Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                   OFFICE      OF
    THE AIYTORNEY'             GENEIUL
    AUS~N,     Taxis
    PRICE  DANIEL                     Augus~t8, 3.947
    Honorable L. A:Woods,
    State Superintendentof Public Instruction,
    Austin; Texas
    Attention: Hon. T. M. Trimble, First Assistant
    Opinion No. V-334
    Re: Is~suanaeof bonds and
    levy of taxes by Dallas
    IndependentSchool Dis-
    Dear Mr. Woods:
    In'your letter of.August 1, 1947, you state
    that the~City Council of the City of Dallas on November
    14, l945, callea ad election to be,held on December.0,
    1945, on the quest&n whether bonds in the,pr,lncipala-
    mount of ten million aollars should be issued for sohool
    purposes. The election was duly and regularly lield~,and
    a majority.votewas cast in favor of the proposition.
    On July 29, 1947, an election.was.helaunder the authpr-
    ity of Senate Bill No. 364, Acts Fiftieth Legislature,
    which resulted in the separation of the school system
    from the city of Dallas, and the district is now'known
    as the Dallas IndependentSchool'Distriot. Prior to the
    separationelection, the city issued two hundred thousand
    dollars of the authorized ten million dollars, ana in
    conn+?tionwith the uq-issued balance you ask our opin-
    ion upon the following question:
    ?The question concerning the fore-
    going is whether or not the .saidten mi-l-
    lion dollar bona issue, heretofore voted,
    can now be issued ana a tax in payment
    thereof levied by the Board of Trustees
    of the Dallas IndependentSchool District
    without further submittingsame to a vote
    of the qualified electors? "
    ~The ordinance of November 14, 1845, to which
    you refer called an election on separate propositions
    -   .
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 2   (V-334)
    covering seventeen issues of bonds. The s&o01 bona is-
    sue was Proposition No. 1. In connectionwith bonds
    that have been issued, this departmenthas heretofore
    examined all the prooe.edings relating to this eleotion.
    We have re-examinedthese proceedingsin connectionwith
    this opinion request,~andyou are advised that   it is~our
    opinion that the authority to issue the balance,of the
    ten million dollar issue ceased with the separation of'
    the school district from municipal control. In this con-
    nection, we wish to state that we have not been furnish-
    ed copies of the separationelection proceedings,and
    we express no opinion regardingwhether the election-
    duly called and held. For the purposes of this opinion,
    we will assume that the electionwas in all things prop-
    We have been advised that the reason we have not
    Ek    furnished copies of such proceedings is that the
    compilationof the same would necessarilytake time, and
    that as the fall semesterwill open in shortly over's
    month, aeoisions must be reached prior to that time; we
    have also been advised that our rendering.thisopinion,
    based upon the above-mentionedassumption,meets with
    the approval of the board.of trustees of the district.
    Prior to the'electionon July 29, 1947, the
    district was a municipallycontrolled school distriot.
    Keeping this fact in mind, let us exemink the prooeed-
    ings relating to the voting of the bonds. -'Theordinani?e
    of November 14, 1945 (No.'3722)provided in its caption
    that the election 3s to be "participatedin by the qual-
    ified voters of the City of Dallas ooming within the pro-
    visions of Article~6, Sect on 3-A of the Texak Constitu-
    tion for the purpose of determiningupon t.heissuance of
    ooupon bonds in the respectiveamounts set ofltherein
    and for the purposes particularlyset forth . . .* (Em-
    phasis added).  Section 2 providea.that"there shall be
    submitted to the qualifiedvoters of the City of 'Dallas
    who are qualifiedvoters of the City of Dallas domi
    within the provisions of Article 6, Section 3-A of ?he
    Texas Constitution,the question of the issuance of var-
    ious vends as follows + . ." (Emphasisadded. Then fol-
    lows descriptionof the seventeenproposed bona issues).
    Section 3 provided that in the event the bonds we're
    authorized,"the City Council of the City shall at the
    time of issuance and sale of &aid bonds providk for a
    levy of a tax sufficient . . .*
    Section 4 provided as follows:
    .   -
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 3   (v-334) ',               189
    "That the bonds herein submitted,,,,
    if authorized, shall be,issued in the .I
    denominationof qil,OOO.OO peachand pay+-
    able in'not~more than..fort,y(40) years:
    after date, or if authorized and ordered
    i~ssued,the city council shall have the
    power to issue same'9eriallyas in-their
    discre'tionmay be deemed-bestana pro-'
    viae for iidurities thereof atany time
    not to exceed forty (40) years. Said
    bonds shall bear interest not to exceed
    the rate of 5% per annum which shall be
    'payable semi-annuallyas it accrues at
    such place as me& be designatedby'the
    Cit$,Councilof the City of Dallas, and
    said sonas *all'be issue'sand exeoutea
    ~inaocordance with the~terms of the City
    Charter of the City of Dallas with ref-
    erenoe to.the issuance of :bonds,and the
    general laws of,the State of Texas appli-
    cable thereto. ~That the bonds here sub-
    mitted shall, when authorized,be issue&
    in accordance with the applicable terms
    of the City Charter of the City of Dallas
    ,and the'Stat6 law."
    Section.5 provided for the'o,fficial
    in the foll.owingform:
    "For:     The proposition-ofthe issu-
    ance of ~$10,000,000.00in
    coupon bonds of the,City of
    Dallas'for the purpose of
    obtainingmoney for publ$c
    school improvements . . .
    "Against: The propositioh . . . (same
    as above) . . ."
    Section 7 provided that, in the event the
    bonds were authorized at the election, nthe City Council
    of the City of~Dallas may issue for sale any portion of
    said amount . . ." 'Seotion8 ptiovided that,Ydie'manner
    of holding said election and making the returns shall be
    in accordance~withthe ordinances and the charter bf the
    .Cityof Dallas relative thereto and.the general laws of
    the State of Texas applicable to the holding of such an
    election . . ."'
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 4   (V-;334)
    On July 26, 1946, the City Council of the
    City of Dallas enacted OrdinanceNo. 3870 which~author-
    ized the issuanae of bonds in the amount of two hutiked
    thousand aollars (part of the ten million dollarsof
    bonds authorized at the election on Deoember 8, 1945).
    That ordinance in hitsoaption provide& "for.the issu- _
    ante end sale of Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000)Dol-
    lars in negotiablecoupon bonds of'the City of Dallas
    heretofore authorizea . . .* The first preamble clause
    of the ordinanceprovided in part as follows:
    "WHEREAS,in accordancewi?h the
    charter of the City of Dallas and the
    applicableState Statutes, and in ac-
    oordancewith an ordinance passed Qy.
    the governing body of the City of Dal-
    las oh the 14th day of November,A. D.
    1945 . . . a.propositionto issue Ten
    Million (810,000,000.00) Dollars in
    bonds of the City of Dallas . . .n
    'Section1 of the ordinanceprovided that
    "there be and is hereby ordered issued negotiable Mu-
    pon bonds of the City of Dallas . . ." The printed
    bonds which were issued in accordanoewith the ordinenoe
    aha which Were approve& by the Attorney General were
    called *City of Dallas School ImprovementBonds."
    'We have goqe to great length in setting out
    excerpts from the ordinancesenacted by the City Coun-
    ~11~of the City of Dallas in an.effort to show how the
    bonds were ~authorizedand issued. We would lib to add,
    at this point, t,kt the ordinancesW&e enacted and the
    eleotion was held in accordancewith the city charter
    and with the provisions of Title.22 of the Revised Civ-
    ,ilStatutes of Texas, as emended, which governs the his-
    suance of bonds by a aouqty or an incorporatedcity or
    Can it be said as a matter of law that the
    qualifiedvoters at the eleotion held on December 8,..
    1945, authorized'the.Boara of Trustees of~the'Dallas
    Independent School District, as it siow exists, by vir-
    tue of the separationelection held seventeenmonths
    after the @ona election, to issue the bonds in question?
    We think that the answer is in the negative. It is our
    'opinionthat the proceedingsclearly show that the.vo-
    ters authorized the City of Dallas (as a municipally
    controlleaindependentschool district) and only thaii
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 5   (V-334)                  ,191
    entity to istie the bonds. In a municipally controlled
    Pot8et.v'.Bridges, 248 5. %. 415: Thenvoters may have,
    different choice if they had known~that the
    bonds ``ould``.beissued~by
    a board 'oftrUstee$ of,,& inae-
    the City Council of ,theCity
    of Dallas+''~:
    Senate Bill No,.364.~doesnot proviae'that
    the succegsor d$strict may'issue the balance,of these
    bonds; therefore,we do not hqve to determinewhether
    thikptier'lies :withitithe legislative``pre``gativ~.
    prbvides as follows:
    "All bonds issUed:by an&'Ot@tand-.
    as ~&~
    '~:schoola+trict',,anaall ob,llg&ions,
    oontracts,andindebtednessexisting a-:
    1:&iibsf the city'or town, as ~a~schocddis-,'.':'~
    ~.trictj shall,become the obligatio,ns a'nd '.
    : debtsof the'independent sohdol district          ,'
    ~:at.the'time of its ~separationftioin
    mud.- ,".,
    eipal control, and the said independent-
    school dis$rict, e.fterseparationfr&n
    ,      c..:
    _ ~.gations,,~
    contracts'and.indebtedness, and' '."~
    the~same shall be,enforcekble~an& collect-
    i>&e~from,paid off end discharge8 by,       ~, "
    the~said independentschool di,strict, as
    .,if'originally create&by it as 'a separate
    and inaependent school district;,anait'
    shall not be.necessaryto call an elec-     :
    .tionwithin-and for such ,distriotfor
    the~,purpose of assWing such bonds and
    It will be noted that this section applies.
    to bonds which have been "issued,byn and are Youtstana-
    ing againstany such city oretown, as.~aschool district.*
    It'.ise~ide~tthat of the ten~million dollars only two
    hundrea~.thousandaollars of the bonas were issued and
    are outstanding..
    It is well settled that~the power to issue ~'
    negotiablebon&s may be exercise& only in the mode of
    the granted power and for the purposes .speoified~inthe
    grant. 'Gel V. PUlte (Corn.App.), 10 US.V?.(2) 694. It
    is our:opinionthat the qualifiedproperty~taxpaying
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page,6 (V-334)
    voters did not grant the Board of Trustees of the pres-
    ently existing Dallas IndependentSchool Distriat the
    power to issue the bonds. This power was granted only
    to the City of Dallas as a municipally controlledschool
    district, ana not to its corporate,kuccessor. It is
    our opinion that the fact that the City of Dallas had
    extended its boundariesfor school purposes apes not al-
    ter what we have said. Poteet v. 
    Bridges, supra
    To support the view that we have taken, we
    call your attention to the provisions of Seotiqn 208
    of the City Charter whereih the.tax rate is limitea to
    $2.50 on each $100.00~valuation,"and which said tax
    shall embrace all taxes for municipal purposes, inolu-
    sive of school taxes . . ." Can it be said that the
    qualifiedproperty taxpayingvoters'wouldhave author-
    ized these bbnds if they had known that the tax rate on
    their propertywould not be limited to $2.50 for~all
    purposes,but that it could be increased to $3.75 ($2.50
    plus $1.25 authorizedby:Seotion5 of Senate $111 No.
    364)? It is our opinion that the question should be
    as.iswWed~inthe.negative. Opinion No. 6059; City of
    Athens v. Moody, 
    280 S.W. 514
    We call your attention f&her to.the fact
    that the bonds were-vote&under the.provikd.ons bf Title
    22, Revised~Cidl Statntes~of‘Texas,as amended.These
    statutes (Article701, et seq.) do not govern'th&is-
    suance of bonds by an independent school distriot.~Love
    v. Rockwall Independent,School D&strict, 
    230 S.W. 642
    The Dallas InaepenaentSchool District is no longer a
    municipallycontWled district, but is an inaepenaent
    school aistrict subjeot to the provisions of Senate
    Bill No. 364 and the general laws relative to inaepena-
    ent school districts; In the.issuanceof bonds, there-
    fore, Articles 2704e, et seq., Vernon,ts.CivilStatutes,
    would control (not Articles 701, et seq.). Article .~
    2705 requires a petition as a predicate to the calling
    of a bona election. It'requires~adifferent notice
    than that outline&in Article 704. Article ~2786re-
    .@.res that "the petition, election order &Xi fioticeaf
    electionmust distinctlyspecify the amount of bonds,
    the rate of interest, their maturity dates, and the
    purpose for which the bonds are to be used. (J@phasis
    added I. It requires.adifferentlyworded ballot. It
    requires that the bonds shall mature in serial annual
    installments'overa perioa of not excee&ng forty yesrs
    from their date, but that when the sohoolhousesdareto
    be constructedof wood, the bonds shall mature in not
    more than twenty years.
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 7   (v-334)                 3.93
    An independentdistrict in issuing bonds
    must meet the terms of these statutes. It is obvious
    that in the issuance'ofthe balance of the $lO,OOO,-
    000 bonds, these terms could not be met. It is our
    opinion that this fact alone would preclude the issu-
    ance of such bonds.
    In view of the foregoing, you are advised
    that the Board of Trustees of the Dallas Independent
    School District is without authority to issue the bal-
    ance of such bonds.
    You are interestedin a second question,
    and this question concerns the tax of the new dis-
    trict under Se&ion 5 of Senate Bilk No. 364. We quote
    the following from your letter:
    "Prior to the said separation'elec-
    tion, a tax~in the amount of seventy-five
    cents was voted aa levied for maintenance
    of said school system';which/together
    with an approximateeleven cent bond re-
    tax theretoforevqtea and levied,
    makes the total tax now leviedfor said
    school district amount to approximately
    weighty-sixcents on the one-hundreddol-
    "Now, can the Board of Trustees of
    the UalLas Ind0pend8nt School District
    levy an additional tax,.whiohwhen added
    to the existing taxes does cot exceed one
    dollar and twenty-fivecents on the one
    hundred dollars valuation of taxable prop-
    erty of saia~aistrict,~forthe maintenance
    of the schools therein, without a vote of
    the tax paying property owners therein u+
    der Senate Bill 3643"
    Section 5 of Senate Bill No. 364 reads as
    "Except as herein denied or limited,
    all the powers conferred upon idependent'
    school districts and/or towns and villages
    incorporatedfor free school purposes
    only, by Title 49, of the Revisea Civil
    Statutes of Texas, of 1925, and amendments
    thereto, including the right to annex
    Hon. L. A. w00as - Page 0   (V-334)
    contiguousterritoryfor school pur-
    poses, and the right to levy taxes
    and issue bonas for school purposes,
    as provided by General Law, hereby
    are cotierredupon any inaepenaent
    school district separatedfrom muni-
    cipal control under the provisions
    of this Act; provided however, that
    the trustees of any independent
    sohool district that may hereafter
    be separatedfrom municipal control
    under the provision& of this Aot,
    shall have the power to levy and ool-
    lect an annual ad valorem'tax not to
    exceed One and 25/100 ($1.25)Dol-
    lars on the One Hundred (~lOO;OO)
    Dollars valuation of taxable propep-
    ty of.the dist~i0t,for the.mainten-
    ante'of the sohools therein, end
    whioh may be used to pay the prinoi-
    pal ana interest on all bonas issued
    for sohool building purposes out-
    standing$$@.nst the extended muni-
    cipal school district at th6 ti@ie~of
    separationfrom municipd bontrol,
    and the principal of and interesC0n
    all bonds to be.issued hereafter by
    any such independentschool district;
    provided that nothing herein shall be
    construedaspabrogating or in any m&n-
    ner repealing or affecting any kin-
    tenance tax and/or bona taxes hereto-
    fore voted, authorizedand/or levied
    on taxable properties situated within
    the limits of the extended municipa.1
    school district;PTOViaea further,
    that no increase in the maximum rate
    of school maintenancetax an&/or bona
    debt of any such district shall be
    authorizeauntil after an election
    shall have been held wherein a major-
    ity of the taxpayingvoters, voting
    at said election;shall .havevoted in
    favor of said tax, or the issuance of
    said bonds, or b&h, as the 0ase may
    be; ana provided further, that the
    of any such distriot shall not
    exceed in amount seVen (7%) per oent-
    um of the assessed value of taxable
    d   -
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 9,,(V-334)               :   195
    property,of suoh district,as shown
    by the last annual assessmentOf
    such property. In the event an elec-
    tion is hela.for the purpose of sep-
    arating such'schooldis$riqt from
    municipal control, and such election
    ~1sin favor of the separationof the
    public schools from municipal con-
    trol, then such independentsohool
    district may levy ana collect taxes
    as of January lst, ,ofthe year in
    w,hiohthe election Was held, and
    thereafter levy and,colleotsuoh
    taxes on an annual ba,sis.*
    You wish to know whetherthis t&x bf $1.25
    can be levied without a vote of the qualified property
    taxpaying voters of the district. Seotion 3 of Article
    vII,'Constitutionof Texas, provides in part:
    n      -~providedthat a~major-
    ity of t~e*&alified proljertytaxpay-
    ing voters of the district voting at
    ~:an electioq to ,be~heldfor that pur-
    pose, shall vote such tax . . ."
    This Constitutionalmandate must~be corn-
    plied with: Pyote Indep&ndentSchool District v. Dyer
    (Corn.App;), 34 S; 911.
    (2) 578; Bigfoot Independent
    School Distr&ot v. Cenard (Civ. App.) 116 S. W. (2)
    804;Uff*a.., Corn.App.) 129 S. W. (21 1213; Crabb v.
    Celest6 Independent School'Dititrict,105 Tex. 194, 146
    S. W.~528,'39 L.R.A. (NS) 601; Burns v. Dilly Independ-    .
    ent So4001 Distriot (Corn.App.), 
    295 S.W. 1091
    You are, therefore,aavised that the Board
    of Trustees of the-DallasIndependentSch6ol District
    has no authority to levy a tax of $1.25~unless a "major-
    ity of the qualified property taxpayingvoters of the
    district voting at an eleM,ion to be held for that pur-
    pose, shall vote such tax . . .*
    It has been hela that an election whereby
    the sohool sys$em is separatedfrom municipal oontrol
    is an amendment to the charter of the qity. -State v.
    City Commissionerof San Angelo (W. E. Ref.), 101 S.W.~
    (2) 360.' It is assumed that the charter,of the City
    of Dallas had not been amended within the two years
    preceding the election held on July 29, 1947.
    Hon. L. A. Woods - Page~lO (V-3344)
    1. The Board of Trustees of the Dallas
    Independentschool District', which aistr#.ct
    has been separatedfrom municipal control is
    without authority to issue the balance of the
    ten'millibindollars of bonds authorizedat an
    eleotion held on Deoember'8,1945, when the
    districtwas a municipally controlledais-
    2. The Board~of Trustees of the Dallas
    IndependentSohool~Districtis without auth-
    ority to levy a tax of $1.25 unless "a major-
    ity of the qualifiedproperty taxpaying voters
    of the district votingat an'eleotionto be
    held for that purpose shall vote such tax."
    .~ Very truly yours
    B;   hyT.           +       "
    George W. Sparks
    GWS-s:wb                        Assi.stant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-334

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017