Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

    Honorable Jouetto 3. Uonner
    Ctpmty Attorney
    Jaok County
    Dear sir:                        Opinion No. O-7051
    a.1 Applioatlon 0r Arts.
    “There bare been a
    tan 44, or above artiole, on the
    therein rarerredto,
    direotsd to deeuot the ex(pensea,
    en if 0~1g the prcaprrtydeeorlbed in abovo
    440ti0n i0 sold, I ia th0 ~tr0rirr WOad b0 en-
    titled to mre than hi.ecrponscla.under Art. 951,
    Honorable Jsuette Pp. Bonmr          - Pa@       E
    c0de or crinina~ mtwd~re,               th0 0horirr OP 6th0r
    oiriow,      (with marpti0n)         wh0  auot0    ifi0nryfor
    tha   hate   OF oountiy, oxoopt jury roes,               uador x
    ~wth~too4~,            ohall 86 entltl-              ro-
    "Z'urthar,-or        Ax-t.851).Bo~Lod             Qitll
    Staiutko, the eeun*p attorarr               is   )ntltlmd   to ton
    par oont Qf nnneyo       mlboted,           ap*lag       to *08h*at.
    It ~MIUO to PLOt&at whiokoy IQ takes%,
    (ISwrll as
    other proprty, roohwto to t&a Ltato, ana it o&l,
    ,OTOB by tho Board, the ohwlft  w14 sountyat&wary
    should not bo depri~8d oftho $0~8 as ob0t0 pro-
    mi010    066-e,      Penal ode,           proride       ho iouo``r
    *(a) All Urehollo bovorq~oo doolarod by this AOt
    to ba a nui~a~oo, a~& a.1 iUiolt betrrqpo as &eflmd
    By this Aot , rnr 8sl.1s.d with or :u Shout a worrult
    ttyon 8geat or rmployre of the Toxam Upor    Caktrel
    monad, farby any poaoo omook,   OB~ stayperson r0ouad
    in the poooroole~ or ki ohor- tb.rOof dy bo arrertea
    withouta worronti. Xo:8loo&olio bo~mgoo 01!a2tioleo
    so ooisod ahell be roplotiod, but limllbo ltotol by
    the Beard, or bo thr abmlff of Oh* oountt whorein
    th0 MLW        was lged,      DO be had          fdr   r iid    aooion
    or the oourtao     huxdt(ra           pnptidod+
    ~"(b)I)oball W tho duty   af tbo Attorney (hnonl,
    tho Ulotriot Attorney   on4 the CountyAttgornoy, or
    any of them, rhon nothd     by the oftioorllaka tho
    o*fi&w       or by the T8xaO liquor oontm1 Beard,that.
    ouoh ooinm   bar boon made, to inotltutoa suit Sor
    rdoitwo      0r 0uoh eleohouobfiv0m~o and gyQrtJ*
    owh    oultto be broughtlntbo  maooitb*     ta l or
    TWO in fIByWWt Or W~tMt          jWi#diQtiOIt iI%@W
    wh o r o ln
    souBt,3r        Lluolh
    02& urus8& Enb e. xetioe o r
    p~nb``ey or     OUO~
    SW         mu           eo ock*@d in thommw
    bed by law end the 081~8 shall prooood to
    trial 88 uthor alril aames.  Ii upon the trlal
    or ouah suit it 1s round that a100holIo borerogoo
    or proputy       on   0 nuloano~ OS *are u8*A or rrpt
    In a8Intaininga nulaanoo, undu the tuaw    pr thin
    Aot  or that tha alooholio botuago  la iUlolt, as
    A&od    by this Aot, then the oourt tying  said
    aauoo onall ronAor juA@mnt roriolting tho la~o to
    the 3tatr or Tam8 8nA aTArring the saw 418p08rd
    of se provided ror by ~ootIcln 30 or thlo ikrtIo10.
    The oeoto of ouah ~oo@8dIngo shall be paIA by the
    Board, out of fuaAo dirirad  under the provIsIon
    of said Yooti.onSO, or fma any othu fUnd anll-
    able to th8 Beard fir Bush purpoooo.
    b  to ray preporty or lrtloloo ~upcm whiah
    bura liozi,by a bono SlAo lion holbr, the 2
    ouoh my intonlmo to 8stablLoh hlo rlgbto
    MA  ohau be roqulred to ohm sueti lion to havo &ma&
    qnated  in a bona ttdo atannerand wlthout &oulo~
    ar the taot at the tlao or orootlon or the Ifa, thof
    onr acbielo er pawporty up6n rtriehrush liar d.otr
    hd boon used w WOO to be Used in ?iO~tiOB Of thl.8
    Aot. ~Ifthe holder of any ouab lion ohall latonono,
    than the court tryiq    said oauso shall tender juA&-
    sent SO.F~bUiiJtg the aam4 to tim 3tOte OS Toxao, adl
    authorizing  t& lsauwe     of an or&or of oU0 AlrootoQ
    to the   8hO#i        iu’ any omotablo   of   the wunty   whoreia
    tho Qroputyrao   ooiao4, OOnuwAlng ouoh offlow to
    0011 ulb proparty in the me    mannor aa paoau4l
    prpporty IO sold unbar oxsoutien. The oowt nq or-
    Aar ouoh gaparty sold Iz who& or In gax% 80 It z6y
    deer groprr and the sale shell be eonduoted at the
    o~urthwoo door. The man*y roalizod rmm the aa3.0
    or ouoh propotty #hall be applieo rirot to the pay-
    net ot tha ooota 0r suit and *xjmnmo lnaldontto
    the oalo and ofbor ouoh orponooo hors been approVeA
    and all.ow?tA by the oourt dzybg the y~o~, t&on tho
    ru~hor proaooAs 0r buob ~30 8haU bi useA to WY
    all ouah liono aooawdlng to prlorltlos, end pny ro-
    ~lalnlngproaoeds shall bo pld to tho Board to be
    allaootcvd as pr~vIAoA la seation SO horooi. All
    swh liona against proporby uolA undu Ohio .GoatIori
    shall   be tranererrod r&ma the property to tho’pro-
    0~40 0r iti3 5a.
    fioaoroblrJouotto b-LBonnor - Pwm 4
    “(A) T& oberlft oxooutlag oold sole shall
    Issu, a blll of ~18 or 08rtlfIcwt8 tinth8 pur-
    ohaoor or e&IA property,on4 ouoh bill of oale or
    autlrioato ohall ooiwo~ valid and unlqmlrod title
    to owh progwty."
    Artlat   666-30,Poxml Code, prorIAoo am rollowor
    -(a) wll alooholla bowrags and the oantalnoro
    tm00r,      oquipiimt, aad other proportiy rorroited to
    the stats as nuloonoo, un2eoo ~lihorwloohorrln pro-
    ~1484, and a&l illicit bwon,$eo ~aobthe oontaInuo
    thereof r0Pr0it04 to the date, ohul be turned over
    00 the Bear6 Xw gublio QF prlveto ~14 in ouoh plaoo
    or xmnor a6 it my dorm boot)      ~1604, Chat the
    Sour4 ohall lrrrolo~ dtligpnt 05"r&x&%to obluIrr,thr
    baa% aval&blo   &WI00 for mqthin#   t&u8 0014 pro-
    vided, further,  that any bill or SUB osooui 8d by
    tho Bo%zd o? AdalnlotratgC ahall oowcly a god and
    vaat;ptitle to the puPeha8rr as to any luoh peoparty
    Tho Booti shall s&l olooholfa bnoragoo only
    to &a hol&rroof ``allflod 0*xmIto or Uuonaeo. X0
    alaoholio bwwagoa Wit to bo a014 for publf0 oah
    oumptlon, or of IUlslf reanufaotwe, gay bo *old by
    the Board, but OPI &oalarod 8 nuloe~e~ par 00 and
    asy b,rdaotroyod by the Board. 'i'h~outlfloate of
    UBy quallfiod ohmlot shall br aoooptcsdbytho Mua
    ae roldomo Or unrltnooo or ouoh ola~h~lic bo’Iusgo8.
    "In the *rat the otitod stat.0 wNoPmaalt shall
    &ids      o.nyph   or authed whereby tufoit alooholIo
    beverage6 a114 other   proprty   bslonglng t0 or rorroitog
    to the otaw as nuloanec,oholl bo sold at oollIw
    priaoo dwlnga     rratlonfkl iwmypn~,tb   Board dmU
    ba.rsth6 right ta oabqdy wltb Podorol law or ragu-
    i0ti000 in the OPI~ QT diop0crai0r ouah il3ioit al-
    ooholio botuagor or other pogmrty, even to the ex-
    tat   of partially ,or 1phoU.yabrogstlqe any pooioiono
    hersof which araybe in oenfllot    with   the   Faderal law
    or r*guDktIano.
    iionorrb* ifouattejL.BOMUF   - pag*
    IionorablsJouette L;.Banner - FaRs 6
    same, pay it into the treasury of the State or
    of the county In whloh It belongs, after de-
    ducting;therefrom snd rutefalng the oomalssloAs
    allowed him thereon by la*. Suoh dlstriot or
    oounty attorney shall be entitled to ten per
    Oent OOreUiSSiOnOn the first thousand dollars
    o0lleoted by him in any one oass ror the State
    or oounty from any indIvl4ualor oompany, and
    five per Oent on all ems wer one thousand dol-
    km,   tQ be retsins' out of the sonsy WheA ool-
    looted, end he shall also be entltlsd to retain
    the aam 00nm~18s10n~ on all oolleotlonsmade for
    the State or for any oounty. ahis artiols shall
    slao apply to money realized for the State under
    the esoheat law."
    Artlola   666-42 makes it the duty of the Attornsy
    General,  the DIetrIot  Attorney,   the County Attornoy, or any
    of them, to institute prooeedlngsfor the iorfelture to the
    State of all eloohollo beverages deolared to bs a nuisanoe
    and all llllolt bevsragsa. This artiols further provides that
    the Court’8 judgmmt of forfeiture shall order all suoh bww-
    ages wdIspossdof se provided for by Seotlon 30 of this
    artlola." Seotlon 30 spsoltloallyprovlbea that suoh bevsr-
    agae bs "turned over to the Board" (Liquor Control Board)
    for sale. No other agency Is authorizedunder ths Texas Liquor
    Control Aot, aa amended, to sell suoh beverages forfeited to
    tha State.
    %e Aote your statement to the effect that while Seo-
    tion   30 provldsafor turning oQnfisoatsdliquor over to the
    ,Boardror selling, you havs been advissd that in oertain In-
    stences suoh liquor Is sold locally la the oountlee. It la
    believed that you have refersnoeto the provfsione   oi Sea?
    tion 30 as they reed prior to amndrornt by ths k8th Lsgia-
    leturta In 1943 (Acts 19L3, lr8thLeg., p. 509, oh. 325, 186).
    t-riorto such amndmsnt Astiols 666-30 provided:
    “All oontraband sloohollo baveragre 80 sslssd
    shall    be turned over to sithor t&e sheriff Of the
    00unt.y in whioh suoh seizure ia made or t0 any
    authorizedrapre5sctatiVeor agent Of the BQsrd*
    ``11 oontrabsnd alooholio beverages PeWsiAiag
    iA the hands of tha sheriff ahall be sold by hIm
    et pub110 suotlon to the highest bidder, after
    Honorable Jouette X. Bomer - Page 1
    duu notlae of euah sale has been poetod for
    a perioc or et least ten (10) deye, but no
    sale or liquor rhell be made to any pornon
    unleee he is a pewltteo who la ?rivile@edto
    here posmmlon thereof. No dalivery of liquor
    so sold ahell be made to any permittea unless
    and until the 2roper State tax stamp8 have been
    purohased end afilxed aa raqulrod by this Aot.
    r(** *
    “Thenet prooseilab rrm   all.   8ahs   aa pro-
    vided in thiilSeotlon ahall be plaoed In e
    reperets fund by the Board end 5ay be used from
    tinm to tine r0r d6rreying suah expsm8b8, ~8
    oreybe rl@Oe8saCy, r0r the lntrstlgetlon0r and
    obtaining erldenoe ror vlolatlons or the pro-
    vi~lons of thf,aAot. All monay remaining in
    said fund on Auguet 31st or aaoh year 8hell be
    depositedwith the 3tate Trearurrr ror the bono-
    rit or the General Fund. The fund herein oreeted
    la hereby eppro rieted and shell be independent
    of end In ad&itlp
    etato any other appropriation
    whloh may be made for the uee of the Board.'
    The prooedure thus provided was radioellp ohenged
    by the 48th Leglslatur%. Under amended Seotlon 30 all ealas
    or lorteltedliquor are made by the Board. Inrtead~     the
    *net prooeede"of suoh oeles being plaoed in a oaperete fund
    ',"m&iheuse or the Board, the ourrsnt provlsion of the lew 1s
    "Allmneys derived rrom the se14 or any
    bsvereges or property abell be plaosd In a
    scpsrete fund In the State Treasury to be
    designatedas the ConilsoatedLiquor Fund.
    Twenty per oentwn (20$) ot 8aid Conrlsoetsd
    Liquor Fund shall be erelleble to the Board
    to defray the expenses of purohalling eEd aO-
    omulsting evldsnos es to rlolatlone of end
    for the purpoaa or enroroing the prorislons
    or this Aot end to detray the sxpansee tn-
    ourred in aesmbllng, storsgo. transportation.
    Honorable Jouatte i. Bonner - Peg4 8
    seie end eooountIng ior auoh oonflsoetad
    liquor end property. Any balanoe r4malnlng
    in eald rUnd on September lrt of eeoh biennium
    ehall be transferredend deposited In the
    Geherel Fund of the Stats or Terna.* (S%pheeia
    It Is trua that Saotion I+2provide8 with XWQspeOt
    to   rorreiture   prooeedlngethat,
    *Tha ooats or euoh prooaadlngeahall ba
    paid by the BoerU, out or funds derived under
    the prorlnlons of said Seotlon 30, or from my
    other fund evallabla to the Board ror 8uoh
    jXrpO848. "
    '&iS prOYi8iOn,however, ral%ta8 t0 CGUrt oO#t8,
    end not oomal8slona. Moraovar, alnoa the Board 18 required to
    pleoe all money'sin the Treallury,8uoh Court oosrto may be
    paid oily on warrant8 drawn thsreror.
    The eharirr 18 antltlad  to retain nona or the gro-
    oeada rrw the sale or oontlroeted     liquor8 for several raeaons,
    the rirst end roramoat being thet the 8harlrr he8 no authority
    under the preeent atete of the law to sell. Seoondly, the
    stetute  sp4olrioeilyprovider that all money8 derived rrom
    the aele or beverages shell br pleo~ln a separate       fund In
    the State Treasury. Wa oonetrue     the phrase "all monaysw  to
    mean just whet it eeys; no daduotionafor oomnlsrionaera
    parml8aibi4. The phrase prevlouelyused by the Legl8latura
    was "the net rooaeda." The Intantlor.      of the Ls laleture
    could hardly Ee more ogeerly expresasd then by 1&4 amend-
    aent using the phresa "all moneys" rather then "net prooeids".
    Canpare opinion Eo. O-5334, approved Ju1.g 23, 1913, a copy
    or whloh Is anolosed. Plnelly, you are advised thet In our
    OpiniOA  the forfeiture grooeadln@sauthorized by Artid
    66642,   V. A. 2. C., am IA netura olvll, rethar than anal.
    %OtiOAs  by the very t4#rmeor that seotlon. Artioles     950 end
    951 of tha Code or Crlnilnei   Frooadum, referred to by You,
    r4ista a0i4iy to ~o``~leelons OA orlmlnei riAee end rorreitures
    Honorable Joustte ii.Bonnar - PeRe p
    resulting from oriminal  proaaoutiocs    under the Panel Coda end
    the Coda or CrImInel +ooedura.       These statutes do not
    govern in the inetant 0454.    Conpe,reYtets vs. Xoora, 
    57 Tex. 307
    W4 ere compelled t0 enswar your 86OOAd qU68tiOn re-
    garding OO~i8eiOnS Of the ;OUUt    AttOrn    iA the 8eme   menner
    and ror the same reasons. In thf 8 oonnaot ion you have oellad
    our ettention to hrtiole 335, R4vlaed ~1~11 Statutes of Taxe8,
    1925, v&loh provid4e for OOIJW~iSI¶~Au to the County Attorney
    when suoh orfloar "he8 oolleothdmoney ror the State or for
    4Ay 00UAt.Y." IA addition to the other reeeon8 given why
    oommleelonaare not colleotlblsin liquor rOrreftUrapro-
    oeedlnge, you ere advised thet IA our opinion e judepunt oon-
    rlsoeting uzrlewiul llcjuorunder ths Terse Liquor Control Aot,
    whloh judgmnenthas reoultad rrom e cult ln8tItutaaby the
    SOuty  AttOrAOy,  is AOt "the OOllOOtiOAOf BiOIlOy" IOr the
    Steta within the mennine of'Artlole 335. This ertiola ha8
    long been Interpretede8 meaning whet it plainly urportei
    thet 18, the eotuel OOlleOtiOA or money by 4A 0rr 9oar AMled
    In thr artlole, or the ObteiAIn$ or e nonay judgmant on whloh
    money 18 oollaoted.
    ,Youare, therefore, advised thet unlawful 11 uor oon-
    fl8oetad under the Texas Liquor Control Aot may be 801 8 only
    by the Taxea Liquor Control Board ; and that neither a County
    Atto*mey nor a sheriff may colleot oomio8lon8 On 8UOh 84198.
    Your4 vary truly
    Jem4s D. Smullan

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7051

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017