
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SE‘iERS ATmRNEY a?N-l. Honorable Jesse James State Treasurer Austin, Texas Dear 1;~.James: Opinion No. 0-73L!+ Re: Authority of Treasurer to deposit ce n trust funds which have ac various.State Your request for an opinion up0 ter is as follows: nThis'officere permissQ3n to deposi State Treasurer whit of that-"'let- w f SO, Should such depOsi$S be Credited to Treasurer's Trust-Settlementof Es- tates, or should a new trust fund be opened with appropriatetitle? "(3) Should withdrawalsbe made against court order or regular vouchers of the Board of. Control to the Comptroller? ~?tf question number one is answered in the nega- tive, two and three are immaterial." Honorable Jesse James - Page 2 A COPY of letter from the State Board of Control isas follows: “Our Trust Fund ilccountsat the close of busi- ness on April 30, 1946, for our,.variouseleemosy- nary institutions,amounted to ~111,075.OO. tip this amoun;, about $45,000.00was above the $5,000.00l.D.1.~. guarantee. ~1~0, in some~of our institutions,the Trust Fund amounts to more than $lO,OOO.OO,which is the amount established by law for the amount of bond to be carried by the Superintendents. "We would like to call your attentionto Arti- cle 4393a, Revised civil Statutes of 'Iexas,or Sen- ate Bill 199, 49th Legislature,regular session. eiiiith the above informationin mind, we re- sue& permission to deposit these Trust lQnds with your departmentand permit deposits or withdrawals as the occasion for such may occur. We suggest that witharawals be made by regular voucher or by a &ard of #ntrol Order to~the Comptrollerfor the issuance of a warrant to permit such wdthdrawals." *f :~8tis the opinion of this department. thaf~youhave no ~ authority to accept su& funds, ma pass them into the treasury, bor&deed,to qooept them in any oapacity. They are not publio.' funds.guthoriBedby law to be reoeivedby you, or placed in the treasury. . Senate~Bi.11NO: i99, passed byethe Regular Session of the I$th Legislature, referred to in your atta.cheaZetter from the 4 ard of Control concerns only thosafunds of trust, and sus- pense mon.3p, and ,othersecurities lawfully coming into th3 hands of the Treasurer in his offioial,capacity,and to clarify the. method,of hanaling such funds, as clearly shown by the emergenoY alause of that Apt. Moreover, &ticle 4374 of the Revis0.dCivil Statutes dealares: t(Allmoneys received by the Treasurer shall be kept in the safe and vaults of the treasury; ati ~theTreasurer shall hotkeep or receive into the building, safes, or vaults of the treasury !C^. ``;f+orablo Jem~e Jaama - pqe 0 ray aonsy, or the repreaantatlre of monay, ba- 18nglnc; Co 8ay IndtTidurl, ex08gt in 08888 em- p r esd y p r o vided fo r h y l.a r ; l 0 *a @ ¶%e funda uader ofmsldsratlon cre In no senne p~blio ocney. They are held by the Board of Control, or %be offioer8 of the lnetitntions, a9 the oane n18y be, ln 'trusb Only for the real owners a8 inilitiduals.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7314

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017