Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  •                        .~i%.pe
    Hon. John B. Stapleton   `` 'OpinionNo, V-1194
    District Attorney
    110th Judicial ,Dist,rict5 :,URes,Authority of the county
    Floydada, Texas                   boarclof school trustees
    to consolidate certain
    ,' elementary school dis-
    '. tricts withina rural,
    '..highschool district
    ~.                    .:,:tary
    We refer to your opinion request conc'erningthe
    autborlty ~ofa county school board acting untler;Article
    .2922-18 or ?922f, V,C,S., to'.consolidate certain elemen-
    tary school districts within a rural highhschool,district
    elementary districts under these-submitted
    facts:                                             :.
    :?Under'the provisions of Arts. 2922a
    and 2922c;V.C.S., on Aug~ust21, 1946,. the ~'*
    .~CountyBoard of School Trustees of'Floyd
    County established the Lbckney Rural High
    ;.SchoolDistriqt.No.A,,bygrouping the fol-
    -1owing'comiuon'school districts, viz~.: Lock-
    Y'ney,.No.A, Ramsey No'.2Ts Pleasant Valley
    ~'No.2, Irick No. 1, Prairie.Chapel,No.25,
    and~SterlegNo. 30, .Mo school of any sort,
    .:elementary or..otherwise,,has been operated
    in any of these elementary districts, ex-
    :~;cepttheLocUeyCommon School District Ro.
    .~ A, since``thescholastic year 1946-19470.Dur-
    ing ally.of,$&isperiod all of.the students of
    all grades, both elementary and~high school,
    of all of the component elementary districts
    have.attended the.school operated in the said
    Lockney ConsnonSchool District No. A, which
    school has beenunder,the control a~ndmanage-.
    mentof the Board of Trustees of ;he Lockney
    Rural lIighSchool District Ro. A.
    More specifically;your questions are in sub-
    stance as follows:
    Hon. John B. Stapleton, page'2   (V-1194)
    Does the Gllmer-Alkin "dormant school"
    statute, Article 2922-18,V.C.S. (S.B. 115
    Acts 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, ch. 334, p. 6251,
    authorize or empower the Floyd County School
    Board to consolidateelementary school dls-
    trlcts within a rural high school district
    wlth a contiguous elementarydistrict in the
    rural high school district under the submit-
    ted facts?
    Rnder Article 2922f, V.C.S., as amended,
    may the Floyd County School Board consolidate'
    the five elementary school districts (Ramsey
    No. 27, Pleasant Valley No. 2, Irick No: 1,
    Prairie Chapel No. 25, Sterley No. 30) with
    the remaining contiguouselementary school
    district (LockneyNo. A) in the Lockney Rural
    High School.District No. A, under the submlt-
    ted facts?
    You state that the Lockney Rural High School
    Dlstrict~was created by the grouping of six common school
    districts under the provislons of Articles 2922a and
    2922c, V.C.S. Article 2922b provides that a rural high
    school district so formed shal.1be classifiedas a com-
    mon school district and, further, that the districts
    composing the rural high school Bistrlct ohaJ.1thereafter
    be referred to as elementary school districts* Thus the
    six named districts became component elementary districts
    comprising one rural high school district. Rural HZ&h
    School Dist. No. 5 of Handera County v. Indenendent S%hool
    bist., 207 S w 2 661 (Tex.Civ.App.1947 error ref n.r.e.);
    me    ex rel':Loie v. Cadenhead, 129 S.WlZd 743 (Te;.Clv.
    -39,       erxor ref.).
    Rural high school districts thus formed are con-
    trolled and managed by a single board of trustees. Art.
    *-2922eand Art. 2774a, Sec. 4, V.C.S. The several boards
    &f~trustees of the common school districts were replaced
    by the rural high school district board which governs the
    elementary and the high schools of the entire district.
    v. Mauldln, 
    32 S.W.2d 235
    ard of S~ZioolTrustees v.~Wilson, 
    5 S.W.2d 805
               pp. 1928). Rural high school distrlcta are au-
    thorlzed, upon elections for those purposes, to assume
    outstandingindebtednesses of the various component dls-
    trlcts and to levy uniform taxes throughout the rural high
    school district. Arts. 292211and 29221, V.C.S.
    .,,.,,...,   <,._&,.       “,
    .   .
    Hon. John B. Stapleton, page 3                                 (V-3194,) ``'~:
    One need only to~consfder:the provisions of
    Article 2g22-L81,V.G,S,,to dete~rmine.whether  "dormant
    school district' as defined therein includes elementary
    school districts,Vh%ch~are,component.parts -of an active
    rural high school dfstrict. Th&t .arttfcledefines a
    dormant district as            '.
    D 0 * any school dfstrIct that falls, for
    any two (2) successive years subsequent to
    1946-1947 school'year, to operate a school
    in the disLM.ct for the race havfng the
    greater number of eircaerated~
    in the .district,'
    The article provides that ihe~c~ountyboard of trustees
    shall consolidatepeach aormant~districtwfth an aajoin-
    ing district and ~thatthe board of~trusteesfor ,theais-
    trict with -crhich
    thedomnt    district is consolidated
    shall be the board of trustees for the new district, It
    further malcesprovision for an electfon for the assump-
    tion:of outstandingbonds bythe ~consolidateddistrict
    Lanafor.the.Levylng.oftaxesti~.~ ~.``
    ~2.C.onsider& Artfcie '2922%i8in its entirety we
    are of the opinion &at the term~!'school  district" as'used
    therein~refers~to common or fnd~ependent school districts.
    Att'y Gen, .Op..,V-856(1949).~ It.was -notintendea~to em-
    brace ~individualelementary school ,afstr&ts which are
    partof an acteve rural high school~districtand which,
    therefore, are not under management separate from that of
    the rural~high school dfst.rict. Tineprovisions of Arti-
    cle ~292248relatfng to the transfer of management and to
    the~assumptfonof bonded~indebtednessesand the levying of
    taxes are inconsfstent with the"schemeof control provided
    In Articles 2922a--29221. for elementary districts'which
    are.partof an activerural high,school district.
    .~                                                  :
    (   :   ‘-
    The lastparagraph of Art,icle2922-M reads:
    ~, .~   .,
    ‘~ ~:.,    ,,.              ;i:
    ."Theprovisions~herelnfor the consolida-
    tion of school aistricts~by order of the County ':
    ;I Board of Trusteesshall be applfcsble only Ln
    the instances aaa circvanatances'herein
    and shall not Abe construea~-to
    repeal,.supersede :
    ~orlimit any existin~gstatute providing other   :
    methods for school distrFc$ corisoliaation and ~.;..
    annexationa1'                                  ,
    The cons&&tion'&    have placed cm'ArtIclo 2922-18 accords
    with the intendment expressed in t.hisparagraph,
    Ron. John B. Stapleton, page 4   (V-1194)
    Therefore, in answer to your first question, it
    is our opinion that Article,2gZ+18 has no application to
    elementary districts within an active rural high school
    district, even though no school has been operated in the
    elementarv district for tvo. succeesivs ysars. If no
    school had been operated in the entire rural high school.
    district for the period of time set out in Article 2922-
    18, that statute tight have application. Kowever, it is
    not necessary to decide that point under the facts you
    have submlttsd, and we express no opinion on it.
    In connectionrrlththe second question stated
    herein, Article 2922f, V.C.S., as amended (H.B. 53, Acts
    51st ~Lq., R.S. 1949, ch. 52, p. 86),,provides in part as
    “The county board of school trustees
    ``shall-not have the authority to abolish or
    consolidateany elementary school tiistrict.
    already established except ~uponthe vote of
    ‘~8majority of the qualified electors resid-
    zingin such elementary district;~pro~idod,
    however, that when any elementary s$hooZ
    district fails to have an average daily at-
    tenclancethe preceding scholasticyear in
    the school or schools within said district
    of at least twenty pupils, it may be discon-
    tinued by the board of trustees of the rural
    ligh school.district and said district may
    be abolished by the county board of school
    trustees and.consolidatedby said county
    board with another contiguouselementary
    school district, a.ndsaid consolidation
    shall be for all purposes, and said con-
    s,olidateddistrict shall be consideredas
    one elementary school district, . . .e
    .-       The submittea facts state that no school of any
    sort has been operated in any of the elementary.&ktricts
    of the Lookney Rural High School Mstrict No. A, except
    the Lockney elementary district, since the scholastic year
    1946-1947. ,Presumably,in accordance with Article 2922P,
    the schools which might have been operate& in the other
    five el.ementarydistricts In the 1946-1947 year were dls-~
    continued by the board of trustees of the rural high SchoOl
    district. CLearly, there has been no school operated in
    these five districts during the last three scholastic years.
    Under the twenty-pupilproviso of Article 2922f,
    ai amenaea, the county board of trustees is authorized to
    .   .   .
    Hon. John B. Stapleton, page 5   (V-1194)
    abolish and consolidate an elementary district or districts
    where the board of trustees of the rural high school dis-
    trict has discontinued the operation of a school within
    the elementary district or districts which failed to have
    .~a-daily average attendance of atleast twenty pupils the
    preceding scholastic year. The county school board may
    consolidate such an elementary district or districts with
    another elementary distrrct within the rural high school
    district. Article 2922f, as amended, expressly so pro-
    vide.s. Under the facts s'cated,there were no schools
    operated during the scholastic years of 1947-194-8,194.8-
    1949, and l$%g-1950 in five of the elementary districts.
    Accordingly, we are in agreement with your opin-
    ion that under Article 2922f, as amended, the Floyd County
    Board of School.Trusteeshas the authority to abolish the
    following elementary school districts within the Lockney
    Rural High School District and to consolidate them with
    the'contiguousremaining elementary district for all pur-
    poses: Ramsey No. 27, PleasantValley No. 2, Irick No. 1,
    Prairie Chapel No. 25, Sterlny No. 30.
    Article 2922-18, V.C.S, has no applica-
    tion to elementary school~districts'within an
    active rural high school district, even though
    no school has been ooerated in the elementarv
    district for two successiveyears. Att'y~Gen.
    OP. V-856   (1949).~
    W-i&e the board of trustees of a rural
    Ngh.sChool district has discontinued the
    operation of schools within a component ele-
    mentary school district upon failure to have
    an average daily attendance of at least twenty
    pupils the preceding scholastic,year, the coun-
    .I  ty board of school trustees has the authority,
    without an election, to abolish the elementary
    *' school district and to consolidateit with
    another contiguous elementary dfstric'twithin
    the rural high school district. Art. 2922f,
    APPROVED:*                         Yours very truly,
    J. C~.Davis, Jr.                     PRICE DANIEL
    County Affairs Division            Attorney General
    Jesse P. Luton, Jr.
    Reviewing Assistant
    Charles D; Mathews
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1194

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017