OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVBR SELLERS ARORNEY GrNxRAl. Ronomblr D. a. Grser State Highway RngfnTfr Auetfn 26, l%ule ” Dear Sin opinion lo. o-7233 RI: Under A.rtlole 82 hxar Penal Cod., OS the Braaway grad8 at rrio oan the enter only at ,the plaoes the City to rpsed cone tha ?raewy and minl.mumepoed8, the MX~IUUDIto be rty aiI+s. per hour. To adoomplfrh this we prop088 to 6ntar into an agzmrnant with the alty or Bouaton under ths authorit. or Artiolo 5673b, Vernon’s Toxaa Olvil Statutea, however, berore taking any 6otlon in the matter, wo would appreolate your opinion and ad- tlra on tha roliowigg quoetlOnsr “1. Under Artlolr 827a, seotion 8, or tha Texas Penal Cod., or Artirlo 1085a, Texas Clril Stetutor, oan the Oity or Houc#ton, a home rule olty, bamd upon an enginesring and Hon. i. 0. Grqer - Page 8 tmrii Investigation showing suoh spied to be reasonable md prudent, legally sone suoh Preeway for marlmua spaeds In exaess of thirty miles per hour? “2. Can t& city or Honaton, .s home rule'olty, legally rone sush Bmeway for ninimws speed end legally entoroe ths miqllmutaspeed re- qulr6lMnt SO rixed?” Art1010 827a, Seotlon 8, Vernon's Penal Oode, provides In part as reil0w8: *Itshall be unlawful ror any pereon. . . to drive or operate a motor or other veNole within the oorporatr IAnIts or an laoorporated oity or town, 9~ wlthfn 8~ through any town or village not inoorpordied at a greater rate or speed than thirty (30) ailas per hour. . ,* The fifth paragraph of said
Arid~ls, supra, provides as r0u0w0: *That whenever the governing bodfes of insorpoxu- ted .sItiea and taran In tNe Stat0 within thrir res- protIre jurlsdlotions dotemlnr upon the baa18 of an lx@nssring and trsfilo lnveatigatlon thst the msxlma~ rsasonablo and prudent speed at any Interseotlon or other portion ot the highway, based upon the Iater- seotlons rsllway grade orosslngs, ou1~68, hills, width ati oond! tlon oi oarement and other oondltlons on suoh highway, aid the sisaltrerrlo thereoa, Is greater or hS$ thaa the sDeed 1inlits hereinbefore 8et r rth , raid novernlna bodies shall have tl 6 Dower end autehorfty to iietemlni and deolare the maxlmuihreasoxble md prtident speed limit thereat; whlah ahall be efteotiva at ouoh lnterseotlon or other plaoe." (FndorsoorIngoum) '1yethink the last above quoted paragraph of the said stat- ute olaarly authorizes an affirrmitlve answer to your quOstiOE number one and wa so faswor It. Now In regard to your seoond question, Art1010 1175, V.A.C.S., enumerating rarlous power8 granted home rub altire, pmvldrs In part 68 r0ii0mt T3eo. 20. To lioenso, operat6 and oontrol the operation or all oharaotsr of vehlolss using the publia streets, Inoluding motorsyolos, automobiles or llks Hon. 0’. (3. Grew - Page 3 vahloles and to orescribe the speed or the lama. , .*I (Undomooring ours I Ylao. 34. To enforoo all ordl5anoes neoassary to pwteot health, $Ifs and pr~psrty. . . and to preserve and anforoe ths%good government, order end seourlty ot the olty and its lnhabltants.W It appears to us that these seotlons 20 and 34 or the
statuts, supra, authorlse an arrimativs 6nswsr to your qaestlon number two, a% WI 80 answer it. Espeoielly IS this true ror the MUSO`` that wo hare found no State law fixing a mlnlisnm spsed for ~ehioolsr trsrrlo and oonsequently an ordlnsnae passed by 8 hoas rule oity riling a mlnlinum sped ror rehfoular trairlo upoa oer- taln stnets, would not br In oonfllot with any Stats law end la valid 1i reasonable. We hare not found any direot pnoedentr In ths law oases, but the iollowlng 068e8 have been oonsldered ior their general 91%~ aiplbs in arriving at our 00501us10nsr “Tha powera of muniolpal aorpo~tlons within the HOW Rule Amendment6mbraoo all powers not prohibIted by Constitution or statute.w Miller ‘1.. Waldo Co., 01~. App., 80 9.W. P;d 403. “Oitiss nap do. EU tNngs Leglslaturs oould have authorlsod, not in rlo1atlon of Constitution or general laws .* Bland Y. City Of Taylor, Clr. App., 39 8.w. 2d aa, arrlrm4 ras T. 39, 67 3 .v. 2d 1033. The puwers of a home rule city are derived fwn Const. art, 11, 8 5, and hsnor express grant ot power b Legislature la unneoessary and only limitations upon Qf ty’a power nsed be oonsldered.* Yellow Oab Transit Co. ‘I, Tuok, 010. App., 115 9.X. 26 435. *The powers gr4k5teahoma-rule oltles undss oonstl- tutloa are broad and governed as to 1fmItatfons otig by Is ialatirs enaotment.* b parts Newbsrg, 140 Cr. RI 21f ‘ 143 3.W. 2d 186. *;vheth$r an ordlnanoe is unreasonable is a questLon or law ror the oourt.* Mlka P, Leath, 20 Sb;‘I. 2U 726. *But a court will not deoIare an oldlnanoe uxnessm~- ablr unlsss It olearlp lppe6rs to be so.* xeet v. city or Waoo, 273 s *we 282, 116 Tozas 472. HA. D. C. &44r - Page 4 *It the matter is in doubt the ordlnanoe will be upheld s" 2x part4 i;illchar, 278 3.‘::‘. 850. "A city's regulation, relatfve t:, th4 us4 of ths streetn by vehialea, whfoh 13 within tha,scope of ita oharter powe+~, is not inhibited by State law or th4 Constitution, unlees there ia 4 oonf'liot.W Genusa V. City of Houston, Texas, 10 3.X. 2d 772, *A oity say prescribs additlo3al regulations a4 to matters not oov4rcd by law.* Xiks v. Leath, 26 3.X. 2d 726. *And ordinarily a oity may forbid the use ot oertaln oonseated streets by partloulor ol.asses of vehlo14s.N Raid v. City of Ft. ‘Soxth, 258 ‘3.i:;‘. 1114, 3rror Refused. Xn vlsw of our oonoluslons, w4 have pretemitted 4 di4- cuaslon of Article 1085a, V.A.C.S., as it ap;ears that suoh art- iole nerely pertains to the laying out , aonstruotion and aoquisl- tion Of a trsJway and aut!lorlzing ClOSiilfiOl- street3 near it3 iAt4rs4ctfon. Se express no opinion oonoerning the contititutionality of ths delegation of authority to cities 3zd towns oonta
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7233
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017