.A %?RE A’ITORNICY GENERAL. OF -IrExAs PRICE DANIEL *TmIlNEY OENERAL Maroh 30, 1950 Eon. Dorman Nickels Oplnlon Ro. V-1024. County Attorney Wharton county Re: The authority of the Wharton, Texas Board of Managera of a county hospital to appoint an oateogath to Ita staff of viait- Dear Hr. Rlckela: ing physicians.’ Your request for an opinion la as follows: “RIghtIngaleHoepltal Is a county Inetl- tutlonowned and operated by Wharton County at El Campo, Texas. Thle hospital hae been entabllshed and la operating nuder Title 71, Chap. 5, R.C.S. of Texas. Said htispltalIs managed by a Board of Managers appointed un- der authority of Art. 4479, R.C.S. of .Texae and 8ald Board dealres to appoint a staff of rlrltlrrgphymlclans as Is provided for In Art. 4480, R.C.S. of lexar., “QUESTIOI “Is an ‘osteopathta ‘phyaleI*n’ouch aa will entitle him to serve ou the staff of.vIu- itlog phyrrlclansappolnted by the Board of . Managersofor a county hospital?” , provide8 In part 81)fol- ArtIole 4480, V.C.S.. lows: ‘” The board of managera shall elect from among lto membere a president, and one or more vloe-prealdentsand a aecretan,~a+ a treasur- . It ahall appoint a superintendentof the &pita1 who shall hold office at %he pleasure of said board. Said superintendentahall not be a member of the board, and shall be a qual- IJXui practloner of medicine, or be apeclal- ly traiaed’for work of suah character. “The board shall also appoint a staff of .- Hon. Dorman Rlckels, Page 2 (V-1024) visiting physicians who shall serve without pay from the county, and who shall visit and treat hospital patients at the request either of the managers or of the superintendent." The authority for the Board of Managers of the County Hospital to appoint an osteopath to the staff of vIsItlng physicians requires an interpretationof that portion of Article 4480 which states that the Board shall appoint a staff of visiting physicians and whether an os- teopath Is a physician. Article 4510, V.C.S., provides: "Any per&on shall be regarded as practic- ing medicine within the meaning of this law: "(1) who shall publicly profess to be a physician or surgeon and shall treat, or of- fer to treat, any disease or disorder, mental or physical, or any physical deformity or In- jury, by any system,ormethod, or to effect: cures thereof; (2) or who shall treat or offer to treat any disease or disorder, mental or physical or any physical deformity or Injury by any system or method and to effect cures thereof and charge therefor directly or Indl- rectly, money or other compensation;provided, however, that the provisions of this Article shall be construedwith and In view of Artl- cle 740, Penal Code of Texas, and Article 4504, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as contained In this Act.” Ro. O-1298, dated Septem that the practioe held to be within the See Rewman v. State, 1910); Rasman v. City of Gal- Collins v. State of Texas. Collins, 57 Tex.Crlm. 2, Article 4511, V.C.S., provides: "The terms, XphysIclan,land 'surgeon,' as used In this law, .&all be construed as synonymous,and the terms, 'practitioners,' lpractltIonersof medicine,' and, 'practice Hon. Dorman lickeels,Page 3 (V-1024) of medicine,' as used In this law, shall be construed to refer to and Include physlolans and surgeons." v. State 116 Tex.CrIm. 392, 32 S.W.2d 460,(lg30);nhi: "The definition of lphysIclanlas 'one authorleed to prescribe remedies for and treat diseases, a doctor of medicine,' Is ap- proved In Prowltt v. Denver, 11 Cola. App. 70,
52 P. 286, and Caetner v. Sllker, 33 H.J. Law 507, In which latter case appears the statement that a physician In common parlance Is one skilled In both medicine and surgery. In Harrison v. State, 10s Ala; 170,
15 So. 563, the word 'physician'Is defined as one who has received a degree of M.D.; ,one who lawfully praotlces medicine; one who professes oy practices medlolne for the healing art." Inasmuch as an osteopath is a physician and Is a practI.tIonerof medicine within the meaning of the above statutes as construed by the courts, we agree Vlth your conclusion that an osteopath may In the discretion of the Board of Managers be appointed to the staff of vIsItIng physIcIana. The language "appoint a staff of vlaItlng physicians" Is not definite, but It Is our opinion that the appointment of an osteopath would come within the meaning of the language used in the statute. Since It,18 within the discretion of the Board as to whom will be ap- pointed, It necessarily follows that It would be dlscre- tlonary as to whether an osteopath Is appointed to the stsff of vIsItIng physicians. SUMMARY An osteopath Is a practitionerof medl- clne within the meaning of the law (Articles 4510 and 4511, V.C.S.) and Is eligible for appointment to the staff of vIaItIng physl- clans appointed by a Board of Managers for a county hospital. All appointmentsto the IIon. D&sum Alakels,Page 4 (V+1024) staff of vlsItIugph~slclan~rest within the discretionof the Board oi Nan&gem. YOUYS very truly, PRICEDAHIEL APPROVED: AttorneyGeneral J. C. Davis, Jr. countyAffairsDlvlslon ,wzu CharleaD. Mathewn BuruellWaldrep 9 EreauttveAml8tant Assi8taat Bu:bh:mw:jmc
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1024
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017