Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                                               *.*., ;,
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    OFFICX       OF
    ~?EE        &!TQlRX3X                GENE-
    Oe.mxuL                               June 23, 1947
    Ron. Roy C. 3noQrase,               Jr.
    County Attorney
    Potter County
    Attention:          Eon. John PMmaon,
    Asalatant Oounty Attorney
    ‘..                        Opinion No. V-261.
    .RO:   Authority of the OOlPr
    .                          IlllesloJmre’ oourt of
    Potter aouJlty to eIpend
    oounty funds in the im-
    hvement of oity etr0etB
    Dear Mr. anoagrarrsi                       Pn Amarillo.
    Your request for an opinion                of this Demrt-
    ment la eubetantlallp aa $011~8:
    9he Oomml~eionere~ Court of Potter
    County.ie dsalroue or epetnding approxlmate-
    lp $25,000.00 out of the county road and
    bridge ftind for the laprovement of BtrOeta                        :
    In the Olty of Amarillo.     It la their plan                                I
    to work with the oitJi offioials   on thlrr
    program and on eaoh part of the oity street0 .
    whloh are improved a peroent ‘of oounty run&r                          -
    will be used, and an equal perosnt of oity
    /     funds will be used and a psroent will be
    paid by saoh Lndddual     land owneradjoinin
    the street.   The queetloo ha8 ariaen as to
    whetheror not the Oommlesionere~ Oourt oan
    \..             legally expend oounty road and, bridge iundr
    for a    and all of the etredr    in Amarillo
    .         that 7t ey dealre to lmprwa, or stated an-
    other way the quecrtion 18 ame all oi tti
    atreota ln Anmrlllo a part of the ~oounty     ’
    road ryrtam’?
    a. .   .   .
    .     .
    Bon. Roy CL Snodgrass,‘Jr.      - Page 2
    “In Potter County the majority of
    the population is located wIthIn the oity
    ll,mIt,s and the majority of the roads are
    In the city limits and ‘it Is my opinion
    that the Supreme Court did nOti mean to
    limit a oounty auoh as ours by allowing
    the Commissioners’ Court to Only improve
    a road In the city limits when it Only
    oonneote a oounty road coming Into the
    city on one side and going out on the
    other.    Another feature or Potter County
    is that the oity, although situated most-
    1y In Potter County, goes into .Randal,l
    County on the South side and a strict   eon-
    struotion of the Stephens County case would
    mean that the Comissionere~    Court cannot
    spend any funds on roads ooming into the
    oity from the ‘North side a8 It would be
    impossible to conneot with the oounty road
    I                           on the South side of Amarillo.w
    Generally speaking, It Is a well settled
    proposition   ot law thlit the.oontrol and juriediotion
    over streets   of a mnIoIpa1 oorporation Is 6xolueIve
    in said oorporation and oountiea have the right to 8x1
    pend $unde In the Improvement of streets wltbin the
    ..oorporate limit8 of a city when. said streets are e
    part .of the oounty road system and, when done with !he
    oonmnt of. the oity;
    In the ease of Bughe8.v:. County Comdaaion-
    era*  Court of Harrla County, 95 9. W. 2d 81.8, sheCourt
    etated .a8 hollows:          .:
    Vhe oOunty haa,.. by virtue of the    ‘,’
    provisions of the general laws of this
    state,. as well ‘as by the firrls   County
    looal road’law, the right to emend ita.
    funds in the improvement of~a street
    within the’ oorporate.’ lImIta of a ,oIty
    I                           whloh Is also a pub110 road or the ooun-
    ty, espeoially   so when such improvement
    ia done with thb oonsent and Invitatloh         ‘.,
    of the city authorities.     . .
    uln~obedIeiioe to I& mandate of
    artiole, & ’seotion 9, of the Constftu-
    .’ tion, whlioh we tbInk self-enaotlng,  the,
    Eon. Roy 9. Snodgrass,   Jr. - Page 3
    IagIslature In 1911 and 1899 passed
    &at Is now artloles 2351 and 2352 of
    our Civil Statutes.    By article    2351,
    the oomaissIoners* oourts were .auth-
    orlzed among other things, to lay out
    and establish public roads and to ex-
    erolse general oontrol over all pub-
    lIo roads In their respeotlve ooun-
    ties, and by ,artIole 2352 suoh ,oourt
    Is authorized to levy and,oolleot
    taxes for road purposes and for the
    erection of publio buildings,     streets,
    Bewers, asto. The right to levy and
    oolleot taxes for oertaln purposes
    oarries with it the right to expend
    the funds when so oolleoted to oarry
    out the purposes for whIoh it was ool-
    leoted. It Is ImaterIal      to inquire
    whether the dominion and oontrol over
    roads’ie given by statutes other than
    the artlolea mmd.      Artlole 2352
    olearly oarrles with It the Inplled
    power of the oomaIssIoners~ oourts to.
    expend the road funds of their respeo-
    tlve oountlee In the Improvement of
    streets., espeoially  mob streets as
    oonstltute a pavt of a pub110 road of
    the=county, .beoause by the provisions        *
    of the Uonstltutlon oountlee are glv-
    en the right to levy and oolleot taxer
    for the Smprovemnt    of both road6 and
    otreeta. . .
    “The weight  of authority seems
    to lndloate that under the general law
    the. oountlea have the oonetltutional     I
    and statutory power to expend their
    road funde in the Improvement of their
    road8 whloh pass through a muniolpal-
    ltg, and that  they have the right to
    lawwe ‘euoh roads though they be
    street8 of mob munlol alltles        with
    the oontient of th8.m ni olpalltlee.
    Stat& 0. Jones 
    18 Tex. 874
    ; Smith v.
    Oathey (Ter. Oiv. App.) 225 8. W. 168;
    Renat v* Dallarr Oounty her. Olr. 4p.j
    266 8. W. 540.”
    Hon. Roy C. Snodgrass,   Jr. - Page 4
    The same rule was announced In the ease of
    .the City of Breoksnrldge v. Stephene County, 40 8. W.
    2d 43, wherein Judge Crltz, speaking for the Supremb
    Court; stated as f6llcws:
    “After a careful InvestIgatIon
    of ‘the authorities,   Including the Con-
    stitution and laws of this State, we
    have reached the oonoluslon that the
    oommIssIoners~ court does have lawful
    authority to expend county road bond
    funds for the Improvement of city
    streets where suoh streets form Inte-
    gral parts of oounty roads or state
    hIghways, whe,n such Improvements are
    made tithout conflicting    wIth.the jur-
    Isalotlon    of the munIoIpalIty, or with
    Its oonsent or approval.      Se&Ion 52,
    art. 3, Texas Constitution;     State v.
    Jones, lb Tex. 874; Smith v. Cathey’
    (Tex. Clv. App;) 
    226 S.W. 158
    , lb0;
    Cannon v. Realty Construction 00.. (Tax.
    &lnA~:)       e42 S. W. 526, 529 (wrl~        .
    Weotlon 52 of artlole 3 ‘of our
    State Constitution authorizes dounties
    and *polItIoal subdivisions and defined
    dietriots   thereof to issue bond6 for
    the purpose of:     ’(0) The oonstruo-
    tlon malntenanoe and operation of mao-
    adamized, .graveled or paved poads and
    turnpikes, or In aid thereof.’
    “The oonstItutIonal   provl &on, a-
    boys   referred to expressly~ provides
    that road dietriots     ‘may or may not in-
    oLude towns, villages     or munlolpal oor-
    poratlons. f Thus by the express terms
    of the Constitution a munIolpal oorpor              .
    atlon may be an Integral part of a road
    distrlot.     As a part of the road dIa-
    trlot,    the property of the olty or town
    is subjeot to road dlstrlot     taxes just
    the same as roperty of the dlstrlot
    looated out4 Pde 8uoh munIoIpalIty.      If
    a olty or towq 1s a part of a road ala-
    trlot,    th? oommIesloners* oourt has the
    Ron. Roy C. Snodgrass,    Jr. - Page 5         -
    right by the very express prcvisiohs   ! ,’
    OS the Conetltution’to  expend road al*;“,’ :
    trlot bond funds on such town or city
    streets where suoh streets are parts of
    and form connecting links in county Of
    state highways.*
    It will be observed from the foregoing that
    if a lmprwememt18 made, the Samemust be oonfimd~ to
    the streets forming a part of the county road system,
    and must be done with the consent of the municipal cor-
    poration within which said streets are located.          In the
    5reckenrIdge case above cited, a dIstInotIOn was drawn
    between streets forming a part of a county road system
    ana streets generally.     It was held that the CommIssIon-
    ers’ Court could blna Itself     to spend county road bond
    ?uads to ala the oltv In Improving streets forming a
    part of the county roaas but oould not bind Itself to
    aid the city in IiuDrovInu other streets.        It Is obvloue
    h t th   It    aat     d       dl tI tion between streets,
    sp~ahI~yg6~e%.y       oi t``wa%er~esn~f traff Ic wlthln a
    nunioIpalIty;and      suoh streets as form a continuation of      _
    a county road, but In any event a street whloh has been
    designated by a oounty’as a part of It8 system.          (Attor-     .!
    ney~General*s Opinion Ro. o-1190)       Inasmoh as h ~county
    my, with the oonsqnt of the city, improve the streets
    of such olty forming a part of the “oounty road Sy~te@,
    it neoessarily follows that a determination must be
    made as to what Oonstitutes a county road system. The
    Constitution oonuuandsthat the laying out, constructing
    and repairing of county roads shall be provided for by
    general laws. Aocordlngly        general laws have been en-
    aoted setting up a State Highway Commlsslon to adminIs-
    ter State highways and delegating the oontro&go;e;ty
    roads to the County Commissioners’ Courts.
    if a public ‘road has been established and used ae a ’ ’
    county road, the oounty would be authorized to expend
    money on such oounty road If the same traversed a olty,
    and any money expended would be authorized on the I,&
    prcveImnt of 8treet.s if the same have been established
    and used and are an integral part of a oounty road.
    (Art. 87*0716,     V. C. S.)- By virtue of the Rreohen-
    ridge ease, If the street desired to be Improved is a
    OonneotIng link in a duly establiehea oounty road the
    same rule would be applloable,       the        “oonneotlng
    111W moaning to.unite or link                    A oonneSt*
    link by it6 very name mUSt.be Something that holds two
    different Slements toget&?/        (38 Pao:‘(3)    103).
    r$a       Hon. Roy 0. Snodgrass,   Jr. - Page 6
    . j
    ,                     (J 7
    In view or the foregoing It .I8 belle&d
    that the streets of Amarillo oonneotlng’oounty road8
    would be “oonneotlng lInlce* despite the faot that a
    ti E
    portion of Amsrlllo Is In Randall County. The only
    1ImItatIon Imposed by the physical faots would be                 ,j   VR
    jurIsdIotIona1;   that ls~, the Iaprwement would go                    All
    only to the oounty line.     Therefore, It Is the opln-
    Ion of this Department that those roads established
    as oounty roads and those olty streets of Amarl
    formIng an Integral part OS the oounty road system
    may be improved by the oounty with the consent of
    the olty of Amarillo.    Further, those streets form-
    ing a oonneotlng link for oounty roads traversing
    the olty of Amarillo may be Improved, but only to
    the oounty 11~ of Potter and Randall oountles.
    ‘Your brief SurnIbhed this office has ma-
    terIal)y aided In the dlsoueslon of the eubjeot under
    ’ oonsld~ratlon and 16 appreciated.
    County Road and Bridge Funds my be
    expended In the improvement of oounty
    roads pdsslng through a. olty, though they
    be streets of such olty, provided oonsent
    la obtained from the olty and.suoh streets
    are integral parts of’ the oounty roads;
    streets forming a “oonneotlng 1IW on au-
    ly eetablIshed county roads may be Improved
    by the oounty with the oonsent of the olty.
    ‘.                City of Breokenrldge v. Stephens County, 40
    8. V. (2) 43; ,Eughes v. Oounty Comlsslonera*
    Court of Harris Oounty, 35 8. W. (2) 8l.8.
    Very truly yours,
    Bwiajm:libjbrwR                 By ey3
    This   OHdon nae   oonsldered   and approved in Confermoe.   ..

Document Info

Docket Number: V-261

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017