OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. D. M. Wiggins Prealdent, College or Mlnee and Metallurgy El Paso, Texas Dear Dr. Wiggine: Meisel Survey, Number 187, eituated near El Paso, in El Paso County, and whioh twenty-two aores of'land was condemned by the United States Oovernmnt and so taken Eon. D. M. Wiggins, page 2 by the United States Government ror enlarging and lmprov- lng the Military Post or Rsssrratlon at Fort Bliss, Texas, ror which the amount hereby appropriated was reoaivad from the United States Government and deposltd in the State Treasury to the oredlt of the Permanent Fund of the University or Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .#7,748.30’ *On February 5, 1945, Senator Ii.L. Winfield lntroduoed ln the Senate the following bill, hereafter known as 9. B. No. 110: “‘A BII;LTO BE ENTITLED **AN ACT making an appropriation or #7,748.30 to the College of Mines and Metallurey. a branoh of The Unlvsrslty ” ‘PREAMBLE m*WEEREAS, under a judgment rendered on October 27, 1941, in a oondemnatlon.prooeedlng styled “United States or Amerloa v. Stats of Texas, 8t al, No. 107-01~11,~ in the Unltsd states Distrlot Court ror the Western Dlstrlot, El Paso Division, Stats of Texas, the United States Govern- ment aoqulred title to a tract or 22 aores or land, being a part of the August Melse!.Survey No. 187 situated near El Paso, County of El Paso, State OS Texas~,then ba$onglng to the State of Tsxae for the use and bensiit Or thb’~Ollegs of Mines and Metallurgy, and was so taken by the United States Government for the purpose of providing additional lands in its program of enlarging and Improving the Killtary Post or Reservation at Fort Bliss, Texas, as authorized by law, 8nd paid as oonpensetlon for the taking of said property the sum of 87i748.30, prinolpal and interest{ and ” ‘WHERW ) said sum of money was, in aooordanoe vilth the requirements of law, deposited in the State Tr8aEUry and oredltad to the Permanent Fund or The University of Texas.$ati **WHEREAS, the land so taken by the United States GOV8rment was the abandoned site of the College Of Kines and Metallurgy, whloh in the establishment of said College Eon. D. M. WigginS, page 3 ,li by the Legislature of the State of Texas was donated to the Stat8 as a site for said College, and oonsequently, the College qt Mines and Metallurgy, is justly entitled to the use and benefit of the oompenaatlon paid by the Governmeht for this property, which makes necessary the appropriation made by this Aot. "'BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ulSeotlon 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any ~loneyain the Stat6 ‘W~ESUP~ not otherwise appropriated the sum or S7.7L8.30. . . . . or so much thereof as map be neoea- sary, to bs,expendid' Oy authorized to p may deem proper and neoessary within and adjaoent to said oampua~0r the Collsge or Mines ana Metsllurgy and to make suoh iznprovementethereon es it msy deem proper 8.ndmoea- sary and to enter into oontraots ror these purposes. **Seotlon 2. The faot t&t the College or Mines ana Metallurgy at El Paso Is greatly in need or additional lads and improvements and the iaot that said College is entitled to the immediate urn8 and benerlt ot the money hereby appropriated for eald gurgosss oreates an emergenoy and an lmperatlve publio neoeeslty that the Constitutional iiulerequiring bills to be reed on three sev,eraldays in eaah House be suspended, and the 6~18 is hereby suspended, and this Aot shall take efreot end be in foroe rrom and after its passage, and it ls 80 enaoted.' *You will observe that this bill says, quote in part: *. . . for th8 purpose of acquiring additional land within and adjaaent to the oanipusor said College and the making 0r improvements thereon . . .* "9. 8. No. 110 was reported favorably out of the OoaUftt88~ln th8 Seapte on Maroh 29 and passed the 98n'at6 on May 15, 1945. In.th% meanttie, slnoe th% Session was drawing n%ar to the olose, Senator Wlnfield submitted a aopy or this bill (9. B. No. 110) to the Committee on Claima and Acoounts and asked that sem8 be inserted in the Nieoellaneous Claims Bill. As I understand it, this request, along with the other requests made to th% COmIr&tt%8on Hon. D. NM.Wiggins, pa&X84 Claims and Aooounts was submitted to the Attorney General's Department (Judge Flewellen aoted as adviser to this Committee.) for approval berore being inserted in the Mlsoellaneoua Claims Billi after all olalmn, lnoludlng the claim in question, were approved by the Attorney General's Department, Mrs. Edna Rosen, Secre- tary of the Committee on Misoellaneous Claims and Aocounts, typed the Mlsaell8neous Claims Bill ama Judge FhVdl8n aided her in wording the various claims, lnoludlng the one in question. It was an lnadvertenoy on soad one's part that the phrase *and the making of improvements thereon' was omitted. This bill (Ii.B. No. 701~Miscellaneous Clah Sill) was passed in the Senate May 18, 1945, and the House oonourred on May 21. In the meantime, S. B. No. 110 was reoelved in the House end passed the House on May 31, 1945. "OneJtie 4, 1945, R. B. No. 701 was filed by the Governor wlthout his signature. The eut&r or 9. B. No. 110, not knowing what the outaom8 of IL B.No. 701 might be, had not made any effort 40 withdraw 8. B. No. 1104 but lmmedlately upon~the filing bp the Governor or H. B; No. 701, Senator Wlnrleld requested the Governor to veto 9. B. No. 110 in view or the faot that there was a duplloetlon slnoe he was under the impression that Ii.B. No. 701 oarrled in full the &ternasked ior in 5. B. No. 110. The Governor then vetoed 9. B. No. 110 at the author's request. *In view tit the faot that 9. B. No. 110 was approved by both Houses of the Leglsleture and was vetoed at the requeat of the author and slnoe we reel that it was the implied intention of the Legislature in both lnstanoes to provide ror both the purohaslng and the lmprorlng or the property, I should like to here an opinion from the Attorney General*8 Department advising whether expendi- turen may be made for paving, ourblng, and oonstruoting sidewalks around the property in questiodrn You have oorreotly quoted the it8niinvolved, and it is olear therefrom that the appropriation wes made to the permanent fund of the University of Texas, expressly for the purpose of aoqulrlng additional land within and adjacent to Bon, D. M. Wiggins, page 5 the present oampus of the College of Mines and Metallurgy. The making of improvements upon suoh land la quite a different thing from the purpose of the appropriation, and cannot be allowed upon any conception of such mistake or inadvertence es mentioned by you. The validity or an aot may not be attacked or its plain meaning perverted by matters thus loreign to the l8glslatlve prooesses. Suoh oonsfdaration 1s beyond the‘utmost latitude of statutory sonstruotlon. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENE BY 0s:AMM
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7063
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017