Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  •                          NE                 A
    April 6, 1950
    Ron. Carl Hiller               opinion NO. v-1036
    Criminal Dlstriot Attorneys
    Rookwall,Texas                 Re: Consolidationof a
    rural htgh sohool dls-
    triot yfth contiguous
    oommon saliobldis-
    tricts under S.B.230,
    Dear Sir:                          Acts !jlstLeg:, 1949.
    We refer to your reosnt letters wherelllyou
    state that Royse City IndependentSo!ool Diatriot
    __    was
    organbed end formed by groupings ana annexatloneunaer
    Title 49, Chapter 19A, Ratised Civil Statutes, 1925, as
    amended, pelrtainingto rural high aohool dlstpiots, and
    that Ft Is a county-linedistrlat with its temitorg ly-
    ing within Rockwell,Hunt and Collln Counties. The dis-
    trict desires to oonsolidatewith two cont~guow common
    sohool districts 1yFng within Hunt County, and it has
    been suggested that the dlstrlct aooomplishthe consol-
    idation under Seaate Bill 230, Acts 51st Leg., R.S.,
    1949, oh. 573, ~1.1118.
    You request an opinion on the following ques-
    tions relative thereto:
    Does'SectZm 1 of S. ?3.230 (AZ%.
    2815-i. Sec. 1 V.C.S.) authorizeoonsolida-
    tlon oi Royse 6lty IndependentSchool Dis-
    trict with contiguous oommon school diitricts
    In the manner provided in Artiole 28061
    2. Under Seation 1 of 5. B. 230, would
    such Royse City dlatrlct be treated as one
    district SOP voting purposes in such a oon-
    solidatloneleatlon; that is, would a major-
    ity of the votes cast in the entire Royse
    City dlstriot control on the question of Its
    deaision to oonsolidate?
    3. Under Sectlou 4 OP S. B. 230 (Art.
    2815-2, Sec. 4, V.C.S.) would the new district
    resulting from such a consolidationenjoy full
    status as an independentschool district not
    Bon. Carl Miller, page 2   (~-1036)
    comprised of several existing elementary dis-
    Senate Bill 230, Aats 51st Leg., B.S. 1949, ah.
    573, p. 11.18(Art. 2815-2, V.C .S.) provides in part as
    "Sec. 1. Rural high sohool distriots
    (whether formed by grouping or by annexation),
    oommon sohool districts,oommon county line
    school districts, independentsohool distrlots,
    and county line independentsohool districts,
    including elementary districts which, without
    a separate majority vote therein, were annexed
    to or grouped with other districts under Chap-
    ter 59, Acts of the 39th Legislature,as amend-
    ed, relating to rural hlghsohool districts,
    may be oonsolldated'in the manner provided by
    Artiole 2806, Revised Civil Statutes, as amend-
    ed; provided, however, that no such,elementary
    dlstriot may be consolidatedunder this Act
    with any other district if, at the time of pre-
    senting a petition for the consolidationeleo-
    Won, the district with whioh it was attached
    or grouped has bonds aotually outstandingwhich
    were voted and issued after It was so annexed
    or grouped. Provided further, that each such
    rural high school district lnaluded in suoh
    consolidationshall be considered as one dis-
    trict for voting purposes in such consolidation
    election. 'Ihepropositionto be submittea at
    the oonsolldatlonmay specify the naz@ of the
    dlstriot, and swh name need not contain the
    word '0ensolidatedt.
    "Sea. 2. IS a majority of the votes
    cast in eaoh distriot is in Savor or the con-
    solidation,they shall be consolidated. . .
    "Sea. 4. Any district formed lk~a aon-
    solidation under.this Act shall constltnte an
    independentsohool district and be governed
    w the General Laws applioableto independent
    sohool districts, and it may thereafterbe
    consolidatedwith any other district or dis-
    tricts under the provisions of this AOt."
    Senate Bill 230 authorizesthe consolidation
    of any existing high school district (organizedor Sorm-
    ed by gro~upingsor annexationsunder Chapter 59, Acts of
    Ron. Carl Miller, page 3   (v-1036)
    the 39th Legislature,as amended) with any other aontig-
    uous school district or districts in the manner provided
    la Article 2806, as amended. Its language is clear and
    unambiguous. The provisions OS Chapter 59, Acts of the
    39th Legislature, as amended, relative to groupings and
    annexationsof sahool districts, are contained in Title
    49, Chapter 19A, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, and as
    amended ara codified as Articles 2922a, et seq., in Ver-
    non's Civil Statutes.
    Prior to the enaotment of Senate Bill 230, the
    consolidationof a high school district (organizedby
    groupings or annexationsunder Articles 2922a and/or
    2922~) with any contiguous common aohool district was
    provided for and authorized in Article 2922aa, V.C.S.,
    enacted in 1937. The provision In that law requiring
    the consolidationelection to be held in conformitywith
    Artlole 2806 is retained in Senate Bill 230, but all its
    remaining provisions insofar as they oonfliot with this
    later law have been superseded thereby.
    School dlstricts which oontemplateconsolida-
    tion with contiguous school dlstriots under authority of
    Senate Bill 230 are referred thereby to the prooedure
    supplied in Article 2806, but insofar as proceduralpro-
    visions are present In Senate Bill 230 which conl'liot
    with those of Article 2806, Senate Bill 230, being the
    later law, prevails.
    Under the sulxzlttedfacts, Royse City Indepen-
    dent School District was formed by groupings and annexa-
    tions under Title 49,~Chapter 19A, Revised Civil Statutes,
    as amended, pertaining to rtpal high school districta. It
    is our opinion that genate Bill 230 authorizesconsolida-
    tion of the District with contiguous districts, common or
    otherwise,in the manner or procedure provided in Article
    2806 and Article 2815-2.
    Since the Royse City District is comprised of
    territory lying in three counties, RookwalI,Hunt and
    Collin, it is a aountg-linedistrict. With respect to
    the consolidationof a county-linedistrict,we find in
    Article 2806:
    '"onthe petition of twenty (20).or a
    majority of the legally qualified voters of
    each of . . . one OF mope independentschool
    districts and one or more common school dis-
    tricts constitutingas a whole one continuous
    . ,
    Ron. Carl Miller, page 4   (V-1036)
    territory, raying for the oonsolidatlonof
    awh diatritts for school purposes,the con+
    ty Judge shall issue an order for an eleution
    F;iz held on the same day in each suoh tis-
    . The County Judge shall give notZca of
    the date of swh elections by publication of
    the order in some newspaper published in the
    county for at least twenty (20) days pr%or to
    the date on which such elections are ordered,
    or by posting a notice of swh elections 01
    each of the districts, or by both such publi-
    cation and posted notice as may be elected by
    the County Judge. The Commisslone``Con&
    shall at its next meeting, canvass the returns
    of swh elections, and IS the votes cast in
    each and all districts show a majority in
    each distriot voting separately In favor of
    such consolidation,the Court shall deo1are
    the school district consolidated. Provldsd
    that if any swh district or districta are
    situated wholly in a county other than the
    county or counties embracing any other swh
    district or districts the petitions and eleo-
    tion orders prescribed in this Act ahall be
    addressed to and issued by the respeotlve
    County Judges of the respectiveoounties in
    which such districts respeotivelylie, each
    County Judge ordering the election for the
    district or'districts in his county, landthe
    CommissionersCourts of swh respeotive coun-
    ties shall canvass the returns and declare the
    results of the elections in the district or
    districts of their respeotlve counties . . .;
    provided further, that when it is proIjosedto
    onnsolidatecontiguous county-linedlstrfots,
    the petitions and election orders presorlbed
    in this Act shall be addressed to and issued
    by the County Judge of the county hting jur-
    lsdiotion over the principal school of each
    district and the results of the election shall
    be canvassed and declared by the Commlssion-
    ers Court of said county.”
    The answer to your second question is Sound in
    Section 1‘0s Senate Bill 230, which,expresslyprovides
    “that each.rural high school district included in such
    consolidationshall be considered as one district for
    voting purposes in such consolidationelection.” There-
    Sore, the majority of the votes cast in the entire Royse
    Hon. Carl Miller, page 5   (V-1086)
    City distriot.would control on the question OS its deei-
    sion to consolidate.
    When school districts are consolidatedin
    conformity with Article 2806, they cm            any
    independentexistence. On the other hand, when school
    districts are grouped or one or more annexed to anoth-
    er under authority of Articles 2922a, et seq., to form
    a rural high school district, the former districts do
    not cease to have an independentexistence. AS to such
    districts comprising rural high school districts, it is
    provided in Article 2922b that they, whether common OP
    independent,shall be referred to as elementary school
    distriots. State v. Cadenhead, 
    129 S.W.2d 743
    App. 1939, error ref.). Furthermore,Section 4 of Sen-
    ate Bill 230 itself expressly provides that "any dis-
    trict formed by a consolidationunder this Act shall
    constitute an independentschool district and be gov-
    erned by the General Laws applioableto fndependent
    school districts.' The general laws applicable to in-
    dependent school diatriats, unlike those applicableto
    rural high school districts, contain no provisions rec-
    ognizing the existence of elementary districts within
    independentschool distriots resulting from oonsolida-
    tions. Therefore, any district resulting from a con-
    solidationelection authorized and held under Senate
    Bill 230 will occupy the status of an independent
    school distriot. It will be subject only to the gen-
    eral laws applicableto Independentschool aistriots,
    as distinguishedfrom those laws applicableto rural
    high school districts.
    Under Senate Bill 230, Acts 51st Leg.,
    B.S. 1949, oh. 573, p.1118 (Art.2815-2,B.C.
    S.), any high school district (organizedor
    formed by groupings or annexationsunder Art-
    icles 2922a, et seq., V.C.S.) may consolidate
    with any other contiguous school diatriot or
    districts in the manner provided in Article
    2806, V.C.S. and Senate Bill 230.
    A rural high school district InoIuaed
    in a   proposed oonsolidationshall be consid-
    ered   as one distriot SOP voting purposes in
    such   consolidationelection. 3ec.1, S.B.
    230, supra
    Ron. Carl Miller, page 6   (v-1036)
    Any district resulting from a consoli-
    dation election had in acoordanoewith Senate
    Bill 230 will ocoupy the status of an lndepen-
    dent school district, subject to general laws
    applicableto independentschool districts,
    and not to the laws applioableto rural high
    school distriots. Sec.4, S.B.
    230, supra
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVRD:                             Attorney General
    J. C. Davis, Jr.
    County Affairs Division
    Charles D. Mathews                    Chester R. Ollison
    Rxecutive Assistant                            Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1036

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017