Boa. Bgd Bapjepbruch County Attorney mntegw county Reo Valtdity oS a oma-. Xontagw, Texw ra ’ ccurt war tingwv justlao vlthout cor- reaponaingly obangiq the boundmieo of eleo- Dear Sirr tlon prealnota. “On January 10, 1949, t& Ccamlesion- era Court or Montague County, Texad, cn- tered an order ol?e8ting 4 Imv Jostloe Preolnots ia.xon``conn~,.-. in lieu 0f the a p3Oti0t8 ~hbh .VIW in OX- isteoce at that time. ., .,I 9ix croatbag ths 1) ww~Jwtioe Pro-. cinata, the~Camiseicme2?e,Corrrt omsred cartab Xlectlon Precinct llws, thereby plac%ng said eleotion preclnots m parte thereof intwdiffersatJuet~8e Preallots. “In the elesatf0aa or 1950, sJwtl& Of the Petage rrrrm elected ioPt& bm MMII And there were aorutable~ eleatea fa Jwtiae PrecXadte Roe. I, 2, -3 anh”k!mmi uaa no candidate for tlm offiaeof oamtable ln molnct Ho. 4. %a Croat the 4 m Jwtlce Pre- olnctI3, tha c 2x esioww Court failed 30 oreate ney eletition preoinc$8 tc oorrespdnd with the boawWlerr of aili 4 JurOlos ?ra - ai.aats,ana h8ve the eleotica pmol.&ats en- t%?ely within the bouuU8rtrr cf nWl Jxytloe. mclnatr.o* . ,: !!ou. BE@ &4r~enWocb, page 2 (V-1218) . : 2 pOl#CFBOOtiWXQ4a~%8t&. VheAtRlb 6OU'tWa8 onoe established, no legislation ‘vas wedoa. ,... to enable It to e%ePafu m ptnfem g%ven w the above p~ovlslolr, to tlI.vUs the ooulity ia- . to preolnctfi, The clipeotion is plsin and sMple, and wl.thout oandltion w restriction exoept that a8 to the nmfber of pmcticts, ft $6 said fast no p.WaedkaWIS prescribe by which the power is to be ereroieetl.~ Z! any wad needed the statute supplfed it, when Al3 required ti$atthe prooeedfigs of’ the 0-b ., .:. ,..’ ‘.’ should be recorded in it8 tinutS book. Rev, art.1554. This vai3 all that var3 .. . . at* l%gfj, : .’ neoesaaw. The power to divide the county into jwtioese ppeoinota is also given by the statute, but not fa terms do explfclt as thy ’ used &n t&s conetitutlo% Rev,+ SL a, u-t. There oan be no doubt that both consti- tut Cmalad statute oonSer the paver, dnU the 7 . . zmly question fs au to it8 extent. ft ia cork tended that a limitation upon the power ,%s . roturd in th0 0wdmuti0w pti810n feag the terma of office of proofnot offlaers f sml b that, sinoe.they are to hold for tramsm, it r0n0vs tat the poDs0inot8 #tlmot by 0-a .durIrgthe terms, bssmme ths powsbtoalter thsn woukl practfoally enable tba ooyrt to de- stroy the affIae. The lgaguage oft& oansti- tatIcy exgrsssos no.sush 1ImItatioxl. Ths ai- .lrIsIcuaIstobsmds vrpllt&ms totIm.' Ths W&8011for the avI8Ioh Is toiiw th* oamveni- 8n88 of tbrr peO$lp; mna the Jud@ both as to tima and oouvenlenoo, 18 tb 00uA Ths lirni- tatibo 0twmd0 ra * b ylp p x ld (IQowquir8 ld t&k3lnseptlon In ths 0onstitutItm of a proviso uhIoh ths 0ouPt seanot r08a into it. ms only lidtat%QU I-00@ 80-l: t0 Mi0&S t& SC- ‘, qe ths power. Bat lImitet1w nqullwJ u may M $a~, ,and a008 not allw xp thah eight, $LP8d.Wt8r Rlt fw it 'the aoanty algIlt hew been 0Ut Up intO MI’ m ~OlEAdk 88 tb OOUl’t MY mQjk3P t0 .8~bl%Ob:o m it th8 intOlktiOU- Is maa0 ,mQke malfert t&it rtbbin ths uats, tbrsf+lla%IstOeetemlao&ldrr\lbrra Ash’ th sy em ~tlm a wee me& a r t wa abawler%88 betmen o i~a me,‘O Worn sbmgfbaapd~dsiiar~ lsaviagall o? the, etbsla uus~d, tas &at is the 8sDs a8~If en amWr, trek entamd rotting out aww thb baw&e~ss or ths 'tmsmhbmd prsalncts, as Wll8i those bharyrda &IF’S 18 ~80dbSd, tkH 0OUl.d bs n0 SUbSfiXb tlal objootfca to 806h e:: (L '-Tlu of pmmr Face to . - . . IQ* BQya arjslabruch, psgp 4 0J-l239)x ThOOQIU?toIll 136 8.W. ll& 1145 fTex.cIvoApp*' :. *ft appears ta be the unacubted dght ‘~Q?ooesafQwPs~o~tto~:the ‘wea Qf jwt%ae*s mOi?%8t8 at v&l&, ptrd it hU b0.a hOld thpt. 8Uch OOWts my eb&IshagrwainstaMcrraatsamvpmm aIwtaupwet3 of the ow mbolfshe4aMa ~anothw,~tbatftuasiraakr?el e t tbo oewt did not at ths tIms ml&s@ mot the VkbQlaooun 0 state vo, Rlgmby, 17 Texc.cIrdppo 171, bT3 sew, 27l*. The Supreme Court 112 W. 193* 247 SOW. 263 (1 oa808 and made ths hollowing obsematlfm, at page 267: *It Is thw aeon that them is no lid- latica CQ the time vhen the COrmi88%owrs’ oourt luay divide a coumty into Qwtiss pm- clncts , and that, aside fra the mxlmw akd mlnlmm gslssarlbed In the CW~ltutIc& thoz’8 18 PLO i%IIt%t&iQU iBE t0 mbo The’.cOWtitU- .tion @sfJ not State’ lww the povur or aIYIsIcsl by the otmals8lsms~8* oowt shall be exercised, w &3es the statute* lhai the quotaticmr *aa : 'ths oplnioa by Jmlge Wl.Uams, suplp, it is alwr tgtiyor slatlve aotloe was amoes- rurJa Ai In that, ia the *bsowe or mmambls 1eglslatSve aotlon, tbs ccamissiam- esse.oourtmsyperf&stheduty e%wdupau thW in theIF Crm yO7o 80 104 tit #al’- rwmwoe da8 pot mount to a guess &me of aoticm by the aco19pfssions~e a-t Is not made bpsnasnt on state legislative astlod, It is Inaoncelvablo that It should beg msde dependeat upon te&eml aotfon, la the r088t of tbr Dnitea States oewus, uuless Bbs Oabn- ~8tLtUtiCU~SrpPs8Sf~ SO stated, l&&oh i8 Wt tbs awe. %ere is no part of ths dut7 snjainea W seotiim 18, et. 5, ae the adp~lss%owrs" f x%au.Boyd Ihrgeubruoh, page 5 (V-12i8f court Whiah may be perfumed wltkiout oo.nai&m ing the QOQU~tiOll, OONQYIti@ll5,aad i;lBttp1.' tries,. not only of the ooimty, but of elncb oontsmQlatetI 8llbdz0l8ion of the county: and to say that the com&safcmers court must fOllC3a the E.?lIIBUS ZV3QOl'tR,WhiCh aZT$ifHI~b: only every 10 foam, is to destsoy the very . QUPQOSeOf the QOlfsPoonZ=eI'red On the dOi%- missloner8' court to Qivlda the county fPO& time to ti8m Pnto a etiflcieat number of just320 prrcknats fm the aonmzienae of tbs psoppe+ 'It i8 QlRill i-l'& 8``tiCil~18, EUJt. 5, Of' the f%ZM5titUt`` that kt8 Ql-fme QUPQOSO t.XInet fixing daiiMta1~ tha number of justice pre- alnat in any aounty, aad the aumBer of jas- .tic6s In any ~tioular ps?eainct was, y it . stat'la, *th6 aonvenienos of the nmy b8 made to m6et tbs ~&iaiqlng needa of 9 P -W l iS th’, 8816 88 t&It &O&Pbd in the pM1tOU8 pal%graQb of the dam8 uation-4aat is, for the aonwmien~e of the people. ?Jo method of @te~%I@ the QO#tl~tlOn.iS &VIIIl in thL8 sectFoll or elsewhllrn in the Coin3titutioil. The &ts~tion Of the QOQUlatiOn'by ~UUS?~ authoz’Zty is llt?C0813W$ to 8et tn motion the QPm68tI by which two~juutiaes -8 tP:bs ePeat-i ,@d,or a'vaaanayln.the officefilled by ap QOiUtlWlXt . The COmWtUtionamta%n8 2merpIxm3 dh8action, either to the ek4mrate'm~ to the to how w when thie ques- 18 t0 be Uetemsiued,nor IS in the statutes therefor. statUtS8; arts. 2241, -'. not neW88EW7 t0 fhe aolai88iOnW8 eXEtbii9 ’ BOu& to 6xeroi8e w ti th6 QaPara &VW-in tail QFO98iOn Of the 0on8wttltlon.” In At$orgey &‘IMWB1’8 ,opini~ v-1032 (1950), it 18.kitedi. ,-. . Heat. Floyd Barjenbruch, page 6 (V-1218) "In view of the foregoing you are advised that the Cc4mnlseloner8~ Court of SabLne County had the authepity t4 redi8trlOt ths jU8thX eOinOt8 in the OOUllt~ 80 a8 t0 QFOVidO that K e oounty would aensiet of four .jwtiag pre- cincta rather than el * ‘96 SiW.2cl839 (Ter.Clo.A~. 1936 ,_ In view of the foi%going, it ir our oplaion that the Order Of the OOltUIli88iolXir8s a$NA'tal-eat&~ new jWt%oe QPeCinOtS i8 a nilid dXePai8e Of it8 pOWor ex- granted by the pr~l8lom of Seotion 18 of Ar- Oo'mtitu~ion Of Texas. The aonaluaion we have pea&d ~abwe n&&es unne,cessary an.an8wer to your remaining questiana. 48'S~.W.2tl3l5 (TexaOir.Agp. 1932) and
214 S.W.2d 473(Te~.Civ.App. l&S), .nOt t0 th6 aigplic&bl,a ~qLIO8tiOI8' QXWSellted. These cases involved the validlt of OrdoSS Of the aas- ~;;``rs3cet$r; ;POati"fi new &oti``preoli&ok under Wai 0. jO&P l'ItqUO8t ?niWOlVO8 all Ol'dOr of the aon&alGn&`` clncta .udeF Section k8. ;In this .ooanectiqm, say futaFe Opder~defXnln new, slaation pmalncts dRI8t C&fcaDa to the &sly mea &dd ijua- tiae ppecinat8 a8 prorfded in Ilrticle 29%. . Seatfen 18 oi Artiale V of the Ctinstf- tUtiOn Of Texas aUthOPf~e8 t&O WWBl&d8fO12@~8D court ~$0 abolish eristfnS~ju8tlas peainats~ ' and create new jwtiw'~Qlwcfwta at any tfme. for the conveniqoa of the,peo~le, regardless' ~i!'f& tex=HtoPj to be ldaluded fn the pre- The CdJ liIiI%trtiOn 011thi8 QOWeris that &ems must be at least four zmd not aore ~H&r.+eyd Eurjenbruch,page 7. (V-1218) .8X.% 639 (T8xSi~dUm ;.Att't2.n. OQ. v-1032 APPROVED: Toura very truly, J. 0. Davcris, Jr. PRICE DAriIllL CountyAfYairs Mvislan Attorney General JesseP. Luten,Jr. RevievingAssistemt Oharles0. Mathews pest &88iBtZlllt A88i8tant JRtml? i I . I . .
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1218
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017