Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN SELLERS GROVER ATWRN~GwsR.,. Hooorablo Robert A. ?daAra, Zxooutlre Oifloer State Board for Yooatlonal Bhwatlon P. 0. Dramr 8. R., Capitol Station Xustln, Texas Your rsquest 18 as r0umt32 "Senate Bill, an appropriation bill talne the s011ow1ng ated thr sum Stat0 Board msatloned raots, 3 imld like atlon and oplnlm the fsllow- 8 It the irrtentof the Lof+lature to (I teaa'Eieoutlre Ofiioer' oould be an ~xeoutlre wtiarr uia/o* wato ational Education? “2. rjlnoethe liwaof 32300.09 is lnoludad lo the appmprlatlon aot, with no mention mado as to whether thla aurala for *aoh roar 0f the blennfum 'orfor the entire biennium pin.9it the lnt8zt of the Lsglslaturs to nxak6$2!iOO,OGavailable i RaAorable gobart 8. "anire, pa&a 2 for the ontire blonni~um or a minio? $1250.00 . for aaoh year of tho blo~xum. “3. 5lnoe 3aoato 3111 320 la ah approprla- tlan act by titla and subatsnoe ahd rlaoa.tJile bill appaari!ta ocmteln mora than 4114subjaot, nealjr, t&at or appr%prLtlon of tundr and orwt- lng Or rooognln~ the POSitiOA 0r sxooutlre or- floor, could that portion at tho bill amating the .igautIva ckmoar*~ posftion tfe in agraofw~t with thatpart of tha Constltutlan that ra:;ulras no blll shall oonta.lnaora than one subjaatTv ‘"aahaIl answer your nu&exad quaatkms ln their ln- Vor86 Orh6r, that being the b&O%1 Way to raply, %a thlhk: 3ootion 35 0r Art1010 III.,ofthe &JAstitUthA da .i. olarasr To. bill (except ~onaral approprlatlonbllla, whloh my enbraos the various eubjaata and sooounts fOX 6fAd OA AOOOUAt Of Fk.iOhIliOAOJ%al% =ApjXOrOpdSt&f shall Oor.tair;nor4 than ona subjeat, slrlohshall be axproseed LI its title. Rut IS any eubjaot shall be ambnaoad in EE sot, rhloh shall hot ba axpxossod in the tltla, suoh aot ,shallbe told 0~1.yas t6 so mob thereof aa sh811 not be so axprassed.' Sonata 3111 To. 120 In lts antlraty la as follcmaz spproprlatiagthe 6~3 o.?One ::llUoh Two Rundred r'lfty-nlna Thoiisahd~ifty=fiYa a.adOQ/l3'J(;1,259,055.00)?OlbrS par year or so mob thereof a.s~8::be naeesaary, SOS the next blarnfua baglm& Se?taziber1 1445, and end:&y hgust~ 31, 1447, rrm the .?aheral3ovanua #uh4 for the purpose of proawtlng pub110 eohool lntarasts and assisting &7boaIdls- trlots lc the toaohing of voaat1oha.laqrlotitura, i&ma ooo- naaios, trades and induatrlee, dlstrlbutlve aduoatian and rooatloml mtmIdEltati~n of ;Ilsabladparsons auaordl~ t0 tha i'adaral1s`` govarnl~ roaatisnal aduoatlon, all whlah 6hSi.I . : . . =s*o. & me scete B44rd for Poa8tiouaz sduoa- tion. throughlk8 .Xxeautlto OitioaT, lr hereby au- th&ed to reoelre and Uoburs* ln 8oaarddaPoe ~84th Sta teo r .To zeo fo rr lueb purpoaer 46 trelnlng per- 8omnolIbr natlonal defsnae lndurtrl4rand for 8wh 0tb.w catirith3a aa ooiaa unAor de authority Of t& scLt0 !iCJCrd iOr vO~t~OiI&d s'dUWitiMe “boo. 5. There la ,honbf ollocetod and oot asid the r0uwing amounta r0r th0 purposce lndl~ cato4 balow: ~OClC!tiIXL4Z. HOnU %XtOlliO6: Three' H‘.ularaB Twauty-one Thousand Sevti ffundrod Plfty-sir Dclloro*..*‘*.**.*I ....’ + ......t 321,756.OO Vxad40 and Indu8t.rios~ Oue~ Eurdreaartpfi+e Thousaad Dollaw8...........~.~.r......$ lS9,OOO. cm ‘Diatri.butio~ Yiducation: FiSty-flTo abauupd 4 55,orx).oo Dollan..............................`` “VooetlonalRohablUtationr Cno Ifiuidred IrWty-four Thc~uaand‘IYn’sa Hun&ad SoronUy- roux Pollars..... .....................8 154r374.00 “Rohabllltationqr crip:,t0a children to be oxpond& by the Zopertaant of Bealth; Oar IfEm- drasdsixty-Uwo ThoiloandPlro .1x%............$ 162,500.oO Eundrgd 9oUoro.. ....i. “‘Prorldedunexpwded balar,oosroanin In the fund8 ho-h aggroprSq.tef ior +cw%stl3nal serv2 oefa play be ro+llocated with the oonseat of’eaoh of th4 Piraat- 0m ~6 with the agpro9cllOSthe 3mwir0 omeer. “rhe p~ogor ortioor or o.~lwrs of any 9taOe do:partamt, krruua, ~0~dlrlrloru of State ,agimole8 we her%& ruthoz-ired to rake lpplloatlon ior aad aroopt ml giSta, grants, or llloba``~tstram the thdt@6 Stat- 6OnrParot 80 b. U8.d M sbate 000 lr R tlr a0ndta th rOedo ? r a ljooti entlp r o g r R% M ” of mblie bull.dlngm, l’e%aa, iaolw%ng oomtruot p on ~Jd6’8RIldi~I~lWO8Wtl. wet @Uob~deml~ fund6 a8 my 84 deposited .bi thr State Treaswy we hora- bYyappWJprlatod to the apOlii0 purpoee 4ut!toriz4d v tJ.uF&doral Omwamaut, and wb oat to the Walt- atlen plaood in tbir Aot* l!b ia Poreby a pro- priatod tho au&tof Two Thouocmd"r!ito Hundred Iicl- an ($2,500.00)3tat4*il prs 0r m a4h hrtw80r as la neo4m3az-yior the stats Board ror Yoaet:onel Bauoation to cuaployakoxoautire officorfiand th+re tihero appropriawd the *em 4f One Thousal Foiar Huadrod3 ltty Dollazs ($&WM30) St&P8 part tar the stat0 Beardfor Voa8tiallal 34uoabicm,to gay dixootor, !?lirtributlre ?Qluoathn. * l ?Sea. 7. Tim ra06 that nmyeohmlo ia th3.a 88ete a re Uet3lr oouih m h g th elanies4 er *ooa- tloml towherr smatloned in thb Aot, and,the fur- ther faot Wet ii the sohoolrrroooiw suoh sonioea it la absolutely nooo8sai-y t!Iat tais apgroprlatioa be pamod, onato an emorgonoy and ari imporatlv~ publlio aooeasity that~tha Conetitutioa..l IWO re- qulr$ng billa to be road ELI three 887eml 6aOg in laah Houeo bo aunpanded, an0 the 86`` io hereby WSp~a$a, ar.dthis AOt 8htii ta k l 0mQt Windbr $a~;f,f+rom end efter its passego, aaE it $4 W approprlati-mbill, within the neanlng; 02 the 0on~tltulilon ``Tc``-uouHi&, and this subject la uloarly stated la the tit16 ft only reaming to bo dobom.i.noa vtho8hu or not any other &ib,bjeotla oo&t=Amd La thd title, or la . do&t rPitii in the bedy or the bill. Wo hare oeretully lranined the title, WIG the body of thr bill sogtioe by motion, and find nothing hhwoin o=t&M# that %a not g~rarano, ox fairly and raasoaebly S..coidmW~ to Bonorablo Robwt A. Lbanlro, mo 6 aaoh an lpproprlatloa Ull, anloaa pomlblg it la found in Sea- Clod s 48 polo& your queatfon 1, u&ma ‘MOahhall e30piri001ly aamer ktor ho rzi . L. 88 Ghat your quoatlon Ho. 3 la -rod to the offo.ot that Ssaato Bill #o.l$O la sot abject &e the vloo of rutooasti- ; tuti~tmallty,aa oondomnbd la Sertion35 of Artfole IX1 of the Oon- atltutIaa* a0tim 6 or miai0 mr 0r th0 c05atitilti~ do- ?tM money ahall bo drawn fmm the troaewy bat in pur$u$nte of apooI?Io approprlat;icma mrdo bylaw; * . . Th+ 8300if1oao0a roqulrod noooasar:ly oon*o&etos tho purtiso aa amouat,~ or 6t %oart inow kh0~0dema~. The aonraitu- tlxi door not l6uroeanhntorer for a givenporlod wouldbe a&l& tly dafl- nit0 as to a&w&, and llkeuiaefor a.~ lppm rlatioa ot a 1un.g aua to a dmaruaent or ihatltutlanfbr tho .ra rp ou# DUWOS~Bof the d*partaant or inailtutl& wouldbo htffloiantly a~&iiio aa to PurPOIO* TJkolaug~gr oi Beo$lon 5, Vhoro la horob appmpriat- ld th emm ef ho Thourand PiVi Hunhod Do- ($25OO.*f State’8 g i4 ror .t880uoh tarr80r am 18 ~ooiaauwyror the stawB0ard ror Vsoatfonal M+catIc+ to usploy a+ oxooutive .__ ottioor”, mta-ev?ry rOqUlXWWnt of the i;onstltu6lan tar 8Qoolrlanoes olc ag~opriatlor, bOth aa to amount end purpocro, but ah. language Likwlu aarrloa th0 10@Ialativc lfaltabl~na gpoa both the MDunt and the 3``3080. The Aot o-n8aIna nethiag further from whit& a rO00&eiblO tsplioac tlonoould be dodoo ld that the WA lppxvpriatoa was lntmdsd to bo fer eaah of the Gwoyeatr of Gheappmaohfng biumlunk It may be that the Leglalatw iatondod to appmpriato ~2500.00 fdr aaoh roageoblre 1:of the bianniu& but it haa not dono 60,’pad more l~taatlon ‘Ir” thetot zuoh actual appropriationin apt worda annnot dieate law. Thlr amward)your le~ond question. ?;e hol.d in our Opinion Bo. O-6&58, addry&& to h'onor- able J. C. Minkor@, County AttsrrrpBnzoa Qo~ty, Bryan, %=a, that tho steoutlro offloer mentioned in 600tIan 5 Of ofu A0C, ror whoa an appropriation ~44 aado, wns w&or t&o very t~ama gi wo mw rurthet &~ld in thla aonneatlon that zkaate Ml180 120 614 no); br 106lrlatiivoii&*pate the ``altlga, of mush oxoautlre affloqr 4B aa anployve. Uador 3dotloa Artlole III 0r the Coaatltutlon, W, ef a0 ~pproprlatloa of ownoya 8ho tnaaury may be mde by okat Of the Lo g f 8la l tu r sin pursua~oe of al4ability oroated by xoopt or under a preAx.lrt* l8w.~ Thl8 itmu a lau f&at w6t in ox- letanoq at tbo very tiffithe apprqprlatloa wa8 -de. The pre- lIriatine law aeorseary to rumor* an appropriation, howerer say it&elf exlat by reasOa of aeaeisary lmpllo~tlon. -chstis neewWrfly laplied f.n a aoonrtltutlon or rtatute 1s as auoh a Q@:@; the 1~ aa if ths aanm h"d baen sxprma4 oontdacrd l The pro-w@Itiag law authorleina:the appropriation udder O~J``~O``IOYJ 1~ the law areatiag th0 sitate ~oarcl.r0r Vo0Etl0Ml Sdueatioa. 'Ph. atdo Bolm¶ r0r Vooatlonal Tduoa- tloa ir a gaverammtal lastruumntUlty, an arltI.flolalperson, whloh oen fuaotlon only through the proporand nooossary em- ployws. Zuoiilnstrumentalltyoould not pirtorm its govern- IQOIIw r UWJsiWJ iiith t liIL&IiOp06a That Lt should have thrrp ba lmplla+t ln the orratlrs prorlalotis ef thmlm. T&ii6 rule or eon8tru6tion 1~ 0x0mpxiriisd in ai th0 appropriations r0r all the dopartnontr,14mtituti;ms, orriaoo and sgsnaloa 0r the Government, wharfAn from the earllert tiaus, in unbroken roquemoo, approprlatlms bare been mde ror the priyamnt of aaployoor, reprlrm, aalakaanoe, an6 tb6 llko inoldental pur- One doe6 not seek to find and exprom rtatute author g$the appropriationor m6noy by thr Leglnlaturo ~CJpay ah0 0wtian 0r rooh .itm am 8hs ooplpensatlsn r0k am- pl0y0``, the oost of repairs, litiprQV~0ents and QElnt0mrIO0, and auoh other mew thlnflsneoesarf the gormzumntal funatlon or any de- partmnt, iastlt;utlon, oocmissZon, board, offloo, or WWI- orized aotftity 0r the Stat*. The QO8itiOn Of .XeOUtiVe OtilcW, thtWtf'Ol+a, JJOt being an otfioe but a mere nppoi.~t``~@.Of W WQbY- XXQQ*- sery ~IIthe admlnlstratlonor the aSrain oi the Aat% Bcmd ror v00ati0m idduoation, the ltun 0r approprlatlon thararOr Honkable Robert A. Imilmg ~6%. 0 i8 authoriRe& br pro-•lirtlae law. 6p6ki6% 6pealrleaUj Lbe LyCi6latua-e had no in- - litbrrlx p r ia 8,o ~tbatloa r lm,pld r to d&In. (ho duthe or 8u.h appointee. A dlotlngulehlag 8oatur-e bettee* oa 'Of- iloer" aad an "eqloye." 18 that the law deflaoe the Qutloa or a6 O~OU, U~WUUth6 rorlbe6 the dotle# oi ant oern 16 hro3.ya meansor a6 lpproprlatlon la atado. the L.&latun oallr rpoh positionoelthes 06s~ it makesay dltferenoo how the .qloying b66rd kdn.t.4 lt.~ It lr the ldaatltyof thr po8ltlan Chat1s arterial. Th6Board iteo lr d4ra.6 th ra utler esit6luoutitr o r r lo erwhen he 1s o ne. ea p 1 o yOre 4oouzme, . 6uah dutleb mst pertcla to the etatutey arrairs 0r 8h4 b6ard 0r whlah he 1s an 4aploy4.. Tbls umwcrs pow rirrt wo6tlon. ATTORKXY Gl!SERA.L OF !l';JcAs

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6731

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017