- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 1 Eon. coo. E. Shhspml Comtitrollerof Pu1110 Acoounta Y Auatlu, Toxaa ODlnlonNo. 04a.l D8ar Slrr Ril Under o? . opinionon the rrom your letter as drlar ii., by the lnaotrmt or S.B. 49th Lagialaturoa11Win45a 15s pllmi by 12 months plus 15s for the Inoraaaa. "*In tha 0880 or th orrio@ d wm BexarCounty Tax Aaaaasor-Colloe@or, t&a Maroh 1945 pWroll inoludadth el alarIeaof regular and ltra dapu- ties. ,da a maaaure or loonaaw, it la naeoaaar~ to l mpioy extra daputleaior aeaaoaalruahea.ma majority of the atra deputloawore on the pay- roll only a portion of Marah 1945 and this is typpfealof alroat any month or thkyur. l!br*- roro, unloaa the annualapproprlatlonla rigured .- ------..---..-- ...rrr.n"."I.L o,,*,o* "*I...* *,C"O"n0 .*,*z AlTo"**. o=*cIAL 0"n- ...WTA*1 Hon. Ceo. F. Sheppard!, page 2 as aat forth above, no prorlalon till be mad6 for mon6y to aziployextra daputleaa4 th6f ora medo&.’ '1 ahall thank you to ldrls6 m6 the proper anawu to mukr to this raquoat.* F~OBour dlaouaalon oi the above quostlon with the Eon, or T4x64 0r p. E. m6kiaoni, Aaaraaor-00116stor 8r Oounty,T6xaa, It 1 a our Und6r8tlad& that 7014 8re d6alroua oik$ awin& what a&m or moiier a&uld b6 rppr6prlatad in the 1946 bud@ OS Bexrr County ror tbo purposeof paying tha lalariea of ragul4rand extra daputl68 in thi offior of th6 Aaaaaao~o~lrotor at ‘Paxan. Thr populationoi B a x a Co r unty looording to the 1940 Fod- us1 Census yam 388,176. 96n4toBill 190.266, Aata or the 49th Leglal.aturr, Rag- ular Saaaton, 1945, protld6aas tollow4~ s. 8. Ho. 246 oompmwtion QS ewtaln oount orrlalala in a popul4tlon at not 168s &ID 300,000 nor E-I than 500,000, 4ooordiw to tha last praoed~ Fader4106naua; providingiOr 8 iitt6en (15$) p6r osnt lnor6ea6 ln 44larf68t3r th6 6zaplo~68,66puti68, and 4aaiateata ol said oounty ofii6iala, baaed oa Muoh, 1903 p4r roll1 QrO+idlng for #b~aalat6ntr t6 th6 County Tmaaurar rt stated a616rl68,and to bo lpt~ point6d by hint QroTidin~ Oka* ~4larl6aor mplo~666, d6puti68 ~4nd liaiat4ata o fthe mtn6d0rri6i4k8 ma ynot br doarsaa6d; proriding tha wtbd 6sd swam by rhioh 8414 offtoara asployoeashall bo oobpaaaa86d~ ro- a& Q6tiiw 8.OtiOll 1 Of ah4#6r 81, &6t4 Ot th6 &5th I,.@& 181484r6,86&ulrr S6Babn, p4&6 131 (1937)4ad 8ll other 14wa fn 66Ptlletharawi+hb 4nd d66lul4 6a 6I46?66OOr. J5JSXT EWXED BY TKX LEOISLATURF, OF ‘IRE STATE OF TeXASi prorialona .Tbgr of thla~A6t rh411 rpply in rroh at th6 eountira fn this lt4t6 Hon. 080. H. Sh6ppUd, p4g. 3 6 po ulatlon of not leas than 300,000,nor hating mm th4n 5B 0,000, 4ooordingto th8 18St QrSO6din6 FodrralC6Aaua. Atto;;z.0;bm6 oountr Sudga, sharlrr,Matrlat no1 DlatrlotAttorney,MStrlat 016rk, Cody al6rk, and th6 AaS6aSor-Coll6otor of Tans of au6h~OOunti64~ah4~ 646Jl r6oaIr6 a aalar~ 6r 8ar6ntp 86v6S Eundr6d (#7700.00)-D6114ra pu 4rmumo 9h6 OOU- tr Auditoroi auoh oouatlea shall reeoltr 6 84lSrf of sw6a8pfour Raadr64 (47400.00) D6llara p6r 4namh in 116~ of my 4ml 8l1~6orpaaaatIon now provided bp 14~1 provided that any salary or aom#a&aation now provid6d by lrw to b6 p4id auoh OOUnty kditOr* Out Of 4ny apeoialfunda, InoludIngo lna4tlonnadarod arrii- gatlon,lovaa, drrlnrgr,roa "g or aohooldiatrlota, ,ah411b4 ah4rg6dand ooll6oted,but ah4l.lba p4Id Into the geaaralad of auoh oount$64, Tho Countr Tmaa- ur u o tluoh 60uati68lh8n 6aoh.no6ive 4 8416rp of Forty-W6 Hundnd ($4200.00) Do~l8ra per 4nnm. Th6 Judg6a oi th6 Oouaty Ootirta-rt-Law and tha Oount arimin41Courts ti 8414 o.ountloa ah&L rroh JF60. I~V6 6 a61aFr Of 8iXt$'-thr.6 @ldY6d ()630&m) DOlhrS $69 annum. All auoh lalarloa ah811 be paid Out oi t&6 orrloua* salary had or the gonarrlfund 6f auoh 0ount168, 48 th6 6486 84y b6. "866. Th6 Oouatr Tr64auro*,upoa the approval 3. or th6 Ocm8Iaaloa6ra Oourt, ghill b6 allow6dbb 4gpolnt 6no (1) 6aaIat48t at a a4lary not to 6x686d tb6rrtprour Muadrad (#2400.00)Dollrrr 06r 6nnum, sad 6 466cU l6aiat4nt 4t 4 8414ry not to 6XO66d’%i6A%por, ltimdrad (#2100.00)D6ll4ra pu amum. .8ald6aaIatanta ~hrll b6 SQQOiAt6d by th6 e684W6r 4nd 4h4ll. t4k bh4 AaA41 oath authorityto do and p~19oka in Oh6 MJW o? tJl6 trraauar lu6li rota of'4 616oti4Lor ,~atrrirl ohsrooter as my k raquirad at than by tha @mkty Troaauror. All ai said ularIaa lnamu4t6d I8 tJkI6~ l66tIo nlhll b6 paid fra tha g6fwralfund of auoh o6ciAtlaa. i i , Eon. 080. B, Shsppard,p4g6 4 ThhrCommi4aIon4raCourt 0r 640h OS said ooun -iI+ 6s ah411 grant an Inor~aaa in th6 6mploy66a*salarybudgot and aa6n.dsaid badg68 ror the naoraarr~ amount for 411 oi said oounty offlo. nanad In S6OtiOAS 1 and 2 4boV6, SqUSl 80 a ffit66A (15$)per ornt lnor64aa IA th6 lal4ry 6f 411 th6 amp10y608,d6 utIaa aridlaalat4nta re all 0r amid ofrIoaa, baa6 t on the psy roll or th6 par- tlortlaroiila6 as of M4r4h, 1945. T&r lalarla4 of th6 otfI61418nam6d la thla A68 4hall not ba la- Or6SS6d bayond tha 8418r164flad In this A6t. &id lnor6486in a4larl6aah811 be paid froa Oh6 gaa6nl fund 6r oftlou salary?unb, or road 6nd brldga round or auoh o6uatIaa. ' *$OO. S+ Th6 Oeunt O64mIaaIoa6ra6? lua h oountIea ah411 6aoh r666i10 a 84larp o? pff$y-iii76 ?kudred ($5500.00)Dollua p6r 4n~m1 4nd auoh aal- uI6a ~ah4l.lb6 p4ld out oi th6 Road 4nd aid66 Funds or th6 thn6r61 Fund at SU6h OOMti64, 88 th. 6486 mar now be. All fuatisra Of th6 'PO4064nd @OR- stab168 "-i+0 'auoh4OMtlM who 4rs OOSkp4A4St6d on a m gala as provldrdby law ah411 b6 6atltlodto rrtaln annual to68 and/or rralarJot FQrty-arY6A HundrrdFifty (#4750,00) DOll4rS466hC pYWfd6d, how4vor,th6t 411 ?466 and oomlaalona, uheth6r ourront or dalInqu4n8,rbfoh 4ro ooll668od by the Irrortnbont duringhi4 86nW6 Of Ofti ah4l.lb4 4ppll6dfirst to th6 pWm64t Of his doputloa,4u- thorlaad lxpanaoa of hla.otrlo6,and to m4k6 up th6 maximUmosplg6SS4tfO6 prOvfd6d fOr ';A thi@‘,, seation.Ao 806h OiiI88r8shall bo lntItl64to r6- omirr ror 4ar purpoa*4ny t4ra or 6ommIaaIona that 4ra oollaotodaftor ho 068884 to hold lu6h of2166.- h.Ia Aot ahall not rap6il l4y oi thm ona prmla"f-5 Oh8pt6YS169 and 585 I,th &(lIalatur6, R4#ular Boasion, pa- 2b0, 1309 (l&l ? mm 4``6`` as Artlole3912-8,Saatloa19 (r-1) and (h-2 T , Vunon*a :, ;., : Hon. G6.o.H. Shepp4rd,p4g4 5 Annotated Girl1 Staiitoa. Tha,rirt66n (15%) ,ior'-',. sent Inoraaa6in:641.4ryher6in,proYid6d for ahmU b6 in 4ddltlonto the lalarioa ‘or 6mploy668; d’apu- tI6a and 4aalatantaprorldadior $4 said AUtoi 8 i That Siotlcil or Chrpter 61 Aota tj$th k(li``h6itlar: 8oaaio~ pago 151 (19j7), Aow lppo4rl4gai Art161639126-l:fumn*a A44ot4trdCl*ir Statutra``'4nd all other &rrr In ooa$&Iat ,horwlth bo, 4na the 48~ 4+0 hereby rrp6416d, lnaoiar as +hr~ 8qar. 4ra In oontllotwith th6 pro+Ialona or thla A6t, but not othuwiaa. "S60,-9. Th6 84&4ry 3d .a. dOUUtf ~ll&UO6~ Of ruoh oountf shall A08 6XO66d ?ir$PtWO BilAdr6d Fifty ($5250.00) Dolldra.-peram& rid lal4ry to ba flxod by thr Oommiaalon6ra,Oour8 and p4Id out or th4 road lrulbrldgo Lund Of auoh oouatioa. 'Sea. 10. Thr salary or the Count;lS6hool Sup6r- ~ Intender&or 4uoh oountl6ashall b6 Fit0 ThoursndFifty ($5050.00) Dollars par 44aum, Uld ularp to bo paid out or the aohool 6qualI44tlon rund. . It Is iiuther pratldod that ‘6; ml&m& Wli6r pa d lng road ;?++t 41&dbridge am loy6q of auoh ,( i oountl68ah411 b6 not 1688 thrn Fifty II 50#] ooata per hour. *860. u. U 4ny sootion,paragraph,olauae ey .arnteno) la thla A& is d6olu6d to b6 UAoOAatitAtioA6f., it: 84m6 ahall not 4ttaat th6 ram4Inlly portIoaaof this xp la rurtherth6 intaAt;OA or the L6~18148A?4 La th6*.+6Jk) thi# Aot shall b6 d6616r6d US6WlStftUtiOd, that tha nlrrlaa an4 oorp6autioaa or tha 6mploya64, daputioa4nd laalataataoitha publla offioua mama6 In this Aot 4~4 the marinmm Smmnt of aalarlu and oapaa- aatioaawhlah 614~ be paid to 84fd SmQlO~e68, 66puti68 ‘. 533 " Hon. Gee. Ii.Bheppard, 'pago6 and arrlrtantr,#hall remainthe 8ame a8 say now be fixed by existinglaw. Th0 raet that 0irfaer8 and eaployew ==P 88 lr r eo ted in ooua by thir Aot lra now paid 8al.- 8l388 JlOt OOJlSi8Xl8UT8t8 With their 88laX'iQ8 8Dd dUti88j th8 Saot that thr County Auditor in the eOUlItie8 here- in lffeot84 br tht8 AOt 82'0 Oftia8r8 th8 bubh;et Of raid aOUZltie8, with - inWe* in dUti88 ali& lT88- pCWibbi~ti.8~ the faot that the Gounty Tr8aawr in raoh Oil tha OOUUti.8 n-4 Ila.6tL0 a88i8tMt8 iOr the PrO r dl*OhWgO Of hi8 dUtt88; Mb thb fUSth8r faot t&~r laoroar living oort an4 taxer hare greatly inoMa804 th8 1iVa 8Xpli8a8Of the @Qp1Oy808, dQUtie8 aa& a88i8tMt8 pi the OOUR~ OffhW8 MMa, 80 that 8aid OftiO8r8 ar8 hmbg dlfcietity in k8opin.g a&equate rtaifr of train04 parsoanak, armak8 8nlnergmcy an6 aa lmpbratlro publir WOO88ity that thm OonrtltutlonalRule rocpairias' bill8 to b8 nad on thrro rweral dayr~ .in eaoh HOu88, be 8~8QOndad, and 8alid Rule 18 hor8br 8U8- p6n&bs and thi8 AOt Shall take 8ffeot md be in roros from &nd attor the b8ta or .itr parragr; an& it 48 8e enaoted. /I/ John Lse Smith Prrrident or the sowto 'I hOr8b oortity that 9. B. X0. 246 pa8Mb the Senat8,&pi i 4 1945, by th8 folloring: rote: Yea8 29, my8 0; hprii 23, 1945, sat4 333fw0a t0 ~00``0~ in fa irOU88arPlmXl~at8an4 XWUU88b Ithe lp g o intiwao t @Xlf8S?WO~ ~05idtk8 &kFil 30, 1945, HOMe midi&4 , 88n8ti MQlO8t~ tiy 15, 19.94 adOpt84 f%Il.f8WPO8 oO* mltka 8oport by follodng tha rote: Yoa8 26, my8 01 xay 15, 1945 tote on titi abb naen8L48ro41 my 29, 1945,:a. n. HO. 2&breoa f 04 srom the 86TOfoo1c'8ofri0e by authotitfoi 8. Q. R. Bob 33) Mar.31, 19b5, hew Coa- fereneeoomltteo mport wa8 adopted by t&a to&loring tote: Ia8 29, N8gr 0, _ .’ ? 534 . . . _,._ / . Hon. Coo. 8. Sheppard, page 7 "1 hrraby oortlfythat S. B. NO. %b: pa88*d the mIl88 of RIprW8nt8.tile8, April 26, 1915, with MM(L- m8llt8,by thr folb~ill& ?OtO: YWS 109, Nays 61 A&l 30, 1.945, Eouso grant04 rOqW8t or Sonata ror appointmentoi COti8lWiO8 CWd.ttOO~ YlY 15, 1945, Km88 adopt84Conferon Comaitk8 amport by th8 iollow5Jqrota; Y8aI ll7, Play821 my 3%. 19b5, 50~88 ?800n814er84 the tot-aby wh ah the Oonfarenoo Report was adogitod; May 31, 1945 now Coatrnne* ii8&Wtt -8 adOpt84 by th8 ~O~oWjng VOtC: Y8a8 110, .:amy* 0; ’ /I/ chMLlO8 JOIIO8 ibid clerk of the HOU88 Of RO~lIMktiV.8. A~pPrOV84: FIX&D IN TW OBpICiZOg TEE SSCRSTARY03 WEA'IX Dat8 THIS 2nd day if Juan, 1945 at & ocolook8n4 &O minutb8 /a/ Qlaudr18b8ll r3oorrtary of Stat8 wo call your partloularatt+atlonto 8eotiOn4 Of th8 abOV8 Aat whloh Mad8 in prt a8 iO3hlI8; Thi8 portion of 9rotlon4 1 8lqpro8wd in plain and unamblguow lawuago an4 it8 pwulhg i8 alear and &f%lllt8, and / goon.ueo. Ii.sh8ppar4, pago 8 thaw i8 no ooos~ion for oon8truotioa. h ViOW Or the iOr8([Oi44it 18 OUR OQfIliO8l th4t the annual 8rrmomiatioa (in the 1946 buU&et of Boxar bounty) for th0 purpoe8 0r payin th8 mlarior of regularana 8xtm dOpUtiO8 in th8 Om08 Of th8 A88@88OIFcOll4OtOr Of TaX88, 8hOud b8 th8 MoUnt Or tJi*Msroh 1945 pyI’O= (iOr Uid OfflO8) %Udti~li@d by 12bm&8) p1U8 Ul ldditiO5a8U0 l Of tifteen (15%) per aont to 86v8r th8 lnor8aro. ti oonnrotlon with the rongoln6, w oall your ltt8ntloa to tha faot thmt the lrrootlv* aato of &nab Bill IJo.2J+6was Juno 2, 1945. Yours very truly, AttOrn8y OoMMl Of TOXBS BY
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6721
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017