- 4’73 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable L. Y:.Van08 County Attorney, Titus County Etountr'leaaant,Mxa8 Dear sir: 0pinlon No. O-6704 20: L;tooklaw elaotl (1) chore two 110 requerrtlng an el event%n~ dif- took iron run- e Coarainslonern~ t the gueatloru atated above date be answered by telegram, we ae on July 18, 19451 ! ELECTIOPrS MAY EIXCTXOK OFFISEE 'D POLLO'`` SmLOcx L30 l.mx!l v. ?nYs, z93 E6~LIPAWE EEA11A?D POL MAY 8E DO?!EXP 8 for loos1 option stook law eleotionm under ate are contained in chaptera 5 and 6 of Title Civil Stetutee of'Texae. Artiole 093G and in ahepter 5 oonteln the spplioeble law with g such eleotione to prohibit tba running st large of hogs, nheep or goate, while Artlola 6951 and following artiolea ln ohapter 0 relate to euoh prohibition ~6 to hormss, mules, jeoke, jennets and cattle. 'r;ith rnferenoe to the first olaea- ltloutlon, the petition for a oounty-wide eleotion must be signed by *fifty irseholderew of the ownty; 88 to tla I:onorableL. ~:.Vanoe - page 8 aeoond, the petition muot be elt-medby "one hundred (lOC) free- holders." For sub-dlvfslono of the oounty 8 different numbe,r of petitionera are remlred to Inetitute the elsatl~. -p.;ith referwiocato par ilrst question, the oese of %ourlook f. G1nffat.e (Tax. Clr. ~pp., EeaunrOat)&a3 8. :zi. ~7, oontcina the follow&g statomntr *The nourt further found that tl.eeleot!on was '50 irreguiar in the .xanmr of holdln(rand oo:rduOtifig th@ aaCe na to render the result thereof dlffloult,, if not doubtful, of aaoerta?nmnt and that,lad $5 end 8hould be decrleredilleRa and roiQ.* Just r&at mettera and thi,agaoonnaotad wltr: th, holding of s@fd eleatlon the oourt desrwd *lrr*gular ia the ~slmer of holding and omduotinp the sane’ we era notodrlaed, but YO think it my be fairly implied from his rind- lnga OS hot (1) that one set of lleotion otZf.oora oonduotad and hali%the two lleotloaa at the eema the and plaoa; sad (8) that Only One fora Of ballot wae uaad for the two eleOtlon8, ware regarded aa irre&arltlea and iarmed the basis of the oourt'a hold in& Itla lbown that the order ior t& llmeblon appointed the aame person to hold laoh alootlon, an4 that two balld)ax~8 wmro provided and awd la rrhioh to doposIt the baalOt. The ballota voted fn deter- tintng whetter hmaas, MAO., and thoao rote6 to deter- mlam whothor ho&a, oto., should ba yermltted to run at lsrge, were dag08itea in leperete box05 - not In any mm&or mixad - v*re oo::ntadoaparately, and ylaoed in sepcrate return envelopes, am3 saob ddentlfi*d aad pointed out ugca t&s twfel. It is not oonhnded thot any oo::rr;elon erase in the matter nor is them any dfaputi aa to the oorraot tabuladon and report of tto vote. me ballot umd, it Is true, wes l5 Iox% the ~UKWJfor each eleotion, but the atetuta8, ArtiOLO 7~18~ greiorlbing the forlaof the ballot to be u-d in toting to determine whether hogs, ehaep, and e=tS should be permitted to run at large, and artlole 7E45, preaorlbln~ ths form of the brrllotto be uaed 10 VotinC, to dst.intlnewhettieror not horses, Rides, Jaoka, j*nneta, end cattlb should ba psrm?nitt@d to J‘UDat l,aWe, aaob prasoribea that - "*Votern deslrinq to prevbst the aaixMfS deei&- nated fn the order frum tunnfq kitl,aree``11 alto* upon thbfr bel]ots the ``:orba,"For the atook law", aridtrioe In favor of alLowin@ suoh animals to Pun at &are* shall gleoe upon thair bal.:utzthe words, F?onorsble&. :Y:Canoe - ps~e 3 wA@ztnst the etook lawrM* "The aourt found that thme rorda wre on all the ballots. So the ballots aozplied with the 16~. The undimputed feats do not su;:portthe oourt~a holding that from the mmner of holdIn and OOD- duotlng tha lleotlon tbe result warndlffloult or doubtful of a80ertaInmnt.g It will bi noted that the srtiolos or the atetute referred to In the oourt*8 oplnlon awry the number or t4a 1911 reri6ion of the mtetufe; they wre brought forwsrd in the 1925 revision unohclnged,aa Artiols# 6935 and 595C, Rsriaed Civil stetutefl, In the oaae of Lyle8 v. t&yer (Tsr. Cir. App., 38n Antonio) 293 S. ‘i;'. 295, the oaurt aaids "The pro+isIOaS a8 to preventing ho&s, 6h#p, and poets from running at lcr@ are oontafnsd in obapter 5, wfiI3et4oee applyIn& to home8 muleo, jaoks, j.nnets, and oettlo we aet forth in ohaptor 0 of the Stook Law. In most reapeots they oo:.tein tha @am reQutiezent8, and In Article 6943 of Chapbm 5 injury ti treqmralng borres, mules, jonnets, jrcke, and oattle arc le~i~latud againat; hog@, sheep and &oat8 net boln@ nmotioned. Article 8044 return8 to the latter lnlml8. Chapter 5 requlmo a potitlon of 2Q freeholdern to obtain an rleotion in 0 sub- dIrIaIon of 8 oountg *Bile ohapter 0 rOQuIrea bC frerholdersi The two obaptera Heie enacted et dIi.;erenttiaes. C'esee no reason ubp the two e&o- tions provided tor oould not be combined 60 as to permit the freeholders to exyren8 tbelr desire6 a6 to all olrseee of @took nrcmtlonedIn the two chspters.w In view of the excerpts above quoted, it Iraour Opinion that your first queetitxa should be, an4 It la aaswred in the efTlr:mtire. xt t3houia be notad, howmr, th0t In the rirot cam afted and caoted the Oourt took aaie to point Out th5t there were two sepsrste beliots with ihe bsl:ots on the dl.f- rerent hsueo huvlne been depomltad in eagereta bO&eo, thus ;3ekin~alear and qerbia the result 86 to the two CLi~tInOt Hoaarable L. Ii. Vanoe - page 4 almmtlonr bming held by t5e mmme alaotlon orf~oImla at tbo ~ma!Ea tilae. Xn your omae, therefore,thoma holdin& the eleotionm mhould rxaroIse oar8 to avoid error or Ooniualon. NtR raieranma to your laoond pummtlon the iol- lowing Is t&an WOE t5e oais ot O-ham v. i&a, 119 ?wx. Or. R. 578, 44 8. W. La TS9t “lb r o o lla tr a dtIo o r oah sltewl$ ullder a o o n*I68r - rtlol'Ibrt* @PILO,R. or 8. 19&s) will sot permitUS to 8uStaln the oontontioa oi the ltmta that on. pub- li6Stlon of the nbfloe mat8 tba doman Of the law. Xn~aduptlngtlm oonmtruationof tJimjrOdiolS1rarm4anta te uhiuh r~feeou6 ha8 beeliamae,,I$ Bust be gild Plmt the qaaing of t&o &abrrW 18 that She aotlae 8hall be pubiiab4 awing et lmt ~tblrtydayr before th8 ait or d80,ti0a. st8tbd In r.uliro~nt way, th4 not188 ia ehereroJ````?y`` olrcn#dlkUW quamtlon, theti publlomtlonii l wbekll pqar'lm lutfiFP-~ o on , prorIde the same Is ountlnwd Sor the nqulrad laagth OS tiPI. Artioloa 6984 and 6969 Oi thS-,RSviSOd (lilt1SktUka praaarlk. thi taraS end oonb~tlonr,otpublioStlonno~aamary, a ndare lubatmatimllyIn the hImntims1 lmn@~S@. The holding or the oourt In trio ou``&qomn thermtorb anlwta your qlleatIon. Trumtlng thet the lbve la mmtImtaotory,we lra
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6704
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017