- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Haaarablo T. r(.l-rlmble,Ylrat Amslstant State Suparlntadmt of Public ln&ruction Audin, Tetxu Opinion Ro. o-7322 ... ,,," Ho; omDr8bipcf vimro om- we have yam l&far roqu8t 01 opinion or t&l8 Suprlntadmnt of Schoala loving qulmtlcn8 (quotin#3 l.lltorl&nt)r ,~ - B 0on8olldatod amou.dat#d tic- t D coaaoll- "Thor0 lm no lncMbt6das88 or any kind rgalnat con- molldatubDistrlat E nor vaa thccrrat the tlm L38txict I.> vitherav. .?:!, i “(b) 00 tb @.ltlao of'twatiy (20), cw l maJorlty, aithola~yq~ votnra af any aanon 8~21001Cla- *lot, or Indapnmbnt 8aboolblatrlat,-06: for the vItb&avU ~aomaalldataddiatriot, lf thw (3) pars bmm clam Mter th mtm of tb8 *leotloc at *iah au& dl~trieta``ooruol``,~CourPt;JJ'udlp~lla~ m 0HulWr a~olaotlatoba held la ttm dlatrlot&air- TlmcolmtyJudguahu1glvouotloeorthm zr--*of awl.~*lootIambJpuhlloatlQ of tha order In mom aava``rpubllabd In tha countyfortwnty(i?O)claya mlar to``~Barlhiah~bel~tioM~ods~,s~pat- iagun0U.u of mah01oatIoc1 In th~dlatrIat*aIrhgtts lleotIoo. T4nCamI8alozmraCourtahal.l~tltanwt#t l8q uuwaa Uu rrtum8 al 8wh 8lacUea, umd If tlaarotas oaatlRuddelstrlataova~or1tylnfavoa.fvItladw- Cewt&alltbelrrtbdIa- *~a~tbeutheltlo801tedwUdnklt18thrvall aettld ruxa in ‘hrur that ttm 2dgiUa~ la autaaeis0-d topwwribafotbr oePaolibr+ionmb4%.lasolutin,of oohooldlatdat8. By this aau wtborlty It ta8y prwldr ior tbvludrurl af- aeiglnu bierIuteantbo con- aolIaAlmeaistHatlnmwhre-orIbad~u 1tdammvlw. 'Tlmraforo, it la the oplnian at this brpurtdent that una oh tJn orI@nrl dIatrlat.8in Y mmaelidation way vlth- Erav rral uu 0onaolld*t1oa, vithout tm a~prwu or a r~rrj``ltq or tb qmll.flod votmra of UAO antlm owaolIdatu7 dlatrlot, even though the bulldire far whloh .W entlm In fonwr districta vould belong to such dlstrlots rZtar the dIa8olutIenof the ConsolidatedDlstrlot, under authority of tha daoIslon of the ComlaaIon of A peals In tha oaae of Roue- ton v'.city of QOTU;USS, 229 8. w. P67. In regard to moaeedlnga under Section (b) of Art1010 2815, hovever, to allov vithdrmting diatrlota, lololy by a vote of that part of the population residing in the vIthdrrvIngdin- trIat,to aaquIra the evnerahlp of aahOOlbuildlng8 paid tor $r the funds of the COnmOlldatedMmtrlot v0tild be manIfe8tly un- just so long aa th, Conaolldatmd Matslot retained its status and oontlnwd to bs reaponalble for the obllgatlenaInourred b;r it a4 a c0tt80iiam matriot. w8twd0x-0 bui8~8 that the rulCng of our @Ior opinion that fewer diatrlots titbdrrv- Ing lkoa a ConaolldatidDIatrIat pursuant to Seotlon (b) of Artlala 283.5do not aaquire title to proparty of tim Conaoll- dated Metriot, even though awh prormrty Is looated within the boundarlee of the vlth&avlng diatrlot, la a correct atatownt of the lau o? thIe Stat& &a It nov exists, atadt&t ruah ruling abould ba, and la ritixnad. Your third qwatIon la anawred in tb negative. Since w how held that, tan&u tb lta tuto a and da~lalona oi tU8 State, coneolldatedMatrlct (E) remIn the ovner of the aohool buildingr In question, then the Bo&rd of CounQ school Trusteea wouldhavo no autharitytoQte~ tha olmerahIp of rub bulldlngr In event of ult!hdravUa pursuant to 3eatlon (b) of Artlole 2815, V.A.C.S. very truly yours .io ATTORKRY OlmExuL OF TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7322
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017