Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  •                                                                                  i,?-i 1
    Honorable L. Y. V8nce
    Tit&r CoulU,J
    nt. Plearant, Texao
    Dear   sir1
    and crrafull~       conaldered.
    aud vrter bill. m
    an eleaLlve Office,
    he city Camlrrlon.
    e Art. 38orlof the
    hlr ho1dingthlr poet-
    other etatute, la
    p htr from bold-
    ot Jutstlce of QUJ
    ticle 16, section rr0of the          COML~L~L``   of
    T e x a s reada,        p a r t, lo   i01 1 0Vr r
    *no p er so n
    lhell hold or exeralee,
    8t the 8-e time, mre aihu~one alvll otfice
    of eaolument, exaept t&t of Jwtlce of the
    ze,     cyuaty cd88loner,     lotrry Public
    . . .
    Honorable    L.   W.   Vance   -   Page   2
    Under the expre88 lenguage of thl8 aonsLitu-
    clonal provision, a person msy hold and exerclae tho office
    of Ju8tice of the Peace and at the 8eme time anoLher clvll
    offlce of emolument. O-1 v. Tovnaend, '77Tex. 64, 14 S.N.
    355; Luero v. State, 63 8. Y. (2) 699,
    We can aonaelre of no ba818 upon which it
    may be maid tmt   the office of Ju8tlce of the Peace 18 ln-
    compatible with tb8 office or pooltlon, a8 the cane say be,
    of City Tu Collector. In thl8 aonnectlon 800 Opinion
    no. 0-2184 0r tbi8 Dopartmont,  a copy of whlah 18 onclosed
    herewith, wbiah bold8 that the office of Jurtlce of the
    Peace end City Rearetary of the City of Nule8hoe are not
    lncompetlble. Al80, 800 Opinion lo. O-2055 of thlr Depart-
    ment, a copy of vhiah 18 enalo8ed &rovlth, vhlah hold8 that
    Lhore 18 no lncompatlblllt~ in the office8 of Justice of the
    Peace and racorder of a corporation court.
    Artlole 3608, Vomon’m IlnnotatedPenal Code,
    18 a part of R.B. 63, vhich va8 onacted by the &let Legin-
    lature of texa8, Regular Re88lon. 1929, vhlch arid Rouse Bill
    road8 a8 follov8r
    "LB. lo. 63      Chwtor 227
    "M   aat to prolllbitJu8tice8 of the Poaao,     rherlffr,
    aon8trblee and other paace officer8   from   taking
    for aolleatlon ury al&l= for debt exaept br
    the proaua  of lav pre8crlbLng tho dutle8 of
    8uoh offloora ti preroribing a panalty;      pro-
    vldlng for contlnguacy ln ca8e any 8octlon 18
    doalared unoon8tltutlonal doom not affect
    remdador of 8ald Aat; and declaring an emer-
    "8ectlon 1. Any Jurtlao of the Peace,    8herifr,
    con8table or othmr poaao officer in thl8   State,
    vho ah811 reaolvo for aolleatlon or undertake
    the aollactlon of w   alaim for debt for other8
    except under and by v&rtue of tho proaermeo of
    lav pre8criblng the duties of luch offlaer8 or
    vho rhell receive aomponaatlon therefor exaept
    Honorable L. U. Vance - page j
    as premcrlbed by lav, shall be guilty of a ala-
    demeanor and upon convlctlon thereof shell be
    punished by a fine of not 1088 th8n Tvo Hundred
    Dollars   nor more than Five Hundred DollarI, and
    in addition to much fine may be removed from office.
    Provided, hovever, that nochlng herein abali be
    construed to prohibit my JUStice of the Peace
    vho 18 authorlmed by lav to act for others in the
    collection of debts fma undmrtaklng SUCh collections
    vhom    th8 amount 18 beyond the jUrl8dlCtlOn of Lhe
    JUStice Court.
    "Sea. 2.  All 18VS 8d wt.8  Of 18VS
    in aonfllct herevlth am hereby repealod.
    *Sec. 28. If any meatlon or part of this
    Act   18
    held t0 be UIXCOUStitUtlOti it Shall not
    effect the validity of thm reuulning portion of
    this Act.
    %ec. 3. The fact tiut there is nov no
    lav prohibiting peace officers from aatlng am
    COll.eOtiOZi 4CUkC108 &Ud Using thir OffiCid pO81-
    tiOA8 t0 OXtOrt lney On WljUSt daSnd8 and the
    crovded aondltlolrof tha~caleadar cr8at.oan
    iBpOmtlV0  public nmCe88ity that the COnStlLUtiOnd
    Rule mqulrlng that bills  bo read on three several
    days be 8nd the same is hereby suspended, and that
    this Aat take effect frop and after its pa88age and
    it 18 SO onactod.
    . . .
    "``provod march 19, 1929.
    'ltffectlve$30days after 8djournMnt.a
    AS 8h0VX1    above, the title to the Blll 1s:
    The c8ptlon states anong other     tbingsr
    "An Act to prohlblt JUSticOS Of the Peace,
    SheriffI, COn8t8ble8 and Other pO8Ce OfflCOrS fmm
    tekm     for collection eny claim for debt, except by
    the uroaemm of lav Dremcribinn the dUtiO8 of suah
    Offi&rS,    etc." (Uixdoracorl~  ours)
    Honorable L. W. Vance - Page 4
    Section 3, thm emergmncy clause of &he ACL,
    clearly lhovm the intent of th8 Leglmlature and the evils
    which the Legirlature v88 lntendlng to curb, tovit, the
    lmpmper use of jwtlaem of the peace and peace offLcor8
    Of thO6irOfficial pOSitiOn in 8CtiIIgas COlleCtiOn agen-
    Cl08 t0 OXtOrt mm07 on Un&ASt demndm.
    IOU m          FO8pOl3tfldl~          tiVi8Od       th8t     it    18   the
    opini0nofthi8        departaentr
    1.     The Jurtiae of the Peace can lawfully
    hold t&    offlae    or pomltlon (vhichever it YJ be, a
    qu88tion   vhlah    ve   am    ROt   given         8UffiCiUht       fact8        in
    your letter to deolde uad one vbich ve also deem unne-
    cessary to deoide for the purp08e8 of tihlm opinion) of
    City Tu Colleator of Talco.
    2. Xavlng deolded that the Justice may also
    lawfully bold the office or,pomltlon of City Tu Collector
    Of Talao, it 18 Our fUPthOr OpiniOn thBt hi8 8C.U in
    colleatlng taxes srrdVater bills for the City of Talc0
    vould not be ooatrary to the 8pirit and p&WpoSe of the
    8alUt.q  p~OVi8i0~  Of E. B. 0, mupm,     and vould IlOtbe
    in rlolatlon of Article ma,   VerItOIa’S Annotated Texas
    YOUPI       VOFy t.l’lllJ
    -.-2n                     ATTORHBY              OERERAL OF TEXAS
    By       I          WiJ.Flnninp                v’

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6524

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017