Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                      ~-648
    THEA~ORNEY                 GENERAL
    Ausust 25, 1947
    Hon. &iorge B. Butler, Ch8irman
    Board Of Insurance COlmaiSSiOners
    Austin 14, TOX8S
    Opinion NO.   v-356
    Re: Proper statutory pro-
    visions under which to
    Incorporate a stock in-
    SUl'8nc8 i3ODlp8UyWl-iti=
    an "all cover’ automobile
    policy; 8nd the lUiIlillllUS
    Dear Sir:                          capital required.
    Your letter of July    7, 1947, requests advloe 8s
    "Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Company ia
    seeking Incorporation as a domestic stook in-
    surance company for the purpose of lasuing
    the standard all cover form.lnsurance poliay
    on automobiles, a copy of which is enclosed.
    "Will you please advise m8 Whether the
    Company should be incorporated under the pro-
    visions of Chapter 11 or Chapter 18, or both
    of Tit18 78, and what th8 minimum capital re-
    quuirement is."
    Your references are to Chapters 11 and    18 of
    Title    78 of Vernon(s Civil Statutes.
    The policy form which you enclose Is the uniform
    policy form promulgated by the Board of Insurance Commls-
    sloners and contemplates various coverages appropriate to
    th8 ovtirship, maintenance and use of motor vehlCl88.    It
    provides for two kinds of "liability" Insurance, nsmelar
    that which insures the legal liability of the "insur8d
    for accidental injuries to prsons, and that whloh inswm
    th8 legal llablllty of the inSUr8d" for accidentsl~ daznag@
    to property.  It inclUd8S a formof  "accident" insura~e
    which directly insures various medical expense,8 ,of psrsoae
    aCCid8ntally injured by th8 automobil8.  It includes vhat
    Hon. Oeorge 8. Butler, Page 2, V-36
    is known a6 "oollirion" insurance which Insures the owner
    against certain aoaidental damage to the automobile caused
    by oolllslon.   In addition to the 8bov8, there ,sre several
    other forma of insurance against dSmag8 to the 8utomobile,
    811 of whiah forme may, if desired by the Insured, be cov-
    %red under 8 conpreh%nsiveTovIsion whloh provides gener-
    ally for insurance against 'any loss of or damage, to the
    automobile." While there are a number of exceptions and
    eXolusiOns in ohe polloy, 8d the insuranoe provided is
    llmlted undbr oertaln alraumstanoes, the coverage afforded
    to an automobile and its owner or permlaslv8 operator un-
    der such a polidy may be broader than sng kind M8;Fduranoe
    speoifloallynamed in the Insurance statutes.
    another wag, the insuring clauses of the policy form are
    not ao-extensivewith the many speoifled forms of insurance
    named in th8 statutes~, and the'comprehensive provision in-
    sures the automobile agaitist all risks except those speclfl-
    '6811y,excluded, there being no "all risk" or "811 cover'
    prdvislons in the statutes dealing with incorpor8tionof
    stoak lnsurence oompanles.
    The only chapter containing articles authorizing
    lncorporatlon of a stook insurance company which neither
    enumerate8 the kinds of Insurance whiah may be authoriced
    nor 8XOlUd8S oertsin kinds of Insurance from that whloh
    thereby may be authorized is Ch8pt8r 2 of Title 78. Art1018
    4699 of Oh8pt8r 2 merely provld8s that "any number of per-      :
    sons desiring to form a company for the Purpose of trans-
    acting insurance bUSln8,SS shall" perform the necessary acts
    thereln provided to affect such lnoorporatlon.   No limita-
    tion Is therein stated on the kinds of insurance which may
    be written.
    Article 4919 of Chapter 11 reads as followss
    "It shall be lawful for any in8urance com-
    pany d?_iBe business in this stat8 under the Prop-
    er oartifti te of authority except a life or
    health ins~anoe aompany, t; insure houses, build-
    ings and all other kinds of property against loss
    OF damage by fire; to take all kinds of lnsuranoe
    on goods, ~rchandise,   or other property in. the
    course o'f transportation, whether on land or Water,
    or any ~8SSt9l afloat, Wherever the ssme may be; t0
    lend money on bottomry or respondentia; to C8US8
    ltaelf to be insured against sng loss or risk it
    may have incurred in the course of its buSin8sS
    and upon the interest whioh It may have in any
    Property by means of any loan or loans whloh It
    Hon. George B. Butler, Page 3, V-356
    may have on'bdttomry or respondentle; and
    generally  to do and perform all other matters
    and things proper to promote these obj8ots;
    Insure 8utomobileb or other motor vebbles,
    whethel? st8tionary or being operated under
    their own power, against 811 or sny,of the
    risks of fire,  lightning, wind storms, hail
    storms,  tornadoes,cyclones, explosions,
    traneportrrtion by land or water, theft and
    oollisions, upon filing with the Commlselon-
    er notifioatlon of their purpose to do so."
    Thus, it will be seen that Artlole 4919 does not in
    terms provide for the incorporation of insurance aom-
    panlea but in terms merely states certain kinds of in-
    8urana8 whioh it Shell be lawful for "any insurance
    comp8ny" to write.
    Chapter 18 contains two artiOles pertinent to
    your inquiry., The material provislpns of Artiole 4989
    of Chapter 18 are aa Lollows:
    “Any three or more pmwona, 8 majority
    of whom 8XW residents of~thls gtOte, may 8S-
    soolate in aooordenoe with t@e provisions of
    this ohapter 8nd form an inaorporated aompany
    for any one or more of the following purposes:
    "1. To insure any person against bodily
    injury, disablement or death resulting from
    accident and against dlsablem8nt resulting
    from diSe8S8.
    '2. To insure against loss or damage
    resulting from accident to or injury sus-
    tained by an employ8 or other person for
    whiah 8OCid8nt or injury the assured is lia-
    "3. To insure ag8lnst loss or datnag8
    by burglary, theft or house breaking,
    "4.   To insure glass against breakage.
    5.   . . . .
    "6. To insure agahet loss or damage
    by water to any goods or premises srising
    from the breakage or leakage of sprinklers
    'Hon. 'George B. Butler, Page 4, v-356
    and water    pipes,
    “7 * To insure against losg result+'
    from acaldental damage to automobiles ore
    orutsd accident8lly by automobiles.
    “8. To in&m    against loss or demages
    resulting from aoaldent to or $njWy suffer-
    rCaby any person for which loss and damage
    the insured is liable; excepting employers
    'liability insurance 88 authorlted under aub-
    dfvlrion 2 of this article.
    “10. , i .
    1111, To write marine fnsuranoe in
    whioh may be included the hasards and
    perils incident to war,
    %i~ To insure against any other 088u81-
    tp   or lnsuranoe risk
    specified in the article8
    of inoorporatlon which may be lawfully made the
    mb ject of fnsurance and the formatfon of 8 oor-
    po*ation Par Issuing against whicsh Is not other-
    wlrb provided for bx thlm law, exaepting fire
    and llfb inruranoe.
    Arti@la 4993 sf @hapier 18 deala with eapitalisatlon and, 80
    PaP as pcsrtinent, provides:
    Utfole   5037 of Chapter 21, which adds nothing of
    Hon. George B. Butler, pSg8 5, V-356
    gaK4ia1  V81Ue to th" Other Statutes, prooides.in "t
    :  .'
    "Fire, marine, life and live stock in-
    sur8noe companies may be organited under the
    ,provisiona of this title."
    Artlole 5038 of' Chapter 21, which is material to your
    inquiry and whioh authorices incorporktlon of Insurance.
    companies, provides:
    "Corporat$ons may be Incorporated under
    th8 law8 of this 3t8te t0 tr8nS8Ct any one or
    more kinds of insurance business other than
    life. fire, marine, Inland, lightning or torna-
    ao insurance business in the 8ame InBnner, 8nd
    by oomD1ying with the same requiremsnts. 8s
    prescribed by law for the lnoorporatlon of life
    i suranoe oomDani8a.   No such company ah811 b
    i:dorporated having the power to do 8 fidelit;
    and surety businers or 8 ltisblllty insuranoe
    business with 8 paid upy Yipital'stook of less
    than two hundred thousand dollars."(Emphesis
    As steted, each of these last two artioles is contained in ,A
    Ohapter 21 of Title 78 d88ling with "Insuranoe", which Chap-
    ter is captioned "Qeneral Provisions”.
    The quoted Artlcles from Chapters 11 and 18 and
    Article 5038 of, Chapter 21 were considered:~in the case~.of~"
    Commercial Standard Insuranoe Company vs. Moody, Attorney
    General, decided In 1925 by the Commission of Appeals, Sea.
    A, and reported In 
    270 S.W. 1011
    . Commercial 3t8nd8rd In-
    surance Company had incorporated in 1924 with a capital
    stock of $100,000.00 snd was authorl8ed by charter to do
    all of the kinds of business provided for in Article 4919
    of Chapter 11. The company thereafter sought to amend its
    charter without lncreeslng Its capital stock so as to au-
    thorlze the wrltlng of "insurance against loss or d8mag8
    resulting from legal liability of the 8SSUred on aaoount
    of 8ooid8nt81 injuries to the person or property of $nOz,
    ineluding liability for injUrieS resulting in death.
    Attorney &+nerel refused to approve the charter and mandma
    W8S sought to compel spproval.
    It will be UOt8d that the kind of Insurance sought
    to be 8Uthoriaed by the mndxmnt   could also have been au-
    thorlsed under the provisions of Chapter 18. However, the
    lion. Qsorge 8. Butler, Page 6,   V-356
    Court held that the, provisions of Article 4989, et seq.,
    of Chapter 18, (then Articles 4942, et aerq., of Vernon's
    Sayles Annotated Civil Statutea, 1914) "should not be
    construed as prohibiting the Cosumrclal Standard Insur-
    anoe Compenp from 8mendLng its oharter as here sought"
    since the original Act from which Artlolea 4989 et aeq,,
    were.derived provlted that "o,nlycompanies organised
    and dolng)lusinesa ,,ther4under 'shall e subject to ita
    .gpr;islo;;~   ~(the.,~lygpags of Art. 4993;
    F and furtly pro-
    "This ,Aot is cumulative aa to inauranoe
    leglsletion in this State,and as to the mode
    and manner of organlting and doing business
    in this Stete, and Shall not be oonstrued to
    repeal   sny law now in forae in this State."
    Them Court obs4rveU that Commerc?ial Standard was not lnoor-
    porated underthat   Article.  This necessarily meant that
    since'Cd~rolal.St8ndard    was not incorporated und4r :the
    provisions of Chapter 18, any limitation in Chapter 1.8 would
    not be applicable.   Slnae there existed no other statute
    whlah did not so llmit lta appllcatlon, it must be assumed
    that a company organlsed in the mdlnner of Conmrercial Stand-
    ard, if properly suthorlced in its oharter or by amendment
    thereto, might write any lawful form of insuranoe, not
    speoirlaally prohibited to it by some statute. Thus It ap-
    pears that a company organlsed in the manner of the Commer-
    ala1 Standard Inauranae Company msy, If properly author-
    ieed in its charter, writ4 811 of the klnda of insurance
    4ontemplsted by the "all cover" automobIle insurance polley
    form attaohed to your request.
    We h8V4 examined the original pleadings and brief8
    filed in the above ease, and It appears that ,Commsroial
    Standard Insurance Company W&s originally inoorporsted under
    : the provisions of Chapter 2 of Title 78 and, a8 the Court
    noted in Its opinion, Its original charter authorized It to
    ,., do the kinds of Insurance business mentioned in Chapter 11.
    We see no reason why the powers which may b4 authorized by
    8mendIIlsntto the charter m8y not be included in the original
    .'I _'   oharter
    The Gomsmrolal Standard case is also authority for
    the requirement of a minimum aapitalltation of $200,000.00
    for an insurance company so organiced by virtue of the pro-
    vlrions of Art,.5038 8bovO quoted. The Court in that case
    said that the provision of Art. 5038 that "I?0-Insurance
    oompany shall be Incorporated having the power to do's
    _~.,Y’                                                                     T.
    .   ,.
    Ron. Ckorge B. Butler, Page 7, v-356
    ',Sldellty and rurety business ‘or iliability insiranoe
    bu8lnea8 with a paid up oapltrl stock of,lras than
    )~6.00"       refer8 to any iasuranoe oompany'dolng a        .
    liability lnruranae bus$ners.
    We,oonrtrw   the ftrst p&t of 'pour Qudrtlon
    to lnqulld whether or,not, ,in any eveiit, an lnauranoe
    oompany may be lnoorporsted'to write'the broad coverage
    oontemplated by,*     poliay form attached; We will not,
    therefore, attempt to dot&mine whether or not there'
    ,8~) alternative mthodr of inoorporotion s$noe w0 have
    conoluded that, In lcy event, sinoe the oompany dealrcm
    to do '8 liabllity~lnduran6e bu&ineas under the polioy
    form attaohed, it will be, required to haves a paid up.
    ,capital stook of not lbsa than $200,000.?01    If It were
    legslly'possible to inoorporate under Ohapte~ 18, with
    autholrity to write,all of the kinds OT Insurance thee-
    in named neoe6rary to thq ooversge of the attaobd poll-
    oy fol?la,It would be moessary tom provide authority to.
    write more thsn'three of then kinds of business Oonteti-
    plated b Article 4989, and therefore the provision8 of
    Article i 993 would require a minimum of,$206,000.00 of
    oapltallzation.   W6re It possible to so inoorporate ud-
    der Artiole 5038, its provisions would, df course, re-
    'quire a minimum of $200,000.00 of oapltalisation.
    A stock lns!a.ranaeoompany may inoorporate
    ';nd~  p   provisions or Ohapter 2.6s Title 78,.
    .     for the purpose of writing the insur-
    a&e ooA;emplrted by the standard "all CoveF"
    8utomObile polioy form promulgated by the Board
    of Ipsuranoe Commlaaloners.   The minimum capi-
    talizzation required of such an Insurance company
    la $200,000.00.
    Yours very truly
    APPROVED:                     ATTORHEYQRIiRRALOF    TRXAS
    By&eiz:&*        Asslstarit

Document Info

Docket Number: V-356

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017