- . , OFFICE OF TliE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLERS AI-IURN~ GCNLRAL Brig. Oen. Arthur Be Knlokerbooker The AdjutantGeneral of Ta.ar state Capitol Aurtln, Toxar Dar sir: OpiAiOA,l/hi& 8@.ro8, doer the tiAM IA ore08 tad, or 18 the oi- h8 expirationt In that oapaolw duringthe bmur8 Of hi8 Of- ii00 IA t&O MjUtRd fbAW81'8 DWU%MAt? . ‘. Brig. Qea. Arthur11.Xnfokerbooker,page 2 BObI'd8utOMttOdl~, or 18 h0 rppointedmd n- quired to riga an oath of Off108 br the Seare- hrJ o? st8t*ts Th. TCIXUB8tiOlUl 8rd Al'moq ?Mu'd ma8 om8ted w 8A AOt Of the ~gfBhdXK'0 1935, 44th Leg., p. 42, ah. lw), vbioh bu kOA amended imbrequentl ktaglgs, ;t LB. for 402, 800. 3~ hot8 1939, 16 ., P- me &rt l'Wl81OA18 oontalned in APtlale &b8%r%f8 ¬ated Ciril Sktuter. Beationlo?th8t nbOtiOA 1. ThOr. 18 hereby arO8tOdth. %XAl&&iOti fhAl'd~O``~tOb4 OWpO8ed Of tf?O (5) ROl!&WBVhO 8-1 Ml'70 VithOUt00) penrationotlmr thm their ratunl,neoersaryox- penservhll8 tluv.1 011 the burLA or the Baud. no80 tbX'M ) iadlridUd8 vho UO 8Ot- iAg 88 AOEbOP8Of th0 hXcA8 ~dfOM1 OIurd Armory Bard a8 orvstadand doiined% Chapter 366 of the ReguUr Sarsion o? the Forty-iiith tegi818tUPOOf the sta t0 Ofh X88OA th 0 lffOO- tiV8d& OOf thi8 AOt, tO@h@r With the BeAiOF rotlreofficer of the Hatioaal Guard oi Tum8, Aot Of the thlW0 (3) 8bOVe EeAtiOMd, and th0 senioreav8lv oftleerof said Owrd, aball con- 8titUt8 th0 fA&tm MIbO~8hip Of th0 borrd 0~ 8tOd w thl8hot. Of the three (3) lndlvldualr flr8t aboveRCIA``OAO~the oldort rhtil hme the init% tOl'E Of 8iX (6) mU'8, tha AOXt Obb8t th. iota?(4) fear Md the rOUA@8t Of th8 thPO0 (3) the tvo (2) par lnltlkl term. Of the either tvo (2) mmber8, the oar* drfoor rhall have the three (3) you tom, ud the other the OAO (1) yeu ten. All mob initfti tOFIu 8-1 -~ d&O f?Om th0 tit0 tbf8 AOt b8OOple8 lifOOtiVO. mC8pt 88 8bOW JWOVidOd,the tOFUI Of WabOl'- ship on mid Board dall be of *lx (6) yesrr' duration. "Esohmemberof 8ald%wzd 8hall,vithln rlftaea(15)day8 from the aaJ tpoa vhioh thl8 Aot becomerefieotire,.or from the &to of hi8 lweipt OY notloe of him eliglblllt~to rem0 to fill 8 V8U8AO7,qUali~ m trki.f-JgWld illfAg 01th th s00la~ Of St& th8 OOA8tlidItiOAd 289 Brig. @en. ArthurB. EUakerbocker, page 3 o8t.hof office. t0 qU81*‘, OXPfX'8tiOA Fdluxw of thr term of 8 member, or the 0a~urren04o? bl4 de8th,realgnatlonor ln4lllJiblllt~ to lorvo, ahsll ornate8 rbobncy in mob wmbor8Np vhloh ah411 be filled ln the follovlngIyTn8r: Yith- in fiV8 (5) &a78 bf’t4r th9 OOOUCM~O4 Of 8 racano~ the Adjutant Oenerbl of Tour rlall aertitJto the 34ar4tw of State md to tb of- fla4r oono8med, th.8 mm of the 84nior4otlr8 offic4POf the 18tiOll41 duud of TeX48 vho l8 not than ooouwing an unexpiredterm 88 8 mmber ot r&id BObl’d, togOther Vith the 14 ortell in VhiOh the Y804Zi47 OXf8t8. Th8 Of iO4r VhO84 “.B”h n4m4 i8 80. oertiiled,or thO84 l8ter a4rtlfled 88 $%dnb?te~pX’cWided, 8hAfib8 oliglbletofiu. 8U4h VbCU¶Oy. & Ob80 8U4h O??fMr 8h4& fO2 uly FObBOA,ftil to gualiry rithia l p er io do? ffft8OA (15) dby8 ?Xa ths d&4 of mob 44l'tl?iO4- tlon, the aald AdjuutmtCerkml-rImI forthvlth certie thrt frot to the Seawtary o? St8t.4, and ah411 oertl?yto him a.adto the o??loeraonoerned the neme of the next senior rotive offloor of the rrld Guard ln like mumor 48 h4r4ln8bor4provided, and 80 on until GUI Offit4r 80 aertlffedqUtil?148 to fill the v8ounay. "AA botire orriuer, vltNA the manlAg of the 8bove~OTilcioIi8, 8-1 b8 m?N-v a- d88iOMd OffiC4P Of tba kfA4 Of-tile uid Ouud, other than retired offloer8. lo olmlg8 la mill- t8lVJ 8t8tU8 Vhil. l la sdOZ’ b Ad A0 FO-t Of bn aotir4 0??104rfor age or 14zqth o? 84-0s ahall 8??ea$hi4 lllglblli~ to 88rv4 out hi8 tsn884llrelnberOf88idBo4l'd~bUtifh44~1 l-48lgn ?rom or bo sepawted troll rctiV8 8er~l~ in rbld 18tfoIWlbrtard,othemln thM b 8Uoh retirement,he lh4ll th4reb beoom lnellglblo zy8z;fep to or servfa4on the m4mkraNp . "....I Art1010900, V&IOA’~ ¬ated CIVIL Strtutsa, -4~38 b8 fO~OV88 290 Brig. Oen. Arthur 8. Mokerboakep, p8g8 4 .xil ofrio4ra0r the g8tfOA8lt3~8rdor Toxaa, 8h4l1 b0 rp lnted rad 0080&88iOAOd4 the &tOFn- Or)Md 8 hdr hold their poaltloaauntil they ab8l.l have reaohed tha l@ or 8irtpfOtW -8, UAloar 8i.icMC retired4 I’ebBOn Of N8igllltiOll4,di8- 8bilit Ol'for 08U84 to b8 drterrinedw 8 Oaurt martIAI or en errioi0n0~bawd legallyoontoabd for that pur~Ose.~ Annotated h'tid.8 5803, VbZ9.Wxt'B citil 8tdUt48, read8 a8 r011OV82 *fii orri0er8 0r the kti+al bard 0r Tour a&l1 be oltlz4n4 0r the UpLtod 9kt48, over tVeAtp IA aend, under l irtprour your et rg4, '8ind 8hrl1 t8k4 8d rubrorik th4 4ffiOi.d 04th. end 8ha bV4 8UUOO88fA~ p8884d the 04liQd 4xualMt1oA 48 pmaoribed T;r the bV8 Of the Untted atrt48.' . Al’t1014 w!?, VOI’QOIi’8 Amctated CiTff SktUt48, tied8, iA p8Pt, 88 ?OiiOV8$. _~ .Im orriabr0r thirotitb mllitirvb0 od the l* h48 Pea0 I; Of 8ir~*?OUFp4~8B8~k platedup00 the ntiml libt W the 60wmwr. ... Iti8 ``At?lWBthO ~bOn-QUOti&h=# tb$ OX- PirdiOA of the ten Of 4 ~8Ib.r Ot th8 B4Ud 4P48t48 4 18- oana~ vhloh ir to b8 flued by the ‘88Aior roti? offio4rL" O? the B&tio& oU8Fd Of trX88. A mwrber VhO84 tm h8 OX- P-d i8 blfgiblbior 2'48miAtI84Atii h4 i8 thb '84AiOF rotire offloor." AA OffiOb, vho h48 k4lL F8tiFO6 f8AOt 4lQiblo b408U84 b4 18 A0 langb8’ “MtfYO.” I[OVbV4?, th4 mor4 f8Ot *hat ul b&it* of?la4rh88 ncohod the ag. 0r re- tiPembnt doe8 AOt di8qM hf.E b444E8* ho FOE8fXU '~OtiVO,' AAtll plaoed upon the ret+wd lf8t 4 the Ootbmot. AMum- ins that P’&ff;~4~‘t`` to aa orriabrvho h48 refer8 A bar g r480h4d the age o? ?4ti%Ji4At, Vban~& that qU48tiOnIn th8 gO~8tlV8~oth*mi8*, in the 8??1rr%8t1v*. 'chs iOt doe8 not bXpP4881~ 8ktb that 8 8IMbOr ~Ontinusa in Offi Until hi8 8U404880~ qPillt188, but ruoh pege 5 Brig. &a. Arthur B. lblckerbocker, 18 the generalrule. m4 COA8titUtiOA0r Texaa provide8 that 'all offloeravithla the State lh4ll continueto per- fOrtith4 dUt148 Of th4Ir 0??1048UAtii their 8U40488Or8ah411 b4 duly qurllfied." (Artlo XVI, 840. 17) The geaeml rule 88 to holdingover ~4Vail8 etea In the rbaeaae 0r q ox- pro88 ooaat~tutional or rtetutoq protirlon. 34 Ter. Jbr. no. Thcr4?oly,Inw8ver to p ur leaond au48tiO& hold thrt VhOA 4 tela Of 0??1044Xpti48,th8 A4mb4r of t:: Board COatfAn in 0rri04UAti1 hl8 8u004880rQU4~fi48. The wx48 COA8titUtiOA, ArtI XVI, 84otiona33 Wd 40, read 88 fOllOV81 ‘Sea. 33. Th4~hOOOUAtbg offiObr8Of thi8 8kto r````~r~wnor``rvurrntupon th8 Trearur7in furor 0r any perwa, for 8rl8x7 Or oOqIOtt88tioA 88 agOAt, OffiO8rOr 8ppOfAt44, vho hold8 rt the 40 tim4 ug other o??lc4 or pO8itiOA0r honor, tl'U8tor profit,under tbi.8 St&o or th4 United Strtoa,4xoeptaa preaorlbed in thi8 COA8titUtiOll.?'rovldod,th4tthl8 PO- 8triOtiOA88 to the &Wing and prying 0?4W- m&ate ttpo~the Treav ab&U not 4ppl~ to of- 'i rlo4r8 or the RatieAal darrd 0r T4x44, the mtion- , al aarrd P884rV8,thb o??iwrB 848OFV4COW8 Of the mt4d 8kt48, AOF to 4Alirt4dWA Of th4 f g8tiOAd ouud, th8 lhtiO& @tlU'd R488l'V4, thb i ! . Orgutired~484l'V48 Of the UAltedSkt48, AOF t4 ntlred OffiOOr8 Of th0 United Skt48 m, II&v, ti I[rrins cOrp8, md FetitWd Vm8~$ OffiObr8 UIdFOtiXWd bA.u8t4dEM$AOfthOvnit8dsfi8t48 ! c m, YaVy, and IlrrinbCOl98.* '800. 40. I(0 pOt'8OA8hd1 hold 01 4X4~0~84, at the 84A4 tUBOr EON thrn 4A4 afti offi Or OEOiUWAt, 4Xf34ptthAt Of a8tiO4 Of P4844~ COUU- ty Ccmwla8loa4r,Not Publlouid Po8tmater, OSfio4r 0r the mtib 3 mmrd, the RrtIoA41ml8rd Roaervo,4~d the Ofii44r8R444m Cor98 O? th4 United State8 8ad btdiatedIOA of the B4tion81 onud, tha NrtlonslQmrd Rea4rve,ud the 0~ gutfred b84PV48 Of the tlnit4d 8trtO8,4.Adre- tired ofrioer8 0r the Unltod llktea Al-q, Raw, 292 pagr 6 Brigs:Qen. ArthurB, KAlok8rbook8r, utd wulf.~ Coma, md r4tindvur8Atbrrib 4r8. 8ad retired bAli8tOd m4a b? the United 8tat48 drmJ# IIav, Utd JbriAO CeZ'pB, QAl888 bthbFVf88 8p4Oiru7 providwlhenIn. Prorid- ed, that nothlng IA th.l8 deaatitutlen8h4l3 ba oonat?ubd to pr0NbI.t 8A brfioor8r bAl.f8t- ld m8A Of the #8tiOlWl &ux'~, 8ad th4 #8tio& ottlpd n484``4, 8r &A 4??iO4rittthb OffiObr8 8484FV4 Cbl'pB OfthO t.b tftOd 8trk8, lSM OQ- Libtbdm8~ iA t&8 0rguiia.d ~erbtrb8 Of the utit4d Sktea~ 4~ r4tlrbd brfl04a-8 4f th4 Dnikd 8trt.48 hl'ay,I8q UXIUU~AO COllp8, uad retired vururt 8??iOblr, and ntired 4Ali8tOdBt8ttOf th8 Unltod bt8t48 dlWJ, Raw, from ho 8Ad IhriAO cOPp8, lAooAjuttotleA 1~1th8uah 4rri04q other Y 4 104 or p481- tion 0r boner, tru8t 01 mefit, uadbr tblr State or th8 Wnlted 8t&48, or ?FOm VOW Bl4ati4ty o ett+-8l,8p eo l83 o r P r iR u y , lt7 in t 3a Stat4 vh4A bthervfw parrlirid.~ The Adjutant Oeaeml and the A8airtutt Adj?ttUrt 00ttbra u8 4??104r8 4r th8 mtibtu ottud 4r ~4x48, hold- lng the rmk 0s brimor-geaer8l and 0814``41 m8p4otirbl Their rtatut 48 mtlonal 0uu-d 8ffia4r8rloa8 v4uld ttbt d;- quell- them for other 8kt4 4ffiO48 or 84Jlbmt. Her- WU, ia 8dditikk~k b tg lffiOO~8 fa th4x4ti4A41@?Uda the lidjttbttt 04~4~818~d.bi8b8i8t8At 8F4 8trt4 bffi8iti8 wpeitttedlq th Governor rod, in mtoh aapaoi , reoeiVoa~- nual 84lei88 under the rp prlatiea bill4 PLW8 ,x945, 49th Leg., oh. 378, pb 810 r- ohdor the mme bill, 84bFf48U'44~ro~1&4d?4r the sewetuy (Bina,2I.F)utd th4 Clerk (aeoativ4 lWor4tuy) of tb4 %X48 Ratiuu) 6UA?d holy boUd (804 PO !h). IQo u rlpi?44n, the l8v8-q uetp d 44lk8titlltiO~ proYi8iOXkb prehlbit .th8MjUtMt h8Fti md th0 ~8i8kntMfoknt``~lhsrhol~bi~a~ tb tV0 ultisbd pO8iti4A8 AAdO, th4 &4I4Fy Mube mbP4?8F4, *4 amv8r Jbur g&&gg&& *t-h*-* Under th8 prot181ea8 0r Artful0 589Ob, qubt8d above, vhon 8 r&owoy oaaur8 4A tho baud, the AdjUtUtt 04Abrul i8 WQUiBd t4 Ob~iiJ k thb LkO~4t83-3 Of 8kt4, ad to the bfff48rooaceraed, th4 A8m4 4r th4 84Ai8l' MtiV8 l??iOOr Of th8 ``tIUtalQztrrdb? ?4X88 Vhe 18 Abt th4A 40* Wqqitq aa unexpired t8n 88 l Bomber Of mid BWFd. Ia Brig. 08~. Arthur B. EDiOk8dOk8r, pago 7 mtr 4pfaf4a, maoh 08rtiiIoAtioA0&18tituk8 ~WpOiatAOA8 Of th el??fObr VbOU ttWi018 84 OOrtifiOd~ ~bVbV4`` the 8t&t- ttte ~Qllfl'O8 tftd fbtiEb4F804p~illtd 8-1,ritbin15 d878 from tbtidrt0 Of POObfpt Of 8ttohB4tfOea ~Uaify by kit- ~ti?~tithth@ ~ol'e~O?S)kt8tho 44l~8titUtid 08th 4f 0rri04. I? h4 ml.8 t4 80 quJifX, thburdjpt4at &moral18 nqulrdtb aert* the ~8ma l? thonuk 8eaibr l0tive 8rri0u. Thont4r4, la 4nIV8? to pur
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7270
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017