Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  • Hon. Waste L. Rartmn      ODlnlon No. v-u00    AC-9
    Count Attorney
    &Do;;? comlnf;y           Rer Whether aounty mrj i&sue
    #                        bonds or time warrants ?a’
    the purpose of ptwcharing
    fire fighting equipment to
    furnish grotectlon to cltl-
    zens residing outside limits
    of incorporatedcities and
    Dear Slrr                     towns.
    In,your letter o? May 14th you request the opinion
    oi this oiiioe on the question of whether a aounty my is-
    me bond6 m time warrants TOP the purpose of purchm?~ing
    fire fighting equlpacnt to furnish IPotection to CltlGen?
    nridl    outside limits of Incorporatedcities and tofins.
    As poln
    “&ed out infyour letter, the only statute that an-
    thorimr countles’under350,000 populationto furnish fire
    protaotlon?or such purposes and purchase equimnt therefor
    Is Artiole 235la-1, V.C.S. This statute authorizes the pur-
    ehem of such equilxnent, however, only after an election far
    4bnt pubpose is held, which election carries by a msjmity
    *sk. In this comect$~, APtlele 235&x, which,appllesto
    aountfes o? ffes,isted populationbra&eta, has bee held w
    thle office in A&”
    tomey Qeneml Opinion Ms. O-3417 %19&)
    to be twvx?nst!-tutema1an the @OrnflB that it lo bi1oeal or
    lpeaial law rattemptil,ng
    to regulate the s??airs of asunties.
    Art. III, Se@. 36, Tex. Con&. The valadit$ o? &t%ele
    warnmetrai.neBby Attmney Gexm~a.2.0pinRot-i
    No. O-4300
    8nd the opkxdm fu.&+he~held that papnt for fire
    fightlB@ eqnQ!msnt should be    eP'Pgeat8uQcmr&ygenor81
    As you mentla In your letter, th Ias-•     of
    baa&~ m tfr* warrants for the purobue of raoh eq6Ius.mt
    is not expressly authorited In Artlele 235%8-l, Article
    %33la-4 does eSpmssly  provide for tb is8Uum eoftln
    and bonds far the purchase of fire fighting equip
    asnt 4e po4eet aornty-ownedproperty lee&ted within 4hs
    ogzty bu4 without the limits of any lneaporated uit Ed
    In vlaw of theme huts, it 18 yomr opinia tb t there
    was io legldative inknt that time warmts or bonds could
    Eon. myne L. Hartman, page 2 (V-1200)
    be limed ander the parisions o? kticle 2351r-1. We
    qree tith your oonalusion.
    It ie mnlfeet tbt bonds amy not be lrrued for
    8u#h pmpse, for there is iioeixpese authority there-
    for msnted in Artlolc 235la-1. The Surname Court‘of
    Text&iIn the oam of                  ii0 tb~. 179;
    217 S.Y. 373, 376 (1
    6 oollptoh6rged
    burinerr rf-
    fslrs of a oo\mty Is without the power to ire
    me negotiable securities,degiving the aomtr
    of true defense8 against the imiginal oredit-.
    has been from an early time." (Empbasia&dad
    In the ease a? Ke
    Cor.~App. 19281, the aour                 :i,v;;
    l8tabli8heddoctrine mnounoed In the
    tht the power to Issue bonds is one wff!%% ::;id",,"
    saopa of power of the governing body of a olty or oounty
    rmlerr It.i8 epealall~granted.
    Aa the statute does not expeosly authorize the
    IrLlpMae of bonds, no suoh power exists. As to the i8-
    mmnoe of time warrants, a more diffl'cultqtmmtiem l.8m-
    On September 28, 1935, this offiae rendered w&t
    i8 IoMnm a6 the "SomervellCounty Opinion." It was a
    letter opinion sddre8sed to Han, W. P. Dume, Dallas,
    %bX&S.    This opinion was given wide circulationamong the
    mrlous counties of the State. Among other things, it
    held th8t tlr warrants oould not be Issued against the
    gem-1 fund of a county. The opinion held that the ollp-
    rent operating expenses of a county must be paid out of
    th+ general fund, and that present oument op8ratlng ex-
    lllpln8 8hould be paid out of ourrent funUs. It WEB held
    that   ftfti\Fe
    tax levies for the general fund aould not be
    mbrskrrd to my current operattig erpen8es. The Some-
    Oil C-t? Opinla ~6s mfflrmed In 1939 by Confermae
    opinion lo. 3095.
    In ttm owe of
    bM,   in effeat, tht 6
    Hon. W6yne L. Hartman ,page3 (V-1200)
    authmlty to establish pub110 roads, It had the l``pllod
    r     to Issue time warrants for the oonstruotlonthere-,
    However, It is-emphasizedthat in speak&g o? the
    le&6n~e of time wmrants, the court alw6ys referred to
    the -king of public lnmroveme~ts~
    In the o&se of                  ~146 S.W. 2d 3Wt;
    (Tex. Clv. ~App.19&O, e               ‘Court  held th6t
    under a statute expres             ng counties to pwo-
    vide for annual exhiblts~of hortloultursland agrioul-
    tau-6~p~cdwts, such oountles have the -plied power to
    iesue time warrants for the purpose of constructingperma-
    nent Improvementsto the exhibition building. As in the
    a&se, the implied power to issue time warrants Is
    to lmurovemvnte. The oomt held the ?ollowlng:
    u       A cotmtj, subject to the exp~ees
    restrich&    imposed by the Constitutionand
    general laws, has the power to issue time
    146 S.W. 26
    at 336.)
    There are'aases holding that the eonmissioners*
    ‘court of a county has the Implied power to Issue time
    warmnate to eonstmmt the eoun%y oourthouse. Howevero
    we wish to emphasllsethat %aaall %hese eases only w-
    were InvsImd o We know of no ease
    6 aounty h6a the implied power to
    issue      warrants against the Bounty general fund.
    In the                   s &he amrt oonsldered
    l?HiQler29!Ta,               s%cr%u%eau%howPir?les
    to purchase vo%ing eaohixaeaund p8y TOP %he mm by the
    isspnsnceof bonds, wamah%s, aer%ZMsatea of ltiebtednoes,
    OP sther obligatkms. The QQUP% upheld %he walldlty oi
    the ststute~and8bl.dt % the hods in question crhou3.d   be
    paid out of &he generaP fund. The cotawt,in effect, held
    that there W&B no oom~tf%u%foml fnlhfbltion  whloh would
    prevent the Legiekatme from pm8ing 6 statuts 6uthowlslg
    the lssuanem of Oblig&%iQEM9 payable in f'utme years hsm
    Ean. W6yhe L.Hsrtm,            page 4 (V-X00)
    the general fund. The court did mt hold that there was
    en Implied power to issue warrants or,otkr obligrflons
    pry8ble from the gemalfumd.     'Rm et&Me Itsell 6u-
    %horlze8 the lake     of w&rr&at8.
    The original votl nmchine 6at (Son&e bill 34,
    A@48 418t be., 4th C.S..%O, ah. 33, pe 601 povided:
    . for   the   purpose   of pJing   for   voting
    r&h&es, such ConbslonerB~       Con& Is here-
    by authorized to Issue bonds, aertlfloaGs of
    Indebtednessor other obllg6tions    . . ..*
    This language w&s ohm ed by House Bill 121, A&r
    2nd C.S. 1937, ch. !b p. 1953, to read 6s fol-
    rSeotion 6 of Artiab   2998):
    1,    . ?Qr tlm puPpow of p&ylng Tollwotlng
    m&es,     suah Comlssloners   Court is hereby
    ruthorlzed to issue bonds, and o~rtlflaatesof
    i&ebta$mse, yuT&ntg, or other Obllg&%i~8
    . . ..
    The Legislaturemu8t have Oonsldered that the orlg-
    sot did not inolude tIm power to issue-warrants,~+
    ottaerwlseit would not have added "warrants"by the 1937
    The am&, in the '"yc~un~"
    6pporrl the c6se of Hidalfzo 0
    that case the v&lldlts of certain time wrrrants Issued
    z&%;%&the general ?&I for tick eradioatlon purposes was
    The court held the warrants to be valid. Eow-
    ever, th;,qtmstlon whether tin@ W&rmtits Omld be Issued
    agrlnat the gemera fund without express le lslatlve au-
    thmlty ma ntitinvolved, for Se&ion 5 of irtlole 1525e,
    v.r.a.,  ezqmzssly authorlml the issurnoe a? such wmrm4s
    in  tha ?OlbBWing  hll@l&@!:
    . and it is hereby mado their duty to
    &&pi&e      Bonqw e&o? the meral ?kmds of
    their oow%les, to incur indebcan es8 by the (
    issu6noe of warm&s, and te lewy tama to par
    thm IMerest thereon, rap9to moolde 6 sinking
    fund fcm the pyment thvreo? . . *."
    The other 06se involvi
    Hon. W6yne L. Iiartmm, page 5 (V-1200)
    with sonroval in the Bex@Y&an%z c&se. However, as in the
    BsxaP cowl                      ,sesaa stetute exm8ly
    atithorlzsd                Fi$estlon. The ihatu%o &u-
    thorlzed funding ae&ain indebtednessesInto bonds.
    We have not found any o&se which has held t&t 6,
    COMty   IMY   iSSUe   tillil!Wl'l'ZUltS 8@ll8k8t   the   @liCT6l   rpRd
    without express authority. Conversely, in the cases which
    held that there Is an implied power to Issue time W&rP&nt8,
    only permanent-typeimprovementswere involved.
    As we mentioned earlier In this opinion, Ar%iele
    25518-4 ex~essly suthorlzes the issuance of time warr8nte
    and bonds to purchase fire fighting equiment to be,wed
    for the pro%ectf.ono? county-ownedproperty located in the
    oounty but without tbe,llmi%sof an incorporatedcity or
    town. This statute was enscted In 1949 b the 51st Legis-
    l8ture (SenateBill 401, ch. 575, p. 1121T . Section 2 of
    the rot provides, in part, as follovs:
    This Is clear legl,sPatlve
    reoognitlon that expreee
    legislativeauthi5M.t.y 4s mandatopy'beforetime warrentaa-
    galnst the general fund may be isljued. Of course, the Leg-
    islature must be presumea to know that Rrtlele 2351a-l;vur
    slready effective.
    Two opfnions written dwf   ,previousadminis
    tfonm OS this offfoe, Nos. 0-4475~1942) and o-7054 P1%6),
    held that the power to issue time warrants aglnst the gen-
    eral fund was Implied ?rom the power to make expendit-
    therefrem. These opinions construed the Be
    c&ses as upholding this prlnoiple.--s 8 own in this
    n we disagree with such a construotlon,and Opinion8
    NOB, O-4475 and O-7054 are hereby overruled. It Is inter-
    est-   to note that llrtlcle23516-4 was et+so%ed,a?ter4&
    rendition of those opinions. The language quoted above
    shows clearly that the Legislaturedid not so lnterpre*
    the statutes,and did not agree with those opltions.
    bhere is 1 lc In the holding that, without Iem-
    latlvedireotfon, t
    not be encumbered for
    ye-'. &rrent expmwes must be paid from %W general ipLd,.,
    o ? ‘ex p enmub euU$b e p a idl,8
    io o r ues.
    year e&o&i be wailr?``?.~.
    fund in a fq~tt.zpa,
    to gay the current expeiasesal such future year, RIU:
    ehoul# not be eaddled rith the payment.of the current
    ex$hnaes of a year ten, twenty, or thirty fears in the
    Without exgPess authtitg from the Legle-
    latwe, a county has no power to iseue time
    warrants payable from its general fund. !$hare-
    Pore, a cmty 28 without authority to lseue
    ~tirsewezmtnte undeb &tlole 23ga-1 In ljayment
    foe rire fighting eqtipeent.
    APBRorn~                            Yewe very truly,
    Jesse ?,~Luton, Jr.                   PRICE DANIEL
    Reviewing Assistant                 Attorney General
    Charles D. Mathews
    First Aesistent                     BP

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1200

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017