Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  •           OFFICE      OF THE     A7-l.ORNEY   GENERAL   OF TEXAS
    Lononble      L.   A. Woods
    state Superintendent
    Department of Education
    Austin 11, Texas
    sear Ljir:                           Opinion X0. O-7297
    wnich have
    *'ohave your lat
    Article 2858, Sevised Stat
    erence is made, readr
    hoa the contracts have
    liah and maintAn in some
    depoaitory where a atook of
    ly all imnediate demanda shall
    contractors not maintaining their
    ual or separate St&e agencies or de-
    shall meintain a joint aeency or
    ory to be located at IIIDI(H
    suitable and
    co&enient distributing point.   Any pereon, dealer
    or school board in any county in the &ate my
    order fro,:1
    the central depository; pmvided that
    honorable i. A. Woods, Page 2
    the price of baoko a0 orderad aim11 be psid
    in advance. Upon the failure of any aon-
    tractor to furni8h the books a8 provided in
    the aontrrct arLdin tLis Act, the aountp
    judge in the county wherein suoh book8 have
    not been furnished map11 report tha feet to
    the Attorney Cenerel, and he ehall brfng 8uit
    on amount of 8uch failw     in the name of the
    State of Texas in the di8trict aourt of Travis
    County, 8hd shall reaover on the bond given by
    8uah aontraator for the full value of the books
    not furnished aa required, ahd in addition
    thereto the sum of one hundred dollara,    ax&dlaoh
    day of failure to fuamisn the books shall son-
    stitute a 8eparrte offense, and the amount8 80
    recovered shall be placed to the andlt of the
    available 8ahool fund of the SCate.     Any un-
    orgnnlsed county shall be f:lmished from the
    same agency aa the county to whi4h urid ua-
    orgenfred county I8 atteohed for judioial pur-
    po8es In the 8ame mennet a8 8uuh organl8ed
    Howevar, Artiole 2781 of the gevi8ed Statute8 of
    1925 also pertains to the saue inatkr; thlr article has been
    amended sinae the 1925 revision (Ch. 213 Acta 40th Leg.)
    but the amendment did not change the foliowing language
    p4rtinent to your queetfonr
    "All parties with utiombook contraot8
    have been mad4 rhall establish and maintain
    in some city in the State a deporitory where a
    stoak of their good8 to supply all invsediato
    demand8 ahall be kept; all oontraatorr no8
    malntainln~ their own individual or 8epahte
    state agenoies or depoaitorles r-11 mninti
    a joint ag4nay or depository to be loaated at
    ma4 euitabla and comveniant dlrtributing point,
    at which gen+rel d4pository sach uontraator
    joining in aaid agency &all keep on hand a
    sufficient atook of book8 to supply the 8ohool8
    of the State . . . ."
    Honorable 2. A. Hoods, Page 3
    As the two etstut48   r4lat4   to the   same 4ubje4t
    matter, they must bs construed toge8her; any inaonrirten4y
    between the two mst be resolved by the provisions of
    Article 2781 2s aolended a5 it is tne latest 4xpr4ssion of
    the lefislature.
    Tno purpose of the statutes obviouely wes to
    4441~4 the sc,iutenahcein this State by textbook con-
    qrastors of n stoak of books to supply th4 immedisto de-
    mands of the 6Ch9ols. Thor the statute pemita them to do
    by maintsining either separate depOSitOri48, or joint do-
    pOSitori4S. The ntatut48 do not prescribe the loaation of
    these dopoaitori48. Under the statutes, oertain aontractora
    could maintain their depositary in 0~x4aity in this State as
    a distributing point, others could saintain a joint deposi-
    tory in anoth4r city, if they desired to do 8o, and others
    in still a third city.
    Nor do we read 8he statutes as preventing main-
    tenaaoe of more than on4 joint depository in a rirp;le4lCy
    in this State. Art1418 2781 tiOU8 tim aoatraotor co main-
    tain 8 repamte dopo8itory, or te aaintain 4a joint agenoy
    or depO8itOry to bs located at 80144 atiteble and oonvenieat
    distributing point, at uhicn general depository eaah aon-
    traotor jOi,ninf?
    in Said an4ncZ Shall keep on hand a StIffiOieXIt
    stoak Of books to au ply the 8UhOOlS Sf th4 State.4 liethink
    ed with by maintaining a depoaftory,
    the atetut% is compli:
    either separetely, or in combinotiou with oth4rs, whereat the
    requiSit4 8toak Of books 18 kept,on deposit in this State.
    Hed the le~isleture intended to limit th4 number of joint
    b4po8itorie8 to a sin@e unit, it would have been neaessary
    for it to designate where and what rhould eonatltuto such
    depoaitoq, or to aut.;oriseImae on4 0184 to do SO. Tha
    statutes do neither,
    The practioal constructionsof th4 statutes un-
    broke@&   date supports the aonolutiionthat no single joint
    depository ir required. We are &formed   that in eddition
    to the sevarbl individual depOSitariO8 maintainad by OurrOnfr
    textbook aontractor8, there are pr44sntly two "joint dOpO8i-
    toriesv lowted in Dallas. One, the Hugh Perry Leposit0ry,

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7297

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017