Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HmorrbY e George H. Bat1 or, Chal.rmnn Board of'In aurence ConM asionern ~untln, Texas mar Mr. Butler: Opfnlon Wo. O-7294 ne: nether under the aurrent apyro- priation bill official remmeratlon and expense@ lneident of out-or-##tatalnsuur may WI paid m from the Inm under Artial e Your letter requesting upon the ahora subjeot-matter $9 %xamlnrtlon nt 8n 0u atatewn ts are at the end of eaoh month and urinltthe earl7 part of the io ves some inconven- ienae to the fir& aoturlf fore pyinft t ’a Artlal e 46QOa th I.eg., Ch. 378, r under the aurrent appropria- eratlon and expenses upen ale 46QOa lnaurred In exam- aarue from the Insurance ``amlnatlon ed b7 the eramIner’ affldavlt and ap- lrman of this Board, lrrespeatire of nsumn08 ampan under exmlnation has it that time paid the aaarued costs to the ~Xnmlnatlon Fund. *The Insurance Examination hmd in the State Treamry aonRtant.17 containa unused balenoes Of remittaneee from out-of-&ate ingurers for the cost Of examination by thl~s nepartment, conslstinp:of' 'the otber expensen of the De- partmen t of+ Innuranae proper17 allocable to the examina- tion,’ and represents the proportionate part Of the aost of the general oterhesd expense of this Department allo- cated to the various out-of-state companies examined- I HO COIY”*Ic*TIO* >sTOmhCONSTRULD *s ADl,ARTYINTAL OPINIOH “*LL,sA\pPIO”ml a”THE ATTOINE” EEHERAL oilFII1.T Is*IsTANT li+s, time to tj?su3it., b eOo mes Deoeseary far the Comminuloner or hjr examiners to go &to another ntato for aonfermces nnd lnrestigationa which are no taoncpleteformnl exav:inatisn~of any one oompany hut relate to examination of matter-e of a gmaral nature aiieatlnA neveral or al? cmmanies In the state alike- Xn such 0as~s it ir imprsatiaabls If not IRpoasible to fair17 apportion sml asseas the remunerutiou and axpsn,atr*lnnt the amwnies In that state who are or may be affected. ‘Please &vi oe me wbeth5r th4 Cminslmer' IIex- penses and the oxaainer'e rennmoratlm, and expenees In aneh eases may be paid Pram the Iastmmae ExamIn- ation Fund on the retaliatory basis provided In Artf- efe 4BUQa uhan reriiied by the examiner’s affIdarit und approted ‘by the ChaIrman of the Board, irrespeo- tire of whether the aompanies Who ara er may he af- feated are amassed few rruGhremmeratitm and cllprnse-' fau s0aaupaa~ this3r6quest *it& a rerf fnll 8i~u~anlon of the various statntan, appropriations , and departments1 onln- ions relevant thereto, for wMah we thank mm+ Article &QOa (Rsv. OiV. Stat., Vemou's aodifieat3on) is aa ro1tswsi *The expeas08 Of all 9Xaminationm Of domestie insuranoe aextp*niermade m behalf nf the 6tat.e ni TUXSS b7 the chalram of tbe Board of Insursnae Comdsaioners or urrderhis aathoritjr shelf ha p8id hy the corporations examined In au& 88Mmnt as the Chairman of the Beard of Insurance Coarmlnnlmers shall oertlfy to be just and raanonable~ lAwmmmmtt for the expannse of such dontQIatic exaWll¶atfen, rhiah shall he sufflaient. ta aieet 011 the expennee and disEbursementuneeassa~m to aampl7 with the provislo~a of the lows of fexsr relating DAYthe examination of insuranae aompaniss and to aonrplg with the prerfsicms of Otis Aat, shall be nmde hy the Ch&i?man nf the Board of Insuran0e &m- al.naieneroupen the onrporatlW* or ansoef~at%.ione to be exastlned ta%inp: &to aonoideratim annue3 prem- lum Petreiptu, and/or admitted aasete and/W *na%ir- anee in Puree; prorSded nrch a~s45~4nt5 f&411 be made and anIleated OZIIJat the tine such examinn- tlnns pro made. %morable George BI Butler, Chairman - p@ge ~3 nAlX WRS aolleoted hy the Chairmen of the Board of In wranae C0wd sdoners , or under his authorItyron atmount of the 8oat ai esam~natlonn lssesseU ss here- inabove prorldsd for shall he mid Into the state Treasury to the aredit of the Insurance Examlnatlm, hm%; nnd the salaries and expennee of the aatuarr of the Roartl of Inauranoe Comlasloners and of the exam- iners and aaslstantsr and al? other expanses of such examiaations, ah811 be pa14 upon the oertliloats of the Chairman of the Roar% of Insurance Commlasioners br warrant of the ~emptmllor %ram upon suah fund in tbe Gtate Treasury. aIt at any time lt shall eppear that a%dltlmal pro-rata laseasmmts are neoeasary ts uover all ai the expenses and dlalmrsemsnts reqnireQ by law and neoes- oary to oosply wltb this Aot, the same abrll tm rnsde, am% any wlrplus arising from my and all mah aswas- merits, over sa% above aush expensea and dlabursemmts, shall be applied In reduotlau of subaeqttsnt aoaeaa- menta In the proportion aosessed so that there aball be so asseawd an6 eolleoted the funds newaary to meet auoh erpenwa md dlabursaments and no more. .Ia wae oi an examimatlm af a campany not or- gaaiwd under the low8 of Tesar, rbetber suoh examin- otlou 3.8ma& by tbo Texas autboritl.ea*lane, cm faint- '17with the iasuranoe supewiwry authorities of motb- er state or ntates, the expenses of sueb i3xaainetloa %ue te Texan' part3olpation therein, shall he barne by the aomvar~funder examination. Payment of suah ooat nhsll be nw¶e by the sompen~ upon prea%ntetiaa of item- laed wrlttee statement by the Clmlrm``n, and shall aon- slut of tbe examiners’ ramnnerat~im an% iixpeaaesl an% the other expenws of the Department oT.lnauranee prep- erly al.Ioaabl e to the examinatlen. Payment shall be mnde direutlp to the Chairman, and all mmey oolleate% hg rmesmmt cn forefm camanies for the oost of ex- fmiln8tim shall be deposited in the Mete Treamry by the Chairman to the oredlt of the Inwrauoe Exaalnatlon P’UTIQout of whiah shall be paid, by warrant of the htata Comptwf 1er of Pablfc Aorta on +ouaber or the Chairman of the Board a!'Inwranee hnmias~oners~ tbs exrmfners' remrmeratlon and expenaecr in tbe amomt8 detetmlned by the method hereinafter provided, wbsn rerlf'ledby their afiidarlt amd npproted by the Chair- man8 and said money is hereby appropriate8 for that I” uonorable George IS.Butler, Chairwsn - page 4 parpew, tbe balanoe, i.fany, to remain Ln the Ineurr- an# ?Sxasinatlon Fun% In the State Treasury auBjeat tn be expmd,ed for the purpotmn as sre sthrr kds plso~. there&n. FZxmltneru’ remunoratlon and erp6nsea shall he the same as that which would ho paid by the hams ntate of+ II oompoay under exam~natian tn persons wnductinp the. examinatlOn oi’ a Texas eompan~r dad t- told to do business In that Stnto. Sf there, be no rebognlGed aharge for uuah se-ice, the &ainaan shall tlx the remuneration and expense 8IloWanoe of the oxamlners at woh reasnnshls f lgtve sa ho may %etermlae .I We eurreat approprlatlon involved la aa follows~ .siWw tbe purpose of payiag tbo rorogolnffexamh- atian apenae and aueh add3ti.onaler suppl,emobnt81 ex- penw 8s is neoeaary incl%hlt to examia*tlon or ln- wramw wmpanlen doalalled outside of Texas, and for defraying all other i!ixpauasa neOeasary for the adrin- lstrafion of tbe provisions a? Chapter 1BS of the den- en1 Iaws of the Regular Sesalrm of the Forty-a4aond I,eglalatureend Chapter 264 of the 0envx-d Lawe of the Regular 156``141 of the Forty-BDllrtb f.eglslature, and any an% a11 amedmtuttu thereto, and se rmen%e% by Rsnate 1111'1 a67, Aata a? the Replar Rea8iCm of the ?erty-Mxth lJegislaturer18311,there is he-by lp p r o p r la ted all feesand lswswemts aolleoted a- dar latbotitp of said Rxamlnlng Law, such portion of tb6 fess oolleoted under Artiele .lRmM Aata lW39, Forty-Bixtb T~:egislrturer 6. Bb 104, as may be trams- tsrrd by the Life laauranos C~lasinner, together wjtb oaf balaneas 8t the end af a preeeding fiwal year for each of the l’lwal~years endlnc August 31, 19/F,, and Augast 31, 1947.' In the course ol Your ecllansnts p err: l* + e. The Cnaptrollor has eallod our atten- tlm to opinion n-4280 above referred,ta and has a%- vised Q* that collection from the out-of-stst* oom- psnlea aa@ preeeda paymant ta the exsminor. gAptla10 46R&1, aa amended by PBnSte Bill -7 ot the 4Rth Xegis?aturo, @rOri%en in park 'e . l and all money col.leete% by assessment on ia~8la, companle~ for the cnst ai” etamlnation shall be de- ~oitodlnthe Btotofreo~b]l the Obolnuo to tbo ered~t af tbo Inslroneo Bxominotion tund out o? utiiebho11 bo pmid, bT rorroat of tbo Stat. Comptrollerof Publio Aoommta an rouohsr ot tbo Cboimon or the noord or 1nawoaoe Cam@lSOioner8, tbo a8wtinoro’ cm8morotlon 8nd upenneo in the amounts dotermlaod by t&o nothod her~inrikr pre- ride& whoa rerif1.d b y th o lrlitld8rit mad OQ- prored by tlm Cbolmon 1 mad uid *enor lo borow op*roprioted ror tbot purpO00, the bolama, it may, to remoln ia tllo Iaaroa0. xxomilJotlen mad la tbe 2kte Tswoaury ~nb jeot to be upaadod for tbo purpouo 80 ore other fundo pl,rrsod tltoreia.* The •8ab~ in to be paid OUt Of tbo m &o dir tiasplished from out of the l0torli m0n~ paid bk tdm eplllab7the iaurmloo eompony* A11 moaiao ia ore o,pproprloted apo8itloollyror that pur- ~09% io tbo cboim'o de7 to oolloct tlw unto rrea the smounaae eompmEy. men he o&g* tb@ -a~#OP’rn ~OUOhhir Oad @ppOT@o aA0 OmdOTitb be d&ii*0 thot eol1eoti.m or tbo usrats obom en the ltthlorit boo eitbor baa mod0 tron the in- uromuo mamony, or that the Caaiodoaer la tbo dloabrrgo 0r h$o dut10a till eafloot it. 'It ia utaltted that me long no tbem.ora rmi- floiamt menho in the lCxomtlnotlon ?@nd to pot tdw uomlnor'o ~asshar.it io the duty et the Cb&raon oleno to oee tbot the aoot fm oello6ted !‘reu the uotniaed akmjvony. ond tbot it to not the duty tiP the @omptroller,md sorreopandt.n@~ net bio pro- rogtiro, te ge bobbindthe Cboim 8 OppFoTol at tb0 uodnbr* i +ouelmr ma rtCidrrit.* We or0 in ooeord with your 86noluodtmot&w wrpreoa- ed, rblob it follewo that faur queotiona sboald be anber- frem edin th elmr o r o fir o . It i II tbe Immmmee %matlaatSm Rand that 1m opproprimtea for pomont of the ex~oasao lnvo?rod, and not the ooxiponont port8 or tbot itmdr to be derived fromthe porM,oalorummluotioa or uomlnotiaaor MI oeaaunt of whleb a alain lo preoented.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7294

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017