Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                                R-413
    Oh?ICE         OF
    ‘mE     .&TORmY                (@NEW
    ATTORNEY GENERAL                    June 20, 1947
    Hon. Perry L. Jones,           :   opinion WO.~V-270
    County Attorney,
    Travis'County,.                    Re:     Constitutionalityof
    Austin, Texas                              Ho Be 100, A&s 50th
    relative to compensa-
    tion of county treas-
    Dear Sir:                                  urersD
    We reier..toyour ~letter'ofApril 24, 1947,
    to this Departmentwhich is as follows:
    "The current Legislaturehas passed
    Rouse R.l.ll:INo.:lOO
    sioners!~,Sourtin *countiesof Texas .hav-~
    ing a population of more than ninety thou-
    sand (90,006).and less than one 'hundred
    ;and/twelvethousand (112,000),accordi@
    to the last preceding Federal Census;* to
    pay the County Treasurer up to thirty-six
    hundred ($3600.00)Dollars per year.
    "In smmuch as this is one-.or'theso-
    called ~Braoket.Bllls~,I amwriting; at
    the request ot the-~County
    Auditor; to &et -
    your opinlonas.to whether or not.thls Bill
    is ~constitutional~partlcularly
    the bra&at matter. I sm~enoloslnga aopy-
    of House Bill No. lOOi"
    l%mpertinent.part    or   the Bill is ds'ic%l-
    ImeL.:.. . :                                                 .
    Weotion 1. ~Sectio+13, Subseotion .
    (a), Chapter 465, General and Speaial Laws,
    Party-fourthLegislature,Seoond Called '
    Session, as ~,amended
    by House Blll~No.~l6l,-
    Regular Session, Eorty-sixth Legislature;
    as amended by Chapter 61, Acts, Forfy-sev-
    enth Legislature, is hereby amended to here-           !
    after read as follows:
    Hon. Perry L. Jones - Page 2
    "*(a) The CommissionersCourt of
    the respective oounties of Texas having
    a po ulation of more than ninety thousand
    (90 too, and less than one hundred and
    twelve thousand (112,000),according to
    the last preceding Federal Census, are
    hereby authorized to fix the salary of
    the County Tfeasurer of the particular
    county at a sum not leas than Six Eundred
    Dollars ($600) per year, nor more then
    Thirty-six Hundred Dollars ($3600)per
    The provisions of   Artid   III of the Consti-
    tution applicable are as follows:
    "Sec. 56. The Legislature ahall
    mot, except as otherwise provided in
    this constitution,pasa any local or spea-
    ial law, authorizing: . c *
    the e2fai.m of a4ullties,
    aiths, towns, yards or sahool diatriets;
    Section X5 of Arttiele3912s 5s   ln.part   as
    'sec. 1s. The Comissionersf
    Court in counttieshaving a population
    61 twenty thousand (20,000)imhebi-
    tants or more, end leas than'&e.&an-
    drsd'and ninety thousend (1SO;OOD)in-
    habitants aocording to the lase pre-
    ceding Federal Censns, is hereby auth-
    orized and it shall be its duty to fix
    the salaries of all the following
    named officers, to-wit: sheriff, as-
    eessor~ and oolleofor of taxes, county
    @dge,.county attorney, including cplm-
    inal distriot attorneys and oounty at-
    torneys who perform the duties of dls-
    trict attorneys, district clerk, coun-
    ty clerk, treasurer* hide and animal
    &nspector. Ea h f said offioera shall
    be paid lnmonzy L annual salary in
    twelve (3.2)equal instailmentsof not
    less than the total sum earned as com-
    pensation by him in his ofiioial oap-
    Hon. Perry L, Jones - Page 3
    acity for the fiscal year 1935, and not
    more than the maximum amount allowed
    such officer under laws existing on Aug-
    ust 24, 1935; o o o"
    It will be noted that the ~billin question
    is made applicable to those counties having a popula-
    tion of more than 90,000 and less than 112,000, Upon
    checking the population census-or each county of the.
    State, we find that at the present time there are four
    counties in the State having a population of more than'
    9OdOOO and less than 112,.000,to-wit: Travis, 111,053;
    Hidalgo, 106,059;McLennan, 101,898; and Nueoes, 92,-
    661, The population census further~reveala.thatEl
    Paso County has a population of 131 597, The general
    provisions of allythe statutes sett>he salaries
    of county treasurers in.countieadth a p'opuletion  of
    not less than 20,000 and not more than 190',000inhab-
    itants fixes a ~maximumsalary or $2;006,0O:.perannum
    (Art, 39128, Sec. 13, and``ArtlCle394S, V.&S.); to-'
    gether with the 2% increatie'as'allowed by S, B; 12S``~
    Acts 49th Legislature; Sec. 13 of Article 
    39l2e, supra
    Inasmuch as there is no other law governing the treas-
    urer's salary which is applicable to El Paso County,
    said salary is governed by'the provisions of S8otion
    13 of Article 3912e, slipra,as amended in 1945;'and
    the maximum salary which the treasurer of El Paso Coun-
    ty may reoeive is~$2,500,00,eventhough itspopula-
    tion is far in,exqass or that or .anycounty coming with-
    in the brac&et.oT& B,.lOO.L~
    The Bill further providesfor a minUsam
    salary of not less than $600 per annum, while the Gen-
    8ralLaws (Art* 3912e, Sec. 13) sets ,minimumsalaries
    of the county treasurers in ~oountleaw1th.a population
    of not lass than 20,000 nor more than 190,000 inhabib'
    tanta ht not less than the total sum earned aa'compen-
    sation by them ih their ofricial capacities for the
    riscal year 1935, Therefore, the Commissioners*~Courts
    of the particular counties coming within the bracket
    of'the Pill can set the salaries of the county treas-
    urer In their respective counties at a much leas aal-
    ary than provided for by Article 39128, Set, 13, even  I
    though the ceunty treasurer is serving in a county
    whose population is~far in-excess of those counties
    wherein the minimum salary of the county treasurer is
    Hon. Perry L. Jones - Page 4
    not 18s~ than that earned in 1935, and much greater
    than $600 per annul+
    The question for decision here is whether
    the classificationis arbitrary and'unreasonableor
    whether the population of the counties,8mbraC8dwith-
    in the bill bears a reasonable or logical relation-
    ship to the question of the amount of work required
    of the county treasurerand the need for an increase
    in the annual .salaryof Said officer. In other words,
    Vhether'theLegislaturemay legally classify these
    fourcounties and authorize the Commissioners1Courts
    thereof to pay their respective county treasurers an
    annual salary of $3690.00 when El Paso County (a much
    larger county) is only authorizedto pay its treasur-
    er an annual salary not to exceed $2500.00 per annum.
    : In regard to local and special laws, the
    Texas Supreme Court In B8Xar County v. Tyimn, 
    97 S.W. 2d
    467, held void an act of the Legislaturewhich
    fixed the compensationof.the county of%icers in COW+
    ties of not less than 290,000 nor more than SlO,QOO
    at an amount less than offiaers in some counties 0r
    ~OpUf~tkOllCould r808iV8. olieqUOt8 ‘fromthe
    opinion as follows:
    "a.. . the Legislaturemay Classi-
    fy counties upon a basis or population
    ror the purpose or rixingcompen~tion
    o&county and precinct officers,
    ng SO the ClaSSiflCatiOn.mUSt.%%%ed
    UPOn a real distinCtiOn,and must not be‘
    arbitrary or a d8ViC8 to give what is in
    '.subatancea local or special law the form
    0f.a general law. . .
    "*The rule is that a clasai~lcation
    cannot be adopted arbitrarilyupon a
    ground which has no foundation In differ-
    ence of .situationor ~circumstanc8sOf the
    municipalitiesplaced in the different
    classes. There must be some reasonable
    relation between the Situation Of mUIliCi-
    palitias reclassifiedand the purposes
    and object8 to be attained. ThBr8 mUBt be
    SOm8thillg.. . which in some reasonable
    degree accounts for the division into
    Hon. Perry L, Jones Page 5
    *In the 0488 of Clark  v, Mtiey,
    93 Tex, 171, 54 5. W. 343,this Court recog-
    nized that substantialdifferenoesin popu-
    lations of counties could be-made a basis
    or legislationfixing   cornpen-Gtion   0r offi-
    oera, on the theory, as the-Court clearly
    recognieed,   that the work devolvi upon an
    officer was in some degree    proport"fonats to
    the population of the county. This has ire-
    quently been reoognixedby courts as creat-
    ing a sufficientdistinotionto justify a
    larger compensationfor county ofricers In
    counties having a large population as co&
    pared with compensationto llks officers in
    counties having a small population, Con-
    versely, we think It true that if the-is-
    lature ignoresthe obvious fact that the
    work of county orficera is proportionateto
    population and classifies oounties in such
    a way that the oompensatlonof Officers of
    a county having a large population is fixed
    far below the compensationallowed like of-~
    ficers in small counties. such action a-
    mounts to fixing a classificationwhich is
    bit     9  d hi h has no true relevance
    g th%&ewofcthe          ls~lslation.n(Empha-
    sis ours)
    It is readily apparent that H. B. No. 100
    authorizes payment of salaries to county treasur4ra'l.n
    fOUr COUnti greatly in exc8sa Of the.salary allowed
    the county treasurer of El Paso county, a county with a
    much larger population,under the general law in which
    all of such counties are embraced, Section 13 of Arti-
    39128, supra
    If this is not a local or special law, what
    reason can 4 assigned for holding.lt to be a generals
    law? Can 1e b8 said that the classificationis reason-
    able and not arbitrary or that the olassifioatlonis
    real when it allows the County treasurers in COUnti Of
    a much-smallerpopulation to receive a muah greater Cal-
    ary than the county tre&surers in all the other counties
    having a population of at least 112,000 and hot more than
    190,000 (includingEl Paso County) and when also at the
    same time it allows the Commissioners*Courts of oounti4s
    having a much greater population to set the salaries of'
    the oounty treasurers in those counties coming within Its
    bracketsas low as $600 per annum, a much less salary
    than may be allowedthe county treasurers under Section
    13 Of httC18   39128, SUpra, even though the county might
    Eon. Perry L. Jones - Page 6
    not have a population of-n~orethan 20,000 inhabitants?
    We think not.
    Therefore, in view of the foregoing,you
    are respeotfullqadvised that it is the opinion of this
    H. B. No. 100 is in contraventionof
    Section 56 of drticle III of the Constitutionand is a
    loo@1 or special la* and, therefore,is invalid and un-
    codatitutfonalin this respect.
    House Bill &To.100, 50th Legislature,
    providing for the fixing of salaries of
    county trepreurersin counties having a pop-
    ulatfon.'betueen90,000 and 112,000 ts nor
    oonstitutlo'm~,the olassIrieatlonbeing un-'
    reasonable~and hot real.- Bexar Co. f, Tynan,
    97 5. 7, Ed 467.
    Very truly yours,
    By     A&@
    d ce Allen
    BA*ArdjSl:WB                        Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-270

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017