Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  • ,’’ .* R-890 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL December 12, 1947 Hon. Glbb Gilchrist, President A. & M. College of Texas College Station, Texas CpinLon Ho. V-454 Re: Authority of Board of Directors of A. and M. College to erect an employees residence with bal- ance of Pure Feed Fund Dear Sir: We refer to your letter of recent date re- questing the opinion of this Department as to whether the Board of Directors of Texas A. & #. College may erect an employee's residence at the Gonzales Agricul- tural Experiment Station out of the unexpended balance of the Pure Feed Fund under the terms of the current a proprlation bill for educational institutions, H. B. 2t6, 50th Legislature. Sec. 2 of said B. B. 246, provides, in part, that: "All balances In the institutional funds of the several State institutions named in thFs Act . . . are hereby appropriated for the support, maintenance, opera- tion and improvement of said State institutions . . ." and Sec. 3 provides, in part,.that 'the several sums of money apecifled hereinafter . . . are hereby eppropriat- ed... to the several educational Institutions and other educational agencies named in this Act, for their support, maintenance, buildings, operation and lmplove- ments." Sec. 4 of said H.B. 246, contains, among others, the following provisions: "For the purpose of paging the expenses Incurred for administering the Pure Feed Laws . . . there Is hereby appropriated to the ex- periment stations of the Agricultural and Me- chanical College of Texas out of the receipts Hon. Glbb GllchrLst - Page 2 (V-454) accrued to the credit of the Pure Feed Fund for each of the fiscal years end- in August 31, 1948, and August 31, 19&9, such amounts thereof as shall be necessary for the efflci.entadministra- tion and operation of said Pure Feed Laws. The unexpended balance in said fund msg be used for any of the purposes herein appropriated for the Agrlcul.tural and Mechanical College of Texas, or for the purposes of conducting experlments with feeds by the Texas Agricultural Ex- periment Statlon, provided that any sal- aries paid or supplemented therefrom shall not exceed those paid for the same or similar services in the Maln College." The Board of Directors of A. & M. College was authorized to establish and maintain in Gonzales County, Texas, an agricultural experiment station for Investigations and experiments in the study of poultry problems by Art. 149H, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Sec. 2 of said Art. 1'19Hprovides, in part, as follows: "The Board of Directors of the Agri- cultural and Mechanical College of Texas is hereby authorized and empowered to se- cure a suitable site for the location of said aericultural exnerlment station in Gonzales County, Texas, O . 3 The said Board of Directors is authorized to accept donations of land, water, equipment, money or anything of value for the establishment and maintenance of said statton and to use donations and appropriations which might hereafter be made for the erection of the necessary buildings and equipment e . if and after the lands necessarv for said'ita- tlon have been purchased or donated." (Underlining supplied) The Pure Feed Fund, which is the source of the moneys with which you intend to erect the emplagee's residence, is a special fund In which there are deposit- ed the tag and certification fees collected by A. & M. College on all feeding stuff used or sold in thFs State. The fees are paid to the Directcr of the Texas Agricul- tural Experiment Station at A. & M. and by him deposit- ed in the State Treasury. Art. 3875, V.C.S. Hon. Glbb Gllchrlst -,PEigs3 (v-454) The quoted provisions of the Approprlatim Bill do not undertake to limit the Bonrd of Mrectors in the expenditure of the balance In the Pure Feed Fund. It is true that the moneys Ln seid fund are public moneys which must be re-approprleted every two Jeers by the Legislature in order zhat they may be expended in performing the duties required by the pure feed statutes. However, aa a matter of leglsla- tlve practice we knov that the use of these funds bs been left largely to the discretion of the Director of the Experiment Station and the Board of Directors of-A. k M. College. We believe that one of the purposes of the appropriation for A..& M. College 1nH.B. 246 is the maintenance, operation and improvement of the Gon- zales Experiment Station, as evidenced by Items 113 through 117 of this Act. If In the sound discretion of the Board of Directors of A. dcM. College, an employee's residence Is a necessary building at the Gonzales Experiment Station, the Board may authorize erection of such a residence to be paid for from the unexpended balance of the Pure Feed Fund. SUMMARY The Board of Directors of the A. & M. College of Texas may erect an employee's residence at the Gonzales Experiment Ste- tlon from the unexpended -lance of the Pure Feed Fund, if In the discretion of the Board such residence is a necessary building at this station. Art. 149R, V.C.S.; Sees. 2 and 3, H.B. 246, Acts 50th Leg., R.S. 1947. Yours very truly APPROVED: ATTORREYGElVERAL OF TEXAS % cdi!dJ ATTORNEY GENERAL By kA*

Document Info

Docket Number: V-454

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017