: Jme.13,~ 1951 Hoh.LarryO.Cox Executive Director Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools. Austin, Texas oIjini&Ho,'V-llgo~. Rer Authority OS the Boar& I for Texas State Hospi- tald &id SpeiX@l Schools: .to~icreete and'esfbblisk a neti-psyc~atric~hbs- Dear Mr. Cox: pital:, : _',.. Your request for s opinion Is as SolTows: - ~. r. ‘We tiesire the o&l.on of $oti oSSlc6’~ regaraing the legalIQ+ legality~ of t&e constructi'on ConstructIon of a new II&IXlnstitutibn lnstitutItm by bs exlxjnditure exrdnditure of Sun@: funds: providet rovided by Section 3 & Agticle of Article 7047c-1 7@7c-1 .`` n"^ .. V.C.S.). P(V.~.S.]. ,... ;; ,... "Section 8 of 'House'Bill~ 1, Re ular Session of the 51st LegIsla&re; 1.9$ 9, .In- dlcates that MUBoard for Texas State Hos- pitals and Special Scliools may+&eate' tind establish new Institutions for, the ~(rare a&.`` maintenance ~0s war&3 under %ts jiM.sdIctI~on~ "It Is 'the Interprei%t%on of several of the Board members of the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Scho~ols that this Board Is authorlsed to create anU es- tablish new institutions .by virtue of See-' tion 8 OS the aSore-ment%qned-H&se Bill No.' 1. It Is their belief .thsWthe funds pro- vIdeU In Article 70$7c-l;"SectIon3; e&n be : used to construct stich new Irist%tutIons'. These members feel that the State :oS Texas and th5.s Board are iti great ne@ of~a'tiw psychiatric hosbital, which: xi&l prbvicle the latest- tspe .oS tretitm6nt~Sor mentU illness. . Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 2 (V-1190) “There Is a question In some of the Board members * minds whether or not the Board has the authority to create and es- tablish new Institutions; therefore, your opinion Is necessary on account of the dif- Serence of opinion. ‘Please advise whether or not Section 8 of House Bill 1, 51st Regular Session, 1949, and Section 3 of Article 70470-l give this Board authca-Ity to create and estab- lish new institutions for the care of the mentally Ill.’ House Bill 1, Acts 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, ch. 316, p. 588, referrecl to as Article ‘3174b, V.C.S., created the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools. Sec- tion 2 of the act gives to the Board management and con- trol of State H&pit&s and Special Schools. Section 8 thereof provides In part: “The Board for Texas State Hospitals an8 Special Schools Is hereby authorized to negotiate for an& to acquire Srcnn the United States Governmsnt, or any agency thereof, or from any sourae whatsoever, by gist, pl.l@lase, or leasehold; for and on behalf of the State of Texas, for use In the State service, and In ,the establish- ment’of State tuberculosis sanatoriums, any landa, bull&Lngs, ana SacIlItIes wIthIn the State oS Texas, and eng~personal properties wherever located, and to take title thereto for and In the name of the State of Texas .a _. Secticm 3 of Article 7047c-1, V.C.S., provides, In part: * . Fran the effective date of this Act, &:Sourth (l/4) oS the net revenue derived from the tax levied on cigarettes weighing not more than ttiee (~3) pounds per thousand, and five-forty-firsts (,5/43) of the net revenue Uerived from the tax levied on oigarettes weIghIng more than three (3) pounds per thousand, shall be credited to a special Sun13to be known as the State Hospitals and Special Schools Building Fun& - - 227 Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page ?:*.,(V-1$90) which Is hereby crea,ted; .,~&:..-~Provided however, that not In ejccess. oI'FIve~MIl-' :' Lion Dollars ($5,000~000) &al&be credited to the State Ros,pItals ana Special Schools- BuIldIng Fund for the bIennI~.erdIng Au-~ .' .: gust 31, .1951 and'not In excetis oS.FIve MIllIon Dollars ($5,000~000) for each Sis- cal yew thereafter shall be.medIte~:to such fund. Any balance In..exoess of. such Five lU,lionD~llars .($5,000,000) Ix~any fiscal year shall bs txansfe~etl to an&be- .~ come a part of the State Hospital F?mcl here- by createa, which Is and shall be the same State Hospital Fund as provided for In House Bill no; 3 of the First Called Session of the Fifty-first Legislature.:, . a . .'., ,L,~ 'Ail Sun& credited to the,ktate eos-. ': pitals and Special Schools Building Fund under this Act are hereby &pproprIat&%to the Board for ~Texas State``~ospitals.~ Special Sc~ools.Sor,. the~pur@ose oS..corG ~structing, repairing and e.quIppIng such .' .buIlcUngs as,In the opinion of ~the.BcarcI are necessary to ~the propep care of those committed or to be cm.tted to such.t?os-: pitals and special schools..accordIngto law. . •~." The State HospItals.and-Speclal‘ScnaolEl Build- Ing Fund was.created Sort&-purpqse~ of constructing, re- pairing, and equipping such.buIldIngs~,as in-the ~OpinIon of the BoarU are necessaw to the proper care of those com- Inl;ted to such hospitals and speoial.schools according to The statute Is silent as to any authority relating to ihe creation and establIshme& of a new institution vith moneys from thIs.Suud.,-It Is our o#.nIon that the acts In questlon relate- solely to those Institutions with- In the jurisdicti~ of~the Board for Texas State; Hospitals and Special Schools. Specific'acts. of the Legislature have authorized the creation am%establIshment oS.~I.nstItutIons Within the jurisdiction of the;Board.for,Texas State Hos- pitals an& Special Schools+ .An examination of the acts In question reveals that specific'authorization has been deemed necessary in the past. .(See Chapters 1, 2~and``3, Title 51, V.C.S.) In the absenceof such-authority, It 1``ou.r opinion that a new institution may not be establishetl. Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 4 (V-1190) Public of'ficersand governmentaland admInis- trative boards possess only such powers as are expressly conferred upon them by law or are necessarilyImplied from the owers so conferred. 418, 425 fl849 ; Fort Worth C
125 Tex. 339, 3 3 W 2 66
135 Tex. 119, 138 ii&l 1:6 Therefo e, In answer to your que&on, It Is our opinion thatfneither Section 8 oS Houie'BIll No. 1, supra, nor Art&& 7047c-1 furnishes the board suSSi- cient authority to create and establish a new Institu- tion J : SUMMARY Sectlou 8 of House Bill lo. 1 Acts 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, ch.316, p.586, and Section 3 of Article 7047``1, V.C.S. are3. not suSSIcIentlybroad In scope to authazr- ize the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools to create and estsb- : lIsh new Institutions. APPROVED: Yours v&y truly, J. C. Davis, Jr. .PRICE,lMNlEL County Affairs DIvIsIon Attorney General Jesse'P. Luton, Jr. RevIewIng Assistant Charles D.'Mathews First Assistant Assistant Bwtlllw
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1190
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017