- 341 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 76A) in s.ont cmlren or or T~)x~s,rho xaa, are r*- SLOW 0r th0 qwatlon will be -stmtion 6. (e). Eo psraon shall wqgage in the buslnrsr, or manufaaturlrg, Yapairing or nnavrting anr beMing unlce8 he ahall h&*:6 obtained a pemif irm the Cepartmnt . 342 *a. morga iv.00x - Page 4 nBa4dl.ngundoubtedly la dilated to the publio health and oomfort, and my reaeonabls regulation o? the manufaature, renovating anclaelllng of bedding for sanitary purpoaaa would be a mane having 8 sub- atantfal relation to the rnd eought to be aoeomplfahe4, namely, tha proteotion of the pub110 health. *The nquixement or a penkIt or lloabaa t engage Sn a baalnoaa or oooupatlon La ctneof the old4 t &nd mo6t univeaallp noegnired rotam or valid pollee regu- lation. w* * * *sla ilnd that Artlolo 4476e Ia a regulatory enaat- mant within the aonat~tutlonal limlkU%na of tha atatmVa polio@ p%wor, derrignnsd to pxomote the health, eon&fort, and welfare Of the publi0. The pzPvlelona of tha Aa t lra not unreaaonablo, axbifraxy, or ea ti%ioual but hare a aubatantial ralatlon to tha objeatfve of aa?eguardln# the ptlblia health. on the other h&Ad.,the r*atrlationa and regulation8 0r the A%t axawlthh proper limita and in M nay impair any rundamental right8 of ovary peraon to ,pur- sue a Lawful bualnaes or oaoupation and to we nn4 anjoy him pxlvate pxoarty by any naaonable anb~prropesmethod. The boddlng buaPAwe la rubjeot to rogulatlonunbr thm p%l;%s poww, and thb Texas Bedding Law deem not mount W an axeralae or the polloe power inao6manauPate with the duty and obligation of the Legialatore to pF%viae ?%r tb poop10 la thair health, Barsty, aomfort, or la not looon- aiat%nt with private property tighta.* Ws are unable to rind any pxtmiaion in Art1010 4476 exempt- iqg ioreigA nmnufemturen rx0m the OQWa%$oA 0r thlr A%t. OA the eontrary, the Legialatura ham lhoun a aontnry intent by erpxeualy ltatlng that no poreon (a8 dOffAed by Sootion 1 (0)) ahall be en- gaged in the 6iiafneaa of nmnuraoturiag, repairing or renovating any bedding unleae he ahall have obtained a pelmit. Therarorcr,it 10 the opinion of this dapartmont that ror- @if&nmanufaotursm who intend to sell beddfng in this Stat0 muat oomply with the permit provialona of Artialr am well a8 donwtio aanuraoturers. To held otherwise nm.Ld to a degree, bta der*atfAg the very pwposa or its enaetmsnt, to wit, regulating the maAt&aa- ture and gale or bedding to the objbet 09 earaguardlng th% health
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7284
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017