December 19, 1951 Hon. Sam Lee Opfnion NO. v-1378 Coimty Attorney Brazorla County Rer Which county haa venue la Angleton,s Texae a hot check crlmlnal prose- _. cution uhim a check Is drawn In on8 county upon a bank In that county and Is . mall8a from that county to a payee locatsd In another Dqar Sir: c ountg . You have requested an opinion of this office based in part on the follovlng fact situation: "'A ’ would’ vrLt.8 E check. ir ,ba1V8S- ton Coumtp, Texas; the check would b8 . 111td18din calV8StOn oOUUty,aIId WFitt8tI on a Oalveeton Coimty beak. The ch8ck would be placed la a8 elWeloQ6 a~nd aa- dr8888d to a p8reOlI~ln Brazorla couatg and the BratorI& County recipient of the FQ8ck WOUld 8ndOrfl8 the Bam8;plCW8 it in on8 of the &azOrla COUdy bank8 for COll8CtiOn, and UpOn being retUl'l8d t0 +he Oafvexstvn Countybank the check .would either be iTlEtZ'k8d'iENffiCl8llt funds or no such account, and the cd- ciplent of the check In Brazorla County would present hlms&lf to my office to file a hot check camplaint after having given due notice." Your qU8BtiOi with regard t0 the88 facts 18, *Does venue 118 In Brazorla County for purposes of crlm- inal. pFO88CUtiOn under the hot check law of Texas?" S8CtiOn(q of Article 567’b, Y.P.C., was amend- ti 8d by HOUS Bill 403, Acta 521~3 hagiSlatUr8, R.S. 1951, ch. 305, p. 496; to mad as followsi *It'shall b8 unlawful for any per- son to procure any article or thing of va 1U8, or to secure poseesalon of any Hon. Sam b8, page 2 (v-137tl) personal property to which a lien haa attached, or to make payment of any pre- existing debt or other obligation of what- ao8ver form or natW8, or for any other purpose t0 make or draw or Utter or de- liver, with Intent to defraud, any check, draft or brder, for the payment of money, upon any bank, person, firm or corpora- tion, knowing at the time of such making, drawing, uttering or delivering, that the maker, 07 drawer, has not sufficient funda In, or on deposit with, such bank, person, firm or aorporatlon, for the payment of such check, draft or order, ln full, ana all Other checks, draft8 or order8 upon such&unda then outstanding." l8ith8r the original or amended act has epeclflc venue provisions. Therefore, V8nU8 18 COn- trolled by Article 211, V.C.C.P., which states, 'If Venue 18 not specifically stated, the proper county for the proeeoutlon of offenses Is that In which the offense wa8 committed." The offenses deecrlbed in 8eCtiOn (l), au ra, are the makln2 Urawiw uttering or clellverln~ * intent t0 d8 aUd; any dheck, drait or Order payment of mOn8y . . .l -In Jones v. State,
226 S.W. 26437 (Tex. Crlm. 1950), Vhlch Involves a construc- tion of Article 567b,V.P.C., prior to the amendment here in question, the court said at page 442: "The judgment and sentence are re- formed so aa to state the offense aa ob- talnlng money with intent to defraud by a check in.!the amOUnt of 50 or hout aufflclent funds.' tEmpha- 818 added." We think this holding la applicable to the present statute, and that It clearly indicate8 that the gist Of the Off8n88 Committed 18 the “draWi@ with intent tcj defraud. In the Jones case, venue was In the county where th8 offensecharged, b drawin g, took place. In the the fact situation presented y you venue would lie in Galveston County if the proof adduced at the trial sup- ported a mak;n& or drawing of the check in Galveeton Hon. Sam Lee, page 3 (V-W@) County coupled with proof of Intent to defraud es re- quired by the statute. Similarly, the venue would 118 in &'aZOria .cOUIltyif the proof adduced at the upon the Offense that Is prOV8d Where different of- fenses are COURUitt8d in diff8X'ent COWti8fl; .although they are all phaEi88 Of one.traneaCtiOn. Your recond question is: "If a person makes payment of child support, as~providsd~ln the decree of di- vorcement, by making, uttering and dellver- ing with Intent to defraud a check for the pagment of the same, does such a check come within the purview of the hot check law of Texas?' The portion of Section (l), BU ra which reads *or to make payment of any pre-existing%' de t or other obligation of;whatsoever form or nature, or for any other purpose. . . covers, In our opinion, the giving of a hot check" for child support payment if the other statu- tory requisites are present. SUMMARY The "Hot Check Law", Art. 567b,V.PX., makes.no provision as to venue for trial of the offenses defined. Under Article 211, V.C.C.P., the general venue statute, venue lies in the county'in which the of- fense of making, drawing, uttering, or delivering of the "hot check" takes place. If more than one Of the defined OffenS occurs, and in different counties, as phases of on8 transaction, V8nU8 lies in any On8 of th8 counties, provided that the proof adduced was of the Offense conjmitted in the given county. The other statutory requisites being present, the glvlng of a "hot check" for a 408 Hon. Sam Lee, page 4 (V-13781 child support by Art. 567b,V.P.C . Yours ver; tiuly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIiXL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affaixla Division ChPrles D. Mathews First Assistant BW,EWT:mb Aaslatants .
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1378
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017