the amo,untassigned or charged to a county-line school district under the Foundation School Program Act (Art. 2922-16, Sec. 5, V.C,S.) toward financing its foundation school program. Yo~u state that the Megargel Independent School District, a county-line district comprising adjoining territory of parts of Archer, Baylor, Throck- morton, and Young Counties, has q,uestionedyour method of determining the local fund assignment for such dis- trict, and contends that it is entitled to an adjust- ment on such assignment under the adj,ustmentproviso of Section 5 of Article 2922-16. Article 2922-16, V.C.S., provides in part as follows: “Sec. 2. The s'umof the amounts to be charged annually against the local school districts of the State toward such Founda- tion School Program shall be . . . ($45,000,000). The State Commissioner of Education, subject to the approval of the State Board of Education, shall assign each school district according to its taxpaying ability, its proportionate part of such a . . ($45,000,000) to be raised locally and applied towards the financing of its minimum foundation school program. "Sec. 4. The State Commissioner of Ed,ucationshall calculate and determine the total sum of local funds that the school districts of a county shall be assigned to contribute . . 0 by multiplying D . . . . Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (V-1458) ($45,000,000) by the economic index Fee Sec. 37 determined for each county. The product shall be regarded as the local funds available in each respective county toward the support of the Foundation School Pro- gram, and shal.1be used in calculating the portion of said amount which shall be as- signed to each school district in the coun- ty. "Sec. 5. The State Commissioner of Edu- cation shall determine the amount of local funds to be charged to each school district and used therein toward the support of the Foundation School Program, which amount shall be calculated as follows: "Divide the state and county assessed valuation of all property in the county sub- ject to school district taxation for the next preceding school year into the State and county assessed valuation of the district for the next preceding school year, find- ing the district's percentage of the county valuation. Multiply the district's percent- age of the county valuation by the amount of funds assigned to all of the districts in the county. The prod,uctshall be the amount of local funds that the district shall be assigned to raise. 0 . . "The sum of the amounts assigned to the several portions of a county-line school dis- trict shall be the amo,untassigned to be raised by such district toward the fitanc- ing of its foundation school program. But Section
5, supra, ,further provides for an adjustment of the amount assigned to any dis- trict, calculated in accordance with the prescribed formula, when the amount that the district can raise from its statutory maximum local maintenance tax is less than the amount that is assigned to the school district. This adj,ustmentproviso reads as follows: "Provided that if the revenue that would be derived from the legal maximum Hon. J. WC Edgar, page 3 (v-1458) local maintenance school tax is les,sthan the amo~untthat is assigned to a school district . . and if s,uchproperty valua- tion is not 1;;s than said property Is valued for State and county purposes, such lesser amount shall be the amount assigned to be raised by such school district." In the determination of the 1951-52 local fund assignment for the Megargel Independent Dis- trict (a county-line school district), the State Com- missioner outlines as below the method followed in arriving at $17,052.22 to be its proper assignment. State and Co,untyvalues State and County values for for 1950 certified to by that part of the Megargel County Assessor as follows: district situated in: Archer County Archer County Baylor County Throckmorton County %``~%``yCounty Yo,ungCounty Total State and County values for the Megargel Dis- trict $1,558,228 Economic Index figure Per cent of State and County for each County for the values of the territory of the 1951-52 school year: Megargel district in: Archer County .00414 Archer County 6.982% Baylor County .00133 Baylor County 5.456% Throckmorton County .00177 Throckmorton County .375$ Young County .00258 Young County .414$ Local Fund Assignment for each Co,unty: Archer County .00414 x $45,000,000 q $186,300.00 Baylor County .00133 x 45,000,000 q Throckmorton County .00177 x 45,000,000 q Yo,ungCo,unty .00258 x 45,000,000 q Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (v-1458) Amount of Local Fund Assignment of each County assigned to Megargel district: Archer County .o6982 x $186,300.00 = $l;,;;;.;$ Baylor County .05456 x 59,850.OO q Throckmorton County .00375 x 79,650.OO = ‘$29 Yo,ungCounty a00414 x 116,100.OO = . Total Local Funds Assigned to Megargel District $17,052.22 With these figures and facts, you have sub- mitted the following questions: "1. Is our method of determining the local fund assignment for the Megargel County Line Independent School District correct? “2 . If the above question is answered in the affirmative, is the Megargel County Line Independent School District entitled to an adjustment sunderthe above-g~uotedadjust- ment provision of the statute? The calculations evidence that the Commis- sioner has determined first the assignments of the four co,untyportions situated in the Megargel county-line district. These four assignments are based on State and co,untyvaluations certified to the Commissioner by the County Tax Assessor-Collector for the county wherein the area and taxable property rests. The county-line provision of Section 5 requires that the amounts assigned to the several portions of a county- line school district shall be the amount assigned to be raised by such district. In answer to yo'urfirst question, it Is our opinion that the method employed in determining the local fund assignment for the Megargel County-Line Independent School District is correct. The Commis- sioner has properly determined the statutory formula assignment of the Megargel district by adding the amounts assigned to the several portions of the county- line district. The use of the adjustment proviso in Section 5 does not enter into the comp,utationsto determine the formula-prescribed assignment or charge against a school district. The adjustment proviso has application only Hon. J, W. Edgar, page 5 (v-1458) after the ,assignmentof the district :(whethera county- line district or a district lying wholly within one county) has been determined in accordance with the statutory formula. If the revenue which would be de- rived from the legal maximum local maintenance school tax is less thanthe amount which is assigned to a schoolsdistrict under the,statutory formula, the ad- justment proviso requires that such lesser amount shall be the amount assigned to be raised if the district valuation Is not less than the State and county valua- tion. Relating to matters concerning your second question, we quote from your letter as follows: 'In determining whether a district was entitled to an adjustment under the above- quoted adjustment provision of the statute, we multiplied the total State and co,untyvalua- tion of the district by the legal maximum maintenance'tax rate for the district. In determining the legal maximum maintenance tax rate of the district, we determined what tax rate (on school district valuations, rather than State and county) was necessary to service the bonded indebtedness, and sub- tracted such amount from the maximum tax rate authorized by law whether or not the maximum rate was levied by the district. "For example, a tax of $0.2484 on the $100 valuation (school district) was needed to service the bonded indebtedness of the Megargel district. The maximum tax rate au- thorized by law for .theMegargel district is $1.50 on the $100 valuation. Thus. the leg&maximum maintenance ‘tax rate for the district is $1.2516 on the $100 valuation. Multiplying this amount times the total as- sessed valuation (State and county) for the district, we determined that the district could raise $19,502.78, which was more than the local fund assignment of $17,052.22 and did not entitle the district to an aajust- ment under the above-quoted stahtory pro- vision." The Megargel Co,unty-LineIndependent School District has its own district tax assessor, as permitted Hone J. W. Edgar, page 6 (``-1458) in Article 2791, V.C.S. In round figures, the prop- erties in the Megargel district are assessed for independent school district tax purposes at approxi- mately $2,5OO,OOO; for State and county purposes, at $1,500,000. In Article 2784e, V.C.S., the Legislature has fixed the legal maximum maintenance tax which an independent district like the Megargel district may levy. Generally, Article 2784e permits the voting and levying of a maximum local tax of $1.50 on the $100 valuation to cover both bond and maintenance (school operation) purposes. However, not exceeding 506 of that$l*50 maximum rate may be voted for bond purposes. Thus, if a district has no bonded indebtedness to serv- ice, its maximum tax for maintenance (operational) pur- poses could be $1.50. But the State Commissioner found that the Megargel district has a bonded indebtedness, and that it would take $0.2484 of a maximum $1.50 tax rate based on the district's valuations to service the bonds for the 1951-52 period. Therefore, for the purpose of concluding whether the Megargel district was entitled to.a benefit permitted under the adjust- ment proviso of Section 5 of Article 2922-16, he de- termined that the taxpaying ability of the district as a whole was $1.2516 on the $100 valuations of the district, because only $1.2516 on said $100 valuations could be raised and used by the district for mainte- nance, or for the support of its foundation school program. This maximum maintenance rate when applied to State and county valuations for the district as a whole shows that the Megargel district could raise for its foundation school program $19,502.78. This amount being what the district could legally raise for maintenance purposes on the basis of the State and county valuations, and it being a sum greater than $17,052.22, the local fund assessment determined fork the Megargel district, the Commissioner found that the district is not entitled to an adjustment of its as- sessment under the adjustment proviso of Article 2g22-16 o The method of determlning the amount which a SChOOl district when considered as a single Unit could raise by levying the maximum local maintenance tax rate has not been questioned, and the propriety of the method used by the Commissioner has not been given study in this opinion. Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 7 (V-1458) The Megargel districtss objection to this method of ascertaining its eligibility for an adjust- ment is stated in the following excerpt from your letter: "The Megargel County-Line Independent School District contends that each portion of the district situated in a separate coun- ty should be considered independently. In other words, a district might get credit under the adjustment provision of the law in one county and not be eligible for such credit in one of the other counties; that is, the assignment might be less in one of the coun- ties than the exception would provide. There- fore, you would assign the lesser amount. In the other county, however, the reverse would be true and the exception would be approved for that portion of the district." The purpose of the proviso is to except cer- tain districts from the provision for a local fund as- signment determined in accordance with the statutory formula. It is clearly designed to afford relief to a "school district," not to a segment or portion of a school district, for it embraces tax revenues of an entire district and has no concern with areas. We agree with your interpretation that the adjustment proviso applies to the district as a whole. Accord- ingly, it is proper to consider the total valuations for the entire district rather than the portion of the valuations in each county separately In determin- ing whether a county-line district is entitled to an adjustment in its local fund assignment. SUMMARY In computing the revenue which would be derived from the legal maximum local maintenance school tax for a county-line school district in order to determine whether Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 8 (v-1458) the district is entitled to an adjust- ment in its local fund assignment under Paragraph 3 of Section 5, Article 2922-16, V.C,S. (Foundation School Program Act), the State Commissioner of Education sho,uld consider the combined valuations of the district as a whole and should grant or refuse an adjustment on that basis rather than on the basis of whether each portion situated in a separate county, If con- sidered independently, would be entitled to an adj,ustment. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affairs Division Mary K. Wall Reviewing Assistant Chester E. Ollison Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant CEO:mh
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1458
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017