Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  • I   _                                                                    R-875
    T``EAI%ORNEY               GENERAL
    December 4, 1947
    Hon. George 8. Butler, Chairman
    Board,of Insurance Commissioners
    Austin, Texas            Opinion No. V-450
    Re:   Authority to organize
    certain non-profit in-
    surance associations
    writing policies on em-
    ployees of a single em-
    player .
    Dear Sir:
    Your letter of October 16, 1947, reads aa
    *Please advise me whether ‘asso-
    ciations which limit their membership
    to the employees and the families of
    employees of any particular designated
    firm, corporation, or individual, and
    which are not operated for profit and
    which pay no commissions to anyone and
    whose operating expenses do not exce6d
    One Hundred Dollars($lOO) per month’
    may now be organized and, upon making.
    the report required by Vernon’s Arti-
    cle 48591, Section 6, be given an an-
    nual permit to operate axempt from the
    other insuranoe laws of this State.*
    We will first exanine the lpplioatien of Art-
    icle 4859f, V. C. S., upon the type of ,assoolation des-
    cribed in your letter.
    Said Article Is Vernon’s codification of H.B.
    303; General Laws, 43rd Legislature, 1933, Regular Ses-
    sion, Chapter 245, Page 856, as amended by subsequent
    Legislatures 0
    That Act was designed to .regulateonly those
    organizations already in existence prior to January 1,
    1933, It applied solely to Wcorporations carrying on
    Hon. George B. Butler, Page 2, V-450
    in this State the statewide business of mutually pro-
    tecting or insuring the lives of their members by as-
    sessments made upon their members." Section 19.
    By H. B. 373, General Laws, 44th Legislature,
    1935, Regular Session, Chapter 264, Page 651, Section
    6, dealing with examinations of such asso,ciationsby
    the Board of Insurance Commissioners, the original Act
    was amended by adding the following'provisions:
    "It shall be the duty of the Commia-
    sioner to require any corporation, person,
    firm, association, local mutual ,aid assoc-
    iation or any local association, company,
    or organization, to have a certificate of
    authority before being authorixed to carr
    on any insurance business in this 4.
    S ate.
    , in any event, any such comoanv, oerson,
    firm, association,,or local organiiation, .
    local aid association, or local organiza-
    tion is writing xform    of insurance what-
    soever without a permit, or certificate of
    authority~issued by the Department of Insur-
    ance of Texas, it shall be the duty of the
    Commissioner to make known said fact to the
    Attorney General of the State of Texas, who
    is hereby required to institute proceedings
    in the District Court of Travis County to
    restrain such corporation, person, firm,
    association, company, local aid association
    or organization from writing any insurance
    of any kind or character without a permit."
    (Emphasis supplied throughout this opinion)
    While the original Act of 1933 was limited In
    its operation, as above noted, the Act of 1935 by its
    terms applied to all forms ,of insurance and to all types,
    of insurance enterprises theretofore or thereafter organ-
    ized in requiring a permit as a condition to doing busi-
    ness. In other respects, however, the Actremained ap-
    plicable solely to the statewide mutual assessment type
    of association in existence prior to 1933.
    By H. B. 893, General Laws, 45th Legislature,
    1937, Regular Session, Chapter 257, Page 522, the orlg-
    inal Act was again amended and for the first time spec-
    ifically mentioned the type of organization to which
    you refer. By the 1937 amendment, they were exemptsfrom
    the provisions of Section 6 which as noted had thereto-
    fore required them to have a permit or certificate of
    authority to do business.
    Hon.,George,B. Butler, Pag,e3, V-450
    The Amendment of ~1937 added to the provisions
    of Section 6, above quoted, the following:
    “‘Provided no ,provisions of this
    Act shall be construed to apply to ahy
    corporation, association, or partner-
    ship, individual; or joint stock com-
    pany, engaged in the,u&ertaking busl-
    ness, or to any advertfslng corpora-
    tlon, assoclatloh, and/or pa,rtnerahip,
    individual, or joint stock company
    tions ‘shall make annual report to the
    Department of Insurance on blanks fur-
    nished for that purpose showing their
    financial condition, receipts and ex-
    pendituxes, and such other facts as
    the Board of Insurance Commissioners may re-
    quire. No such association shall be permlt-
    ted to operate, however, without mak,ingre-
    port to the Insurance,Department ‘andgetting
    a permit to do so. Such permit shall be for
    the current year or fractional part thereof
    and shall expire on the 1st day of Yarch
    thereafter and shall be r~enewedannually up-
    on the approval of the financial statement
    of the organization by the Board of Insur-
    ance Commissioners. All such organizations
    shall have six (6) months after the time that
    this Act goes into effect within which tc
    comply with its conditions. If any organi-
    zation fails to qualify under this Act or
    fails to comply with its requirements in any
    manner  it shall be the duty of the Board of
    Insurance Commissioners to report the same
    to the Attorney General who shall at the re-
    quest of said Board file such ‘suitas may
    be necessary to wind up the affairs of such
    Hon. George B. Butler, Page 4, V-450
    arsoaiation and, if necessary, have a Receiv-
    e,rappointed for that purpose. The venue of
    such suits shall be laid in the District court
    of Travis County, Texas. . .I
    Vet. 2. All laws or parts of laws re-
    quiring permits or certificates of authority
    for associations which limit their member-
    ship to the employes and the famil$es of em-
    plcyes of any particular designate& firm,
    corpotatfon, or individual and whiah are not
    Y=+“’  0 L,o:,ro2   i;:s:hE%t3$%%i
    t exceed One Hundred Dollars ($1
    month are hereby expressly repealed.
    It will be noted that the ad.dedportion might
    be construed to require annual reperta on the part of the
    organizations to which you refer. However, the caption
    mentions no such requirements of such organizations, but
    on the contrary, s$ates the purpose of the 1937 Act to be
    ‘*toamend Section 6 of” the original Act as amended “to
    exempt from the provisions thereof* assooiations of the
    type to which you refer, and “mpealing all laws or parts
    of laws requiring pennits or certificate8 ef authority”
    to such associations. We, therefore, conclude  that such
    associations were,by the 1937 amendment, entirely exclud-
    ed from the operation of the Aot, since up to that time
    no such association was affected by any provisions
    of the Act other than those of Section 6 requiring
    a permit or certificate of authority to do business,
    and the amendment is construed, consistent with the
    caption, to exclude such an association fmm the op-
    eration of Section 6.
    The further provision of the 1937 Amend-
    ment repealing all laws or parts of laws requiring
    permits or aertificatea of authority for associations
    referred to by you, left them free to organize with-
    out such permit or certificate, subject only to such
    other laws as might apply to them.
    Subsequent amendments by H. B. 626, Gen-
    eral Laws, 46th Legislature, 1939, Regular Session,
    Chapter 7, Page 414, and H. B. 996, Aots 47th Legls-
    lature, 1941, Regular Session, Chapter 535, Page
    860, retained the same language in so far as perti-
    nent with minor changes in sentenoe structure and
    punctuation, and is construed by us as affecting no
    change in the effect of this law.
    Hon. George B. Butler, Page 5, V-450
    The Article is not then authority for the
    organization of an association of the type mentioned.
    Since, so far as we can determine, the characteristics
    mentioned are recognized in our insurance laws only
    for the purpose of exempting them from the operation
    of Article 4859f, for the purpose of repealing all laws
    in existen,ceprior to the effective.date of the Act of
    1937 requiring permits or,certificates,of authority to
    do business, and, in Artiale 4857; V. C. S., for the pur-
    pose of excluding them from the provisions of Chapter
    8, Title 78, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925,
    dealing with,~.Fraternal
    Benefit Societies, we are un-
    able to determine from that description alone whether
    an association wlth.such characteristics may be organ-
    ized under any other particular law.
    Article 4859f, v. C. s., by its terms
    has no application to vassociations whioh
    limit their membership to the employees
    and the families of employees of any parti-
    cular designated firm, corporation, or in-
    dividual, and whldh are not operated for
    profit and which pay no commissions to any-
    one and whose operating ,ex enses,donnot ex-
    ceed One Hundred ,Dollars tg 100) ,per mont’hv
    except to repeal all laws or pa’rtsof laws
    in forc’eprior to August.21,’1937,’the et-
    fective date of B. B . ,893, Gen & Spea. Laws,
    45th Leg. ) 1937, Reg.‘seSS;,  Chapter 257,
    Page 522, which required them to obtain
    permits or certificates of authority.
    Yours very truly
    By   m       %&“\’
    Ned McDaniel
    EMc: jmc:jrb

Document Info

Docket Number: V-450

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017