Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable W. P. Hurnm, Jr. Oounty Auditor wbllbr county Henpstaad, Tcxars Dear Sir: cplnion No. O-7161 Rer Whether the Comzlerionsrs' Court ot Sallsr County is lega to oq%ti~ iCs sheriff' with a maehino gun, same, tear gas bo radlo,end other II (a), Yernoa*s Annotated l.n part ad follarr81 of ssoh month of him tenure of oftloe, d berein who ie oompensa$rid on a fee bests rt of the report now required by law, an am ot6takuent of all t&e aotual and neoelrsary d by hlla in the oonduet ot his office such tamps, telephone, premlu@ WA ofriolalr' the cost or surety bonds for his deputies, prenlun on fire, burglary, theft, robbery insurenoe protect- ing public finds, traveling expenses, and other neoassarg expenses; provided, that In addition to the orfioara named herein, the oountp treasurer, county auditor, county road aotissionere, county scrhool superintendent, and the hide and a&ma1 inspeotor shall llkewlse ruake a report on the premiums on offfoiala* bonds, inalubingthe boat 0r surety bond6 for any dsputiea, an4 said premiums shall be aubjeot to payment out of the feet3 of said offlae, as herein othemise ~HOII . W. P. Hems, Jr., page 2 psovlded for the officer8 named; and provided further that If any of the officers 80 designated are on a salary rather than a fee Baels, then ell suoh bond premium for officers and their deputies shal,l be paid from the General Fund of the county. The Commlsslonera Court of the county of the eberlfr~s rosldence may, .upon the written and sworn applloatlon or the eherlff rtatlngthe neceselty therefor, purohaer equipment for a Bureau of Crlnlnal Ilentlfloatlon such ae cameras, fingerprint oarda, inks, chemloals, mloro- soopee ) radio and 1aboreDory aqulpmant, filing cards, filing oablnets, tear gae, and other equipment in keeping with the syetem In uee by the Department of Public Sarety of this State or the United Staten Department of Juatlaa and/or Bureau of Criminal IdentIfloatIon. . . .* We ert lnfonmd by the Departuent of Publlo Safety of Texas that the Iteaus of equipment named by you are ln keeping with the 8yutei& ai law enforwamnt In uao by l~lid Departmnt ,. end that suoh Itams are In rdot boi;oe tueb by the Dspartmant of PublIo Sototy. We think the ebovo q\roted statute sufiloiantly broad to authorI the Ocm&sIon8ra* Oourt of Wailer Oouaty, ;gn roper a~3qM8atIon threfor, to purdhaso t&d equlpaent tl e u80 o? the 8harIfF8 d8partmat. It Ia thmnfon our *~ ::r 0p+ :::_ .iy’i:‘:~ a uth o *Iiid, tad ~. the, up oth G,~w~wo````~:..~o~, n:: rer Ith ud ao r r lor warn op rp nlio st,o o* cl0wty * thn i e , 8herIff of Weller County stating t her neaesrl~y therefor, to purehare. a meohino #gun, aBmwnItIon ior w tear gal bombs, aqa two-my radlo. for the we, 0r raid sheriff~8 departsant. We am not sure whet you awan by the expresslon *other 8imilar``equipment,~and therriora are not In a po8i~ion to anEwer your qUe8tiOn a8 k, ,llWh othir ~UipJ#Ont. Yours very truly .~ AT!i’ORtmyORHERAL QY TEXAS APPii~VED H#&3 22, 1945, Blr (allpea) y. a. As&RR (Slmed) QROVI%SELLRR9 iU8i8tWt ATTORNXY tRXifW& OB ‘L%xAs WRAIRLT Am AP?RCvEDOpinion Comm.Ittsr By MS Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7161

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017