Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  • Hon. J. M. Falkner          opinionNO. v-1.281
    L?epsrtmentof Banking       Re: Legalityof placingthe en-
    Austin,Texas                     dowM?nt funas of a p=P-=tua1
    XXE cemeterywith a bank
    situatedoutsidethe home
    countr of the cemeterya880-
    Dear Mr.'~Falkner:               ciation.
    Your letterrequestingour opinion reads In part as
    'ThisDepartmentseveralweeks ago advisedthe
    above captionedcemeteryassociation,which is a per-
    petual cars cenr?tery,
    that since there is no trust
    cosqanywithin the countywherein it is situatedthat
    it would be requiredto place the endonnentfund with
    a Board of Trusteescomposedof three or more persons,
    no two of the trusteesof which shall be directorsof
    the association,under Section 15 of the perpetual
    care cemeteryact (Art. gl2a-15,V.C.S.). The asso-
    ciationhas entrustedthis fund to the First National
    Bank of Beaumont,outsidethe home county of the asso-
    ciation. This Departmentconstruedthe statuteas re-
    quiringby necessaryimplicationthat in all events
    such fiduciaryshouldbe within the county of the ceme-
    ". . .
    ". . . Please advise us as to your construction
    of Section15."
    The pertinentpart of Article gl2a-15,Vernon'sCivil
    Statutes,which is to be construed,Is as follows:
    'Everycemeteryassociationor municipalityor
    other politicalsubdivisionwhich has establishedand
    is now maintaining,operatingma/or   conducti a per-
    petual care cemetery,and every associationwhich shall
    hereafterestablish,maintain,operate and/or conduct,
    a peFpetua1care cemeterywithin this State pursuantto
    this Act, shall establishwith a trust companyor a
    Hon. J.   M.   Palkner,Page 2   (v-1281)
    bank with trust powers,no tvo (2) of the directorsof
    which shallbe directorsof the cemeteryassociation
    for the benefitof which such fund is established,an
    endowmentfund of which the incomeonly csn be used for
    the generalperpetualcare of its cemeteryand to place
    its cemeteryunder perpetualcare; providedhowsver,
    that if there is no trust companyor bank with trust
    powers, qualifiedand willing to accept such trust
    funds at the regularfees established.by the Texas
    Trust Act, locatedwithin the countywithin which such
    cemeteryassociation,municipalityor other political
    subdivisic;,is located,then and only then, such en-
    dowmentfund may be establishedwith a Board of TNS-
    tees composedof three (3) or more persons,no two (2)
    of the trusteesof which shall be directorsof such
    cemeteryassociation. . . .(t
    One of the primaryrules governingstatutoryconstruc-
    tion is that there is no room for construction when the law is
    expressedin plain and unambiguouslanguageand its meaning is
    clear and obvious,in which case the law will be appliedand en-
    forced as it reads. Gilmorev. Waples,108 Tex. 167, 
    188 S.W. 1037
    (1916). Applyingthis rule to the foregoingstatute,we
    find nothing in the wording of the statutewhich requiresthat
    perpetualcare trust funds be depositedonly in a trust company
    or bank having trust powers in the county in which the cemetery
    associationis located.
    Articlegl2a-15was codifiedfrom Section15 of House
    Bill 46, Acts 49th Leg., 1945, ch. 340, p. 559. This Section
    as originallyadoptedby the Legislaturedid not requirethat
    the trust companyor bank in which perpetualcare funds were de-
    positedbe locatedwithin the county in which the cemeteryasso-
    ciationis located. This Sectionwas amendedby the Fiftieth
    Legislaturein 1947 (LB. 98, Acts 50th Leg., ch. 210, p. 372)
    so as to provide "that if there is no trust companyor bank with
    trust powers, qualifiedand willing to accept such tNSt funds
    at the regularfees establishesby the Texas Trust Act, located
    within the countywithin which such cemeteryassociation,munici-
    pality or other politicalsubdivisionis located,then and only
    then, such endowmentfund may be establishedwith a Board of
    Trustees composedof three (3) or more persons,no two (2) of the
    trusteesof which shallbe directorsof such cemeteryassociation."
    We find no expressionin this Sectionas originallyen-
    acted or as amendedindicatingan intentionon the part of the
    Legislatureto requirethat perpetualcare funds be deposited
    only in a trust companyor bank with trust powers locatedwithin
    the county in which the cemeteryassociationis located. It is
    .   .
    Hon. J. M. Falkner,Page 3   (v-1281)
    the opinionof this officethat the act of the cemeteryasso-
    ciation in entrustingthe endowmentfund to the First National
    Bank of Beaumont,outsidethe home county of the association,
    IS within its legal authority.
    Under Articlegl2a-15,V.C.S., a perpetualcare
    cemeteryassociationis authorizedto deposit its
    tNSt  funds with B tNst Colnpany Or bank hENing tNSt
    powers cstsidethe countywherein such associationis
    yours very truly,
    Attorney General
    Everett Hutchinson
    Charles D. Mathews
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1281

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017