-- !/, / I * ,: ‘c OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVDR SLLLLRS *lro”N.*QLNRAI. .:onorabh 3. P. Whltm 2xlAty Judga .cirt.in County .Jtacton, TOxa8 >sar A.rr GpikllonNO. 0.7ou -.iour letter ot 3x1 this departnent~tte :ai1owe: that OUT COEL- *John T. iipleywas Clerk hero for twenty y&?&m prmore preoedin% hi8 death rive ysera ‘~ac;o. 28 operated thia abatraot firm in the 'Glork's 0PZios and at tha the or hla death, air rife, Sire.Lanorah 3. &~iey, war ap9olnted to take his plaoe and she hen continued to operatr this fin in thin ofrioe. Ahe is ;ionorobla13.3. White, page 2 using the County equipment, utllitlaa, and hired help that la being paid with the fea from the orfloe to do this abatraot work. Pl6066 give us aA opinion as to the legality of her operating this firm in oonAaotion with her County and Dlstrlot Clark'6 officei 6Ad also, give ua an opinion on the legality of the commissioners' court allowing this 0ffi06 to operate in the courthouaa and paying help and fur- nishing offloa equipment and aup~liaa for the aama.6 In our @iAiOA No. O-921 we held: "The meking of abatraota of title is outside of the soope of the offlolal duties of the oounty olerk. The pro9ering and copying of field notes mey or mey not be carvicaa wlthln the scope of the dutiaa of the office cf the oounty olerk; the fact6 in eaoh oese will de- tmnine this queetion. "The oounty olark has AO authority to uaa county employees paid by the county to perform sarvioea out- aide of the acopa of the duties of the offloe of oounty clerk. Labor paid for by the oounty should Aot be ueed Sy the clerk in the performenoa of activities outside of th6 aoope of the duties of hia ofl'ioe." It ?-~a3 held iA the Opinion Of YOAOrabl6 B. F. LOOney t0 iionorsble J. J. StriOklsAd, dated April 12, 1915: "It i6 a matter Of OOJILOOA knowledge that a aOU.rt- house la daaignad for publio use eAd no one should be allowed, or permitted, to oooupy It exoept the public offioiala Aemed in the statut6.v i hollowing the reasoning In the foregotig opinion by Eonor- able 3, F. Looney and the case of Dodson V. lrlsrahall,118 S. X. (26) 621, writ dismissed, we held in Opinion No. O-178 that the Conuaissioners~Court was without authority to rent or lease offices in the courthouse. In view of the foregoing it is our OpfniOA that the OOuAty-, district clerk CeAAOt legally operate the abstraot plant iA her Of?tOQ :or at any other place iA the oourthouse. :ie :~OW of Go authority for the Commissioners* Court to expend county funds I'or office equipment and supplies t0 be -. . 51 Zonorabl~ B. F. White, pa4363 used for purposes other then "county pUrpoaaaw. LlorBovar, we know of no authority Sor a oounty offioar to use tees of offloa to pay help used by said officer for a purpoaa other than that of oarrylng out the dutlae and iUOtiOA8 of the offloe. your questions a?a therefore answered in the nagativa. Yours vary truly, ATTORNLY GCi3NIiWOF lFZA.5 Aa8iStant J2:J.J PG John Reeve6
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7011
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017