Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • i
    Dr. W. A. Davis, State Registrar
    Bureau of Vital Statiatios
    Board of Health
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sirr                      op5.nion No. O-7030
    Re: Filing      of birth
    oertlfioates     rtor
    adopted ohildren.
    aa followsr
    “I regret very muoh th
    sible for 00 to atte
    January lOth, to rea
    relati#e   to the metho
    oatea for edopted ohi
    been written
    he above Opinion,
    by adoption  and by
    rtltlloates      result
    oertlf    loates   re-
    la reversed and the State
    new birth oertifloate 80 aa
    parent   of a legitimate    child?
    “2.   Upon the remarriage of the mother
    ar;d the adoption of her ohild by her
    seoond husband, should the new certificate
    show her seoond husband 88 the natural
    father of the child?
    Dr. W.   A.   Davis,   page 2
    “3,  when unolaa and aunts adopt nephew8
    and nleoaa, should tha new oertiffoatas  in
    view of the findlngjr of the court of adop-
    tion and ooamon knowledge, ahow the unolea
    and aunt@ as the natural fathers end mothere
    of these adopted ohildran?
    “4.   Whare grzmdparents   adopt ~randohildran,
    ahould the graodparanta be shown aa the nat-
    ural parants OS the childran and, if ao,
    should tha preaant agea of tha grandparent0
    be shown on the oertlfloatas?
    “5.   If two ohildren born leaa than 9 numtha
    apart ara adoptrd, ehould the adoptlng par-
    ent@ be ahown aa the natural parenta in oon-
    tradiotion  to oartaln biologloal faota?
    “6.   The preeent law provide8 that upon tha
    request of the adopting parants, the original
    birth raoord map be retained in the rile and
    not sealed with tha adoption deoree.    Ir the
    Opinion of Augurt 1, 1945, ie reversed and
    tha adopting parenta era ahown QXIthe raoord
    a8 the natural parante, you have two oertiil-
    oataa fllad aide by eldo whloh are oontre-
    dlotory with no explanation   attached.
    “7.  When the date of bixth of the ohild la
    shown to be prior to tha date of marriage of
    the adopting parents, should the new Oertlfl-
    oate ahow the adopting parents aa the natural
    parante of a ohlld born prior to their marriage?
    “8.  Should the slgnatura of the phyaiolan
    who attended the birth of the rhlld,   or his
    name, b% placed on the new oertitloate   ahow-
    ing th% adopting parents without hir knowl-
    edge or obnaent?W
    SeOtlon 9 of Artiole  466, Vernonts   Annotetad   Oivil
    Stetutea,     reada In pert a6 folbwm
    Dr.    W. A. DaViS,      pew   3
    When a ohild la adopted In aeoordanoe with the
    provisions    of thi8 Artiole,   all legal relationship
    and all righta and dutiee between auoh ohlld and Its
    natural parents shall aease and determine, provided,
    however, that nothing herein shall prevent suoh
    adopted ohilU from Inheriting       froa its natural parent1
    all adopted children ahall inherit from the adopted
    as well aa Its natural parenta.         Said ohild shall
    themafter     be deemd   and held to be, for every
    purpose, the ohild of its parent or parent8 by
    adoption aa Sully am though born of them In lawful
    wedlock.     Said child ahall be entitled     to proper
    eduoetion,    support, malntenanoe, nurture and oabe
    from said parent or parents by adoption,         and shall
    Inherit   from said parent or parente by adoption,
    and es the ohild of said parent or parenta by
    adoptlonJ za+nfully as though born to thea ln lawful
    Subaeotlm     26 of Rule Us,      hrt.   447’7,   V.   k. C. s.,   reads
    In    pert aa rolia8t      .
    *Provided further upon entry of final order of
    adoption the Judge or Clerk of Court shell notlfjr
    the Regletrar OS Vital StatiatIOa               In State Departxent
    of iiaalth of aotlon taken, glvIn,g the namea and ad-
    dreaaen of the natural           parent8 if known or of the
    ohild*e next Ida, the date oi birth and naae OS auoh
    child before end after adoption and the name and
    addreemee of footer parentr.             Said Fiegi8trar of Vital
    Statlatloe      shall llkewlrre      be notified    of any eubae-
    quent revocation         of suoh order of adoption or any
    anaulnent of adoption.            Oopiea of ell reports of
    adoptions     end reports      of revooation      of ord6r of
    edoptlon and of ennulamata shall within thirty                (30)
    daya after such order be realled to the Registrar of
    Vital   Ststistlos        of the State Department of Realth.
    Upon reoeipt of copy of any final order of adoption
    the State     ;iegistraI!    Of Vital   StstistiOs     shall OaUBe
    to be made s reoord of the birth In the new name or
    namea of the adoptIhg parents or parent.                 Ke shall
    then oauae to be sealed and filed the original
    oertifloate      of birth,      If any, with the adoption
    deoree of the Court and suoh aealed gaokage may be
    opened only upon order of a Court of reoord.                 upon
    Dr. '6. A. Davis,   pa&e 4
    receipt of oopy of annulment of adoption aald Regia-
    trar of Vital Statistloe     shall restore  ths original
    name of the child and the nanea of hi8 natural       par-
    enta or psrent to the reoord of birth of suoh child,
    Provided further that adoption made under existing
    law prior to the psssage of this Aot, may be rsgie-
    tered with the Bureau of Vital Statistios      upon sworn
    applioation   of aithsr adoptive parent or guardian of
    the adopted ohild,    show the nanan and addresses of
    the natural parents if known or of the ohild*s next
    kin, the date of birth and the name of suoh ohlld
    before end after adoption,     the names and addraraae
    of fostsr   parents,  together with proof of adoption,
    oithar by oartified    oopy of the reoord of the efrl-
    davit of adoption, or the Court order of adoption.
    “Upon the adoption of said ohild     the state
    Xegletrar shall notffy the Looal Reg&mr          of that
    adoption,   and shall forward to the Looal Regletrar
    a oopy of the birth oertlf1oate      howing the hams8 of
    the parents by adoption,    provided that no stetemsnt
    of the adoption shall appear on that raoord.        Tha
    Local Registrar shall return     to the State Registrar,
    or shall oanoel the oertIfioata      of the natural birth
    ~of said child,    and shall substitute   In Ita plaoa a
    oertifloate   forwarded hia by the State Registrar,
    “And provided further that the State RsgIatrar,
    upon the written request     signed by the parent, or
    parents, of the adopted ohild, may retain the oartlfi-
    oate of the natural birth In the file and may attaoh
    a oartifloats    ahowing the names of the parent+,   or
    parents, by adoption to the orIgi.m& oertiffoete      as
    an amendment. The State Registrar      shall furnish the
    Local Registrar with a oopy of the said birth
    oartifloate    to be attaohed to the origtial  birth
    oertifIoate   .v
    our ijpinion No,   O-6631   reeds   in part as follows:
    “In our opfnlon, when the State Rsgistrar  re-
    oeives an adoption decree, he should file a oertifi-
    oete of the birth ti the neftr name or nemss of the
    adoptin& parent or paparents ln whloh them la no
    statement of the ado tlon, as nquired    ih subdlvis1on
    26 of Rule 47a, * * 5,
    Dr. W. A. ‘Davie,     page 5
    i3, our opinion No. O-7052, dealing with birth           oertlfloatee
    Of adopted children,  we held aE foUoW5r
    *In view of the foregoing    it la our opinion that
    you are njt required to rewrlte the birth osrtlfioates
    of adopted ahfldren that were filed        in compllanoe with
    ~plrion 1.;~. o-6682 (which ha8 been overruled and wlth-
    drawn), unlese request therefor       is made by the proper
    parties.     If and when suah requeet ie made by the
    adoptive parent8 or other proper partie5,        it la our
    opinion that you should rewrite theee reaord5 80 aa to
    ahow that the adoptive parenta are the parent8 of e5ld
    ohildwn . In other words, the new oertlfioate,          insofar
    58 it relate8 to the adoptive parents,        ehould be pr+
    pared ln the same manner a8 you now prepere birth
    oertlflaates    under the provlrlons     of Subeeotlonr  1 t0
    24, lnolueive,    of Rule 47a, Art. &,T7, V. A. C. S.
    Going a little    further, we do not think that the Word
    *natural* 8houl.d be used berore the nan18of the father,
    mother or child.*
    A oamful   mading  of the above atatuter    anC the above quote4
    portions of oplnlonr OS thle department reveals that lt was never
    the intention   of the Legislature   nor the holding of this depert-
    ment that the adoptive (legal)     parent or parent8 should b5 own-
    5ldered as the natural parent5 of the adopted ohild.       rrom the
    In p8seing laws on thle very important matter, the member5
    of the Legl8lature      did not seek to preaorlbe      a standard form of
    birth oertlflaate     to be used by the state Registrar ln preparing
    all kinds of birth oertlfloateg,but         on the oontrery they parred
    Subseotlone 1 to 24, lnclueive,        of Rule 478, Artlele     477,
    V. A. C. S.,    preeorlblng    Che eseentlala    that muet be oontalned
    ln the natural birth oertlflcate,         Subseotlon 25 dealing with
    the blrth oertlficate      of an lllegltlmate     ohild, end Subesotion
    26 providing for the birth aertiflaate         of an adopted ohlld, end
    Other aubeeotlone enumereting the prerequleltee           of a delayed
    birth oertif’loa te.     Stated another way, a person that ir familiar
    with the birth oertifioate       law8 of Texa5 aan dlotlngulrh       a netural
    birth oertlfloste     from the birth certificate       of aa adopted ohlld
    or 8 delayed birth oertlfloate,        for there are alwaya oertain
    charaoterlstlos     aontained in each birth oertlfloete        that will
    rdentity it.     In other words, something that lo very neoeesary
    for the oo5pletion      of the netural birth oartlfloate      will have ~0
    Place ln the birth certlflaate        of the adopted child or ln the
    delayed birth certlflaate,       or vice verse.
    Dr.   W.   A. Davis,   page 6
    You have propounded a number of questions as to whether
    the adoptive parent or parents ahould be shown es the netural
    parent8 of the child in the new birth certificate,        an~dr
    answer to the same, we call your attention        to our Opinion No.
    O-7052, wherein we said that "the new certifloate,         insofar a8
    It relates   to the adoptive parents,      should be prepared in the
    same manner as you now prepare birth certificates        under the
    provisions   of SubseatiOAs 1 to 2J+, inclusive,     of Rule 478,
    Art. 4477, V. A. C. S."       Stated another wey, in preparing the
    "AatCUlal birth oertifiaate"      in aooordance with the ebove men-
    tioned subsections     you or the Local Registrars    do not use the
    word vnaturaln before the name of the father, mother or child,
    and if, in preparing the birth oertlfioate        of an adopted ohild,
    you inserted the word vnaturel e before the name of the father,
    mother or ohlld you would be doing something contrary both to
    the letter   and spirit   of the law, and what is more you would
    be doing something that Is not done ln the preperetlon          of a
    Wnature~l birth oertifioate".
    The Legisleture  passed SUbaeotlOA 26 primarily for the
    benefit of the adopted ahild, but in ao doing the Legislature
    did not intend that the State Registrar     or anyone elee  shouhl
    make e false statement.     When you prepare a birth oertlflcate
    OS an adopted ahlld lA aooordanoe with our Opinions Nos.
    o-6631,  O-7052 and thie opinion,   you are not making a false
    statement, but on the contrary,    you have a birth oertifioate
    thet does not oontain any statement of the adOptiOA, not even
    so muoh as the word eadoption n before the Aame of the father,
    mother or ahild; in addition thereto,    you have e birth, oertiSi-
    cete prepared in the came manner as you now prepare a WAatural
    birth oertlSioateW,   Insofar ea it relate8 to the parents and                .
    ahlld, for In suoh a aertifloate    the word WAeturall~ is not
    used before the name of the father,    mother or ahlld.~
    The foregoing answers your Questions Nos. 1,. 2,         3,   4,   5
    and 7, and we answer your other qUeStiOnS es follows:
    6.   Inthe    above discussion       It will be AOted that the
    adoptive parents are not shown to be the natural,             erents OS-
    the child, but on the aontrery,           they are showns +paryts
    of the child ln the Bane menner ea la dOAe in the *netura
    birth oertifloete".       The PrOViSiOA‘t     Of Subaeotion 26 that are
    applicable   to your question are alear and definite,           and when
    a birth certifiaete     is prepered IA eocordenae with the same,
    we see no reason why any further explanation            should be made
    In the certifiaate.
    Dr. W. Ai Davis;      page   7
    8.  IA enswer to thla pueation it la our opinion that
    the State tiegisltrar ha5 AO authority   to use the Aam or slg-
    naturs of t!ie phyoloian (who ettended the birth)         on the new
    birth oertiflmite    without his knowledge or consent.        It 15
    nmndatory that the attending phyaioian’s       oartifiaate    be
    plaoed ln the birth oertifloete     pm ered In 5cOOrdaAOe
    with YUb8eCtiOA5 1 to 24 (natural bPrth certifloates),           but
    we do not think that 5uoh a oertifioete      haa any plaoe in
    the birth oertifioat5     of an 5dopted child.
    We tru5t    that we have aatlrSaotorily   answer54 your
    Yours very truly,
    JCDlLJ                                            3. 0. DavIa,        Jr.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7030

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017