Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  •         OFFICE     OF THE ATTORNEY          GENERAL           OF TEXAS
    Honorrblo     CherlO8 Ii. Thaob8ld
    County Attemw
    G.1n.t.a wuntr
    oelvo.ton, Tour
    our opinior on th.
    at     it8   ngul4r
    01. 4        p.g.    253)
    ml0n    r0r
    tt.. oontaning
    d not Eon than  100,000
    the 16.t &il%WdiIl6$?*dWal
    thrlv lr no dirtriot at-
    ornoy porrorma the but108
    4 618trlot .ttornoy. (chhptor
    thr oounty at-
    o ua ty
    ll6tub -
    rldlthazwron  t& laulr l  ppllaclblo
    8h m u o o d mo wn   la   l 88mb.r   of        tha Yortp
    ialaturo    nprrrunting       Oclv88tOn          County
    whl.h ,o*otod th. rbtoto            rbi0-0a          toa
    whartly I rul ham mm v8oen.i~.or arri8knt.
    in thla oifior and Mr. Breua lr anxlour to bo appoinkb
    .I 60. OS tb, ~...l.t.nt. and X .m lg no a b to
    lolp oint-
    lng    him and it 18 hl. lnkntlon to rrrigc~hlr A.6i81.0
    tiv.    po.ltlm la LJi.lr ent h. 1. lULi(Stble t@ b. •~
    p o inte& la a ia tawnt
    a .          ma             ty
    lttornay           en& y       objort   Fo
    Eon. Charles ii.Th@obold,            page 2
    writing you is to rvrpottully request your opinion
    lr ho lo 8llglblo In rlos ot th. prorlolon of Artiolo
    3, iMotion 18 of th. Gtoto Con~tltution.
    '1 toko tho libmrtg ot onolo8ine  0 oopy of M
    opinion i3003-A written by the Ho.. William ~.obrou,tho
    then attomoy Qonorol 0r Texas, on AU&tiOt26th 1937.
    As you on   lu8re on l88lotoat oounty lttornoy Ia ro-
    quir0d   to kk0        th0   0rri0i0i   00th   OS 0rri00.
    *I rlll bo vary gntotul to gou it you rlU. klidly
    . odrt.. PI ii EF. 13r~i~ni. lli&lblo t. be OppOintOd    On
    088i8t8nt oountr lttornoy otter his ro8lgnotion     00 0
    mmbor   0r tha Forty-ninth Lo~iol0tux-e.~
    Artiolo 331 of         Vernon*8
    htmototod         Gilil    St8tutoo      nods   08
    m     ooth. and Op~intment. alull b. XWOOrdOd and
    dewoltod in the oouaty al.rk*8 0rri00.w (undorrooring
    at,    3902    of   Y. A. C. S., &WNidO.             in   part   8. fOll‘JW:
    q#ha.ver any dlatriot. oounty or rmoiaot orrioor
    ghglf reatiro tho oervioeo Of d.DUtl.8. SSSiotSnt. or
    olerkg ln tho ~erromonoo ot his dutlo. ho oh011 OPPXX
    10 the COiUItYcOSUni88iOner8'court of hza ocw%tY for
    autmrity   to ODDOiAt  lUOh doPutl.8. . ..i.tont.* or
    olerks.  stating  by 8WOm ODRliOSti@O thS QuabSr nS*dSdv
    Iho ,,,,.ltlato bo tllle4 and the amOUnt to b. mida soid
    applioatlon shall k OOOOmROnlOd by l ..tftmSnt .bowti
    tiii&WObOble rOO.``t. t?Om tOS8, O--loll 1. on6 ooiapon-
    10 the ri.001
    ration to bo oolleotod by sold ottloo durio-
    DrObOblS d~sbumoiamtr which .holl in&ado
    lion. Char168 U. Theobald,                          ME. 3
    no ooae 8h.11 the Conmi88lonor8~ Court or on$ as&or
    thrroot           lttOJRtoR lnSluen.0
    t         th.                           oppoiatimat          0s oIl#
    parson 08 doputp                      08810tont           or olark kr w                 otrp.
    UDon the entry 0i buoh ordrr thr orri0ors asp4         g
    for 8uOh l881 8t0nt8.   aoputieb or olerks amu ba
    authorload to lDDO~t thomt n'Wid8d th St801 QO        4 m-
    pnaotloa   b h o ll
    not axo@bd th8 ~lLLoul MOtW bor8in-
    otter I(rt out,   Th. oOiaWm88tion    whloh may be OUowed
    to the dOwti88,    oo~otont8     or 018rka o.ovo noaoa for
    their oorvloo8 lhell bo 0 r8OsOIiOble one. not to oxoeed
    >hO fOuOWmK                 OSOulltbt
    "h. In aountlr. having 0 popul.tlon 0s sixty
    thou00n4 and one 60,001) and not more thOn one ~hundnd
    thouoon(l (100,000 inhobltontr,   first assistant or
    0u0r beDutY not to orore    hrntr-rour   ffundred[&&OO.OO)-
    Dollars par 8nnui~; Othero88lotont8
    our 0 inion NO. O-5893 hold that   'Artioles 331 and 3902
    must be eonsi ddrod and oonotruod togmthor.m   W quota from 8aid
    opinion as rouow0r
    *Art1010 331, Veraon*a Annototwl Civil 3totute8,
    provides, In Orrr0t, that oountg      ottorney8,     by oon..nt
    of tha OOa.i%..~on.C.'oOuTt, 8hol.lhavc powor to 8p-
    pOht iII Writing one or more 088i8tMt8,         not    t6 oroood
    arms, for the&r ro8~otlre     oouatlea,     rho   sb.oLl  hon
    thtasaw powers,l  uthorlt~ sad qu8liri00tio2ib 08 their
    prinolpolr, at uhhooowill thoy,@Loll      hold 0rri00.        Ar-
    tiole       331     uoo     OnSated           in 1891,        06d      Opplied         Or@      to   tho
    l``OintDUBt           0s         o.oi.toat           OOUntJ    lttoraep8.               utio10
    3902,      vimaon*a              Annototad           ClriL    Btatut*o,           08
    is   later ltotutm
    0             xwgordlng the                                     sppointumat 0s deputies,
    orsiotonto or o&rib br Patriot,                                      oouaty or preoinot ot-
    tiorrs.     Artlol..    331 an& 3902 must b OOAbiCtO~dMd
    oonrtruod     together,    In rior of those statutes, it is
    OUT OpiIkiOn,that O88iOtOnt8 Of th* COUitY AttOXWY        Of
    nuI;,“,“nty     must bo oppolatad in oompUoaoo with 8.14
    Conoldwln              togothor,
    tb     it 18
    two   rtotuteo
    0~       ORkriOa,         thrt      itbi0t3mi0n    0s tb
    f 8 ahin         tbr
    oommis8ionero~       to dotav&n* the numbor 0s l0018-
    tonto to bo l  ``Ob lt#d,
    00   in th. dlsorrtion    Of OOid
    oourt mey b8 prolw.   St0t.d another WOy, tit&St RPftiM
    tioo.Ghorlo8 ;i.Theobald,          page o
    0s art1010 331 lloitlng the number or o8olstanto that
    amy bo appolntrd lo no longor oppllcoble, hoimrer,ths
    other portions or krtiolo 331 ore sppii0Oblo 0fiatb
    a8al8tsat8 auat oomp4  with thr ~rorlalon8 0s said
    The aorty-ninth LsgiolotUr. (Senate Bill MO. 123 page 244)
    amended ATtlole 3902, oupro, by adding theret th8 rolfowing~
    "9.  The Commisrion~rr~ COui?t la heroby outhorlzed,
    whoa in their judgment the tinonolol ooadition or tha
    oounty sad the a.oaa 0s the d.pUti.8, o..l.tonto and
    olrrkr   0s 04  dlotriot, oounty or pmOinOt    orrlolrr&AD-
    Tho Party-ninth Legl8loture ols0 poosed q,ouae Bill Ro. 798
    and provided that the prorialona of said Aot should be oumilatlve
    of ;rrtlole 3902, V. A. c. 9.
    WI   quote   from   Ii.   B. wo.   798 as ~ollowa:
    *El. a. 130. 798
    *Aa   Aot   providing tor thr oppointmbnt of 08e18tant oounty
    ottorney8   in countle8 horin. 0 population or sixty
    thousand and one (60,001) and not loore than on. &ua-
    ared thouo8n6 (100,000) inhabitants   oooording  to tJm
    lost preoedlng Pederol   Can8u8 ln aouutlor where there
    la not a dl8triot ottornayand in oountfoa     when tho
    oounty   attorney perform the duties or oouaty ottornay
    and dlatrlot attorneyiprOVi6i.W ror thr moth04 or
    thmir oppolntaontj prorldlng ror their oomp.nootionj
    prwldlng for cwtola     roporto ah4 opplioati0ho; pro-
    riabg th8 pzvvl8ion8 0s thla hot ore oumulrtloe or
    Artlole 3902, ~evl~ed Civil stotutoo of TMOO, 1925,
    and deolaring       on liiwrgenoy~
    Ceotlon 1, I,oOu owotle. Of this State having0
    population or sixty thouoond and oao (60,001) and not more
    than on. hundred thousand (100,000) lhhsbltsnts, aooord4
    t0 th. last preoedlng Ioderol Census, tho OoUaty 8ttOm.Yo
    Eon. Charlea ii. Theobald,     page 5
    in lwh oouotlea whIoh do not have a 6IatrIot attorney,
    an&   wham thr o o unty lttornoy    parfornu  the dutloa of
    oouaty   rttorwy ana aibtriot     attorney, th0 00unty   at-
    torney    in ruoh countlab 8hall apply     to the oounty oom
    aiaaIonera~ oourt of hi8 oounty for authority ta appotnt
    luoh laalatant o o ua ty lttornoya    18 h8 may mpulm     in the
    p0rrormmoo 0r hi8 autfeb be lueh oounty attorney            stating
    by aworn 8pplloatIon tha number n00aaa,        the poaltion to
    be fIlla bAa the amount to be pbia. ,%a16 applicmtlon
    ahall ba loocwqmnlaa by a rtataaent        ahowing t!m probable
    rooOiptr-   frop rb08, oommlaalana ma oocnpmaatIon to b0
    oolleoted by raid orriae during th0 rlaoal year ana tha
    probable dlaburuaenta whloh ahall inolubo all ulatioa
    *8eo. 2.   Tha provlaIo5a 0r   this   liot  am   ouaulatIvr
    or Artdole 3902 Of tha ;iWfard Civil        Statute‘
    oi Telab of
    1925, aa ibii0naea. And In nonlaa ahall b0 005bia~r0a aa a
    liraitrtlon05 the other powwe aAa authority or tha Coni-
    iulaalonera~Court therain pmaoribod.
    5soo. 3. The rb0t that there ia not now any air-
    tlnotlon In the aalarlea iOr aaaIatant oounty attorney8
    In oountlra harlng a oounty attorney prfo?sIrq the
    autka or a oowtg         attorney aa a dfbtrfot attorney
    irent thoaa oountlea havI5g oount attor5aya perro66
    tha dutira OS oouuty attornsy 05 iy, In oountlem when
    then la now a dirtrlot attorney perrolming the autiea
    0r ruoh, ana the forthar rO0t or the orowaeaoondition
    0r the oalandar oreats a n r no r g sno ybAa l5 Iaperativr
    publlo nroerrfty       @bat ths COnbtitutiORbl   ati8 FbqUirin6
    bulb to bo read 011 thna l~rral daya in 8bOh EOUH               bb
    aw~ndod,        and the aamd la horuby bUbpAab&,      and that thib
    A0t ahau ta k l      r00t and b0 in r0r0a rrorn 8ad arter its
    perugo,    anil   it I8 80 0-0t0a.*
    A oaretul rvaafng or the 19kO Federal Conaua reveal8 that
    tha proriaiona of the laat puotsd Act am epplloablLeto Qalvaafon,
    aU000b,    s;psfth, G~VIJ~OA, C(IBA0IOn and ZiiOhitb COWtieD.
    Bon. Charlob8. Thoobalb, pas@ ‘6
    To aotwul5e whether bm Brownla l  llglbla ror thm 0rri00
    $0 whloh ho aaplrma, wm iwmt now look to the Coaatitution or thll
    State;    Artlolm IU, smatlon 18 or the Tmsar uonatItution reada
    ; I5 part   aa roilmn
    The qentloa'that w mrmt now OOAoiaS?           la whmthmrthe mnolu-
    ‘~unto     or     the wi0e      or tralatuit Count  Athrnoy    or Gmlvmaton
    ``~ty&xam~               hmrm bmmn iaoraaard   dur    the tmra ot Reprsaenta-
    trortdkbUt0      bfX.~O-,   We brm    leaPliOdthsth@
    la   dealroo;        0r beln6Hrat AaaIatant      Cou&tyAttOrAby    0r aria
    Prior to tha Aota or the 69th Lmgtalature, Rqubr       seaaIon,
    1945, the salary oi the Plrat Aaalatant Couaty Attommy      Of Gal-
    veston County oauldnot rxoeed the luai ot $2,400.90 pr anma.
    (Se8  SOOT Co Ark  3902, V. A c . s.,    luprm.) Thb C9th LagIal.a-
    tura mnimnamd Art. 3902, luprme,by SadiAg    thoreto t;ootIon9, and
    bald saotlon wotia ba appliooblo to the salary or the ylrmt
    AaaiataAtCounty                    or Qalrsaton County uora It not ror
    AttOrAey                                                            the
    raot that tho aasn            Lagimlrtwe       al80 emoted        Ii.   B. kio. 796.        Thm
    lastwAtIoE~d hot, whloh la lppltoabla to Galrmmton County,
    provlaea thmt thm o0qmnaatlon    0r Aamiatmnt qounty htpnc;
    *hell not lr a r r ;23600.00
    d        per roar.  p oareful 8tuQlr
    or then above atatutaa mwmlb   th Coaalaalonarm~                          court     wan
    authorltad  by the LeRlaZotu3?at0 WCthO  lalmrlra                              Or namlm~ant
    puntx AttorAeXb not to lxoeoa omrtmlnasxLmwik
    IA     OMAeOtiOA with       th8   lmbt    StatWbnt     w      Oal&    your   OttOn-
    tlon to thm oaa8            0r sari AstonI va.        Jonea,20 Tms. 32, whenin
    tha oourt ~141
    loglal.atura nimf grant muthorltr
    vyia                                 aa umll aa
    give OQJMUA~B,  Mid  aOt8  dOnO UUdW   it8 lUthO``tr  am
    a@ validbe ii doneln obrdleno~       to ita oonuaandm. &Or
    i* a *tat&o, whoam l    oaplrta mxaarrtloaana appllaatlon
    eot mmttmr      I8 by it8    provlafaaa       mada to
    ho mamrAt or Do50 other            body, 8 dale6atIon
    br     le~lalmtlrrpmrrr            Tha   diboretioD    &ixwm to thm
    lxmroiaa OS thm po*rr aonf~md                  by the lmw but net
    to ato         the law itarlr.*   (Thin        dootrlno oitad with
    approval        in JohnroE Va. Martin,         12 9. tie 321 aAd
    st8plea va. ua50  Cowrty, 211 s. 8. 569, and roil0d
    Ln stat0 iiiyhway3apt. va. Gorhaa, 162 Sa W. (26) 9%)
    .   ,’
    iion.Charlesii.Tbobald,                                       plrer7
    Thus, uadort@8 hOl&ia& Ot the BbOVb ait+    baam WMt~Ver
    amount the ConnnlaaIonera~ court flxmm 48 thm amlarg of the Tlrat
    Ammiatbnt County httornoy  or Gmllmmton Gounty Is rirea by tIrtu*
    or bAa under authority of an bat or tha legIalaturm, ana muoh
    lmcwt 80 ilrmd by lbglalstiva  authority is mqulvblbnt to, or la
    aa ?a114 aa if tlxbd In obedienoe                                      to a bpbolrlo   lagialatlvm          ooin-
    In rlow or,tha lomgOIng
    authorltlea wo think that II tha
    CctaadaaIonara~                                        of Gmlvomton
    CountJ Ilua thb salary ot thm
    Ilrmt Aaaiatant   County Attornmy   at a bum in l x o ea a of the mrxlinufa
    amount   prorldea ror In sro, 4 or hrt. 3902, lup r a ,    ( ;;24 00   .00
    aaacu) then the lawlumm~ta of the Ofiiw would be lnoraaaed by
    vlrtuo 0r ‘A Aot paaaed by the 49th L8gIalatara        0r whloh tir. BrOmn
    wan a imrnb*rrstated     aAothmr ray, Ir’tho Co6nm&malokorm~     Court or
    GalvmmtoA   oounty lnorbaaoa the ablbry ror thb orrioa or Piret
    AaaImtant county AttOImy     0r da    Gounty in **ebb or 32400.00 per
    year, It la oar opinion that tbm un&rlinaa portlana 0r Sec. 18 or
    Art1010 111 uolrld runder Hr. Brolm i.nrl1gibl.a ror amid 0rri00, FIFIA
    though ha might malgn aa a aambet or thm Lsgialrture.           ~owover,  tr
    the ComaImalonara~ court Zlrba the salary of the lflrat AaalmtaAt
    County Attorney at $Y+GOrOG per a``ua, or lean, then It la our
    opinion that Kr, Brown oould rmmlgn em a uwaber or the Leglblaturb
    ena qualiry ror bald 0rri0h
    I                                                                             Your8   very   truly,
    4    ‘,.   I~<;       .-,               ,’
    *   v     r pi’
    ,                               By.           ]‘“.w+)l                *
    JCDILJ                                                     i-.; ,. ,                        J. 0. Dbvla, Jr*

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6882

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017