Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN , QROVERSELLERS Wl-roRN~ OLNLRAI. Uonorehle Ralter W~odul, Member Board al Regents state Tea&era’ Colleges of Texas ChronicleBbzilding Eouaton 2, Texas Ronarable Ralter A. Kome, Diriaion Cowneel Federal Rorke Agenay Bureau of Conuun1ty Faallitleo 702 Kleotrio BulldIng Bort Worth 2, Pexar. presentatire the on behalf of wah d college, as IS In a ion of reao- ted; sod other related this departmentupon the as follo*sl 2eptember 13th. Governor of the Board of Rege& lege of texam, and I dls- Elm members of your staff oertain to the Veterans' Eduoatlonal The lar under rh%oh the agency om an Publlo Law 897, 79,th COP I enclaso a oopy oT the rognalatien~ for Veterans’ 2duoatlonalFacil- ities Len which Is quoted the enahllng 18~. vbo Bureau or fhmmInity Faoilltien ban been given the roepnelblllt`` mder rogulatl4,a1s cued by the Federal Works Adminietrator,tOr the ad- ministrationor the enabling 181, Seatlon 5M of the Lanham Aat, a8 amended. Altopurpese of the snabllng law and the regulations in to ls63st In re31erln~ aouts shortages of edaontinna~l faollltlesrequired ior permona snptged in the parllaft a? o(lurses ot tminlng or eduaatlon under Tltle II of the servloe- weu*a Beadjnskent8Aot of 1944, am amended. Suohas- slcltanoe Is to be provided by the use or re-um of a+ailaBle Qorerament mrplu8 crtruoturea op haill- tie* at mq mdueatioua3ln*tltutfonwhere the tkfted Btatea Commladcaer of Eduertim or hia authalaed representative finde web ahertagea exximt or Impend. *In order to expsdik, the Veterane’ Eduaat- Innal Faollitles lVo&raar tbm geTsming body of the lpplieut rlYY be raked to dedgnate a ndlutbarl%e a regn8entatire to lot for the lpe’liaant, to the es- tent permittedby loaal law or obarter, la 811. mat- term wlatiag to t&e prorl8laa ot the edueatiuaal faeilitlesvequeetedd,iboluiliag ritbont liritaffon the propantisa and aubmimlan of appl~ioatlans, the wa k ing o f a g r esneutsr th eloeeptanoe o f a nyedu- and eatlanal ta0lIitieo. l%b emta blng l la wp r mt~dms tb a tr 'At m y eduoatltial bmtitution ..abrn the Comimdmer ol Eduartiou dtal3 find that tbore oxi& er inpenda an route dm-tage o? edmatlonal faeil~tiem, otbe? than beudng, nqulrod for poraanm engaged in the pursuit of oeuraem o? traInin or eduttation msda Mtle If at the l!mrviommea’m Readjushent Aot o? 1944, am awended, tho Federr gorIm Mmlnistntor 18 lutbariaed,upon rbqueet of mob eduoatlonalin- mtltutlonrto pmwide suab eduuational I’. taOi~itie#... lIn o r derto atable the Vnited Sta tes Co w- slm&mer of Rduoation OP bla authorixed rapreaenk- tire to wake such a findIng, nnd to furnlab lniorma- tion to the Bureau of Wmtunity Faollltlasr eaah el~i- gible appYlaamt mueetlng lstvlda uee under thla la w shall tile a *hatifi@ation of Heed'. im a wmpte oop7 of the lAttaoWd hereto *Sud.lfieation of Reedf, spooif’ylng the information requlredbf theflaitedStatamComAmmlonerotBduoa- tlon and eontabdnc; inatruotisas for ita prepatatlon. The *JustltioatlCkp of Feed* 18 g@ 8n applioatlon for the proridon of eduortlenal faoilitlos and Ml3 not be so oms4dem.M. 9he QlTids, Knginmer wilt notify the ap- plleaut rhen the request ham been approved In whole or in part, and surplus property has beeu made arall- able tn the Bureau. The applicant wlYY then be re- quired tu enter lnta whatever agreementsmay be n-em- mm to aarry out tbo work. *?e tbe fulfe8t extant praotlo8b’le tbe adu- aational iaoilitlea to be provided by t&e Government &al I be provided by the use or m-use of ltr ila b le ltruotures a ndsuita h le and iaollitien, %uOluding equipme?& wteri*lar and +ornSmblngs,under the jurisdl.ofl.on or abntral oi aat Federaf lgemey rblab In tbe detarulnatiouot tbe Rar Asseta Admlnimtrator or him dedgatml npnmentmtlre are atallable for nuob une or r.-ww. lWmdmr tha enabling law and regulatlous the mweau 0T Cwmumity n0ifitiea may net aequirr or pre- par0 tbe aita or ¶nmtall ntneta or utility aains. %%paratim of tba dte inoluder clearing, $pubhingr grading and dmlnam where ueoeasary, bat dosn not inolude the installatiab o? fotakibtlan8for the iwqueated aduaatioualfaellftiem. *St im tbe nmp0n*iblllt~ ot the lppllmnt to proTide the neOenn8Py lroblteotara1aad e&near lag aetviaes rer the taalXit*ea te M *imtalIed or ereetml an. the appliaant’a sits. “The ereatian or iaotatlatiouof Iredeml mar- plus mtruOturer or taellitier till be tbe respoami~il- it7 of the Faderal ~Worke Agemy, wd till be parforeed by omtnot matbodr an a Fedml undertaking. Witten authority to aster upon and u8a tbe site for tbo pur- pee e? installing or ereotfng eduaat.ionaS fasilities wuet be fumlohod to the Mvisbm Eneineer before the aontraaterwill be authnrlred to beg&n work. *Although the provislan of the faollltf lo a Federal undertakine,It la esseutia3 that there be olose eeeperation bet-em all inferemtedprtler te lnnure its oomp~eticm ln a nati#asterJ manner in the shortest peadb’lo tire. Vbe lntenstr, o? tbe Barenimantin the edu- sational faoil2tlea proridodunder tbe enabling law and l~cltalleder orested on dteo prwfded by the in&d- twtion mmy 84 trmsterred to the edne8tional$mstitw- tian wham they are completed urd~rerdyfor web, and the 3nntltwticm mhr'llesmnne fall rompmefbl.)lt~for their malntsnmos and o$mrafion. %ndeP mane aiturtlonothe g6renmtmt 8163 penoPt the wme ef imrJI1na@vemwnt faollitteson lrnd rhioh is mder the eontrot e? the govenmemt 8nd in rhlah the gtwernnant desires to ooutlnue WI inter- smt. Xa theme oanm the iaoilitis~m provided will not be tx%nUeirred to the edu44ti,448l ln6titution~but umy be sad4 available to moh lnotitutienfor the twining ld edwatian ot retemns. 'The edaortlon8I institution will be required r4u4ipt4 to tbo Bureau et CrenulIity to 4ilK4saiO hafY1- tie* ter all edwoatienal tmilities or eqolpent pro- tided ttnder the tsnar``~ag law. lAtt8ahed alao i 4 a mmeplo oopy ot BCP Mmt 500 which wi,llbe the a@wmmt Betweem the Gotermmmt and the 80lle@. The torB will ba 4eeplOtedBy llmert- lng the pmper d4kr,nu4 0t aollege, 4 des6riptiim at the wlte upou ~hl6I~tba kllldlngm we to be loosted mad a #smenl demax'l~tlor~oi-..mah bnlldh~e. It 1~ me& dedrable tht thim ape-f be meewted on WI- hrlf of the eollogs by the reprresenktireto he 4ppoinb ed therefor. 'AY44.4~01444dI4 BCF Ferm (IOI4Ri0b om either be 4244atcrd br fopf off144 or 44~4 34441 8t- tomeJ who Sr taBlY~¶rr ritb the taots omeaming tbe title to the land tqwu rhiuh tk4 balldinge 6~41to be Yo~ated. We will request theme oortlfio4te4at a later date. WBCF FOra 31r@18 a tr4nsior by the Co+4rnment af the frollitles to the oollego and 4 reselpt therefor by the 04lYeg4~ ThSm lnmtruaent mbowld also be sxecmted by the reprewnktlve4 to Im 4ppotwted. •V1~ the explurati444berotator set terth it i4 48mertlj r4qlm4ted ttmt TotaIetm4 b**e year oplnian, rddr4444d Johtly to Qetemor %odul md mu- 441t 61th respect to. the r0lIbring qweetichre: Walter WoodttY floljomblo ,,,, fionerab~e Vrlter Koana - p*ge 8 ‘1. Ma7 the gOVeming bodies et 811 of tbe stnfe orht4dddopemtededuoatianal tn- 4bitutiqrmdelegfe t0 8 reprenaaktlre the awthori ty to rot on behalf of -6h governing bad7 and oNloge (LS is ~444~ ally set owt in the 4nolomed plslile F444luflon. *e . CQt tileplaBli0eduo~thtt8l illstitwtsenr of TextIarfulfy expcmd their 'looal', 'rerolvlng'or 847 .other tuna to pro- ride the ettgSneed.ttg eewioea and tbb mwk in eouneetieu witb the rite am la set torth herein. '3. Catt tbe geremittg ?mar& at &ate Stt*ti- tutions iaro1red r-0 t4 looept t&444 f40111tle4 ttjmtt ‘their 44apl4tl0n 8ttdto me thsr tar e??eekutSng tbe objeotlto4 of the enarblingl8r. *It rlll 80 blgBl7 8pproolrtedl? 701xwill not 1-t pr opinlairia tb14 artt4r t4 t&e po4er4 ot the board ot regea ts ter the -es Bkk Teaaber4 CollogerBat to let it o4ver 411 at the pub110 luotl- ot higher t.tttSort~ 1 eamiag emted and operwted b7 t&4 at8to or Teuam. *I Itare on ~7 desk 8t tbir tSnedeaommte tram-7 of tbe Lpt8feRd?Nwti4n81Ia~tituti4nssd I till appre418te 7ottrexped%tlagfour opSnl44 ln this satter fa the evtdthat 44 -7 4ommaee eonetmo- tiatt at the trollitie4 at tb4 ewlieet p404i'ble date.* The form@? re@lntltm ssnt*bnedb7 7011,and 4tt4Ohsd to 7oar mqwest, is a4 ro.norst lWHR R ISA8 , (herein -11 etl the

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7335

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017