OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Wmoreble ~!ea~nn 3. iVyOh county mditor crea county Lon&vie;c, Texas ;)earYr. Syahu: Opinion NO. O-6613 Rel xhoue duty under thta law to lrsao *al-r quoted as iollowar .* ..: .. to reaeive the wurmt. fn sofa0ln8tano*s, these warmpte are rrallod to the ~rsorur by the County clerk. "Them are aertuin yrorie1on.e in thb Sdary till ttit lndloata the mIltor ifi to iwiue Officertr* Salary xirrents. funds, us it my deecr!leaper, MA ran~:ulrethe ecrip to be lasuad aC;alnst the same and re&atered aooord- 1rylY.” Irrt. 1643, R. C. S. or Texas, grovldoa ~8 r0110w8: warrants or l -.&.ll arlp issued egalnat tbs oounty tr..aur.r by any ju&r or aourt ahall ba aigord and attested by the olerk or jud&a or the aourt lastin the mm, under his oiilcial l.al. NO juatiaa or the pesos shall hara authority to laau. wunwnta againat the trsaaury ror emy pur~ow Vhltovar, exoopt a. pro- rldaa in the code or orl``&nal 3rooadure.w mt. 3812e, ‘V.A.C.S., prorldaa, In part, a8 roii0wa: “. . . . “-a* 4. In all oountlea .~.---~ or t:ia stat. oontain- ing a population or 1088 than 0130 hundrad.and ninety thousand (190,000)inhabitantarooording to the last preodlln~ Fsdaral Canaua rhwdn tba aounty or pra- olnat offloera am oampeawb~ on a ualary buds undo? tha prodslone or this hot, thon ahall be areato a ‘fund to be known as 'the.*orfloera* Salary Fund.of county, Texa..’ Swhfundahallb. k.pC aepam88 pnd apart rrom all othar aounty turd., and :.:..:. shall be held and dfuburead ror thb.guri10.e oi paying the aalariea or orrioara anb tha aalarlaa of deputloa, aaalatanta and alerka of orrtoara who are drawlI% a salary rrom aald fund un4or ta. ~rmlalooa or thla ;;~iatu~d to pay th8 outhorl.04 lxpanr8 or thalr.~of- suoh twd rho11 ba @mslkd in th. oounty cL8poaitox-yrrna 8h.U ba protootsd to IA8 ltuaa extent as othor aounty funda. l: . .. *sea. 6. (a) . . . . “(bl K0 offioer MoelTlBc: u sdnry 6ha11 iiere- after ruool~e any ax orrlala compenoatlon; prorlde8, however, the Comlsslonera~ Court r:hnlltrausler from the ct;ritwal?urii or tte aoucty to t&~ Gffiaera* 3*l.ny Iruna or fU55S of srjck county such funda ?24my be tmce~osary to peiyt!w salnrlcs ::nC~th,:or alaim chrr~o- able tq.tIlrtRtthe 8cIC ahec the ~ollleaaapx3it08 t.herein NW lneuifiolcnt to mot the claim ,?eyablstherefrom. "(01 .&IQ-nonles rtmalc.lnS: in the OfLCiooru*:Nvry r\rndor fun& cilUP$ aounty at the end of my fiscal par after nl!.8ular:ee am2 authorixad expensea in- au-red seelnrt ma16 fund for sold par r.b.nllbsve been pia sicg he, ?.yorder rf the Cofxlselonera~ Cm*, trnns- rcrrdi to the credit of t?lc? GetloraiFund of the oounty. ".seC.7. AU raoniosdrawa from said offlosrs' salmy Fund or fucda shall bs paid out only on mr- ranto nyprsred by the aounty auditor in aountles harily! a aounty auditor; 0fAerwiaa all ol*imrJ against said fund shall first have hean audited and apwovod 3.1 by the coawl#aloners* court of eala oounty and the nonlos shall ~bs dlrburaed on mob ap.ehwed ala&m by warrafitr;dram by the county treanurer on Mid fund. *MO warrant aball be drawn on &a fund or runas In favor f any paraon.indobtod to the State, oounty .or to 6~c a fund or in fator or hh agent or aasIgma until nuob debt irr jmld. *. . . .0 A0 all the mud8 In quoetion nre OOUnty funds in thu ouetody of the SouiW.yTreasurer and sub eot to thu la*n\l orders of tha Cofadeelo5er8~ Wurt, wo 03110 iu6* that, ucdor the authority of hrt. 1.6U,,apn., l paoimng that all war- ranto iaeuea against the County Treawror ahill ba @lewd ~6 atteatod by the olark or ju&ga of the aowt lssulng the oaa, th Le&AlAtUXW oontemplutod the lssiincr of 8uoh wirxaits IS thaw by the County Clerk. se* CallaQL+si,county ITud60,v* Salliway, P :L %. 859. vieho0 fouca 56 hutkurlty ror *a-* to be lsaueciby tte Couoty hutlitor. Tl&i, we bcllere, E``FICSS your quentlon No. (1). The fact sltuution L;rasentociby yxr .ueatlon No. (2) Is too ~:enerrlin noose did too syeo~lntlre to psrmlt m mswer. :;a ew6ost that.when end if suoh 8 eltuntlon aevelope, ~2% full faote be presentod to ua for ti oateCorloa1 ~aswer. In respeot to your *lueotlon No. (&e-b), we point out thut the atatutos do not apsolry any partloular mode H dellrery or suah r.arre.ntr.YO boliavo the Loglalaturs aonttuuplated that auoh admlnlstmtlvo data118 bo hit to tha rrotlon and G00ajude- m3nt of the 0rfi0er rrho8eduty it 1s to ISNO auah warrants, unless otherwise ordorod by the oourt authorizing tha lsaiuafioa of sale. Illthe abemao or LkO~1l6UW in a0iiv0ry, the Jlmelt graotloalmod* woulb mom to ba rtlm!Wato~. In reoyect to your ?ueetion No. (4). we repout that he CiJld II0 aI.IthOrft~ fOoF the OOUnty AUaitOr t0 f8St~ SUOh - ranta, nor ao the statutes apeally by whom ea@io &et11 be de- iir0na. wo reltento that 1L lcr our bollof the Legislature oontemplated that auoh ldaini8tratlre data118 be left to the aotloc ana good Judgment oi the otilasr whore duty it 18 to lssue auoh mmanta, unl.ees othorulae ordcnd by the aourt au- thorizing the lm+anoo tit8a.a~ ~ruetlng the Soragolng fully anmuara your lkueetiona, we are Your0 very truly XLL:RLT
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6613
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017