.- ,+.’ 786 i: I. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS i AUSTIN 1’~; . . OROVER SILLLRS AlToINN OR(C mn. It. L. Hlnmon, Jr. County Audstor ?olk County LirLngnton, Tcxar Dear Slrr Opinion lo. O-7176 Re: Realdemo of acholastlca que8tlunr 1 be over six ud under fir8t daJ Of th8 lW l'OrideBt8 Of the t daJ or April. pr&idu that a duly appointed w th8 lla-, COlOl’, 8nd MtiOMl- nderlng 8uCh children, the Pame 8 8ChOOl dirtriot in VhlCb th8 children re8ide 8nd the MBe, 8U and &to of birth of oath 8uch child of vbioh he 18 l FrUIt Or gW?dien or ofvbioh b8 w8 OOatFOl. . lThe f8RllJ 08Zt8U8 blank, vbioh 18 8eIlltOut for the enuaeratian of these 8chol88tio8, vhen duly 787 . BOA. B. L. mA8OD, Jr. - ?8g8 2 fil1.d iA aA8t b8 81glW3 b7 th8 PlUWnt, gUaZ'di~ or p8rson renderbg th8 ohlld under oath of the follovlng rtatement1 '1 h8r8by certify th8t 1 harr reAdered 0~1~ those ohlldren vho vl.11 be 8i.X and und8r olghtsen y8ar8 Of ag8 0A 8epteAbOr and vho 8re re8ld8At8 of the dlrtrlct 011 &8'&& day of April, 19 I further oertlfy that all children vho8o e'8re glv8n hereon are in y charg8 W OU8tOdy and that th8y hare not heretofore been enumerat8d in thl8 State for the year beglaning Se~terber 1, 19-, and ending lhl@l8t 31, lg-. “John Do8 resides in Di8triCt #l and ha8 a child vho re81der vlth an Aunt in Dlatrlct #2, attoads 8OhOOl in D18trlCt #2, 8nd 1s residing In Di8triOt @ vlth raid Swat on April 1st. Thi8 child 18 not lerelJ vl81tlAg the Aunt but he8 resided with the Aunt %A Di8tr1Ct #2 durlAg the school year. Who 8hall have the authority to emAerate thir 8ChOOl child; th8 Father and Wother, vho reside in District #l, or the Aunt, vlth vhoa the child r881dO8 in Dl8trlCt #2?' &rtlole 2816, Vernon's Annotated Texas Clrlf StatUte8, Mad8 a8 fOllOW8l "The county 8uperlntendent and the board Of tlW8t4988Of the lndependerrt 8ChOOl d18trlOt8, On the fir8t day Of each JaAuuJ or a8 8oon a8 pMOtl- cable there8fter, 8ha11 appoint one of the tru8tee8 of each school d18trlCt, or 8o~e other quallfl@ person, to take the rcholaatlc cemu8, vho 8hal.l be known a8 the census trustee of the dlrtrlct. The cbp8u8 tru'8tee betveen the firrt dar of JIaroh aAd the first day of A@141 8fter hi8 appointrent, sh411 take a cenau8 of all the children that vi11 be over seven 8Ad under eighteen yeara of age on the flr8t day of the fOllOVlAg September, aAd vho are rO81dOAt8 of the rchool dietriot on 88id flrrt day of April. In taking the said census he 8hell virit each hose, reeldence, habitation and place of abode, snd shall by actual observation and interrogation,enwaerate the children thereof in the tollowl~g mumem He shell use for each parent, or guardian or person 788 . . B0A.B.L. -8QII,Jr. -?ye 3 lnvl~g oantrol of any ruoh ohll&%A, a pn8orIbed fom 8hoviAg the A8ne, oolor ud AatIwlItr of the pernon rtmtlerlngruoh ohIldmA, the ham usd nuaber of the 8ohOOl di8triOt IA vhloh the ohlldrur PO8id8, a ndth en8m8, 8ex ti da te Of birth Of laoh 8dOh ohlld of vhloh he 18 a parent or yrdlan, or of vhloh h8 -8 OOlitl’Ol. w Oti8U8 tN8tO8 8h811 FOQuiM 8UOh form to be 8UbrOribd urd worn to br tha permA naderl~g the ehlldrur, and he I8 ruthOrI8ed to ad- alnl8ter 08thm for thl8 -88. UhM the oon8u8 tNl8t8e Vi8it.8 UT how Or hour0 OC place Of ebods of a family, and fall8 to fIAd llthvr the parent or any perron having leg81 oontrol, b 8hAll leave the prescribed c8A8ua blank for the u8e of pbrentr at 8UCh horn or pl800 of abode, vlth a AOt8 to the WMAt or guardlui ha*lAg legal oontrol of ruoh ohIld or obildren, roquirlng that the fom ba fI118d out, ri&nd aAd 8vOm to, and that the blmk, VheA 80 fIll8d out, rha'll be d8livemd by the p8ruit or por8oa h8vlAg leg81 oontrol of th8 child or ObildreA to the CeAeU8 tN8tOO. Aot8 1905, p. 263; AOt8 1915 p. 183.* Artlole 2901, Vernon~8 Annotitd Texar Civil sutUt88, re8d8 a8 fO11OV88 ‘~V.87 Obild %A thi8 bt8tO Of 8OhOb8tiO 48 8h811 bo p6lWittOd tO”att8nb the pub110 fX'O0 8Oh0018 Of th8 dI8tPiO~tor iAdepdAdeAt di8triot in vhIoh it Ire8IdO8 at th8 tin It applier fox' ad- girrIon,.notvlth~tan4U4 that it ~7 have been ulqa0rat.d.18OlVb~, or ‘1 hve attended 8OhOO1 818OVhW8 pirt of the ye8r. htiOl8 2892, &‘IMli~8 hnotatad texar Civil 8tatute8, i'wdr in Part 88 fOlbV81 %v8r7 ohIld in the atate rho 18 8eveA year8 and not aore than 8lxtecn year8 of age rhall be r8Quimd to lttMd the pub110 8ohoolr l.13 the dirtriOt Of it8 realdenom, or in 8088 other di8triOt to vhloh It mey be tMA8fOrmd 88 provided by 18V, iOr a p8riOd Of AOt 1088 th8A OXlO hUAdl’Uk Md tVeUIty dayr. . . .” 783 . BOA. S. L. Hinlon, Jr. - ?8ge 4 Other 8tatuter PZWId8 for the truirfer of a child lttendlAR rohool in 8 dirtriot Other th8A it8 re8IdeAoe. We quotr fro8 opinion RO. O-586 of thir departnsnt, ruaderod H8y 25, 1939, 88 follov81 "4hi8 depmtrent rendered M OpiAiOA OA Hovembrr4, 1905, to the Honorable R. B. COU@~A~, State Superintandont of ?ublIo In8truotlon on a 8iAll8r QUO8tiOn vhioh Ye think rubrtantI8lly ex- Or48808 the proper Nle t0 be applied iA the instant care. It va8 there rtakedr "'If the children h8ve asrely 8n orten- 8ible aAd not a 8Ub8tMtIal realdenoe in the district, If they were rent to Rock- da18 for the sole purpose, or even for the raLn puFpo8e, of partioipatlAg ln th8 ad- vMtag88 of the public 8choo18 of Rockdale, they 8~8 not entltled to free tuition. "But if they vere rent to rO8ide In Rock- ddle IA good faith 1A order to give them suItable hOllpa8,vith the iIh3AtiOII on the part of the father, ud Of the per8OA8 in vho8a oare he placed thea, that tb ohlldren 8hould re8lds there pernaently; If the ed- UOatiCiXd 8dV8At8g88 Of the lW8ideIlt8 IA Rockdale vere merely lncid8ntal to their going the-n, 8nd othor OOn8idOmtiOA8 ln- duoed the father, in good faith, to 8OleOt that place ae their how, I think the ohildzw am re8ldentr of Rookdale vlthin the r@+aLPs of the 8choo1,lav, And eAtltled to froe tuitlan there, AOtVithdMding that the do8&118 of the father 18 ll8evhere.1 %hlle we MCO ice the& 8 alnor chi.ld MY aoqulre 8 bone fide red r once separate and apart from lta parent8 vithla the coAtemPlatIon of our 8ChOol lava, ve do not think that 8uoh bone fide resideAce I8 ertabllrhed by the mre phy8lcal Rr88ence of the ells," another dintriot for the purpote of attending School Matrlct lo. 1, etc. v. School Di8trict (Sup. t%. Mlch. 1926), 211 Ii. Ye. 60s Ysle va. Veat Nlddle School District, 59 Corm. 489. 13 L. R. A. 151; Anno. 26 L.R.A. 581. “Ye understand that the opinion herein cx- . . 790 I[-. t. L. Ein8~0, Jr. - ?8gr 5 pM88d 18_ u ?OOOld Vith 8 loly 08t8blirhed - - COn8tNOtiOA pAaOM UpOA OUT 08AlU8 l8V8 by the st8te DewPtAOAt of Lduoatlon. 'Iti 18 Our OpiAiOYY that if the f8Ot8 develop ttb8t ?lOdB8 ?lu88lar 18 liV* irr th8 Robert Lee IndrpMdMt Who01 Dirtriot for the 8010 or prinoipal pwpo88 of ltteAdIAg tha 8chOOl8 Of th8t dietriot, she I8 l rO8IdOAt Of 38~0 Co888011sohool Di8tFiCt for the purpo88 of rchol8stic enw#eratIoA, aAd rhould be aAumemtcd in th8 ~ChOl88tiO OeA8U8 Of that dirtriot. Eovevec, If rhe h&8 In gOOd faith 88tablished a aubstaAti81 reeid8AC., and llOt a Acre 08tM8iblO rO8idOAOO for the purpo88 of 8tt8ndbig 8ohoo1, 8h8 aey properly be 8nUAerAted iA the Robert Lee Independent 8chool Dirtrict." The qll88tIbn propounded by you inVOlVo a fact qUO8tiOA. If th8 re8idenc8 of the ahlld in quertion ha8 been 88tAbli8hed 8.Ea OOd faith 8UbrtAAtIal rerid8Acr vith hep Aunt iA Dt8triCt # 2, it i8 OUl' Opi.UiOIlthat iA 8uOh OV8Ilt the AuntvoUldbeeUthorl8edtO 8nuUefbte th8 ohI1.d a8 a 8OhOl88tiC IA Di8triOt #2. Hovever, if tha rcsridanoe of the ohIld IA M8trIot #Z? Ir~Aere1y en o8teAAlblo Fe8ideAae for the iz;;lof lttendlnx rohool them and not a nood faith 8ub- rerldenoe,-then in 8uoh event our &ll~g vould be tht the abild 8hodd be eUmP8tOd by it8 paMAt in Di8triCt -8tia th+i thI8 8eti8hCtOrily, MaVOI’8 yOUr we are Very tNlJ yourr
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7176
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017