- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gonorablr Abner L. kwir, biombar stata Board 0r Pardona and Parolar matin, Texar mar 8lrt Opinion No. O-6857 Ro: Wh8thWthe par a8 curtodian or tha Board Of Par ntr llrted rroopt the dour and Parolor, urmd baoaurrr of t&m thataa custodian portar r0r has had thfs the State and, or a8 a porter to at least 88 mocoh as any or Filar~. by manon or hi8 It ooours to the members of Pardons an6 Parole8 that thla bolng purolp a toohnloal over-8 t, thet the Lagi8latum ah0 lntondad that I ralary should be 3900.00 per annum: othemi,aa, it would be a dloorimlnation. Vhe doard will a~greoiate an opinion and advioe as to how to rectify this disorepanoy." ~00. Abner L. Lowl8, Bags 2 we quota trolnSanato Bill Ho, 317, lot8 Of tho 49th ugi#- latw, 1945, Regular Somlon, (whioh 18 tha @moral AQ~rofliation BUl for tho lxooutito and ldminirtratlve department8 of the fjtat,e aovtmaent) , a8 r0u0wr: -BOARD OT PARBOWS~ PhROIm For U-toYorrr Ending a;:; 31, ialarlor 1. Board awabor $ 4,200.oo Board Iumbor py$g ;: Board mwbor 4. Chloi olork and bookkespr 1,980.OO 1:980:00 . A8&8tmt olork and reorotary .1,725.00 1,725.OO i .: stanographsr sun purlFilodr8 :~* oourt nporksr 2.400.00 2.400.00 .::7.8kllbsnphrr. man qu.alifle4 aI oourt rk rkr : .8. 8tsaognp r or 80. Btanographor ?.*' _.,_~9. btsnognphsr u?d rsoomwa~s~ tloa olrrk '.'lo. Ihvartlg~tor Invortigator g: cwtbdian or rii08 Total aalarlo~ Ma~t8m88 8nb Suppli.8 1.3. Stationery, pri&ng, biding oliioo rupplle8 and nclroellaneour oxpenn, ooatlngont yip; l&~.O$ Portage and box rent i4: Telephone and telegraph Traveling oxpenres 35o:oo 2,70Q.00 330:oo 2,700.OO ,I;: orrioe rent 17a, met 2,ooo.oo 100.00 2,ooo.oo 100.00 Total kialntsnanoe and ills- oolluloow 7.000.00 7,ooo.OO GiUN& TOTALY, BOARD OF PJEUNXS Am PWIOLLS 637.595.00 (underscoring our%) . 262 Hon. Abner L. Lewis, page 3 SeOtion 6, utlola VIII oi~the Toxaa Donstltutlon reads in &tart88 rOuOW8: Opiolon No. 0-4222-h, Written by this depsrtaent reads in part 88 rOuOW8: Tour lttontlon is Ulrookd to the iaot that thO COIlStitUtiOAl Of tha Stat0 Of nX.88 prohlbltr mmeg being withdrawn from the Traaaury Oxoopt pur- suant to appropriation -do by th8 LaglrlaturO, and rurthor that no l ppmprlatlon 8haU b8 ~40 ror a lonsor wriod than two roara* Conetltutlan,Art1018 VIII, sootion 6, Under thsn ~orirlana, it rouora that whore th0 L8glilatum her rallod or r8iUSOd to lpproprlats monayr ror eqmvUtur0 ror partloular purpo80a. th8 80oowting orrioora or this stak hare no authority to 188ue warrant8 upn the Treasury in payment or oxpOndlturo8 mad8 ror SUOh 3W~OSOS." A oardil roadin& oi the abovo appropriation Aot raves18 that tho Legi#&tura did not auko a SpOlriO appropriation for tho aalary or 8 porter ror tku Board or Pardons and.Paroloa ~8 was don8 in tho lnatanoe of tho othor rtato doparlminta, but on tha oontrary it approprlatod tha sum Or y864.00 por annum ror tho salary or tho Cuatodlan oi rile8 for the Board or Pardon8 and Paroles. In view or the roregolng authorities, it 18 0`` oplnlon that when a parson sots as Cuetodlan or riles for the Board or PEirdOn8and Paroles that he oan only reoeivo a marlnun salary or i864.00 per aMU& ,- Yours very truly,
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6857
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017