- ORNEY GENEEZAL OFTE~AS AUSTIN 11.Texas Crorer Sellers a;i_ N A'lTVDRNEYGENERAL HonorableReInonFreemen,Secretar)3reaeurar Texas State Board of Examinersin.Opto+etry MaJesticBulldlng \ San Antonio,Texse Dear Sir: opinion~no.0-6900 Re: Whether under th* furto pre- aented regietrantfor apuren- ticeehipthroughthe study of optoaetrynot lese than two yeare in the officeof a ll- oeneed optometristhae waived hie right8under the proriolons of Title 71, Chapter10 of the BeviaedClrll Statute8of Texae, 1925. We here fully consideredyour requestfur our opldionby letter dated April 18, 1946, enoloeingtherewithyour file relatlogto a particu- lar applicant. We thankyou for the additionallnfomation furnishedunder date of June 19th, 1946 at our request. Having reviewedthe eathoritiee which we hereinafterdiscuee,togetherwith the file vith the additional ioformat1on vhioh we are returnlugto you herewith,we'haveconcluded that your requestpreaeutethe sole queetioueeet forth in the above caption which we may coneiderthe only lame presentlyexistingbetweenthe applicantand the Texan State Board of Examinersin Optometry,to be paeeed ou by ue in keepingwith your request. Your file bxhibitewhat applicantapparentlyrelieson ae au applicationraosiredby the Secretaryof the Board on August 19, 1938,which applicationyou atate vae not accepted,as being on the wrong form mailed to applicantby the Secretaryof the Board througherror. Under date of August 22, 1938,applicantvan so informedand proper applicationvae directedto him. The Secretary 'a file doea not reflectthat this applicatioo form wee ever returnedby applicantor receivedbf the Secretaryof the,Boanl. There in ehown in the file, however,a letterdatedJuly 28, 1939,addreoeedto Dr. R. B. Hodges,Secretary,Texar State Board of hminere, 813 HouetonStreet,Fort Worth, Texae, which letterve hereiu- after quote as follow: HonorableIieleon Greeman,page 2, O-6900 *DearDr. Hodges: "It is my intentionto continuemy rtudy of optometryunder Dr. 0. W. White. "Underthe new Texae OptometryLaw which wae eigned by Governor Lee O'Danicl,I am to uotify the Secretaryof the Board of came within 30 days after effectiredate. "Kindlyregleterplyname under the provision providedfor by the law eo that I willoo~e under the provioioneof Chapter 51, acts of the Thirtj- seventhLegielature,First calledSereion. "Thankingyou to give this your attention. Sincerely, (signedby applicant)" The pertinentartioleeof Chapter 10, Title 71 of the Bevleed Civil Statutesof 1925, prior to their amendmentin 1939 are Artiolee 4556, 4557, and 4559 with Article 4557 being subsequentlyamendedin 1945. These articleraa they existedin the RevisedCivil Statuterof 1925, taken from the originalact of 1921, are ae followo: "Art. 4556. Record of prooeedinge.--The Board ahall preservea record of its proceedlogein a book kept for that purpose,showingthe neme, age, place and preeentreeldanceof each applicant,the name and locationof any echo01 of optometryfrom which he holds credentiale,and the time devotedto the study and practiceof came, togetherwith such other informationae the board may deeireto record. Said record ehall also show whetherapplicantswere rejectedor lloeneedand shall be prima facie eri- dence of allmattera containedtherein. The eecre- tary of the board shall on March first of each year mend a certifiedcopy of said recordto the Secre- tary of State for permanentrecord a certifiedcopy from which, with hand and seal of the eeoretaryof said board, or the Secretaryof State, shall be admittedae evidencela all courte. When a license " or certifloatela iesued it shall be numberedand recordedin a book kept by the eecretaryof the board." "Art. 4557. Applicationfor licenme.--Who- ever desireeto begin the practiceof optometryshall . I Greeman,page 3, 0-6900 HonorableBTelson make applicationfor licenseby preeentingto the oec- rotary of the board,on forme furnishedby the board, aatiefactory#worn evidencethat he or ehe ham at- tained the age of twenty-oneyears, in of good moral character,and has graduatediron a rchool of optome- try maintainluga standardwhich meetr with the re- quirementeof laid board, or has studiedoptometry in Texas not lers than two yeare in the office of an optomQtrietliceneedunder #is law before takiog the examinationvhich shall be preecribedby the board." *Art. 4559. Examinations.--Each applicant shall be given due noticeof the date and puce of examination.All examinationsshall be conductedin vritiugand by such othermeans ae the board,'ehall' determineadequateto arcertainthe qualiflchtione of applicants,end In such manner atishell be entire4 fair and impartialto all indiridualeand erery recog- nized schoolof optometry. All applicantsexaminedat the came time shall be given identicalquestions. The boardmay refuse to admit personato ita examination or to issue liceneeefor any of the followingmaeons: "1. The presentationto the board of any un- true statementor any documentor testimonywhich wae illegal4 or fraudulent4 obtained,or when fraud or deceithas been prectlcedin passingthe examination. "2. Convictionof a felony, or of a misde- meanor which invohse moral turpitude. "3. Other gross4 unprofessional or dishonor- able conductof a characterlike4 to deceiveor de- fraud the public,or for habits of intemperance or drug addiction.. ." The 46th Legislature,.ioteof 1939,amendedArticle 4559, eupra, adding the followingprorieo: "Providedthat no provisionof this section (Act) ehall apply to any qualifiedpersonwho in good faith began the etudy of optometryunder the prori~ioneof Chapter51, Acte of the Thirty-eeyenth Legiplleture,Firet CalledSeeeion,prior to the ef- fectiredate of this Act, and who ehall,vitbin thirty (30) days after such effectiredate, regis- ter with the Secretaryof the Board, under proper rule8 of the Board, satisfactoryproof of the be- : HonorableBeleon Greeman,page 4, O-6900 ginningof such study,togetherwith euch other relatedfacts a# the Board may require. ,1nyperson fallingto regieterwith the Secretaryto the Board a.8herein providedshall be deemedto hare paired all rights under the prowlsloneof Chapter 51, Acts Thirty-seventhLegislature, First Called Session.* Later in amendingArticle4557 which Article was also amended by the 46th Legislature,iotaof 1939, but which amendmentwe consider immaterialto the questionbeforeus, the 49th Legislature,;cts 1945, Chapter 313, expreealyprovidedthat no provisionof the sectionas amended shall apply to any qualifiedpersonwho la good faith began the study of optometryand 80 filed intentionwith the Texae State Board of Rxaminera in Optometryunder the prorisioneof Title 71, Chapter 10 of the Revised Civil Statutesof Texae, 1925,as amended,prior to the effectiradate of this Act. It furtherprovidesthat such applicantmust regiaterwithin the time epeclfied. A letterappearingin the file from the applicant, dated June 28~1, 1945, and addressedto the Secretaryof the Board, appears to substantially meet thie requirementof registering,being receivedwithin 30 days from June 2nd, 1945, effective date of the amendment. We are mindfulthat the originalact of1'1q21;Article 4553, RevisedCivil Statutes,1925,Teats in the Board authorityto preecribe rules, regulations,and by-lawsin harmonywith the prowieionsof thia chapterfor its own proceedingsand governmentand for the examinationof applican$afor licenseto practiceoptometry. The preeentfile, however, does not dleclosesufficientevidenceor any rules, regulations,or by-lavs eufficientto cut off applicant'srights sought to be preeervedunder Chapter 10, Title 71 of the RevisedCivil Statutes,1925. It 18 the consideredopinionof the departmentunder the facts preaentedand authoritiesabove cited that the applicanthas aubatantially compliedwith the requirementsand is entitledto be reco&zed a.8a registrantunder and subJectto the prorisionsof Chapter 51, Acte 37th Legislature,First CalledSeseion,being Title 71, Chapter 10 of the Revised Cirll Statutesof 1925.Upon furnlehiogto the Board satisfactorysworn evidencethat he has attainedthe age of 21yeara, is of good moralcha- ratter,and in good faith began the study of optometryon August 19, 1938, under Chapter 10, Title 71, RevisedCivil Statutes,1925, and accordinglysatisfiesthe Board that he has studiedoptometryin Texae not less than 2 years in the office of an optometristlicensedunder the law, applicantshouldbe permittedto take the examination. AARovm~JuLY 5, 1946 Yours rary tnlly, Carlas C. Ashley First AssistantAttorneyGeneral AT-I’OPXSY OF TEYAS GEliERAL BY Wm. J. R. King WJRK/JCP Ansiatant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6900
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017