- OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATrorrJwGcNE”AL Bonozuble T. B. Whitehurst,Member Texas %.aon Board P. 0. BOX No. 1768 Beaumont, Texas i CoMtrllotion0r the talm -prison m oontalne6 I Prlron system oertain employeea In t at in addition ta their salarise *Hourn all Prison Pntduoad Food Pro4uotr’ lntith a to a 33r 00a That is, are they sploela,oondimante,oto. ly the Priron Systom. itlsd to get such mer- budget of the Texas Prieon syetem detailad amount8 ndlrldual joba. In other words?,lllcrteatl or having an over-all total rigurs to be divided up aa the management tig@iit desire eaoh emplo~es it3v0tOa a ap00iri0 amount. I hare a que8tion whioh I will thank you to answer ror me. Can one individual 060``3 two positlona and draw two aalarlea at the same time? "In other worclrde, oould one xan be: ksrlstant benan Manager h Cotton Cla8rror Ron. T. 1:.-i;hlteilur-.t - Fag0 2 "Can one man be: Exeoutloe Eleoretary & Purahasing Olsrk Van one man be1 Pharmaclat h Medioal Supervisor "Can one man be: Superintendentor Building construction k Superintendentor Lloense Plant Thn one man bet Meohanio 6: Livestook Supervisor "Can one man be: Asdstant General Manager k. Llvestook Supervisor with rrforenos to your question aa to whether certain em- ployees are entitled to receive Wall,foo4 produat8 handle4 through tho Commimary*, we resteryou to the rOllOWbi8 appropriation itom,, contained in S.B. 917, Ch. 978, pp. 904-907, Aots Of the 49th Leg., 9 "TEXAS PEZSON SYSTEM Salaries For the Yeare Ending Aur4; 31, "1. General managsr, with house, water, rtm and lights ana prison produaea rood p2-04u0te.. . . . . . . . . . . . $0,000.00 $6,000.00 *e. Assistant genenlrmrnegor, with houao, water, fuel and llghtr, with prleon pmduoed food produotr . . . . ~. . . . 2,83l5 .oo 2,835;00 R . . . . . u35. Yiarden,with home, water, lights, rue1 and prison produoed rood moduate 3.300.00 3,300.oo ”. . . . . '45. Frlnt shop superintendentwith house, water, lights, fuel an4 prison pro- duoed iood products. . . . . . . . . 2,475,OO 2.476.00 PI . . . . . Ron. T. 8. mltehurat - Page 3 Y3alarie8 For the Yucrr En&inn AU 6t 31, “Ufo”,“, 31, tip 946 “52. SuperinWmdant of Stat0 Fsnm Indus- trier end Central State Fuma, with hou88, lights, water and ru0i and primn oroduoed mod oroduot&. . . . & 3,1?30.00 $ 9,150.00 *s3. Ten (10) UniP.~mma~err,with hou80r wntef, llghtm, fuel and prlro vro- , none to LoeeU . . . . . . . . . 18,B44.00 18.864.00 D "37. 17 Ad8tant Unit menagrxm, with hOtlleI water, ruel, E3,u31.00 " . l . . "64. Dog aeraeeut8,nene.to esoosd ~1,300.- 00 p er year, with house, water, lights, mi, and pPisOn DmdUO64 fOO4 DmdIIOtq 19,87&.00 19,B7E.o0 0 . . . . *a. Falrm rt@wmIa With hi%M water, fuel, lights snd p&wn o*4uoQd it-304DrOduOto none to eroe?d 31 330 00 per year. . . 23,04!LOO 1a2,043.00” ( u nder a o o r lng o& i l In rlow of the plain Iwaning of the 1&18~ *prloon pro- duoed food pro4uaW' a6 used in tho above Quoted ltrraria the Ap ro- priation Aot, it la.our oplnl~n that the raona holdln~ the pa8Ptlons above mentioned muld br antitled to reoep" ve, a8 p8z-t Or tblr oompen- l(Ltkon,only 8uoh food pmdwtr that have barn aoturLly produo by the state t‘rlsonSyetem. %?n are theretorrr a4vies4 that the tern, *prison produasd rood praduote" 08 U8uadin the above mOntfOn44 8ppI7J- pri8tlon it&m wcdd not inolude suah produotr that have been puroh8884 frum the outside to 8upply the StaCe Prison 9y8teIIL Xith refesenae to your guertiorm BB to whetb,erone individual my oooupp tro po8itime and draw two salamlr at the came tine, we 0811 Co yo?jrattantionthe folla~ina!lan$ua$e oontatns4 in Saa. 33 of Rrt. xvx or tha constitution of Twui~ 744 Bon; T. N. WhItehurst - Page 4 “The socounting offioon of thLe Strta &all neither draw nor pay a warrant upon tha Trea8ury in ravor of any parson, r0r salary or ocrapaaaation aa agent, offioer or appointee, mbo hblda at the IMBIO time any other offloe or position or honor, trust or profit, under this State or the United States, sroapt aa prescribad in thla Constitution.W In Opinion No. ,04607, a copy of whloh wa anolbse hsre- with, this departmant oonddered the above quoted aonatitutional proolaion as it applies t6 the holding or two poaltlona under thla state. In that opinion it was held that a etate amployeo oould not rsoelre any salary or oompenaatlon from the atate while holding two DoeltloIls. We oall your atbentioa to the followlnbs- lat.lRuS~e -- oon- kalned in the above kantloned opinion: uConald6ring the broad &neral purporre intended to be served by this aaation or the Conatltutlon, wa are or the opinion that tha oonatruotlon or the term *app;d&ee* ae meaning and ambraoing ‘amploywl is raqulrad. reaaom prompting the adoptfon of the polioy ara just as oompcllltig, and the evil to be averted ‘the same in the oase of tho amployaa of the Stata why oontraata to render aervloa ior salary or oompensatlon, aa fn the oars or the orrieer or agent. *You are thrraiora .adriaed that if a phyaiolan am- ployed part time by one inatltution or ths state aooapta and bolda a almllar plaoe!in another inotitution at the aame tlxie, he oan not reoeive a salary or.aompanaatlon for either poaltion durSng tha period or time that both am held.R Wa nota that saoh of tha poqftlona inquired about are llated fn the 1945 Appropriation Aot (SiB. 317, Aota 49th Leg.) aa aeparats positions with a atipulatad ocwip6nsation far aaoh pohtion. In viaw or the above mentioned opinion whioh has been ooneiatantly followed by this departmant , you ara advised that when one individual holds two positions he oannot reoelra a salary or oonpanaation ior either poeition during the period or time that both poaftlono are held. This holding is applioable to each of the *oombinations~ or posltlons listed in your request with rerarenoe to one parson holding two poal- Mona and noelving oompensation for both poaltions. Hon. T. N. Xhitehurat - Page 5 we trcet that the above and toregoing will satlefaotorlly answer your inquiry. Yours very truly ATl'Ul3iiO~ML OFTEXAS JA?Z:djm .
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7164
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017