AUHTIN 11.Txcxas PRICE DANIEL .mTORNEY OENERAL : July 31, 1951 Eon. WIlllam L. Taylor op&on Ro. i-1224 Prosecuting Atiiornej Harrison County Re: Validity of a school Marshall, Texas superintendent ‘4 con- tract with a rural high school district under the clrcumetancee Dear Sir: related. We refer to your requeet for an opinion of this office concerning the va~ldltg or existence of a school superintendent’s contract with a rural high school dis- trict. You state the circumstances in connection there- with, in substance, as follower On March 9, 1951, the trustees of then Hallsvllle Rural High School District met aa a group an& voted at that board meeting to re-elect its superintendent for a two- year pe~lod. The boar& minutes ror that date reflect sqch action. According’ to the echo01 superintendent, he, at that board meeting, accepted by ex- pressing hle appreciation for their consid- eration and thanked them for renewlng his contract. On March 12, the superintendent addressed a letter to the president of the board In vhlch he accepted the job of euper- intendency tendered to him by the action of the board on March 9. *On March 19, the board again held a called meeting and voted not to.elect teach- ers, Including the superintendent, until after the approaching trustee election and the newly elected trusteea took office, and voted to cancel the agreement for a tvo-year contract for the superintendent. Trustee elections were held on April 7, 1951. Art. 2774a, Sec. 4, V.C.S. Hon. William L. Taylor, page 2 (V-1225) The preclre queetlon Involved herein lrr Can and doe8 there exlat a valid oral contract for the school yearn 1951-1952 and 1952-1953 between the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees of the Rallsoille Rural High School DIstrlot under the submitted facts and laws applicable thereto? Article 2922k, V.C.S., ppovldes In pa&r “All rural high schools within a rural high school district herein provided for shall be under the immediate control of the board of school trustees ror such rural high schools, ana such board Of school trustee8 shall be under the control an6 supervision of the county superintendent and county boar& of school trueteerr, and shall be subSect tQ the same Drovialons of law and restrictloa~ that common schools are now subject to, , . .e Dmphesls added.) Accordlne to Bulletin 512 of the Texas Educa- tion Agency for 1950-1951, the Hallevllle Rural High School District Is cl.a8slfled as a common school dfs- trict . Art. 2922b, V.C.S. By virtue of Article 292?k, It Is subject to the saw provlslons of law and restric- tions that common schools are nou subject . Articles 2749, 2750, 2750a-1, ana 2693, V.C.S., insofar as pertinent to teacher contract matterr of CODL- man school dlstrS.cts, apply also to rural high who01 dls- trlcts classified as common echo?1 districts. Att’y Cen. op. O-7009 (1946). Article 2749 provides in part% ‘Said trustees fif a common school Qlr- trlct shall have the menagement ancl oontrol of t d e public schools . . . They ahall have the power to emplo . . . tOaOh8r#; , . . They shall contrac I with teaoherr and manage and supervise the sohools, subject to the ruler and regul.etlona of the county and Stete Superintendents; they shall approve al.1 claims egainet school funds of their district; pro- vided, that the trustees, In making contracts with teachers, shall not create a defloIenoy debt against the dlstrlet .” : Hon. Wllllam L. Tmylor, page 3 (v-1225 j ‘Article 2750 pwiUes in part: : “Tru&eeti of a district shall make oon- tracts with teachers to teach the public schoole of their dlstrlbt, but the’compen- satlon to a teacher, under a written cm- tract ao made, shell be approved by the county superintendent before the school Is te.ught, stating that the teacher will teach such schools for the time ana money specified in the contract. . . .* Article 275O?i-1 provides in part: ‘Trustees of any CommonSchool Mstrlct shall have authority to make contracts ioi ii period of time not in exceee of two (2) geaps with principals, superintendents, and teachers of raid CommonSchool Districts . , . provided that dnch contracts shall be approved by the County Superintendent. No contract may be signed by the Trustees of CommonSchool Dls- tricts . . . until the newly elected trustee or trustees have qualified and taken oath of office .” Article 2593 provides In part: “The county superintendent shall approve all vouchers legally drawn against the school fund pf hie c0unt.y. He shall examine all the b’oiit$acta ‘b&tVe&n tse trustees and teachers of his county, and if, in his judgment, such con- tracts are proper, he shall, approve the same: * povlded, that In considering any contract be- tween a teacher and trustees he shall be au- thorized to consider the amount of salary promised to the teacher. . . .I Under these statutes, written contracts of em- ployment between a common school district and its teach- ore muet be approved by the county superintendent. Hu- morous cases have held that a contract not approved by .’ the county superintendent cannot furnish the basis for an action on the contract Itself, although the parties might havi+ recourse to an action to compel approval of the written contract in a proper case. Thomas v. Taylor,
163 S.W. 129(Tex.Clv.App. 1914, error ref’. J; Potter county
177 S.W. 210(T~x.C~V.APP. V. Buna Indep&dent School Dlst., 46 S.W.2d Hon. William L. Taylor, page 4 (V-1225) App. 1932) ; Mill App. 1933, error 8 accrue to either party before a foz~mal written contract is exe- cutea. In White v, Porter,
78 S.W.2d 287, 290, 291 iT;;‘y;,v .-Ai;ip;a9341 all th e trustees of a cornnon ochoel 0; April 26, 1933, Into an agree-at in writing to emiloy Miss Jones as a teether. The con- tract was TO be signed on Msy 1, 1933. No contract was actually signed with Miss Jones by the trustees on that date or any other time. Subsequently, on June 25, 1933, two of the trustees (a majority) signed a written cm- tract with Miss White to teach the school for the 19330 1934 term on the contract form prescrslbed by the lrchool authorities of Texas, and regular In Its terms. It was filed with the county superintendent on August 31, 1933, for his approval. The county superintendent, being of the opinion that the agreement of April 26 was legally sufficient to constitute a contract with Nies Jones to teach school and it being prior In point of time to Mise White’s contract, disapproved Miss White’s contract. Af- ter proper appeal through the school authorities on the matter, Miss White ln this action sued to mandamus the county superintendent to approve her contract. Peremp- tory mandamuswas awarded. The court in its opinion stated: “The agreement ln question, however, does not purport to be a completed contract of employment with Miss Jones. . . . It could have no more force than the mere state- ment of Intention on the part of the trustees to do something In the future respecting thelr .. official duties. :. . . lo contract was ac- tually signed with Miss Jones. I The two trustees on June 26, 1933, sIgued’a’<ten contract with Mlas Wblte to teach in the school fop the 1933-34 term. The mode of employing teachers by trustees Af’ l ~onuimn school dletrlcts , as dletlnguishable from Independent dlstplcts, is prescribed by article 2750, R.S., which provldess gTruetee8 of a district shall make contracts with teach- ers to teach the public schools of their dls- tplct, but the compensation to a teacher, under Hon. wlliiam L. Taylor, page 5 (V-1225) a written contract So made, shall be approved by the county superintendent before the school ia taught, stating that the teacher will teach .’ such school for the time and money specified in the contract.’ “The election or employment of a teacher in board meeting, regular or special, is not prescribed by the statute as an essential pre- requisite to the validity of the written con- tract between the trustees of a common school district and a teacher to teach the school. Its only essential Is that it shall be made by the trustees with the teacher In writing, stat- ing that the teacher will teach such school for the time and money speclfled in the contract.’ Under the facts submitted for consideration in the matter herein, not only is there absent approval or disapproval of the county superintendent on the claimed contract, but th&re is absent also an.executed written contract between the district superintendent (for the scholastic years I.951-1959 and 1952-1953) and the trus- tees of the Hallsville School District. We are of the opinion that there cannot exist an enforclble valid teacher contract binding a conrmon school district un- less the same be In vrltlng and properly signed by Its board of trustees. A formal contract In miting is re- quired by the. above quoted statutes, and Is further necessitated by such statutes as require action of the county superintendent In such matters. White v. Porter, In short, an oral teacher contract of a common SC 001 district 9F’ or an alleged teacher contract based alone on agreements or elections of its board of trus- tees evidenced by Its minutes or ln letters appertain- ing thereto is not enforclble in our courts. But see Attorney Generalvs Opinion O-2162 (1940) concerning teacher contracts of independent echool districts. Accordingly, It is our opinion that, under the facts submitted, there exists no valid contract between the trustees of the Hallsvllle Rural High School Dis- trict and its present superintendent for the 1951-1952 or 1952-195f, school years, there being no formal con- tract in altlng as required by Articles 27'49, 2750, 275Oa-1, and 2693, V.C.S., upon which the county super- intendent must act. In view of our conclusion that no valid contract was made, it is unnecessary to consider vhether the board Haor. Vllllam L. Taylor, page 6 (v-li25) of trustees could have entered into a binding contract befwe the trustees elected on. _ APr1.l 7,. 951: had-taken BUt in thl8 COnB8CtloJI, Bee Att'y Ifen. Vp. Kfig- (19501. Articles ?749, 2750, 27506-1, and 2693, V.C.S., appertaining to employment contracts of teachers and superintendenta of cemrnon school districts, Including rural high school districts classified aa common, require the signing of a formal contract in writing, which i muat be submitted to the county school auper- lntendent for approval. Until the statutory requirement of an executed written sgreement Is met, there exists no contract. Yours very truly. APPRO?%D% PRICE UiIKEL J, C. Davis, Jr. Attorney (teneral County Pffairs Division Jesse P . Luton, Jr. /ftxsw%& Reviewing Assistant Chester E. Ollison Charles D. Mathews b--L/ I h& First Assistant Bruce W. Bryant BUB;CEO:mw Assistants
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1225
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017