Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  • -   .
    NEY       GENERAL
    Aprfl 70 1950
    Eon. W. R. Banks                0pinlon No. 109.
    Aoting Chairmen
    Board of Directors              Re: The euthority of Texes
    Texas State University              Stete University for
    for Negroes                       Iiegroesto refund cer-
    Preirie View, Texes                 tein tuition peyments
    under the submitted
    facts, end related
    Deer Sir:                           questions.
    In connectionwith your requaat for an opinion
    we have restated the facta submitted es followa:
    One certain student, whose address Zs
    Johnaboro,Loulsiane, end edmlttedly 8 resi-
    dent of the Stete of Louisiena, enrolLed et
    The Texas State University for Negroes for
    the regular sessions of 1948-1949, and 19k9-
    1950, peylng for eech semester of eeoh long
    sassl.on,e tuition  of $25.00, the amount
    charged oitleens or resident student6 of Tex-
    In January, 1950, it we8 dlsaovered thet
    l$'wes a oitizen end resident of Louislena.
    Whereupon, the authoritiesof said University
    demended that he pey, not only $150.00 for the
    current semester, but retroactively,for the
    duretlon of his ettendence et the institution.
    This student peld this indebtednesswith con-
    tributions end loens from his friends. These
    ?riends have asked the Boerd of Directors of
    the institutionto mfund to the student the
    money advenced him for this purpose.
    Furthermore,Ft hes recently been dis-
    covered thet the institutionhas several other
    non-residentstudents who, through resident
    status error, heve not paid the non-resident
    tuition of $150.00 per semester. On October
    14, 1947, the Board of Directors of the Uni-
    versity fixed the non-restdentstudent tui-
    tion fee et $150.00 per semester.
    The following questions ere eaked:
    Ron. W. R. Banks, page 2   (V-1039)
    1. Does the Boerd of Directors have
    the authority to weive unpaid tuitfon fees
    on Its non-resfdentstudents, end collect
    only non-residentfees from its non-resident
    students from the time it discovers the ep-
    ror in the resident stetus of such students?
    2. Does such Board, in the cese present-
    ed, heve euthority to refund back-due tuition
    fees collected as non-residentfees?
    The Texes Stete University for Megroes is e
    college creeted by the Legisleture under the euthority
    of Section 48, Article III of the Constitution of Texas,
    end is supported by ublic funds appropriatedb the
    Legislature. S.B. lg0, Acts 50th Leg., R.S. 1& 7, oh.
    29, p.36 (Art.2643b,V.C.S.); H.B. 319, Acts 51st Leg.,
    R.S. 1949, oh. 584    .1133; S.B. 253, Acts 51st Leg., R.
    5. 1949, ah.478, p:%E7; A.G. Opinion V-31. The division
    of the University known es The Prairie View Agrioultural
    and Mechanioal College of Texas is under the control end
    supervision of the Board of Directors of The Agrioultur-
    el end Meahenical College of Texas. Sec.2   of S.B. 140,
    Tuition rates to be collected from students
    enrolling in State supported institutionsof collegiate
    renk ere provided for in Article 2654`` Vernon's Civil
    Statutes. A.G. OpinionNo.+-5891, Article 2654c, es
    last amended by House Bill 507, 50th Leg,, R.S. 1947,
    ch.218, p.389, effective at the tfme when the Texas
    State Unlversfty for Negroes was created, protides:
    "Seeo 1. The governing boards of the
    several institutionsof collegiate rank sup-
    DoPted in whole or in vart bv vubllc funds
    appropriatedfrom the $tate Treasury shall
    cause to be collected from students E-
    terPng in th%XZ Fd schools after September
    1, 1933, tuition at the followfng ratas:
    "1* From each resident student, who
    registers for twelve (12) or more semester
    hours of work.per semester of four and one-
    helf (44) months, Twenty-fiveDollars ($25.-
    00) per semester; e e D
    "2o Prom each non resident student who
    regfsters for twelve (12) or more semester
    Hon. W. R. Banks, Page 3   (V-1039)
    hours of work per semester of four end one-
    half (li*)months, a regfstratfonfee of not
    less then Seventy-fiveDollars ($75) nor
    more than one Hundred and Fifty Dollers ($150)
    per semester as fixed end determined for each
    fiscel year by eech governing board; e . 0
    "(a) A nonresidentstudent is here de-
    fined to be a student of less than 0 . ."s21)
    gears of age, living away from his family, end
    whose femily resides fn another State, or whose
    family has not resided in Texas for the e . o
    (12) months Immediatelypreseding the date of
    registration;or a student of o . S (21) years
    of age or over who resides out of the State or
    who has not been a resident of the State . . .
    (12) months subsequentto his twenty-first
    birthday or for the . o 0 (12) months immed-
    iately preceding the date of registration.
    . . D
    "(e) The governing boards of the sev-
    eral State-supportedinstitutionsere hereby
    euthorized to assess end collect from eech
    non-residentstudent falling to comply with
    the rules and regulatfons of the governing
    boerds concerning nonresIdentfees a penalty
    not to exceed Five Dollars ($5) per semester.
    "4. From each residen% s%uden% regis-
    tering for a summer sessfon, such an amount
    as shell be fixed by the gow~rnfng board of
    such fnstftution  bud fn no event less than
    Twenty Dollars ($20) for a twelve week term
    nor more than Thirty-fiveDollars ($35) for
    e twelve week term. From each nonresident
    student registeringfor a summer session such
    proportionateamoun% es is provided in pare-
    graph 2 of Section E as the length of the
    summer session bears to the length of the
    semester or term, provided, however, that in
    no event shall the summe'rsession fee levied
    on a nonresidentstuden% be less then the
    fee charged to a resident student; 0 o .,
    "SetD 2 ., All tuition, local.funds or
    fees collected by such ins%i%u%lonsshall be
    retained and expended by such institutions
    .   .
    Hon. W. R. Banks, page 4   (V-1039)
    end eccounted for ennuelly ea provided in
    the General AppropriationBill . . en
    The governing boerds of our Stete institutions
    of higher learning ere provided for by statute. The mem-
    bers of these boerds ten exercise no authority unless the
    seme is expressly conferred or erises by necessary impli-
    cation from the powers thet are conferred. Givens v.
    207 S.W.2d 234
    (Tex.Civ.Ap 1947 error dism.
    W.O.j., 146 Tex, 396, 
    208 S.W.2d 3637
    ; Wed   v. Univer-
    169 S.W.2d 993
    (Tex.Civ.App.lW2, error
    122 Tex. 193
    , 55 S.W.2a 805
    7 R.C.L. 139 Universities  and Colleges Sec.8.
    In the'metter of tuition rates to be charged students
    (residentand nonresident)enrolling in such institutions,
    the powers of the boards are prescribed in Article 2654~.
    Exemptions from the payment of tuition by certein veter-
    resident citizens of Texas ere provided in Article
    zg4b-1, but such exceptions r&d no considerationhere-
    With respect to resident students, Article
    2654~ requires that the governing board "shall cause to
    be collected" from each such student who registers for
    twelve or more semester hours er semester of four and
    one-half months, twenty five ( 25) dollars per semester.
    As to nonresidentstudents, the statute re-
    quires that the governing board "shall cause to be col-
    lected" from each such student registeringfor twelve
    or more semester hours per semester of four and one-half
    months "a registrationfee of no% less than 0 D . ($75)
    nor more than o 0 Q ($150) per semester es fixed and de-
    termined" by the governing board. Rerein the board does
    heve the,discretlonaryauthority  within the limits spec-
    ified to determine what its nonresidenttuition fee shall
    be. We are edvlsed that the tuition rate of the insti-
    tution in question has been fixed at One Hundred and Fif-
    ty Dollars per semester for each nonresidentstudent re-
    gistering for twelve or more hours per semester of four
    and one-half months.
    These tuition rates having been fixed by ana
    in accordancewith law, it follows that it becomes the
    statutory duty of the governing board to cause them to
    be collected, to demand the Twenty-fiveDollar fee from
    each resident student OP the One Hundred and Fifty Dol-
    ler fee frcnneach nonresidentstudent et the time he is
    enrolled or at such time when his correct stetus es re-
    sident or nonresidentstudent is correctly determined
    Hon. W. R. Banks, pege 5   (V-1039)
    or diaoovered. Under Article  26540, the governing board
    he8 no euthority,expressed or implied, to waive in whole
    or in pert eny uncollectedpeymentsof tuition by its re-
    sident or nonresidentstudents. Foley v. 
    Benedict supra
    Girerdeeu School Dist. No. 63 v. Frye 2m?.2d
    (Mo.App.1949);A. G. Opinions Nos. 0-d94, 0-5267. In-
    deed, the Boerd is further euthorieed to assess end collect
    a penalty of five dollars per semester from eaoh nonresi-
    dent student feiling to comply with its rules fixing non-
    resident fees. Art.2654c, Sec.1, par.2(e). This penelty
    provision of the law is designed, we think to impose re-
    sponsibilityon the enrolling student, in cases of doubt,
    to heve determined from all the fects in his commend what
    hds true status as a resident or nonresident student mey
    With reference to your second question It fol-
    lows from what has been seid in answer to your first
    question thet the answer is in the negative. The college
    cennot refund such belated tuition payments lewfully col-
    lected. The status of the student as a nonresidentis
    undisputed. Being e nonr&sidentstudent, the law re-
    quits him to pay tuitation et nonresidentrates end the
    Boerd to collect the same. Therefore, the money collect-
    ed as tuition was lawfully aollected end deposited es
    local funds of the institution, H.B. 546; Acts 51st Leg.,
    R.S. 1949, ch.145, p.267 (Ar&.2643eaV.G.3.); Art.2654d,
    V.C.S.  Local funds of such institutions,lewfully ool-
    lected, oan be used or expended only for the urpose for
    which they ere appropriated, R.B. 319, Sec.1Pa) end Gen-
    era1 Provisions, subsec. 
    (4 9 supra
    ; A.G. Opinions Nos.
    o-1662, o-1694,.o-7012, v-5 o
    It is the statutory duty of the governing
    boards of stete institutionsof higher leern-
    ing to ceuse to be collected from eaeh student
    as of the time of enrollmentthe tuition fees
    specified in Article 2654c, V.G.S.9 for eech
    semester of four end one-half months, which
    for resident studen%s is $25-00, and for non-
    resident students is such amount as may be fix-
    ed by the boerd, but not less than $75.00 nor
    more then $150.00. Such boerds heve no euth-
    ority, express OP implied, to waive in whole or
    in pert any uncollectedtuition required to be
    Ron. W. R. Banks, page 6   (V-1039)
    paid by resident or non-restdentstudents, nor
    mey such boards refund tuition fees paid or
    colleoted in the amounts required.
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVED:                             Attorney Generel
    J. C. Davis, Jr.
    County Affairs Division              -&z&;rtL ?T&L.L.d
    'CharlesD. Methews                Chester E. Ollison
    Executive Assistant                       Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1039

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017